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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. ..just because bots know what time it is, doesn't mean they hacked your watch..
  2. Great idea! We can then make or get security devices that deal with (registered) Scripted Agents, even WITHOUT Parcel Level controls!!! Why does this sound like a new idea? I guess the focus on Estate and Parcel-level controls. Hard to tell what's on-topic, but it sure sounds related to the thread topic, to me!
  3. Does that end up auto-following them, like when you cam in closely? That (auto-follow) always confuses me when I don't expect it.
  4. I think, the fact the discussion has abated, means most on the Forum have moved beyond denial and anger, to some form of acceptance over the change. I can't speak for those "newcomers" to the Forum who apparently only care about this topic, but they are quiet too. Conclusion: The new Scripted Agent controls are a qualified success!!
  5. I've seen signs on a local daycare that said, "Save the 👻🐝"
  6. Forums are invented to discuss Love. The old Romans already did that in their forum 2000 years ago. Yep. And a funny thing happened on the way to the Forum. But this thread was just soooo very contentious, I am surprised it both a) lasted without being yeeted, and b) lasted long enough to get quiet before being yeeted.
  7. I see it is finally over 24 hours without a post in this thread. Maybe the discussion is dead finally, if not the thread.
  8. Okie dokie "Bob". 😁 I think that would be "Eggplant APPLE Baseball bat" (it would look like b o b kinda!)
  9. i don't listen to hyde much ( do drop some song recs) but l'arc enciel,mejibray,the gazette,dadaroma,and pentagon are my go to! In case you missed it, Hyde has several new groups in the last years including Vamps and "The Last Rockstars" (a "supergroup")
  10. Yes please! (Big L'arc~en~Ciel / Hyde fan)
  11. How I would approach this for debugging: - Remove the "who touched me" test. Always execute the timer etc. when touched, until you can get the rest working. - Add llOwnerSay() calls at various points so you know the touch, timer, move, etc. are executing. Add calls to say the toggle "values" from timer and move.. - In fact, since the stated issue is "it's not moving", just have touch call the toggle / move until you get that part working. - Follow Quistess' advice on using llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(), since we're all more familiar with using that for linked prims. Question: Can you please verify that the script was for a rezzed object and NOT an object attached to an avatar? (Sorry if I missed it.)
  12. I thought this was the case, so I looked up llSetPos() in the Wiki to see how someone could be misled by the documentation. It says: Child prims (non root prims) pos is a local coordinate relative to the root prim. This would definitely lead me to think that llSetPos() could work for a child (linked) prim if I didn't know about llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast().
  13. I suspect that the term "tier" is just being conflated with "paying somebody for land". Rollig Loon did a great job of explaining it in an earlier post in this thread.
  14. I just rezzed a building and was surprised how slow it was for the textures to load. I installed the newest official viewer yesterday.
  15. I saw that there were quotes where the poster was apparently looking for land that had water access. I think if one looks for land without requiring "road access", "on accessible water", etc. then they will certainly find those lower prices!
  16. Part of the problem with using "wrong" metrics, is the temptation to misuse the conclusions. Just because a script uses more memory, or more script time, should not lead someone to have others at their event / on their region / etc. change their script usage. I can see utility in changing your OWN script or moderating your OWN script usage, but that's about all, if the metrics are wrong or misleading.
  17. Peeve: A club ("Private", "Members only!") just opened up next to my parcel, right in my normal "standing there scripting" view! Guess I can rotate my view to look out at the water, or at my rezzed building. Or, face the other way (towards a dark Gothic build). Peeve #2: While standing there scripting, I noticed an IM as I was logging off. Someone messaged me asking for help with a random animation script and dropped me a notecard. "Sorry, logging off..good luck finding help!" I is not mean, just busy, and a random ask for help is going to get an appropriate response. Sorry to whoever asked for the help - I assume you are here. (Otherwise, how'd they know I could script?)
  18. Assuming it didn't look like the T1000, if I saw a silver cyborg, I'd stop and stare. @Jordan Whitt's cyborg was probably smoking hot!
  19. Looking at profiles without getting "spots on your aura" or "cringe cramps", is itself a Skill.
  20. Use-case for "Free-Form Skills" form entry: Price list for services.
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