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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. So, whether you ask it if it knows of cares, affects whether the answer is ignorance or apathy!
  2. Is not idle avatars, just in case of gang b!ng, plus they like to watch?
  3. That is no different than modern websites that don't say you got the password wrong, they say you got either the user ID or the password wrong (but not which). Basic security these days.
  4. Can't you still control "who can access" at the parcel level, the "old way"?
  5. Good point - older Linden Homes did not have mailboxes. Or as I recall, security devices..Rebecca, where is your home located? That may help us to know if it is an "older" or "newer" home. @Rolig Loon, I could be wrong of course 🙂
  6. Is there a time limit for how long items should show under "Received Items"? For instance, if I purchase or receive an item and forget to check the "Received Items" folder.
  7. Agreed, I did not know there was even a link until I checked earlier!
  8. Yet..all three may have contributed to Second Life's growth. And, Second Life did not "die" as a result from any of the three (yet). Disagree?
  9. Thanks. One of my current work-in-progress scripts "only" has 23k available (AFTER refactoring), and I have to really stop and think if it is worth the extra effort to try and free more initial memory. If I can keep the "data chunks" in LSD at about 1K max, there would be no reason for this particular script to drop below say, 17k-18k free during use.
  10. Diplomats holding kittycats is no longer indicative of teh ebil?
  11. I saw a post that said, "newest items are now shown first" (assumedly in different types searches). I also saw complaints about this, where merchants expected the highest sales to be shown first. Apparently, if the "newest first" results "overrides" the old "most popular / highest seller first" result, then MP users would need to go select one of the other options after their initial search..every single time (even though it says "Relevance" is selected)? Do I understand this correctly? I showed a screen shot of the options which the user would need to choose from, AFTER their initial search, just for clarity.
  12. Like a Weeble! You know, "Weebles Wobble, but they Don't Fall Down!"
  13. Despite any policies that ll may write and may force people to agree to in order to use the service-they actually can't stop this practice. Data collection is a constantly evolving entity all unto itself-in every aspect of life-online and not. That said-one doesn't need a bot to do this. Policies put into place by ll may say-no you can't do that we said you can't it's now against our terms-but unless they remove any and all people who could do this that's really all it is. Much like laws don't stop criminals they just tell us how to handle them after they commit a crime-these kinds of policies are the same-which is of course by design. While a bot or army of them can obviously do this and perform this data scraping on a larger scale in less time and way more efficiently-there is nothing that stops any human from doing it on a smaller scale and lengthier time frame. Any data a bot could likely scrape from sl-a script or individual could too if they really wanted to and had the knowledge. Gee, all you need to do is download and install "UiPath", and learn how to use it. It can "scrape" data from any Windows program. It is used for legitimate reasons by companies small and large. I guess my point is, that I agree with you. Most people who talk about the "data scraping" possibility do not realize this is possible with most any program like Second Life lately, and there is no way to hold Linden Lab accountable - because they (Linden Lab) are not "responsible" for what bad actors do with "data scraping". It is merely ironic that automation created with such "data scraping" applications (such as "UiPath", the only one I have used), is often referred to as..bots. So, circling back to the subject of "deny entry to Scripted Agents": My understanding is: a) there is no LSL function to CHECK the "deny entry" status, and b) except for Estate Managers there is no GUI screen to CHECK the "deny entry" status (not counting the Debug setting). So, there is no way to get either via LSL function, or by "scraping" the status of "deny entry to Scripted Agents"..? If so, good deal! Keep privacy settings private! ..Unless I am wrong and the "deny entry to bots" Debug setting can be checked by "anyone"? If I am wrong and anyone (random users) can check this Debug setting, do they have to at least be IN the Estate in question to check it?
  14. I am currently working on a "suite" of large scripts, and for most of these scripts I manage to have an initial amount of free memory of between 20-32K (depending on the script). This amount of initial free memory really should be enough for these scripts, since there is no recursion, no large lists (or ANY lists except as parameters for some calls), no large strings, etc. All possible due to the magic of JSON and LinksetData ("LSD"). The scripts already have major functionality "segregated" to a single script, with as few user-defined functions as possible, etc. My question: Is there any specific reason I should try to get my initial free memory significantly higher than 20-32K? It would probably mean splitting scripts and a significant loss in performance (due to required additional inter-script communication). If so, what may that "goal" be? We can certainly get into a discussion of "best practices", although note that "programming styles" is somewhat off-topic. (Yes, I went there!) Thanks in advance, Love
  15. I need to get out the iron, my birthday suit is getting all wrinkled!
  16. Thanks, you are doing an incredible job! * The word choice "incredible" was only ironic, not sarcasm at all!
  17. I suppose they assumed you were working on making a "continuous esssploding prim-fountain". Griffer!!!
  18. I recently, because I needed to (for reasons), put a number of small physical prims in a physical prim "box". (Think, like a gumball machine.) Getting the prims in the box is only a little challenging, if I did something wrong they rolled down the incline off my property. Getting a lid on the box wasn't too hard..(the box did not essplode as predicted by some).. The end of the 'spearmint (so far was), I learned that you can attach the "box" but the physical prims that were inside the box go everywhere. Darn it!
  19. If you are lucky, they want to buy your Web! Or at least, hire you as a Web Developer.
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