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Ophelie Ayres

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  1. @Maestro Linden Hello , Thank you for the help it does indeed look like this bug.
  2. @Maestro Linden Hello , i have open a new jira at my name here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SEC-6506 hope help you a bit better. thank you so much .
  3. @animats yes I think that all this seems correct and seems the most probable I don't close the topic because if there are other ideas but I think that all goes in this direction and seems coherent even if it is not really *smile* I may be waiting for a return from the Jira which has been deposited. Thank you everyone to try helping ❤️ Ps: since then I have taken it back in my inventory and rezzed it here again: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Super Island/236/168/21 has not changed anything ...
  4. You can see here : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Super Island/236/168/21
  5. What I'm trying to show is very simple, the car is mine, it's built by AMC, it has Copy only rights. And someone managed to link a prim to it which is theoretically impossible with these rights : No Mod / No Trans . So I want to understand how this is possible in which case this deserves a report to linden lab Ps : I withdraw the pictures too many and maybe not so explicit
  6. I can confirm that the prim is linked to the car and I have been building long enough to know the difference thank you so much for the reply 😘
  7. Hello everyone, I hope I'm in the right section of the forum for this topic: This morning I had the unpleasant surprise to discover my car with a big grey prim mesh linked to it. The car has manufacturer's rights No Mod see the picture below : I don't understand how this is possible and above all it is a proof that the security of our objects is not assured in SL (this is not new). So my question is: how is it possible that someone who is not the owner of the object and the object itself is not editable can edit it, let alone link something to it? Needless to say, I did not test drive the vehicle afterwards, let alone take it back into my inventory If anyone can help me with my questions, they would be most welcome I wish you a good end of day/night etc... 😃 Hugs ❤️ LiLi
  8. thank for reply , good idea ! i try for this thank you again =))
  9. thank for reply , yes higher priority is one solution but i think the independent sript is one other solution . I think the click can be detected by script or a keyboard key without being linked but I'm not a good at it.
  10. Hello I have a question about Avsitter is it possible while an animation of the avsitter menu is playing to play another animation by clicking the floor for example? and that once the animation is played by clicking, the animation of the avsitter menu automatically resumes. a bit like NFZ had done but with nPose if you have known If so, how can we please do this?
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