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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I assumed, there was a hint of playful sarcasm in my statement.
  2. Confusing your SL scripting problems with your RL coding problems. When you sit at work planning SL scripts instead of working on your RL coding job..
  3. Hmm, us fur types (I'm a neko) DO tend to wear less clothing.
  4. Not the best suggestion in my opinion ("derender all outside parcel"). Derender selectively would still leave landscape, etc. while hiding your neighbor's ugly shack/hovel/giant building/spite fence.
  5. ..when you try to solve complex scripting problems in bed as a way to relax before you fall asleep..
  6. "I'm in your forumz, rezurectin' yer threads" - Zombie Jeebus
  7. Need a "report conspiracy theory" button.
  8. My lordy, it must take you hours to get dressed!
  9. I'm not stupid, FIRST show me the candy, and THEN I get into the van!
  10. Did you forget to indent? Or did you intend to not indent? Not indent unintentionally..
  11. How does this indentation majick work? Does it require you to type a lot, or will only a few sentences do? Or, do you have to type enough for your text to wrap-around to the next line in order to tell for certain that the indentation is there?
  12. My most fond memories in SL are from years ago with my first SL "family" from all over the world, exploring SL together.
  13. I read this thread hoping for "demon teenager" pics, and you DID NOT DISAPPOINT!
  14. You have my full and undivided attention.
  15. Yep! Even if it means several years of stopping and starting over, complete rewrites, splitting into multiple scripts with async communications, etc. LSL is a very iterative experience. If you can't figure it out the first time or it seems to complicated, next time you will probably succeed. I pretend to be functional on a daily basis. This is giving me a much-needed brain exercise to distract from a dysfunctional reality!
  16. One of my next SL projects is to code RegEx in LSL. I'm working on PEMDAS expressions now..
  17. Just got an email that rolling restarts completed. Perhaps they were still in-progress during your issue.
  18. Hope that's not universal or is fixed fast, about all I do in SL is script!
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