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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. @Markham Weatherwax I hate to sound like a terminal cynic (which I am) but your points are perfectly valid (I agree 100%) and likely to be utterly ignored by LL. We have survived (just) for the last 15 years with almost zero customer service from LL. That said, I have received excellent in-world service from LL support on a number of occasions, suggesting that individual LL employees DO provide good customer support, when this badly broken system allows them to do their jobs. You have voiced concerns that have reappeared an numerous occasions. There will be naysayers who cry "entitlement" or worse. 'twas ever thus.
  2. @Kardargo Adamczyk: LL moved from 14 to a 10 day restart cycle (when there were no rolls) last year, as far as I recall, but since my region was restarted a few minutes ago, it would appear that they have reverted to 14. Also restarts occurred outside of the usual times, so I assume they were automated. Looks like that has been abandoned as well. No matter so long as the regions come up again in a timely manner with all capabilities functional. We wait and see.
  3. All well and good, Caleb. So do we now assume that regions are no longer to be restarted at 10day intervals as they have been for a considerable time? I ask since my homestead, Woods of Heaven has not been restarted now for over 13 days...to be more accurate 13 days 20 hours and 20 minutes and counting. Maybe you no longer think it is a good thing to turn things off and back on again regularly? 😟
  4. You are voicing an issue that has been plaguing SL intermittently for years, but that has become much more severe in recent times. The "hand off" between regions has been very slow for certain regions regardless of the server version they are running. The number of these is small but sigificant but not entirely reproducible. While the destination regions are often but not always quite heavily scripted, there are certain regions within the greater Blake Sea area that frquently result in either complete stoppages, with the yachts bouncing off the borders of adjoining regions, or the vehicles cross with the driver unseated. Occasionally the avatar appears to continue into the new region unaccompanied by the vehicle and with no means of control. Attempts to then stand are unsuccessful and TPs result in forced Log outs (greyscale screen etc). While this issue continues at a low but annoying frequency, I see no attempts being made by LL to resolve this issue or even comment upon it.
  5. @nikita Jefferson: Assuming your region was one of the RC channel sims rolled to 535128, perhaps this server version doesn't play nicely with 533447 running on Main Server regions. If not you may just have been unlucky in the lottery which seems to be SL restarts recently. In THAT case another restart would probably have improved matters. The LL QA process on Aditi is flawed insofar as the "hand off" between regions is not, indeed cannot be tested there. No comfort to you, of course! It seems, sadly to be one more symptom of LL's present inability to run SL with any semblance of competence.
  6. A few short weeks ago, SL was beset bysome very odd happenings. Now, this being SL, such things are not THAT uncommon. However we had a series of undesirable outcomes from sim restarts, with some regions being unreachable for hours, if not days. In this this forum, Grumpity Linden promised an explanation for at least some of the pre-and post-Christmas woes that beset SL Grumpity posted this: " Lindens 1,043 201 posts Posted January 1 Hi all! I was really hoping my first post of the new year would be more jolly, but here we are. Happy New Year, though! For a couple of years now, we've had automated tools, aptly named "Grid Poking Bot" (GPB for short) responsible for doing region restarts, and this has been working quite well - most of the time. Very unfortunately, there was a problem with the GPB over the holidays, and due to a combination of events, it took us much too long to notice - and we finally caught it in part thanks to this very forum thread and a certain vigilant "Spray Can". We're now actively pursuing the least disruptive ways to address this problem as quickly as possible. We'll have a more detailed postmortem blog in a couple of days as well. We're very sorry about souring your holidays." I don't know if anyone else has heard anything about this but I certainly have not. When, I wonder, will we get an explanation?
  7. Welcome back to the thread, Busy. You were missed!
  8. Referring back to the eregion/munin SL stats, they have now updated and show today's blips. Clearly something is recurring and while this doesn't look like a typical DDoS, something is repeatedly causing wholesale logouts. I experienced one last UK evening. It was completely unexpected and all before and after was absolutely normal (infact better than normal since I'd been sailing, something I have not been able to do for weeks). I really think this one has the Lindens scratching their heads, as we sit pulling our hair out! As regards the concurrency issue, it is indeed very real and Linden Lab seem to be in denial....not a good state of mind.
  9. What is seen when attempting to access the release notes is simply a placeholder...there is no data associated with the url! Way to go LL, more information hiding!
  10. So...a deathly silence has fallen over this thread once more. Will the Lindens deign to appraise us of the state of the Rolling Restart system or do we sit in blissful (or otherwise) ignorance as to whither SL? I recall we were told back at the start of the year that there would be a Blogpost about the restart woes that afflicted the last week of 2019. Has anyone seen such a thing? Grumpity posted this: Lindens 1,043 201 posts Posted January 1 Hi all! I was really hoping my first post of the new year would be more jolly, but here we are. Happy New Year, though! For a couple of years now, we've had automated tools, aptly named "Grid Poking Bot" (GPB for short) responsible for doing region restarts, and this has been working quite well - most of the time. Very unfortunately, there was a problem with the GPB over the holidays, and due to a combination of events, it took us much too long to notice - and we finally caught it in part thanks to this very forum thread and a certain vigilant "Spray Can". We're now actively pursuing the least disruptive ways to address this problem as quickly as possible. We'll have a more detailed postmortem blog in a couple of days as well. We're very sorry about souring your holidays.
  11. You really couldn't make this up, no one would belive you. And we give money to these people!🙄 Oh there's a reason all right. The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing!
  12. Having read Inara's blogpost and while this does answer a few questions, it leaves more unanswered. It still perplexes me that no comment has been made anywhere regarding the apparent disparity between the server version I see deployed on Main Server regions (533447) and that that LL states (on this forum) (533895). If I am mistaken will someone PLEASE tell me what I am not seeing? I understand that operationally it makes little difference, but it is symptomatic of the chaotic way SL appears to be being run at present.
  13. No, Miller, from the time it took to do the restarts I suspect this was a small subset of the RC channel regions and almost certainly NOT Magnum. It would have beeb nice if LL had bothered to post something (anything) in this thread about it.
  14. All this speculation is less than productive. There needs to be some sort of explanation for the current situation. What perplexes me is that my homestead, Woods of Heaven continues to run on server version yada yada 533447, as it has done since before Christmas 2019. Johngalt's post for the week commencing 6th January stated that there would be no rolls for Main Server regions and yada yada 533895 would continue. I have STILL not seen that server version ANYWHERE on the grid, and certainly not on regions which used at least to be Main Server; so I ask simply WHAT IS GOING ON? Is the server version shown in the viewer no longer correct or is this simply that the post was wrong? If the latter, why has no effort been made to correct the information?
  15. Thanks for the information, Lucia. It would have been nice if The Lab had made some sort of post in here, this week. Oh well.
  16. Given that the past week has been a tad chaotic, what will be done with Restarts this week, there seems no sign either in here or on the Grid Status Page. 🤐
  17. Just this: I paraphrased but the matter is now serious. And just for the record, why has no explanation been given for the disparity between the announced server version on Main Server and what is actually running?😗
  18. I'm becoming somewhat irritated by this apparent mix-up over this week's restarts/rolls. Can someone explain to me how it can be that if, according to the OP, Main Server is on version 533895 and is simply being restarted to new hosts, NONE of the Main Server regions I have visited in the past few days are actually running it? Everywhere I go, including my home is running 533447. What am I missing, or do the Lindens know something about the present deploy that we don't?
  19. Thankyou for your response Mazidox but we are still left with the issue of that original post. Main Server was NOT on 533895, it was and my region, which has only just returned is still, on 533447! My region has NEVER been on 533895. Still we'll be back to normal soon , I guess, once today's dust has settled!
  20. @Johngalt Linden: This is, or had better be, Nonsense. My Region (Woods of Heaven) is on Main Server and has been on Server Vs blah blah 533447 since before Christmas! It was apparently restarted on New Year's Day and was still on 533447. So far as I can tell there is nothing on the Main Grid running vs 533895! I do not know what is going on but to a casual observer I'd have to say that this is beginning to look like a SNAFU, the likes of which I have not seen on Agni in a VERY long time.
  21. @Miller Thor: I think the important information was: Now, the server version number on Main Server or anywhere else has NOT changed so it is something below that level that is changed, and you will see that LL are aware of a script save issue on sims restarted today. So the question is: what is being changed? /me sneezes "Cloud"
  22. oh dear. This sounds remarkably similar to the "Time Warp" bug that hit SL some years back, (the server was so locked up that it seemed unable to even respond to a ping request, though I see that the ping remains normal on your stats so I may be way off target because both ping and time dilation respectively rocketed or plummeted in Time Warp incidents. Whatever the cause, this is one more issue that is going to need triaging from LL's end so it is definitely ticket time. This has got to be something in the basic server-operating code that has changed, it is not the server/simulation software, I think.
  23. Please excuse my asking what is probably a blindingly obvious question, Qie and Prof, but your assessment of the parlous state of SL at the moment leaves me wondering about the two-way communication between us users and The Lab. Does it even still exist? It's not my choice of rumination on this first day of 2020, but it does concern me that this might be a very bumpy and dark year.
  24. Just musing again and noticed the odd dates given for the OP.... 4th January is a Saturday, neither an end or a start of a week as LL usually count them. Could THAT be significant or am I tinfoil-hatting again? Next cycle "should" be week starting Jan 6th, I'd expect, so what have LL in store for us this time? A round of "clean-up" restarts on Mainland?
  25. Qie, your comment that it is "probably unintentional" is indicative, on the face of it, of a very reasonable attitude. However the mere fact that it could be "unintentional" strikes me as indicating that SL is being run by folk who are perhaps 1) unaware of the consequences of their action, 2) incompetent or 3), uninterested in the outcome of any or all of their (in)action. And I DO mean UNinterested, not DISinterested. Somehow I can't quite bring myself to believe 3) and 2) would be unwelcome.
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