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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. For once, I agree with you. This is almost exactly how someone explained it to me years ago.
  2. I haven't said there aren't people who are transphobic... at all. I just don't think it's the reasoning behind some reactions. A very good friend of mine in SL has another very good friend in SL who is a trans woman. He still wants to date cis women in SL and RL. I don't think he'd be hostile if it happened that he was dating a trans woman in SL but he'd probably end it not because he fears trans people. He just doesn't want to date them.
  3. I think it has more to do with deception and embarrassment more than a phobia. Not all men playing SL as women are trans.
  4. I have no issues with trans people or gay people or any people for that matter. When I am seeking a partner, I prefer a man who was born a man with all requisite equipment. I'm allowed to have that preference. I'm allowed to not date a male avatar in SL run by a female. It has nothing whatsoever to do with not accepting divisions from the norm. It's MY right to have a preference just as it's other's right to NOT have a preference. Some people won't date across racial or economics lines for whatever reason. No one HAS to just as no one has to accept dating an avatar of one sex run by the other.
  5. Educating isn't going to change how people feel in most instances such as this. React, yes. Feel, no.
  6. Those are both more what I'd expect. The top one is awesome!
  7. From an interview with Judith Butler author of Gender Trouble... I think perhaps that if a trans woman flirts with a man who is straight, and that man feels humiliated or embarrassed (is that last word strong enough? maybe mortified), it is probably because he is identified by the trans man as someone with whom flirtation is possible, who could himself be involved with a trans woman or might himself be one. For some straight men, it may be possible to flirt back or to say, "thanks but no thanks," and for others, they reach for a gun. What accounts for those differences? I presume that the straight man who shoots the trans woman, he feels like he has been "attacked" by the flirtation. That is very crazy reasoning, but there is lots of craziness out there when it comes to gender identity and sexuality. As far as SL is concerned, I don't condone being rude or saying something disrespectful but not all people react the same way.
  8. Men dislike being deceived by another man even more so than being deceived by a woman, IMO. Not saying Kat is deceiving anyone intentionally but we all know.people don't always read profiles.
  9. I don't know. At first glance, they sorta just look like eyebrows. They should have positioned them differently or sunk them in like the main eyes.
  10. Check out the Seraphim website. There's a section for the men's only shopping events. You may not see something you like at the event but you'll get a good list of stores to look through. https://www.seraphimsl.com/
  11. Can't say I've ever looked in the jar! He's the cook in the family. I guess you dilute it with water to taste and add it? I'll have to ask.
  12. LL doesn't see the problem because the LL viewer doesn't have legacy search which shows completely different results. My most recent check of Escorts in Firestorm Places showed one club with a traffic score of 90K. Using Escorts in the LL search brings up one of the oldest "oasis" escort places. 2 different results. The former having 2 people in the club and a box full of unregistered bots. LL doesn't see this since even if they did monitor search results, they aren't the results a lot of people see.
  13. I only suggested Freya since I knew it was used for more masculine looks.
  14. It's unimportant to you. Others, feel differently and have that right. I prefer to engage with male avatars that have a male in RL running them. Will I ever know for sure? No, but I'm still allowed to have that preference
  15. You can turn on Reject all Friend Request in the Firestorm viewer. You won't even see them anymore but you can still send them yourself. It's under Comm/Online Status
  16. Click the pic and it takes you to the Flickr stream for Indigo...
  17. Anyone remember the giant 2D flexi peen people passed out to new people when they asked where they could get one? Whenever I see one of these, it reminds of those giant peens...
  18. Yes, Lelutka has the neck lock feature. It's on the Animation tab and called Head Movement...
  19. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Death_and_other_worries_outside_Second_Life
  20. A club I used to go to had a griefer issue for a while. They would shove the skybox somehow until everyone who wasn't seated fell to their deaths. Good times! The first one I remember was someone at a sandbox doing something so I had this chat bubble over my head that said something disgusting (I don't remember what). I refuse to go to any random sandbox for this reason. If I need one, the premium ones are usually empty.
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