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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. @Oz Linden if things were in flux for longer that you anticipated, perhaps you need a larger flux capacitor!
  2. Further to last week's shuffled rolls the early announcements of both Main Server and Release Candidate rolls over the weekend were ammended so that it is plain to see that there will only be RC rolls this week. Now that seems clear enough to me and it is there for all who can be bothered to check. Of course there "might" be changes, who really knows, certainly not us, the great unwashed, and I strongly suspect not most of LL; they, like us must "wait and see".
  3. @arabellajones: I am beginning to feel that LL are "damned if they do and damned if they don't" announce the upcoming rolls. While it is almost certainly the case that these announcements on the GSP are automated, the alternative was a rather patchy system of the announcements being made "if" the appropriate staffer remembered to post them. At least this way now, some advanced warning of the possibility of rolls is given. Myself I wait until the appropriate details are given in this forum (admittedly those on European time or earlier are most likely abed by the time they are released). It is difficult to get some folk to even bother to check the Status Page, let alone this forum. I don't think there is a way that such a provision can be improved, given the Lab's internal communication system; certainly nothing I have seen recently, despite the efforts of some LL folk, gives me cause to expect much change.
  4. Oh my goodness....No! At my age the thought is appalling! 😤
  5. Who was ridiculing anyone? What I said was simply what ANY rational person would. And for your information, I am one of those whom my government considers "at risk" during the Covid 19 pandemic. Time and again I hear "We're all in this together". Time and again my cynicism is reinforced by thoughtless remarks from folk who really ought to know better.
  6. @cshirttesgdgs6 In my experience Rolling Restarts take as long as they take, and given the critical importance of what is being changed I can hardly fault LL for being a tad cautious today! I assume you HAVE looked at both the Grid Status Page and the top entry in this Blog?
  7. @InventedSuicide: I hadn't opened my viewer, I did not realise there was an update today! I'm now running 6.3.9 without any issues, so in my case, it seems fine! ETA: If you are having issues running FS 6.3.9 please post your system specs (Help>About>Firestorm). You can do that once the viewer is open but before logging in, if that helps.
  8. @InventedSuicide By "most recent update" do you mean the latest viewer update, ie 6.3.2 or the long awaited Windows 10 20H1 update?
  9. @CDTrishTalk about late to the party, CD...this thread is 9 years old!!
  10. "New Logo"? by that I assume you are talking of the change to the Blue "hand"? If not, I have no idea what this is about.
  11. @AmyMayGallagher, I have no idea why Firestorm should give you a particular issue on one account only, but I'd be inclined to think it has to do with inventory. Is it possible that the account affected has a large-ish inventory with a lot of items in a few, or even just one, folder? Since you can log that account in on other viewers, maybe check the number of items in each folder and attempt to reduce the number in each folder by creating subfolders ( I know that sounds unlikely but it DOES have an effect!). There is also a known issue with inventory loading on FS and there are articles on the FS wiki regarding inventory loss which you might find useful. (Search 'missing_inventory' ).
  12. @Oz Linden: so you allow extermal sever connections directly to outside operations? That is news to me, But I guess you must know the answer! Or do you mean the "sim-corner" operation that the Shakespearian theatre used all those years ago? Sorry I am unclear as to what you mean. As to "it works well" it most certainly did not.
  13. @Maestro Linden: your links to the RC releases are emborkened! ( Y'know that's a lovely word, I don't imagine for a moment that I'm the first to use it!)
  14. No @Fuzzbear. From time to time I entertain thoughts of devious behaviour by LL but this would be far more machiavellian than even I am prepared to credit of LL! That is just neither likley nor sensible as a tactic, and while LL may, from time to time appear to be corporately insensitive, they are NOT corporately stupid! I have come to accept that their priorities and in no way aligned with my own!
  15. @Lindalmnotreel: Look at the Grid Status Page. This is a known and accepted BUG that is affecting ALL viewers. LL are supposedly working to fix it but so far nothing has been announced. Look at BUG-228562 Group Notice Timestamps don't report accurately Server Channel 540369/ now 541440
  16. Since as stated on the Grid Status Page LL are "implementing a fix" for the Timestamp error they introduced to Main Server on Tuesday, I wonder if one of their customer-facing staff would care to enlighten us as to WHAT is being fixed and WHEN we might see the results of this much-needed work. Pretty Please.
  17. @Willow Wilder: Of course it's a viewer bug! If we didn't log in to SL the bug wouldn't happen!! It's so sad to realise that after all these years and despite the importance that this sort of communication medium is to those locked down (for WHATEVER reason), LL simply cannot see the importance of an issue like this. There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see.
  18. Rolling a software update with a known Bug in it to Main Server is sloppy to say the least, LL. One might be inclined to wonder if the techs actually know how to fix this, since it has persisted through two bouts of RC channel exposure. I just hope that the fix that Steeljane refers to was worth the downside of having a known Bug on Main Server.
  19. I think I can answer the issue of merging code. As I understand it TPVs are not given the code until a Linden viewer is released in full. Calling this release a Beta might be a subtle finger to the TPV devs.
  20. This capabilities failure (the region flatly refuses to interact with the avatar/account) is a phenomenon that has been affecting SL for some time and to the best of my knowledge has neither been officially accepted or in any way explained. It appears to be entirely random in its appearance (after a region restart of any kind). Nearly everyone I know has experienced it at least once. It would be good if we could have some explanation of this phenomenon and a putative cure, from Linden Laboratory, but unless I have missed it nothing has been forthcoming from The Lab.
  21. @Yman Juran: Your idea runs into precisely the same barrier that I described in my original post, You simply cannot do it. End of. I don't make the rules here, LL does. I recall a ruse tried by a theatre company in SLsome years ago whereby the theatre was at the junction of four regions with the stage and actors on one region and the audience in the other three. It was a logistic nightmare and due to SL's "child agent" and "diagonal sim visibility" (kitty corner) bugs it failed. If it failed all those years ago, the likelihood of it working now is vanishingly small.
  22. Short answer...No. SL is hosted on servers owned and operated by Linden Laboratory. You cannot link a server and download content directly to a location within SL.
  23. @cookiepie5 Mahogany: That question is a bit like asking "how long is a piece of string?" Firstly it depends of what you want from SL. Hgh quality visuals or just enough to make SL "playable". My response would be: Firstly a computer with a reasonably powerful processor from either Intel or AMD(Ryzen). Secondly a dedicated graphics processor, either from NVidia or AMD(Radeon) (NVidia tends to support the graphics code {OPenGL) better than AMD. The "on-board" graphics chips from Intel work but are not a good choice if you like good high quality visuals. Thirdly at least 8GB of dedicated RAM/ There are many properietary PCs on the market and a few quite capable laptops as well, but since SL really need a wired connection a laptop is less favoured.
  24. @Wulfie Reanimator: Indeed. Read my post again please. My comments about the user interfaces address other posts, not simply the OP. The banning of the Emerald viewer (no salt added) was, by the main criterion, a foregone conclusion. A case under the "shared experience" criteria could also be made against Firestorm for it's ability to create with non-standard permissions, but I rather doubt that Linden Lab would pursue such a course of action unless it wished to commit suicide.
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