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Everything posted by LexxiXhan

  1. I don't know much (anything!) about Cleveland - does it really have nothing in the way of a demographic? The phrasing seems to imply that all races are pretty much equally represented there, or something similar. Am I mis-reading?
  2. The highest I've had in my inventory was a group gift that came in at 115K...and it isn't that special looking either! Interestingly, all my nicest examples are under 20K, and often much, much less. I'd think twice about wearing anything over 30-40K unless it was the only option I had for a special outfit.
  3. More seriously.. It depends on your priorities. Best value for money? Get to the Skin Fair before it ends and pick up the Limited Edition Altamura Valentina Bento Fullbody (includes body, head, feet and hands) for L$300 + L$50 Altamura group-join fee. You'll then need the Omega Relay kit for Altamura if you want to use Omega skins or appliers (L$99), but you'll still have saved yourself at least L$4000... Most variety of compatible clothes? Maitreya Lara. BUT, pretty much all of the brands are great, and you would do well to take your time demoing each of them to find out what you do and don't like about them - it could be how they respond to shape editing, the perkiness of the nipples, the ease of use of the HUD..etc...
  4. I'd probably avoid Ex Machina
  5. I wasn't taking any chances with the dress code **the dress is an ongoing group gift from Petite Mort and comes with a 4-colour hud.
  6. "March with us in London so collective and global voices of the March For Our Lives movement will be heard. Follow us on Twitter @LondonMFOL!! Calling all ex-pats, abroad students, and concerned allies alike!" And, well, there's a lot of support from other countries around the world as we look at the US in horror..
  7. So the manager was complaining that they and others who cam up peoples' skirts without consent might see something they shouldn't.. Perhaps the owner of the venue should be more concerned about privacy violations if they want to maintain their 'classy' reputation.
  8. I just want to know what Love gets up to with his 65K... ..or do I?
  9. Wait... Did anyone warn them about the puns..?
  10. Trolling disturbing Love's Zen moment..
  11. A spork The only item of cutlery that truly expresses what it means to be genderfluid <3
  12. I had a go this afternoon! Most exercise my avatar's had in months..
  13. So now wouldn't be a good time to have a go at this Linden Realms I've been hearing about..?
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