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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. I have a few pair from KC Couture. I like the shoes there because they're inexpensive, well done and tintable. They don't have a lot and they're all stuck in a back corner of the store but they're nice sandals for the price and options. Most are 199L with 50 colors in the hud.
  2. My mention of signatures being networked advertising is my interpretation of what network advertising is. Whether LL considers it as such is for them to decide. They may see it differently. If they do allow it, there's always our option to turn off signatures on a person to person basis which I'm sure, many will take advantage of. Always a good idea to know your market when advertising anything.
  3. Since when is networked advertising not allowed? There's a whole list of rules for it one of which is no political advertising.
  4. No, they don't allow ad farming as you know. You've said yourself that you use network advertising which is allowed. Forum signatures would be networked advertising IMO.
  5. What is networked advertising? A number of you have raised concerns over going the formal license route, and we, too, have come to the conclusion that this isn't the best option. So instead, we're going to cover ad farming activities (and the operating of network advertising businesses) under our Terms of Service, specifically as harassment under clause 4.1. Note: By "networked advertising", means the use of multiple parcels on multiple regions for the primary purpose of advertising, usually on behalf of other inworld businesses or organizations outside of Second Life.
  6. Why? Network advertising is allowed, correct? The quote I had was from what networked advertising is which is allowed. Political advertising is not allowed in network advertising which sounds like what forum signatures would fall.under.
  7. Each forum post with advertising could be considered network advertising? By "networked advertising", means the use of multiple posts on multiple forums for the primary purpose of advertising, usually on behalf of other inworld businesses or organizations outside of Second Life. Therefore, political advertising would not be allowed?
  8. AFAIK, there are no specific rules concerning charitable events.which is why people are often wary of donating. Groups like RFL and Wig for Kids are a couple of charities chosen by residents for their events. You can always file a support ticket and ask.
  9. I did say new poster. As you've probably noticed, new posters are also restricted to a certain number of posts per day.
  10. You should start by contacting the RL charity and asking what their requirements are for hosting an event. Most charity events in SL are not run by LL and I'm not aware of any they specifically endorse. People are wary of some events that don't have a RL non profit website to validate them.
  11. Since we should be discussing tipping djs and hosts IN SL, all this other stuff is kind of off topic as well as irrelevant. Just sayin'.
  12. Newer posters to the forums may not have access to Adult Forums as noted previously.
  13. Maybe as long as it's not for a real world candidate? Quartz Mole for President would be a good RP.
  14. This would mean the club should pay a decent wage and the DJ should not have to depend on tips at all. Unfortunately, this isn't how most clubs operate in SL. There are some that do pay the DJ directly but the majority do not. So in essence, the DJ is working for the patrons and not the club, IMO.
  15. The hud will ask if you want to attach the baby (a pop up). If you're in an area that doesn't allow. Did you receive the pop up message? Give permission to attach If this message does not appear you may have not been able to rezz. In this case check your location, pick another place if needed and start the delivery again. The Mama Allpa site... Help center - deliver your baby (google.com)
  16. While not specifically not allowed, I'd imagine it would go against the spirit of the rule disallowing RL political issues.
  17. Is there a minimum or maximum amount? The minimum process credit amount allowed is $3, plus any applicable fees. The maximum amount per transaction for any account is $9,999 minus fees. If necessary, you can process a larger amount over multiple smaller transactions. Process credits are also subject to economic limits unrelated to the maximum transaction amount. For more information about your account's economic limits, please see Economic Limits.
  18. Some of the newer skins from Birth (head skins) are compatible with Velour body skins which are BOM/system skins. It's easier and usually better to use BOM for both body parts, IMO. Skip the appliers. Birth now includes BOM layers with their body skins. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Birth-Legacy-Body-Appliers-DEMOS/17676904
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