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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. Design, of course, is subjective. Personally, I don't have any major complaints about the design of the Marketplace, nor with the functionality for the most part. There are a few functional things that I think could be improved, but they are mostly more on the minor inconvenience end of the line for me. Perhaps it's just that I do more online shopping in the SL Marketplace than other commercial shopping sites, but I do prefer the Marketplace design over the design of some of the other sites where I've shopped online.
  2. Thanks! It's my home away from home, so to speak, so I've been working on having it be a place I feel relaxed and comfortable in when I'm there.
  3. I like that! I miss the days of guys having longer hair. /me heads off to the Marketplace before logging in...
  4. That sounds like it was a lot of fun! I get easily frustrated trying to find the hidden hunt gifts, so I haven't done very many hunts, but something like this event I think I would really enjoy.
  5. It's an unusual un-sunny day in my world today, so I'm enjoying some time at home (and enjoying some new artwork I just picked up at one of @Talligurl's galleries) I was really happy about how well the colors in the painting fit with the colors I was already using in my den. Felt inspired to try a little painting myself The easel setup was one of my early purchases in SL, but one that I haven't had out in my house for quite awhile. I like it because it lets me feel like I am an artist, even though I am far from that in RL.
  6. Yes, I do. Might have to look up one of your galleries
  7. I went exploring out on the Heterocera Atoll. Me and my steed deep in the tunnel inside the Great Wall. I probably should have worn a dress so riding side saddle would have made sense At Horisme, at the end of the Great Wall, there were some pigeons on the steps with "Caution - Explosive" over their heads. So naturally I had to click on them - and yes, they DO explode. It's a good thing I was standing a ways back Fortunately I didn't have to clean them up - it must be the properties of the temple - after a few minutes they reincarnated themselves.
  8. I may be atypical on the other end of the scale. I don't wear a lot of jewelry, makeup or piercings (just glasses and earrings - occasionally a necklace or bracelets) but I do have a mesh body. I was curious as to how many attachment points I was using. I'm only using 15 dressed in a casual summer outfit. So I don't think I would be in danger of using up all the slots unless I radically changed my style.
  9. Moved to a new house this week. Deciding if I need anything else in the living room. Doing some online shopping.
  10. I am selling my 4 parcels in the Goodelli sim on Heterocera. All four parcels have 1 side each protected road access (Route 5). This has been a quiet and sparsely populated sim during the time I have owned these parcels. Parcel 1: extends from road back to edge of sim - 7680 m2 - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodelli/162/87/37 L$21,000 Parcel 2: extends from road back to edge of sim - 5104 m2 - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodelli/218/117/33 L$15,000 The back portion of parcel 1 and parcel 2 are next to each other, so together the 2 parcels make a nice u-shape with each leg extending out to the roadside. Parcel 3: 3696 m2 - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodelli/52/191/32 L$8,000 Parcel 4: 4080 m2 - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodelli/125/209/30 L$9,000
  11. Pretty typical summer weather today - mid 80's and now the breeze from the coast has already started and is cooling things off pretty fast (which is not my preference, I like it to stay warm in the evenings).
  12. Enjoying some solitude and time for reflection
  13. Happy belated birthday to Ivanova and Happy belated rez day to Tali
  14. I only tried 2 games a long time ago, and quit each one after about 10 minutes. I tried them not really for earning lindens (I already had a budget for buying a certain amount of linden each month) but to try out something I hadn't done yet, to see sims I might not otherwise find, and to potentially meet people. I didn't enjoy either one, and didn't need to do them for lindens, so I just crossed these types of games off the list of things to try in SL. i certainly would not want to play any game that was going to announce my linden balance in public chat, and I'm wary of games where you have to register at a 3rd party web site.
  15. I like Bay City. I was over there for awhile the last 2 evenings. I found a few places that were new since the last time I was over there. I still have a little house there, though my main house is out in the country on the Atoll.
  16. No, I don't know. The longest anim name I have in mine right now is 40 characters. I did have to make the pop-up window wider to see all of the name. When it's not widened, the full name does display when I mouse-over the line in the pop-up window.
  17. That sounds like a wise way to go. I've just moved the few dances I have that I liked into the FS built-in AO, so if I get more and can get them organized well, I might be able to take advantage of being able to create custom sequences in a fairly easy manner.
  18. I find dances the hardest thing to shop for. I can never decide whether to go with what me the person would like, or what might be fun and different for Moira the avi
  19. Coffee and a good book... relaxing after a morning of shopping
  20. Maybe find different people to hang out around or different places to hang out? The way your profile reads lets others know that being accused of cheating is something that will get under your skin - maybe find a different way to indicate you are in an open relationship (just in your picks perhaps) and then let any comments just roll off.
  21. Start exploring to get a feel for the world and what is out there. Find some places in the destination guide that look interesting and go visit them. There may or may not be others there when you visit, but it will still provide an opportunity for you to see the variety of things that are available and have been created. Some places will have a 'greeter' that may offer information about the location and/or a group associated with it. If you like the place, join the group to keep updated on activities there and to be able to chat with others that might have the same interests as you. There is also a 'newcomer friendly' section in the destination guide - those are good places when you're first starting out - they often have more information and help available. You can also use the in-world search in the viewer to find places that might interest you. Just going out and visiting places will also help you refine your navigation skills and may lead to meeting other people as well.
  22. Congrats! Wishing you all the best and that it is as wonderful as you envision it to be.
  23. Generally I don't worry too much about what I where when I go out shopping. I tend to dress casually more often than not. Probably the biggest exceptions are when I decide to go to a big shopping event (which I don't do too often) where I try to wear an outfit that is low in complexity, or when I'm going to a lot of shops on the same day that focus on fantasy/medieval RP style, and then I will wear a medieval type dress.
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