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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. This is one of the problems I have with the Bible - it contradicts itself, as well as things taken as scriptures which are not a scripture they are a lineage or a poem for some examples. Or, as Luna eluded to, a parable. Prophesy also. The OT was included to show it's prophecies not be sola scriptura, imo. As well as what Rowan is saying "to manipulate" others. Not to mention while being sinning hypocrites themselves. The Popes and priests used to be in the brothels among other things. Babies aborted and buried in the churchyard. And, they want tithe when Jesus is a free gift from God.
  2. Thanks for some insight here. It seems a good price to recommend to someone who is having some "issues" because if one buys a Bento "woman part" one would add 2K linden onto the price of all the other bodies, so this one would be about 2400 linden. However, if you don't buy an additional Bento "woman part" or use one in SL this is a high price for things one would not use. I will just recommend they pick out the body they like the best and enjoy SL as much as possible.
  3. I think it's the materials or the shine which is another one I was wondering about. If you look at this picture of a Lelutka Evo head, there is a bit of white on the lower eyelid. I think it's a materials shine that wasn't lined up right on Janet's picture.
  4. Or this. It's a piece of the white of the eye peeking through onto the eyelid.
  5. Well, no, and I would not say that for no reason. Why would I? I also see a white straight line. It could be on the skin or it's the lighting also. IOW, part of the under eye looks curved while part looks straight. That's what I mean and I see it. It could be eye depth also?
  6. The lipstick looks like a BOM one I made almost exactly for CATWA. So, I believe the lips are BOM and so the eyebrows probably are too, but I'm not sure if that IS a Catwa head. But, I made the same lipstick with the gloss on the bottom lip exactly like that. I don't know anything else but I like it too, and there is a new store I found with some cool stuff you might want to check out. LePunk is the name of the store. They may have some things you'd like. Oh, and some of the stuff at LePunk is Vampire or kind of bloody. I like some the hand stuff they have that is not bloody.
  7. Well, I kinda meant include a few skins with a few eyeshadows as a possible compromise but not include tons of colors or anything like that. However, looking at the eyes in these photos, something looks off on the eyes and uneven in the make of the eyes for the head itself. I don't know if anyone else sees it but I do. The rim of the under eye is a curve but the cut of it looks jagged and uneven.
  8. The eye on the right on the bottom curve looks like it wasn't cut right and is uneven.
  9. Perhaps they could paint some of the eyeshadows into the skins themselves. That's the way it used to be done. BTW, I thought this was a thread about Lelutka Evolution. I am kind of shocked to hear there is an EVO X now and two new heads. High def make-ups, I don't have the time for it. I don't wear much make-up anyways and don't like big fakkies for eyelashes either. I use the eyelashes made for men which are subtle and often don't clash with hair. My lips usually look like they have just a soft tint to them and very, very little. But, all this for HD make-up...bah!
  10. My favorite head of all is Catya by Catwa and I cannot ever see giving it up. As far as my switching back and forth from appliers to BOM is not a problem for me, and there are many applier skins for Catwa I haven't tried yet...so in that respect, it's not old. I bought it about a year ago. However, I have been considering a change after having it about a year. But, I don't want a Hydro Pro as look matters more than anything and those are just not me. Catwa is one, however, I've found, at least with myself, that it looks the best in Midday light as well as all other lighting. I need to use Midday lighting for building quite a lot. Other heads I have that are not Catwa look terrible in Midday lighting. This could be only me and my system, however. The other heads have not so good shadows at Midday lighting, while Catwa heads look pretty good, at least Strawberry and Catya did. I would not recommend Strawberry, however, as it's a very difficult lip to work with. I also love lots of goodies I've bought for Catwa, so I'd probably get another older Catwa head if I ever got the chance to demo and find one I really want. Some say the eyes with Genus just need to be moved and adjusted while I see tons of pics of Genus with eyes where one looks crossed eyed or both do and that is by so called big designers, so I'm not sure Genus is for me as I don't want to have to keep messing with eyes. Catwa eyes work great, no problem. Lelutka has some cool heads but for some reason not so good in Midday lighting and I don't know why. Also, Deetalez has been one of my favorite skin makers and she has tons of Catwa skins for older heads. No one is going to know it's an older skin anyway. I don't worry about it being old but I do know when I need a change of pace and when I can afford that change of pace as well.
  11. Some Bento women lady parts are just about 2K lindens just for that body part alone. The reason I posted this thread was for a particular person I thought it might help solve some of their issues...that is honestly why I posted this thread. Plus, it seems to have a low lag system and I wanted to know if this is where bodies are going in the future. And, I want a thinner body than Maitreya but I haven't tried to shape it yet to see if it will go thin-thin (thinner than Maitreya without deformers).
  12. Yeah, but so much mis-information to make it creepy and really strange. If governments are afraid of it, I'd say they are more afraid about their money and their monies involvement with what is considered the main religion in America, Protestantism and Puritanical values trying to be enforced on all of us. Enforced especially through censorship and media control. While some say alt-left or left media blah blah...still Puritanism is the ultimate in what one can or not say in America though it has gotten a bit better.
  13. Reading some of this Luna does make it sound like some get rich scheme or something but I never saw anything of the kind. However, it seems like certain "governments" do NOT like the organization. I can tell you that his wife was a Dean of a prominent college and his son graduated last year from college. They were not poor so why would they be involved in a get rich scheme? To me, that's just lame. It would be sad if governments saw them as a threat. A threat to what...Christianity? Or what? However, they had happy, product lives. His son got a great job pre-covid after graduating from college. He was one of the lucky ones in America to have such a college education. And, they didn't get rich through some get rich scheme, his wife was Dean of a college.
  14. I was hesitant at first as I have had other's not leave me alone come to my home unannounced and couldn't hardly close the darn front door to shut them out as they would not stop talking and trying to hand me literature or tracks but these were other religions not Scientology so I understand. But, in talking to him, it wasn't weird or scary and he never once tried to recruit me or anyone in the neighborhood. Encourage learning is about all. I asked him the questions Luna and he answered my questions about Scientology. So what I learned was all from my questions because I've heard such weird things about it too. IOW, I prompted it all and he never "preached" to me. We were neighbors for 4 years, don't you think he would have tried to recruit me. He never did.
  15. Oh, I see. It was funny to see some of the posts that came up about Scientology. None of those existed through my friend/neighbor. He was always on me about studying more about anything and everything really. He felt learning and knowledge were key to our survival.
  16. As far as self-help though, at least with my friend, they believe we are here to help each other also. It's not all self help based. Plus, many are philanthropists and only want to help others in real ways but it has nothing to do with a conversion to the Scientology Organization, it's merely "help" for someone in need. He was a pretty nice guy. One of the nicest in the neighborhood. Always helping everyone.
  17. It's not a God-based religion I said. They're "religious" about following the 8 dynamics in order to help assure their survival. Also, knowledge is considered a key to survival as well. Also, if you really knew a Scientologist as I did they believe they are an organization. They call their meeting place an "org" for short. I remember that now too.
  18. Also, Roseelvira, I wanted to say this is not true according to my friend. I remember now asking if Scientologist's believe in God. He said they believe in the infinite but have no exact definition about God. Scientology is about learning to survive and learning key elements to help one survive as well as about never stopping learning. It really isn't a God-based religion.
  19. Well, I agree that evolution cannot explain the spirit.
  20. I have never heard of that. All I can tell you is what I wrote above that Scientology is about survival and there are eight dynamics to help assure us better survival. I learned about Scientology and what they believe from a friend who was Scientologist. The Dynamics The first dynamic is the urge toward survival of self. The second dynamic is the urge toward survival through sex, or children. ... The third dynamic is the urge toward survival through a group of individuals or as a group. ... The fourth dynamic is the urge toward survival through all mankind and as all mankind. More items... https://www.google.com/search?q=what+are+the+dynamics+of+scientology&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS784US784&oq=what+are+the+dynamics+of+scientology&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0i22i30.7488j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  21. I had a friend who was a Scientologist and have forgotten a lot of what they believed. I know much of their core belief revolves around learning and that learning is key to our survival. I also remembering them talking about the dynamics and it is through following the dynamics of Scientology that one has a better chance of survival. Scientologists follows things that are called "dynamics" and I believe there are eight dynamics. As far as the "paranormal" and how it fits into Christianity was not a part of the OP's opening post.
  22. No, that wasn't why. Luther and other early protestants believed the apocryphal writings held no use for the church. And, I had already learned that prior to "googling". Protestants tossing out the apocrypha was merely due to a belief that the writings held no use nor had any value. Apocrypha was applied to writings that were hidden not because of their divinity but because of their questionable value to the church. ... While Catholic tradition considers some of these texts to be deuterocanonical, Protestants consider them apocryphal.
  23. That's what Evangelicals believe but that is not what all of Christendom believes. Theresa is specifically addressing the issue to you with the Apocrypha.
  24. Awwwwwwwwww, he wants your popcorn, Luna.
  25. There is 5 too and is what many "hippies" believed we were living in. It was called The Endless Enigma. So, 5. The Endless Enigma
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