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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. Awwwwwww, poor baby. I hope she pulls through too. Yeah, I may be complaining about fatigue but I feel fatigue for weeks from the regular flu shot, so this felt similar to that, and it's not really a complaint mine was more of an observation and it could be because I have chronic fatigue syndrome which I have been under a doctor's care for years about. I mentioned my symptoms because actually I was expecting none as I had with the first shot but also because every other vaccine I've ever had I had no symptoms (side-effects) whatsoever excluding the flue shot. I've had the Pneumo-Vax vaccine several times and had zero side effects plus vaccines I had as a kid with zero side-effects. This one, I have read, may cause a bit of sluggishness or feeling under the weather. But, I think I would have been hysterical without it. I want to go on with my life.
  2. My father was an agnostic though I'd suspect, knowing my Dad, a kind of "surface-y" one in that it didn't matter all that much to him as he only spoke to me about it once and never spoke about it again and never spoke about religion or g-d. I'd figured my Dad most likely took the position of agnostic more so due to his being a psychologist and social worker who had patients from all walks of life but religion was not going to part of his treatment nor help and also that he didn't want to take sides. But, I think what agnostics are is more along this lines of this definition below, especially ultimate knowledge. I can see where it speaks of human knowledge limited to experience is something a psychologist might lean more towards because a psychologist or social worker does attempt to find out about a person's environment and nurture, plus hereditary, to determine some kind of a cause, such as a cause for a phobia for example. However, I do not think g-d can be ruled out nor even aliens or a simulation, so I'd gather I am a bit agnostic as well. AGNOSTIC a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience. a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study. a person who holds neither of two opposing positions on a topic: Socrates was an agnostic on the subject of immortality.
  3. The difference between the first and the second was like night to day. The first like a placebo compared to the second. With the first I had no ill effects and felt nothing, nada. The second it's a fatigue battle. Thanks for the info and my doctor is ever at the ready if I need him too. I know a doctor's wife who told me her doctor husband takes Zinc every day. Once I asked a female doctor I had what she took to not catch colds and flu during cold season and she told me takes a lot of vitamin-C. So, I asked my doctor about taking some extra C. He said it's fine in the amount I'm using. He likes the fact I eat oranges too as it's the whole fruit minus the peel of course and it's the freshest. During cold season I often take vitamin-C with Zinc supplements as does my whole family actually. But, again, I know a doctor who takes Zinc supplements every day and people can say he's weird but he wouldn't care...it's what he does, but I see no reason for every day. But, I don't think they are preventative. But, I also have been walking about in the sun the last three days to see if getting vitamin-D from the sun would help any with my fatigue and I can report no not yet, no difference. What I read today, and I believe this, we all are going to react uniquely.
  4. I hope kitty, you and everyone is alright. The stress of it all too has been tremendous.
  5. I don't know where you are but according to our law, we have to lockdown. Our hospitals are not allowed to go below 15% E.R. space open. Also, we had an oxygen shortage here, plus there aren't enough personnel to care for the sick. However, Dr. Fauci, our main Center for Disease Control infectious expert said we are entering another surge with this news out just today. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fauci-warns-against-potential-new-covid-19-surge-as-cases-remain-high/ar-BB1f3xsH?li=BBnb7Kz
  6. I see what you are saying. There is no excuse for our government to be like this, and I'd be furious like you are too. All I can say is I hope another emergency vaccination plan opens up for you.
  7. I was thinking perhaps you were denied because you were 60 and immunocompromised? That does sound a bit strange as you are the first I've heard of this. I know people in my building who might be immunocompromised from diabetes and have received the vaccine. I've heard Medi-Caid sucks. We do need a health care overhaul here undoubtedly. I don't know what else to say.
  8. See, the problem is not whether we will get sick or infect others as much as lockdown is to the slow the spread and to keep emergency rooms from over-flowing. California's second lockdown started in November of 2020 because our E.R. capacity fell below the required limit by law which is to have 15% of the E.R. kept open for other emergencies. Our E.R. capacity in Los Angeles fell even lower than the 15% and went to minus zero E.R. capacity, meaning there was none and people were being treated in the ambulances that had to wait outside plus our hospitals were out of oxygen, etc.
  9. They may be afraid you could die from it. I have been vaccinated in a two-step process with the Pfizer one and received a card with the batch number on it. The first one I thought might be a placebo because with the second one I am fighting tiredness and other mild to moderate symptoms. I just feel totally lousy to tell you the truth with the second one. So, it's not completely innocuous. My doctor knows and said that means "it's working". I hope so cuz I don't feel so good at all but no fever nor like I'm going to die or anything. I have decreased appetite too but still eat about half portions or so post 2nd dose of Covid vaccine. I've had the Pneumo-Vax vaccine several times now since I had pneumonia as a kid and that vaccine has worked wonders for me and kept me feeling great. I don't know why, with Covid's main horrid side effect - pneumonia, doctors and others aren't considering giving out the Pneumo-Vax vaccine? I've been taking vitamin-C supplement (fresh) and eating oranges. Vitamin-C helps the absorption of iron and it helps me fight the fatigue somewhat.
  10. Take it up in IM's please. You'll/We'll know the deal by now.
  11. Is it really a way to keep people playing or a way to inflate it's user base numbers? Yeah, question one is "the jaded question". Question two...what kind of reward and what does it do for you? If it gives you something like an advantage to win in your said game above, that's a game with a goal advantage. SL doesn't have any advantages to win. Is this game, in the reward it gives you, is it giving you something that gives you incentive to keep trying to win?
  12. Well, with all the free mesh heads lately, if they'd stayed logged in, they would have gotten several free or nearly free mesh heads. But, me, I like working for what I get...I appreciate it more...not that gifts are not nice too so that isn't what I am saying. However, I think something along the lines of some kind of stimulus would be great. But how to do a stimulus...I have no idea. So, this last sentence is just like thinking out loud. Also, I think some people having a chance to let's say win a free mesh head may be a plan to help those who cannot afford one stay in SL awhile to see how they like it because then they only have to pay for a body. So, the free mesh head is the part I like because it's very important and what most people want in SL but may not be able to afford. But, it should be something more along the lines of won, imo. Or, are the Lindens picking up the tab here?
  13. Some people might be surprised at how many doctors have said to me "it's a miracle". Or in some other words "this is miraculous, it gives me great hope". Well, some may say that's just California, you'll wacky there...maybe or maybe not. But, I doubt doctors saying they believe or have witnessed miracles would think they are "wacky" Southern Californians or even that it's wacky at all.
  14. I agree, but with or without a sustainable diet at least for those countries now in famine; i.e. one like Yemen? Covid is unfortunately causing paradoxical problems for going green right now too; i.e. PPE and sterile issue needs from germs. However, in my going green statement, I'm not sure we could do it 100% but after COVID PPE needs reside a bit, at least begin heading in that direction because I believe there is a greater intelligence here that is not being utilized. I'm not sure what the next leap is though; however, medicine could perhaps do away with some of it's needle needs after learning how to read for COVID without a blood test. https://blog.ted.com/7-ways-scientists-are-attempting-to-move-beyond-needles/
  15. Not mine, however. I think we've exceeded what the Earth can handle. I am usually a pollyann-ish kind of person, but not in this matter.
  16. Well, the matter itself doesn't have emotions like it's going to start crying or something. That isn't what I was saying. I said the Earth has a design, it's ecosystem, which mankind doesn't seem to care about or IOW insists upon going against this design and into it's own desires, usually for quick profit. Just take the Earth's name, The Earth, earth meaning soil. Life here exists because of soil and those organic things going back to the soil - compost is it's nourishment, and that is it's basic system. And, I think the Earth does care by cause and effect and by reacting when this ecosystem goes out of whack.
  17. The Earth does have a design though in that it is an ecosystem meant to recycle that which is organic but mankind seems to insist upon not understanding this and repeating the same mistakes over and over. It's the man-made chemicals the Earth does not know what to do with nor can it turn much of man-made waste (every day trash or radioactive waste) into compost. I think we do need to think about going "green" again and finding ways to do that. In another thread about what do you think the future holds, one poster said pretty much going back to organic or green living. I think he may be right.
  18. Yeah this. About half my friends are friends though, the other half is contacts and some have become friends. I don't think the OP is networking here though and is here for purely social reasons. So, perhaps the best thing the OP can do is just be honest. I've been there. It does feel awkward to turn a friendship down except on FB. On FB, I am friends with family for about 90% of my friends and most of the others are like family or know our family. I don't have time to read strangers funny pictures or videos. I just don't. So, whatever your reason, to the OP, just be honest.
  19. Hi Stephanie. I just bought all the group gifts from Enfer Sombre and you get about 12 gifts or so for 500 lindens to join the group. She has many skins for young look but I have a more mature shape and even though she looks a bit like "baby face" to me in her style...I love her stuff and it's worth it to try and make an older shape if you don't want "baby face look". She doesn't have one exactly for HDPRO Queen yet though. Maybe check back. Scroll down a bit and you will see some Vampire looks. Some Vampire things come with the group gifts also. Her lightest skin is Albino.
  20. This is just fab on you. I plan to try to work with the lip some time this weekend. Yesterday was just an exhausting day and one that I will remember for a long time. Keep trying people. The problem is, people need to pay and then get a redelivery according the the group. But, people were just standing there for hours yesterday waiting for a delivery of the head there and not reading the group. That is what the bottle-neck was yesterday. So now it's pay then try to get a redelivery. That's what I did.
  21. My first opinion is cute. However, I need you to remember THESE ITEMS the avatar is wearing are made by me and I am strictly amateur. So, 1) The skin, blush and lips are made by me and I need to work on getting the neck to match which is not easy. Plus, I don't want to make human avatars as I burned out on those a couple of years ago. So I will be trying to make a doll, fairy or elf or something like that and it seems shape-able for different looks which I like. 2) I still need to make a shape as I just woke up. But even in very preliminary trying it, I think she is cute though, of course, needs work. 3) If I cannot get a sheer looking lipstick I would be disappointed as I don't want dark plastered on lipstick, and that might be a deal-breaker for me. The thing is you might need to demo some skins to see if you like it - it's usually head, shape and skin that need to fit altogether. The thing is, if you don't like it, then you could be spending money for a skin on something you really don't like nor will use...so wait and don't just jump into buying a skin. Also, it's a lot of work to make an avatar, so if you are not going to use it, it's probably not worth the time, imo. I will try to make a more together looking avatar later and see what I can come up with later.
  22. I see you edited this in. The thing was there wasn't much to rez, so I didn't need the 'show friends only' option which I do use for crowded events. Imagine what lands on us in those events.
  23. I think they would have gotten better press and publicity that way. Instead, I get teleported on CATWA 4 (finally), and I'm waiting and waiting, and then a giant black spider lands on us. Griefed. I gather the spider griefer wanted to scare us all away. That, or the person in the giant spider avatar hates CATWA. Either way, it wasn't funny. It was very intrusive. There has to be a better way then giant spiders landing on people.
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