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Everything posted by LexxiXhan

  1. Trying to decide if there's anything missing from this outfit..
  2. That won't get the bourbon back..
  3. That's an offer I wouldn't refuse! Except I don't own any Catwa products..
  4. Oh I see. You don't take me seriously then.
  5. < definitely not stalking Akasha and sending 'Wanna boink?' IMs..
  6. Oh, I might have to pop in there between timezones later..
  7. More consistent than my RL eye colour.
  8. Eggsactly! And what about furries? Should we be testing the boundaries with non-human teat-pics?
  9. Speaking as someone who is genderfluid in RL, your gender identity when in 'boi' mode is only defined by you - if you say they're male nipples then that is what they are. If you say they are neither male nor female, then they are neither male or female. I've been pretty reassured by the LGBTQ-friendliness of both LL and the general forum community <3
  10. Oh, and it's laggy as hell (I had to crawl my way out of there), and therefore strictly reserved for those who can max out a gtx 1080 at 4k* *whatever the hell that means...
  11. Well, the group join fee for the 'Elite' venue is L$1000, plus the fact that the venue and possibly some of the clientele self-describe as 'elite'. Then there's the 'jazz', which is more the mainstream, 'acceptable' type (at least on the occasion I visited the non-elite club) sung by white men in Italian suits (yes, I'm generalising) - so a narrow range of music and atmosphere for a narrow range of demographic that may or may not be welcoming of folk who don't 'fit'.
  12. Well, if the gorgeous pic of your home is anything to go by, they'd be mad not to.. xx
  13. I decided to join in the Steam Hunt! Total items found so far: one Chances of finding gear-shaped items in steampunk locations: erm..
  14. Cover version by an artist who 'gets it':
  15. @ForrestChild reminded me how much I love this Dead Can Dance track and the video:
  16. You could go even further, and pronounce it 'hwimp'.. ;-)
  17. I've forgotten what I came in he...oh! - has anyone seen my glasses?
  18. Makeup, if that's your style. Eyelashes (mesh or applier), although the nicest I've seen in SL come with the system avatars and will be in the Library section of your inventory (they're just not very editable if your eyeshape doesn't match). You might find your mesh body and skin have this covered (not literally).
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