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InnerCity Elf

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Everything posted by InnerCity Elf

  1. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ogham Grove/72/31/62 A quick landmark to one of the sims. Got in on first try, my FPS took a hit but bob up and down in the 50s and not too much lag, but, yes, there are definitely temptations galore, bad for not wanting to spend money...
  2. Such a nice HQ, Paul! Hung out for a while, but at an odd hour, and the group was silent, so I went on an SL hair salon exploration after a while, need a more exploration suitable hairdo, after all 😅. I'll be back to check out the notecard giver again, or add one with an exploration idea, when I'm sure I can be somewhere at a certain time. Looking forward to an exploration with some fellow explorers in any case.
  3. Looking for a height that'll work for a non-skybox project on mainland.
  4. In case you don't find any, you could consider creating one, and or if you also enjoy roleplaying, it might work to have a character on a sim where you can rent a place as the home of your character, or, even better, a shop that you can make into a books&plants shop and thus create a meeting space for like-minded roleplayers, and maybe then make it an out-of-character thing (too), with a group and group messages discussion if members in-world at the same time. Or just enjoy it in-character, whatever works best. (Persephone's herb garden sounds wonderful, I might want to spend some time on the marketplace now to see how plants and such evolved since I was shopping last... 🫣.)
  5. A gift card like mentioned above should be nice, or maybe "x% off on your next purchase after x purchases", but you should ask someone official, not on the forum, to make sure it's allowed. Oh, you did, well, just remember those are just random forum member suggestions, don't sue us if you try, and it's not allowed.
  6. "If you can wait and not be tired by waiting"T This line might be the major "coping mechanism" needed, as well as the explanation of SL's bounce/retention rate. People who can wait (not (just) literally wait around, but more hang around, try this, go there) long enough for whatever to happen that they are looking for in SL to actually happen, will probably stay, others not. What do I do to cope,... not really much, I guess, just log back in another day, what dies last, is hope.
  7. Indeed! I'll make sure to remember to add an unmodifiable T&Cs notecard that specifically lists that none of my modifiable creations may be recoloured neon green. Should I ever sell modifiable creations. Or creations, at that. Jokes aside, my guess is also not wanting to be bothered/spend more time. I'm self-employed, RL, and while some customers are absolute sweethearts, for some, usually, type micro-manager, or imagined-semi-knowledgeable in what they pay me to do, I do such a lot of not really billable additional work, explaining, that it can be a real pain and inspires 80:20 thoughts. Maybe similar for SL creators.
  8. I haven't (apart from maybe very general and self-evident things like "don't take yourself too seriously", "don't take it too seriously", "people are often different than you think, if meeting RL, you might like those you thought you didn't, and vice versa", or such; if anything, I'd need advise myself, I tend to overthink things), but! happy belated birthday! 🎂 🦁
  9. Elements...makes me think I want "weather" all over the mainlands. ☔
  10. If it's something you think you might enjoy and would like to do for a longer while, read the rules before you engage. I do mostly role play, most of the role play sims have lots of rules, mythology, and whatnot. And while you might think, once you read the rules at one place, it's fine, they'll not be that different in another place, that can be true, but often isn't. I know it's annoying to read all that stuff, when you want to jump in, but if you don't know that certain things aren't allowed, because you didn't read the rules, and it's a "bannable offense", that's on you. I admit that, after having checked out dozens of roleplay sims over the years, I just skim rules, which tend to be the same or very similar, or self-evident, for the most part, and pay attention to things that might really make for trouble and can differ, like consent-sim or not, dresscode, and such. If it's a place that really seems I'd like, I'll read all the stuff. If I start playing without having checked all the info, and do something against the rules, and they'll ban me, too bad, I'll read more thoroughly next time. Might be overreacting on their part, in my opinion, but they might not want to waste their time on cretins like me who didn't read all the rules, or had a bad day, or whatever. Their sim/,game, their rules. That's nothing to down my self-esteem, however. I risked playing without reading the rules, well, sometimes, it works out, great, time saved, sometimes not, next time, I'll spend that time, one 'fail' factor dodged. Don't take it personal. Until you're somewhat of an esteemed regular (which takes time, and rule-reading, in some cases), you're just a random person. And people who read and stick to the rules, might get cross with the 'management' if others don't read and stick to the rules, and still may play, many if not most people are like that.
  11. Yes, that's what I meant, threads like this one might be better in a sub forum there than in "General Discussion".
  12. Perfectly reasonable. Maybe there should be a dedicated sub forum for "Hi, I'm new", "Hi, I'm back", "Bye, I'm leaving" posts in either "Make friends" or "Missing people".
  13. A shopping HUD is definitely not one of those things I never knew existed but didn't know how I lived without, once I knew.
  14. 'Less seriously' is probably a good idea, and as you already have it in your mind, give it a try, as you're not happy with how 'too seriously' is going, and 'too...' may well be 'too...'. It's hard to give concrete advice, as you're not giving concrete info. What kind of apparently unforgivable 'mistakes' or 'fails' are you talking about? What do you say or do that people 'don't accept', what form does that take, do they actually say something to make you feel diminished, or is that just your interpretation, do they ghost you, ...? If you give some actual examples of what keeps happening to you, maybe people can tell you if a different approach might help, or if you somehow just keep running into silly or even mean-spirited people, or... In any case, I think, 'less seriously' is a good idea for SL generally; even more serious friendships usually start from less seriously, and you should be less affected by how others react or not react to you, if you don't take it seriously. Try to not give others power over how you feel. If you didn't do anything unforgivable, don't let them make you feel like you did, try to learn from your interactions, but try to not let it affect your self confidence. SL, or RL, that's all the same in that regard. You decide how you feel, not others. It should be fun, you're definitely getting that part right.
  15. That sounds really annoying indeed. I don't know about the technical ways that person might have to find you "technically" despite ditching that Macbook and using a VPN, but some non-technical thoughts. Maybe your "different social circles" aren't as different as you think? Probably pretty much we all tend to go to maybe not the same - if we want to avoid someone - but still similar places, quite obviously, as usually, we won't suddenly completely change our interests and personality. If they are an actual stalker type, and with that behaviour, even pretending to be your bff, and all, not much doubt there, they might be fine with investing the time to stalk profiles in "likely places", and even if you don't deliberately let him know it's you any more in your profiles, there might be enough "tells" for them in those, or even in how your avi is set up, to know or guess, or strike up enough conversations with enough people at such places to guess or know it's you from conversation, they might also know your likely online-times, ... Things you could try might be being online when they probably aren't if possible, being very careful with your profiles, go to REALLY "out-of-character places", think about things you could say in conversations with new or "new" people that would either make them think "oh, that can't be her, next!", or might reveal their identity to you early on, before you've invested time in your new "bff". All that won't help if they really have a way to technically identify you despite your technical measures, though. In which case, I'd be extra hyper careful with giving out personal RL info than you should be anyway.
  16. From the new selection, I quite like 'Ravenwood', but not enough to pay the equal of my monthly electricity bill. Wondering what the idea behind 'Zennor' is, something about zen? Or was it picked to have one that looks kind of "neutral"? I did put in some suggestions, when it started, but don't remember if they also asked to submit the story/idea behind the name if not obvious. Also, do they keep old suggestions for future consideration, or do they toss everything after picking the latest batch and only new ones are in the draw for the next round... and is there a public alphabetical list of already existing and 'rejected, forget it' names, so people don't keep submitting the same ones? Or are there so few new suggestions by now, that they make up three quarters of the new names themselves... Also, I'm pondering far too many inconsequential things...
  17. Oh, awesome initiative, that sounds as if it could work so well with regular bumping of the thread with a pic from the last exploration. I'll join the group when in-world later. European timezone here, but somewhat flexible, as long as it's not my middle of the night
  18. Yes, if you live in or close enough to big places, that's lucky, in that regard. If not, not so much. I've checked my IP regularly for a while, just to know how closely "it hits home". The bigger issue with this than alt guessing is combining that with "social hacking info" with the end goal of not necessarily doxxing but "knowing", potentially stalking, threatening,... But that's a different can of worms, of course, and people who want to avoid it, need to be careful with their profiles, giving out RL info, etc., anywhere online, of course. The majority doesn't care about others or generally wishes any other human well, so you'll probably be fine, but there are always less than well-meaning people, too, so you'll never be completely safe.
  19. Yes! I've had trouble with them, too; they, and the platform I used, which used Cloudflare (and never had issues with that platform before they started using Cloudflare), kept telling me the other is at fault, and to take it up with them, forth and back, back and forth, meanwhile I couldn't access the platform (used for work, not fun, at that). Eventually, the issue went away, but I'm rather sure by chance, not by their doing.
  20. This is where the logic goes off the rails for me. Why are these snoopy people trying to discover alts in the first place? Just idle curiosity about "the average user" who really doesn't care whether somebody discovers their alts? I think that, rather funnily in cases like probably OP's, rather than the "alt user", it's the snoopy people being "shady", if you will, by unleashing either their idle curiosity, or the kick that they get out of (rightly or wrongly) putting IP1 and IP2 together and checking that (in their insane minds ;)) more "scientific-fact-y" IP matching against their linguistic and similar observations for "proof", or wanting to protect their sim from potential alting trouble makers (those are the top 3 reasons in a role play sim scenario, I think, but there might be others) on what are supposed to be their role play sim community. In any case, of course, who cares, really, but in my experience, there are more than enough insane people playing in and managing role play sims to warrant the question, and perhaps precautions, IF one is concerned about alt-guessing (by means of IP matching, email matching, collecting speech patterns, ...). Even if, as usually, they do, role play sims allow multiple avis, that doesn't mean there's nobody who doesn't want to know other people's alts, even if they, themselves, have plenty. Idle curiosity, or wanting to feel superior because they were able to guess someone's alt, while basking in the treacherous feeling that nobody guessed theirs, or to observe a potential alt of someone they kicked, matching IPs are brilliant fodder for them, no matter if 99% of people here would call them insane for regarding matching IPs as "proof". Some role play sims are 🐍🕳️ s! 😅
  21. I don't have a static IP, but it doesn't change with every logout/in, either, and in any case, if someone would geo-check a couple of IP adresses of my main and alt account, they'd know at least that "we" live in pretty close proximity. That's no proof, of course, but... Well, yes. That's the point, though, perhaps, people trying to "catch alts" probably are exactly that, and don't care about confidence. Their mission isn't about confidently matching IPs to uncover alts with 100% accuracy, but drama, any % over 0 is probably good enough for them 😅 If you need or want to join a website or such that your role play sim has set up, by the way, consider registering not with your main email address, or any that you'd not want them to know. (it's not paranoia if they are really out there to get you, was it, right? ;))
  22. It does sound fun. If I was a Jessica in either life, I'd be in-world to buy that boat now. Wondering whether maybe "lucky chair style" would work better, "Person whose name starts with "J", buy a sail boat."?
  23. Person yes, but avatar, no, not once. I sometimes see avatars that I admire... or, rather, I admire the ability of the person who "put that avatar together"... or, rather, still, the abilities of the people who created the avatar's components 🤔.
  24. It's lovely! And what a nice rainbow. My only complaint is that somehow I landed in the middle of a pond. Good thing I didn't have my Sunday, but just my Monday boots on. ;)
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