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InnerCity Elf

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Everything posted by InnerCity Elf

  1. My new desktop arrived yesterday, and I've been hanging out in SL quite a bit. It runs wonderfully, I'm happy. Thanks again for dispelling my AMD anxiety : )
  2. Thanks! I went with a compromise, considering my budget, needs vs wants, local company (one of my biases when possible) with extended warranty, pick-up-and-return, and great customer support, power consumption (extremely expensive here these days...), and, thanks to you all, AMD for a change. My new pc should arrive in a few days, I'll update here to add if I'm happy with AMD Ryzen 7 5800X and RTX4070 combination in SL, in case it helps someone else. It should more than cover all my other use cases.
  3. Sites that, still, in the year 2024, - don't give you the option to see your password as you type it in - let you type in a password, only once, only seeing ***********, and not having a verification box that has you type it in a 2nd time to make sure you don't register with a typo in your password, so that you'll have to immediately ask for a password reset if there actually was a typo.
  4. The other day, I felt like a new outfit and hairstyle for the new year, so shopped a bit and put all of it in a new "2024" folder. Then got the idea to just search and move the essentials like body and head, plus the few things that my avatar would pack in their emergency backpack, i.e., I can actually remember I have and would miss into that folder. Everything else that I'll buy this year, in that folder, too. Everything else in a "pre 2024" folder, leave that untouched (unless I really suddenly think of an old item I really want to use and will use, which then shall be moved to "2024"). 2025, I'll make a new folder, only go through the 2024 folder and move what I want to "2025", move "2024" with what didn't make it to "2025" to "pre 2024", rename that one to "pre 2025", repeat to fade. The idea, you probably guessed it, being to eventually, let's say, after three years, toss the complete "pre xxxx" folder without too much anxiety, and looking forward and supporting the SLeconomy by getting new shinies and having fun shopping instead of digging through the pile. I'm rather sustainable and more of a non-shopper irl, often end up going to have a coffeed sweet drink instead of actually shopping for the thing I went to town to shop for, and my SL things don't end in a land fill at least if taking up some digital space, so I'm far less careful of buying new things there. Landmarks, oh dear, I guess over 50% if not more or much more, aren't valid anymore anyway, probably go through, delete anything that I can't immediately remember or have moved on from, and test the rest to toss what's inexistent or not of interest any longer. Notecards... hm, could probably delete them all without ever going to miss one, maybe keep a few dozen or so for sentimental reasons, like the notecard applications you had to send in to be allowed to rp in days of yonder, I may want to read my rp character's bg descriptions and have a good laugh someday. Then again, spending that time in a current rp sim probably is time better spent. I had to log out before I could decide on whether to separate into "clothes et al." and "home& landscape stuff", though, the hunch of maybe giving the latter a longer half-life, but that's the general plan. Let's see... 🙈
  5. Hi Fen. For private use, and the cheaper owner having 10+ years, that would seem stable enough for me to try. For commercial or other events, stability could be more important than for private, like people trying to TP to their old landmark of your place. From my own experience, I've never had anything bad happen while renting all kinds of different parcels since about 2010, be it in mainland, on full sims, up to whole homesteads, without even bothering to do "background checks", so I don't think it's super common, but that's just my own experience so far. In theory, of course, it could happen, even without any bad intention, people can get sick, have accidents, die, go broke,... that you'd end up losing your rental, never mind the owner or their track record. The cumbersome but safest thing in any case is to not pay too much rent in advance. If you'd like to stick with your current landlord and upgrade to more land/prims, but find the price difference very tempting, maybe an option could also be to let your current landlord know that you want more land, and would like to stay with them but have an "1/2 sim w/15000 prims @ L$7999 per week. " offer, and ask them what their best offer would be, or let them know the price point at which you'd definitely stay. Unless your current owner is a friend whom you want to support or something, it's business, after all, no reason to feel bad about asking, and if they really can't or don't want to give you a similar price, they'll say so, and you can accept that, or move.
  6. Now that you mention it, I have either been at a roleplaying sim that had such an option in their rp hud, or had joined a group that had BTB for a title. Could actually make a group oneself, and even have "BRB", "back in 5 minutes (hours 😁)", "in another window but will hear if you IM", or whatever personal afk/brb messages that would be most useful.
  7. Hmm, while I try to come up with something specific, politeness, kindness, taking time, generally, there's too little of that in all worlds, so I'm finding it endearing. Ah, I know. I still remember a very nice IM from someone who very genuinely, and specifically complimented me about a roleplay avatar that I had indeed put a lot of time and thought into every little detail, looks, "accessories", animations, profile IC story, everything; looking back, it would probably have to be my "master work" out of all to this day, even as it was before mesh. While I'd done it completely for myself, and for the "realness" of the rp and other players, too, of course, it really was nice to "get proof" that someone (so, probably, more people) noticed and was kind enough to let me know. We never before nor after interacted, at least as per my knowledge, but I still remember it fondly, possibly every time I set up another roleplay avatar. I'm somewhat shy, and would rarely IM others first, but ever since, it made me jump over my own scaredycat shadow a bit more often, like compliment sim owners about their sim and such. So, what would that endearing behaviour be, showing people that their efforts don't go unnoticed, acknowledging that someone's there and does their best to "improve the scenery", motivating/inspiring someone in a very kind and subtle way? Something like that.
  8. I read profiles a lot, and there sure are quite a few that evoke that feeling! =D I'm finding them useful, though, maybe not in the intended way, but still... 😃
  9. I've no idea how I'd know, so it can't put me off. If not literally all the time and never, and I somehow knew, it wouldn't put me off either, if it's what they like doing, fine. Behaviours that I actually find off-putting aren't things that "random people" do, like hi, how are you's followed by radio silence, while they're busy trying to chat up any other roughly female looking avatar in the region, or even right-out asking for SLex despite your profile having "no!!!!!" written all over it, or begging, or such, but really mean-spirited behaviour that most people would probably also find off-putting with rl people, like gaslighting, causing fake mean rumours, and the like, "just for the funsies", while pretending to be friends with you or the person they are gossiping about or whatever.
  10. To me, afk-ing and it's (perceived) rudeness seems highly dependent on the circumstances. If I go to the bathroom or to set up and later get a tea, I refuse feeling bad about it, as I'm rather sure that's the default of how the overwhelming majority handles such brief afk-ing. If I'm at a packed event or somewhere it's highly probable that others might see and talk to me, I'll tp home when I have one, or to some zero traffic place. If anyone IMs, I'll reply as soon as I'm back, and, really, if someone gets funny over not hearing back from someone right away, that's their problem. This doesn't apply in an "active conversation setting", in which I'll let people know something like "brb (+assumed number of minutes if all goes well/reason for afk, in case of too many variables, like doorbell rang, and I've no idea why the heck...;))". In theory, I wouldn't mind some automated visual like a hover text or (somwhat graceful) universal afk stand that indicates your as afk after 5 minutes. However, in practice, I don't want to have to type or move my cursor or anything every 4.5 or so minutes in all the situations where I "just hang out" in a pretty scenery and would be cool to chat a while if anyone IMs, or wait for para roleplayers to type their posts, hang out at a not yet lively sim in the hope someone will come by to play and to help out the ones who kindly set up the place to maybe get some rp going at a time I can play - while I'm working in another window, with sound notification on, so that I can and will reply right away if someone does come along. In case of such a forced afk marking, at least, I'd want to have a ping with customizable sound to let me know I need to move my cursor or something. Should we get that far during my lifetime that SL would somehow determine my afk-ness from spying on the close proximity of my computer setup, to safely know if I'm actually physically away from my keyboard or not, no thank you, I fear I'd finally have to quit for good then, not that I'd really mind if SL or the internet at large would know how long it takes me to... make tea, but, you know, out of principle.
  11. Thanks, another voice for AMD, or at the least against Intel obligatory Less heat is good, too!
  12. Awesome, great to hear, thank you for your speedy replies, that calms me a lot, going with AMD then, that one comes with a very pretty case, and 3 years warranty and pick-up service, too.
  13. I'm trying to decide between two desktops, both with GeForce RTX 4070, 32GB DDR4 RAM, other technical specs same or comparable, too. One has AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, the other Intel Core i9-11900KF (around €100 more expensive). Generally, I tend towards the AMD one for a few reasons, and it should be enough for all my non-SL usage, but I only had Intel computers so far, zero experience with AMD and SL, and seen it mentioned over the years that for SL you should definitely choose Intel. Could it be a big mistake to take the AMD one, regarding SL? If it's just a few FPS less, I probably won't care. If it's more like just half the FPS or less, or everything in funky pink, or so, I might care... 😬 Realistically, I don't go to clubs or places with lots of people in a small space at once often; what I do like, though, is being able to look over and seeing as much as possible of a region. And shadows. I love shadows! Now, is it more like "you'd be really stupid to take the AMD one", or "probably you'll be fine, but if you're one of the very unlucky 0.1%, you'll end up seeing la deuxième vie en rose eternally", or "sure, AMD is fine, just your performance with Intel would likely be somewhat better"? Or is "Intel over AMD for 2nd Life" just an outdated myth by 2024? I've gone through some related not too old threads here already, but am not really much the wiser, might be because I don't understand tech (speak) too well. Maybe someone can shed some light (and shadow)?
  14. Ah, of course, it had to be used that way... like when you open your postbox on your birthday, and there's zero cards or letters from friends or family, as those who think of it send a text message or mail, but a couple from brick'n mortar stores you registered because you figured that with all those discounts for birthdays, weekends, and whatever else, there's no way that the usual prizes are the actual prizes, and you'd be stupid to shop on one of the rare days without discount, or from your insurance company... 😅 But for the, hopefully original, idea of just greeting people on their rezday, I think it's awesome. I'm sure I've seen such a board before, too.
  15. I spontaneously misread that as "grieving" for a moment. But realising you wrote "griefing", I guess it could actually be both, in a way. If they'd not really grieve about the loss of that friendship, why go to the deceitful lengths of gaining back a former friend vs. making a new one. It's still a twisted thing to do, and unfair towards the grieved/griefed person.
  16. I just had a video in my YT recommendation about that weird 3-second--teletiktoksale-tactic that supposedly will wash over us soon. Made me wonder if it would be an interesting tactic for the surnames, you just get 3 seconds to look at them, and then must grab one or not, and you're stuck with your first inspiration, or second, or third, depending on how many your brain comes up with until you need to press the button. Or auction the ones with the most potential...? Ahah, no, but fun thought.
  17. Oh, I hope this will settle down comfortably on some branch of my long-term memory. It probably won't ever come in handy, but if it will it will be SO handy! =D Pratchett, huh? I guess I'll wait for Tolkien, then. "Enthusiast" surely will suit quite a few people. With Onyx and Peridot, there are two instead of just one gem this time, that's rare and weird, I'd have thought they'll be more stingy with those, as there's no unlimited supply. Ethereal would probably work better as a first name. Anyway, I like quite a few of this batch, Sable the most, for how it virtually sounds in my ear, but probably not tempted enough.
  18. Yes, I'm all for giving folks 17th chances. To answer the question, no. But so far, none of my precious few friends did. If they did and I saw their reason, I'd accept it. If I had no idea why, and I'd want to be friends again, I'd ask them on the account they know, maybe say sorry, can we be friends again, depending. The only scenario I can imagine purposefully approaching them with an alt, would be if a person I really consider a friend would out of the blue defriend and block me, and I couldn't contact them on the account they know. Then I might send an IM with an alt, telling them I'm otheraccount, and asking, why, did I do anything. It's SL, after all, and, as we stated in another thread, there certainly are toxic people, someone may have somehow convinced them I did something really bad that made them want to end our friendship, that I didn't do. This being SL, it's completely possible, that I befriended a friend's alt, though, I think I only have one non-roleplayer friend in my friends list, so all the friends I made and me would tend to hang out at the same places for sure. And I'm not the person to ask others if they also are avatar thisandthat, or about RL, unless it naturally comes up, so it might take a while to realize. I've actually had a funny experience once, on a roleplay sim, a person on an account I had so far no direct contact, neither IC nor OOC, IMed and talked to me, like I had to know who they are, and they were my bestie, and we both were friends both on other accounts. I was pretty sure we weren't, though, because I had a good idea of who all else they also might well be, and my guess was that they have so many accounts and played so many characters as well as ooc personas on the sim that it must have been really difficult to keep it all separate. It was quite amusing. But, yeah, that's a different constellation, and wasn't the question, just musing along the lines.
  19. In case space daddy already took preemptive measures against us succeeding to convince LL of "Y" in the hypothetical renaming, I nominate "Y O Y", maybe he didn't manage to convince powers that be to sell out our all's alphabet completely yet, and some made-up combinations might be fine, yet. No luck, though, even if he only focused on the most playable ones, and got them. You think Apple bought the A? There is a step from monopolizing a fruit to a letter, though, I concede. Anyhow, I'm all for Y, it'd be a hoot.
  20. An interview about SL things, as my avatar, under my SL username, in Typonese not in voice, conducted within some office that the interviewer set up in SL themselves, or even a coffee shop on a nice sim they came across during their in-world research, and paid in Linden$? Yes! I'd surely consider that if somewhat within my usual online times, not for the L$, but for the fun and novelty of it. And yes, I'd either answer truthfully, or with "no comment"s on things I'd really not like to speak of. But if it's not worth that effort, and if my replies as my SL self implicately are considered dishonest, or not worth spending research time and money on vs. those same replies I'd give as my official RL self, I have to pass. Wishing you good luck, though, if people want to participate, that's completely fine, of course. If you find people who are happy enough with the conditions in-world, be aware that it might skew your results, depending on what you're researching about, but that would probably be so anyhow, in-world or through forum, unless you're going for, and can get to participate, a really big and varied enough group of sample subjects. What I can disclose, however, is that, alas, the High Tari of the Elves will no more than the Dowager Duchess disclose and thus admit to having a shoe addiction. May your paths be golden.
  21. Could also work as Worlds Apart (no need anymore to waste space on typing out that you keep SL and RL apart, too ;))
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