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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. I can tell you in the case of my Mom she was not a do-gooder in the name of her religion nor a selfish slob. She rarely talked about her beliefs at all. Most of my family who were Roman Catholic are now reformed and are American Catholic and they believe in a woman's right to choose birth control and other things that the Pope says no about. However, reformed Catholics are no longer in communion with the Roman Catholic church. Many churches and/or religions in America are reformed. But, America is a melting pot of beliefs and non-beliefs, this is why I truly believe in a secular government that is for all people to allow them to believe personally or not believe. It should be personal, not political. But, organized churches are very powerful and have money - full stop. Not really going to say much beyond that. I read the Wiki about Hitchen's and what little I did read I stopped where it seems he was saying it was a publicity stunt but not in those words. This is possible but I wondered could it really be proven? A publicity stunt is usually only proven by the people involved coming out and saying it was a publicity stunt. We didn't actually evolve from rabbits nor Apes, it is more like we splintered from the chimpanzee and share a common ancestor. However, I thought this common ancestor has been described as "a missing link". In other words, the link is not there as to why humans splintered from Apes. If we truly evolved from apes, they would have to be extinct altogether and the same with rabbits. Maybe someone can clarify what this missing link is.
  2. I think bare feet is attractive; in the second photo I am bare foot also but it doesn't show. So maybe casual and comfy for me to cute and spunky I'd go for. And, pretty nails and jewelry I like too. Clothing from Fashionably Dead, Tres Blah, Fleur and Mimikri.
  3. I agree with you, Rose. How many publications whether right/left, conservative, liberal could have agendas? How are we possibly to know, out of all the publications in the world, who has agendas and who does not? We cannot. So, while I remain a skeptic about the press in general I cannot say I distrust all the publications in the world. As far as my Mom, she was a real saint to me. She took in people who needed serious help and never turned anyone down. Often times it was family friends who most of the time needed surgery. My Mom's home was open to anyone really though. That might sound unsafe to some today and maybe it is, but it was perhaps more innocent in my Mom's day and these were long-time family friends who really did need surgery and had surgery. She housed them at times when medical bills would have been just too much and/or they had no one there to help them as most surgeries are barely a day in the hospital. My Mom did so much for others just because of the way she was. Did I witness a saint? Well, to be a saint my Mom would have needed miracles. Did I ever see my Mom do miracles? No. But, to me, still a saint. I don't know how else to describe this amazing woman. One who didn't judge is the best I can do.
  4. What is this LUCA thing> Last Universal Common Ancestor? I've never heard of that but have sort of although not by that name. LUCA - what all current life on Earth has, a last universal common ancestor.
  5. It's interesting how Hitchen's himself relates the propaganda by the press to create this shiny woman. In short, press fabricated saint though not in those exact words. I don't like nor trust the press much myself.
  6. Yes, and that is partly what the internet does to EVERYTHING, probably just ask anyone who is famous. We could be here "googling" conflicting stories until infinity with the internet no matter what browser really and about anything. But, the press does this time and time again to propagandize us. I won't get into a "google" debate here because I know it would be useless and endless. Love God and people; that's all that's really asked of us. Because if the internet is twisting stuff and everything, then the same has happened to the Bible as well by men to manipulate us, and I believe that these writings are not entirely on the up and up and are corrupt. My father was a psychologist and a Social Worker, having his Masters in Social Work, and I'm sure he found in his work that having to conform to the heterosexual model and live a lie was hurting and harming others. I'm also sure he talked about it with my Mom decades before my cousin was an adult. It took great courage for my Mom to go against what the Roman Catholic church taught about same sex relationships. There are liberal American Catholics, however they are not in communion with the Roman Catholic church any longer as far as I know. To be Roman Catholic, one must conform with what the Pope says. My Mom became a liberal catholic. I'm not sure many people even know what that is. But, she was free and reformed from the traditions among other things.
  7. As my Mother told me who was raised RC, the masses used to be only allowed in Latin this is why many Catholics may not be fundamentalists. The Bible read outside of the Latin and the protestant translation is considered falsified by many RC. Also, even though my Mom later became a liberal catholic, perhaps a catholic of the heart and no longer attended mass nor went to church, she still believed the only appropriate, possible English translation of the Bible is the Douay-Rheims translated from the Latin Vulgate. My Mom hung around the RC church on some weekends to play bingo and knew a few priests but she was far more into her liberal Democratic life than anything. I also wanted to mention my Mom later told me the Roman Catholic church gave her panic attacks. We didn't talk in any length about why but I can assume this may be a reason my mother left as well as her beliefs against discrimination. My Mom was pro-LGBT. I have a cousin who married heterosexually. She is quite an out-going girl so could hide any problems quite well as she always made everyone laugh. About two years into the marriage, she came out as a lesbian who was living a lie. It was gut-retching at the time for the family to see the demise of this couple who did in a way love each other. My cousin later married her lesbian partner in Hawaii. My Aunt had a difficult time with it. My Mom helped my aunt a lot. Yeah.
  8. I went shopping at very busy events in the past month and I can report all avi's rendered naked. I have never seen an avi in BOM undies yet, not one. As far as me, I don't care or too busy too care. It's an avatar. If I wear stockings and etc it's for the look not to feel more real nor for modesty reasons whatsoever. There are times, however, when sitting combined with a short dress or skirt, undies should be applied. I can see doing it because of sitting.
  9. I've never heard of that. But, what also really helped me and not by myself, I had substance abuse counsellors in several hospital stays after nearly poisoning myself to death with alcohol and went into a coma or a blackout, was them telling me I have a disease and explaining things to me. 12-Step, imo, needs to focus on the disease. A disease the person needs to take control over and not let the disease control them. The disease will control me to falling asleep with a bottle in my hand. I know that for a fact and I don't want that anymore. If I start drinking I know I cannot put the bottle down and I know where it will go - into a blackout and I will have serious alcoholic poisoning because I have no shut off mechanism due to a disease. I will drink until I pass out.
  10. I don't know how rare it is but I did it. One day turned into a few days, then weeks, then months, then years...til more than a decade had passed. I did it because I realized I loved living life sober. I guess loving life sober was my higher power but I'd say it was more my common sense. I never used 12-step. One of my neighbors has been sober 34 years and one I had met fairly recently 50 years! Amazing what power we have within ourselves also. However, if it's what you need, I'm glad you have it. But, there are people who just want to be sober and that is what they look upon as well as the hell they were once in and don't want to go back there - to blackouts, hospitalizations, or what-have-u which is and can be utter mayhem. I simply love life sober and I am not going to let anyone talk me out of it.
  11. I agree...so I wanted to expand on what Luna said. But to Arielle, where is God so concerned with the physical over the spiritual? The O.T. contains prophecies and that's even what Jesus said. It's not a literal live with every t crossed and every i dotted because if it's that, then you may as well live the Jewish Orthodox way with the 612 or so laws where every t must be crossed and every i dotted, lest you loose your life or have to pay a very hefty burden. Jesus set us free from that. I don't think you get that. You are free. Free to love. Jesus didn't come here to be a scientist. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
  12. This is quite outrageous. Why cannot some see the words in Genesis as a kind of Hebrew poetry that is most likely attributed to Moses. One can see the repetitive word day fairly similar to that of poetry. Meditative prayer also was not unheard of in those times in that area of the world. Many biblical scholars cannot even ascertain how to translate the word day used in Genesis. The best that can be found is the word was turned into daeg in German possibly taken from Swedish or something like that and yada yada yada. It is not that important. I don't think, if there is a God, to some of you YEC, God cares how you interpret the moon and the sun and day and night but that you have a happy life. But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day [is] as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
  13. Yeah this. I have shared that my Bible literalist sister, who was raised in a liberal Democratic household, became Republican because her pastor asked her too some 20 years ago. Since we were both raised in a liberal Democratic household, I asked her why she changed to Republican and she told me her pastor asked the whole congregation to vote Republican. The most likely reason to vote against gay marriage I'd assume for that time frame. However, this was a previous pastor who is no longer her pastor once she became a Lutheran. She now has a new pastor. What her Lutheran pastor believes she should be political-wise I have not asked. I found it a bit scary when she told me why she became a Republican in the first place. Now some Republicans would say I'm probably publishing some wive's tale from an alt-left position or something but that is not the case and what I am saying is entirely true. She remains my sister but I prefer to keep my distance from her for certain reasons not entirely due to her beliefs. Also, as far as the constitution allowing prisoners to be slaves that needs to be over-turned and replaced with perhaps jail being called rehab and wherein prisoners have a chance to be rehabilitated and maybe even to learn, "be schooled" in something like a training course, not treated as a slave. Some things need to change on the law level and slavery entirely out-lawed for prisoners. These are citizens and this is not a war-zone. The war on drugs here in the greater Los Angeles area, for example, is largely figurative; it's not a literal war in the sense of how soldiers are taught to fight an enemy and survive. These are citizens.
  14. I can read it. It says Sanhedrin above, so if you want to know about the Sanhedrin type in Sanhedrin in your search box and do your own research.
  15. I don't know what you are going on about but I'll use the ignore feature. Judges sound like a form of government to me. Sanhendrin In the Hebrew Bible (Exodus 18:21–22, Numbers 11:16–17, 11:24–25; Deuteronomy 1:15–18, 17:9–12) Moses and the Israelites were commanded by God to establish courts of judges who were given full authority over the people of Israel, who were commanded by God through Moses to obey the judgments made by the courts and every Torah-abiding law they established. Judges in ancient Israel were the religious leaders and teachers of the nation of Israel. The Mishnah (Sanhedrin 1:6) arrives at the number twenty-three based on an exegetical derivation: it must be possible for a "community" to vote for both conviction and exoneration (Numbers 35:24–5). The minimum size of a "community" is 10 men,[2] thus 10 vs 10. One more is required to achieve a majority (11 vs 10), but a simple majority cannot convict (Exodus 23:2), and so an additional judge is required (12 vs 10). Finally, a court should not have an even number of judges to prevent deadlocks; thus 23 (12 vs 10 and 1). This court dealt with only religious matters.
  16. I read this thread and thought it might be an AO. I am kind of surprised to find out it wasn't an AO attached to center.
  17. This reminds me of a lot of people about climate change more than anything because climate change is something one can feel and experience in the here and now. It is freezing in California now and ice hail pelted down from the sky about two days ago and many of us went outside to watch it and stood in amazement at all this ice coming onto the street. My mind keeps drifting to a song by "The Clash" called "London Calling" which is beginning to seem like a prophecy. Meanwhile, I better start shoring up on having more clothing to wear to keep me warm. It is freezing here...like living on an ice berg. People have been warning about climate change since a song by Quicksilver Messenger Service called "What About Me" from 1971 as well as this: LONDON CALLING The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin Engines stop running, but I have no fear 'Cause London is drowning I live by the river London calling to the imitation zone Forget it, brother, you can go it alone London calling to the zombies of death Quit holding out and draw another breath London calling and I don't want to shout But while we were talking, I saw you nodding out
  18. I think you misunderstand me about my saying I don't believe in the Big Bang Theory. Okay, matter is in constant motion. We know that for a fact, mostly of matter we cannot see. So, matter is in essence banging around all of the time and that IS what it's designed to do, so what I am saying is this is part of it's design to do that - bang around, collide. So, what I am saying is this pattern of "banging" seems to be a part of the universe itself in regards to the matter it contains. So, I'm saying perhaps the Big Bang Theory is inherit in the design of the universe itself. Or, in other words, that is how the universe is designed. I was throwing in the why not more earths than as a fantastical question, however, it was something to be taken with a grain of salt. The kinetic theory of matter (particle theory) says that all matter consists of many, very small particles which are constantly moving or in a continual state of motion. The degree to which the particles move is determined by the amount of energy they have and their relationship to other particles.
  19. Funnier, I found one at The Skinnery I like too...and it's a shade lighter than the Milk and it's called Snow. Not all of the skins have Snow but I am going to get a Snow skin from The Skinnery.
  20. I know about this but I meant with one click just derender everything like we can by using the feature show friends only. I know if I'm at a very busy event, my friends are very unlikely to be there also so all avatars disappear at very large events once I click show friends only. So, I mean derendering all our neighbor's objects all at once as some say someone's Nutmeg stuff is lagging them up for example - lol. I didn't understand why someone's stuff, as you also wrote, behind a wall is lagging anyone or me (other than scripts was all I could figure out) - but then you went on to say (below) it's because of the draw distance. Hmmmmm. I know I've been told many times since my beginning in SL one of the things to do to reduce lag is to reduce our draw distance. I try to keep it low. I have an expansive place I build in and sometimes have forgotten I raised it.
  21. This is a just sayin' post and doesn't need a reply. But, I hope we have some really good alternatives to fight COVID. The coronavirus is considered a very rapid "evolver". This is why we need the cooperation of others, this virus evolves quickly. What are slow evolvers and what are quick evolvers and what is the difference scientifically, I don't know. I'd have to look it up as you say. Yes, knowing my sister the way I do...she'd be doubtful of the harm too. She seems oblivious sometimes.
  22. It is supposed to be peaceful "vengeance is mine, sayeth The Lord." Bible literalists for the most believe the Bible or the word of God is their sword and there are considered scriptures for that. As far as could we head, in the United States, towards violence, I hope not. But, it scares me sometimes that it might happen. As far as Christianity's history, it's horrible. I am not a bible believing, it's all literal Christian. It is a collection of writings. Okay, perhaps you and TDD123 don't even believe me when I say part of the Bible is a recording of events...well, it is. The Gospels were written according to each Apostle as they saw it, and thus each Gospel starts with "this is Gospel account according to ______________ insert name here" or something similar as I don't want to Google for exact scriptures. And, the writings of Paul which are the books that come after the Gospel accounts were letters and not really an account. The books of Paul or the Epistles I do not take as necessary for Christianity but were more for church control of others, imo, and many have been cherry-picked out and/or tampered with. And, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" seems to be lacking today or always was.
  23. That sounds like a riddle. I don't know anyone named Christopher. But, actually TDD123, I don't believe I have ever said that phrase to anyone. It's just not my style. I'd need another way. I usually change the subject with my bible literalist sister because I've learned it goes no where anyways. What is the use of cursing at someone? Okay, maybe I threw a few curse words at my ex-husband but he was being a bleep. And, my ex-husband curses like a New York cab driver - he's from the East Coast. West Coast people don't curse as much like East Coast. We're more mellow.
  24. I can tell you that my sister will say she does not care if something is doing harm to someone because she cares about what the Bible says "about it" period which is saying, with her, there is no room for discussion. That would be her answer and I have gotten that answer from her. She cares about what the Bible says about it.
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