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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. That's some Wicked pizza! ..because it's.. ..defying gravity!
  2. Now that Easter's over, we should be seeing fewer bunny butts. Because of hasenpfeffer stew. (If you know your Bugs Bunny or your stews.)
  3. Theresa Tennyson is literally pushing the tip of her nose to a piglike state as she stares at the screen - one of her many gestures of mild amazement. You'd also pay the same minimum L$ purchase fee if you bought Lindens and didn't get the savings. Ok, I'll put it another way. Pay X$ service fee EACH TIME for multiple small L$ buy transactions, versus: Pay X$ service fee ONCE for a single larger L$ buy transaction, possibly at a higher rate.
  4. The "Pet Delights" thread is the more active one lately. There was a another, but I think it is not used much lately. Here's how I remember it: "Pet Peeves" vs. "Pet Delights".
  5. Not sure if I missed it in this thread, but one approach is do have an "Alt" (a different avatar) be the "other race". That's what I did, but gave the Alt essentially the same name as mine so people know it's "me".
  6. Is it worth paying the new minimum L$ purchase fee, for that much savings? Or, can someone tell me that the fee does not apply for L$ purchased on the LindEx..?
  7. Check out https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAgentInfo. I think you would have to call it on a timer. Before llSetAnimationOverride(), we had to use llGetAgentInfo() to see what an avatar was "doing". Someone should be along to help answer if my answer is poor!
  8. FYI - Depending on what you put for the "Rate", it may take a VERY long time, or even literally "forever" (your transaction never complete). Using that method of trading L$ requires that someone must want to actually sell at the rate you want to buy them. This is not guaranteed to ever happen.
  9. Wouldn't the person who had the original building, actually need a "copyright" on their design for a DMCA to stick? It certainly sounds like an empty threat. https://www.copyright.gov/dmca/
  10. I love some of the specifics and use-cases you gave! It matches well with what I've been working towards (scripting / parser-wise). So, hopefully I'll be able to use my system to create dungeons / maps / NPC chats that leverage this, once ChatGPT becomes more widely available. Thank you for all your research and commentary on this topic.
  11. Peeve: When you should have just deleted your friend's comment on your social media instead of replying, and end up deleting both their comment and your response, AFTER they get mad at your response. Bonus peeve: will-they/won't-they notice the contentious sub-thread is deleted..?
  12. Thanks! As @Wulfie Reanimator may have indicated, we're not all familiar with the acronym "PLE".
  13. I bet it's the promoted listing entries people posted about..? (Even if the acronym stands for something else.) I bet you a L$!
  14. Ok, sounds like the question has changed slightly. I'm sure others will chime in with other questions. Thanks!
  15. One thing I just realized about this nice picture is, you could be just a head and a leg "prop"!
  16. I found that people here were very helpful when I needed advice for a "different race" avatar. It only became uncomfortable when some asked, "but WHY do you want this specific skin", etc.? In retrospect, the "right" and honest answer would have been, "because I like that look a lot". So, don't be shy!
  17. I assume they would be Fembots like in Austin Powers.
  18. I miss the malls with a large number of sellers. They were empty of other avatars, it was supposedly just all the textures that created the heavy lag. The reason I miss them is, they were fun to explore. You never knew what you would find.
  19. Definitely interesting answers! I would have guessed that the Viewers simply get your L$ balance in a different method than the website (whether or not it can be affected by network, etc.) - and that method may take longer to update than what you see on the website.
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