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Rowan Amore

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Everything posted by Rowan Amore

  1. Yep, our town has those but you usually only get a very short window to get to your safe place. Not all places have them, though or not enough of them so everyone can hear them. They also do text alerts but I didn't get one of those the other night, just the siren which I had a hard time hearing because it was already raining very hard.
  2. We had the LOUD tornado warning here Thursday/Friday morning around 12:15 am followed by flood warnings. It's bad enough during the day but nighttime tornados are even worse since you can't see the sky. At least hurricanes are predictable much further in advance.
  3. Your previous problem was it was timing out and asked you to try again later. Did you try again later? Did you get the same message? If so, that's why I suggested trying a different browser.
  4. Yes. There is also a 5% fee with a minimum fee of $3. The minimum withdrawal amount is also $3. You mentioned the last time you had $3.50 in the account. The fee would take the $3 leaving only .50 in the account which is below the minimum. How can I withdraw USD credit from my account balance? You may choose to credit your US dollar balance to a PayPal or Skrill account. This is known as a process credit request, because you are requesting to process credit from the Second Life system to your real-world account. Depending on which option you choose, you may be subject to fees and minimum withdrawal amounts.
  5. Tutorial: Environment Enhancement Project (EEP) – Page 5 – Inara Pey: Living in a Modemworld
  6. Try using a different browser if you keep getting the Loading screen.
  7. Hilly Haalan has quite a few outfits that would be appropriate for church or business... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/141517 This suit would be perfect with a nice BOM tank under the jacket... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/hh-Steph-Suit/24793006
  8. Not sure why they don't just do new regions exactly as they did Horizons minus the double prim/adult aspect. 1024 or 2048 for PP, not joinable, house options you can use or not use, the rules more or less that Belli has. Not sellable either. Belli without the cookie cutter look. Seems like a viable option to me.
  9. You're welcome. I'm not sure why they don't have it showing in the drop down menu, though.
  10. Adult Content Forum - Second Life Community
  11. On the mysecondlife.com site, it shows and will notify you when someone 'follows' you there. I thought LL was doing away with that whole web profile thing anyway. It freaked me out the first time I got a notification that so and so was following me until I saw it was from the website and not inworld. Honestly, it was kind of a creepy function IMO. ETA...If you have notifications on for the forums, you can also get a notice when someone follows you here...
  12. I have a few pair from KC Couture. I like the shoes there because they're inexpensive, well done and tintable. They don't have a lot and they're all stuck in a back corner of the store but they're nice sandals for the price and options. Most are 199L with 50 colors in the hud.
  13. My mention of signatures being networked advertising is my interpretation of what network advertising is. Whether LL considers it as such is for them to decide. They may see it differently. If they do allow it, there's always our option to turn off signatures on a person to person basis which I'm sure, many will take advantage of. Always a good idea to know your market when advertising anything.
  14. Since when is networked advertising not allowed? There's a whole list of rules for it one of which is no political advertising.
  15. No, they don't allow ad farming as you know. You've said yourself that you use network advertising which is allowed. Forum signatures would be networked advertising IMO.
  16. What is networked advertising? A number of you have raised concerns over going the formal license route, and we, too, have come to the conclusion that this isn't the best option. So instead, we're going to cover ad farming activities (and the operating of network advertising businesses) under our Terms of Service, specifically as harassment under clause 4.1. Note: By "networked advertising", means the use of multiple parcels on multiple regions for the primary purpose of advertising, usually on behalf of other inworld businesses or organizations outside of Second Life.
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