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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. It's not about whether or not anyone should or shouldn't be proud of who or what they are - but sometimes it's just fun to disprove someone when they claim to be the smartest, strongest and most beautiful person in the world. I think it's hilarious to point out how one Swedish submarine 'sunk' a US Aircraft Carrier without being detected by its escort during a war game, because that's like holding out your leg when someone struts past you with their nose in the air. Anyone could very well retort with the fact that Sweden only has 5 submarines in total, and that our combined armed forces probably has about the same firepower as the coast guard of Utah. But as Ayela said earlier: That people are -still- getting upset because we make fun of all things 'Murrican, whilst uncultured brats sit wretching over some ignorant 'Murrican teens stuffing un-gutted and still-to-be-de-boned surströmming straight out of the can and think that's representative of Swedish or Scandinavian cuisine, that's just beyond petty and just reinforces the, probably more or less global view, that Americans are uncultured and entirely uneducated on anything beyond their borders. I laugh, hard, when American talk show hosts ask people on the street to point out China, North Korea, Iraq, or even Europe on a map of the world and fail. Do I think 'that's all Americans'? No, of course not - but I wouldn't have been let out of fourth grade before I could point out every European nation, as well as every American state on a map, and name their capitals - as well as, of course, the Swedish duchies' ('landskap') names, their 'capitals' (administrative seats), their heraldic flower, tree and animal; all 25 of them, each of which we'd written an essay on (in cursive handwriting, I might add!).
  2. You'd best be careful before you get yourself in trouble. I snuggle like I mean it.
  3. Everyone knows that if it's B&W and has film grain, it's art. Right?
  4. Aw, aren't we just adorable. But see, I played nice and got a hug out of it - is that philanthropy, or furthering one's selfish goals?
  5. And I -just- finished a tutorial on 'how to at people', pfft. But no, that's too mainstream!
  6. I look into mine crystal ball and see someone with a vacuum cleaner approaching ... There are flames ... I believe it may be someone with the initials K.L .. And then, silence.
  7. Anyone can read what's written in the forums, what happens when you receive an @ - or when you're quoted (such as I'm doing now), is that the person in question receives a notification about it. If you wish for only me (or anyone else) to read a message, you can send them a message (mouse-over the person's picture in a forum board, or write their name in the messaging interface) - or you can contact someone in-world by searching their name (on the forums, our legacy names are used, so even if someone uses a different display name, that name will lead you to them in the in-world search). But to answer your question, I'm from Uppland, Sweden.
  8. Heh, when you write the @ and begin to put in some letters, a drop-down menu appears; you'll have to click the name of the person you wish to 'ping' for it to work.
  9. On the forums, you can 'at' someone to grab their attention, too - like this: @Orwar - that way the person you address will be notified of your post!
  10. Well, I don't have enough hands to cover up my chest hair! Maybe I should find a jumper instead.
  11. Rigged mesh is mesh that has been made to fit onto your avatar's skeleton and follow its movements. Unrigged mesh will just attach and follow the XYZ rotation of whatever attachment point of the skeleton that it's attached to. As a rule of thumb, most apparel (or accessories) that cross a joint of your skeleton (such as a shirt, dress or trousers) will be rigged, whilst an accessory that is static (such as a watch or hat) won't be rigged, although there are rigged hats, watches, shoes and so as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are some unrigged apparel that simply "won't work" out there. Another term is 'fitted mesh', this is mesh that will resize to accommodate your avatar's shape. Anything that has a brand logo for a mesh body, such as Maitreya, Legacy (ew), Slink or Belleza should be rigged - but always demo a product before you decide whether to buy it to make sure that it is functional and to your liking.
  12. I think that the argument that women's nipples aren't sexualized, or that it's only sexualized by men, is silly. Yes, in a picture of only a nipple, it's not always obvious whether it's a man's nipple or a woman's nipple, but in a picture of a woman where you can see the nipple, you generally also see more or less the whole breast. It's pretentiously naive to claim that women's breasts aren't largely viewed as sexual by a large majority of men and women across the world, and to rationalize it as 'it's for feeding babies and nothing else' is downright stupid. The nipple itself isn't the object of objection, but rather the threshold of how much of a woman's breast is exposed. Can this threshold be circumvented, creating a more sexualized image with no nipple than a casual picture containing a nipple? Absolutely, but if we start messing around with what the threshold is or what it means, then every image containing an avatar on the forums, in-world within general-mature regions, as well as the marketplace would need to be scrutinized anew with a more vague and subjective perspective. The argument that 'if women's nipples are disallowed, then men's should be as well!' is also plainly counter-intuitive. You want more progressiveness and more liberty, but if you can't have that, you want intermittency and prohibition instead? Please. I'm all for equality, but at the same time I'm pretty convinced that men and women are different, both physically and psychologically. I also think that pretending like not being allowed to display one's nipples is a form of oppression is downright childish. As a heterosexual man, I'm in no way ashamed to admit that yes, if I see an attractive woman topless, my libido is quite likely to start revving up - that doesn't mean I'm unable to control myself in such circumstances, and absolutely doesn't make me some 'uncivilized caveman', but to pretend that there's nothing sexual there because someone has a misguided ideal that simply doesn't align with reality is, again, just silly. But what do I know, perhaps women are the same? Perhaps for the good of all, I should never appear topless in public again. ... What are you looking at?!
  13. Mind that if putting one on removes the other, it probably means that both are by default added to the same attachment point - usually your right hand. Look at them in your inventory to see what their attachment point is, and chance it to something more suitable (such as spine and pelvis). If you wear too many attachments to a single point by using the 'add' option, you may eventually run into further issues. Rigged mesh doesn't need to be attached to their specific point, but unrigged mesh (say, a hat) should be attached to whichever body part they're connected to - if you wear a hat on your eyes rather than your skull or head, it's going to move along with your eye movements. Which may look fun, and slightly disturbing.
  14. What'cha doing sniffing my sister up, huh? 🤨
  15. Some good suggestions already - but following videos and blogs can sometimes be confusing as well, if you need 'live' help where you can ask questions along the way, feel free to send me a poke in-world.
  16. Well, it doesn't look like either gurkmajonäs (cucumber mayo) or räksallad (shrimp sallad) ...
  17. My father had a summer when he couldn't put enough of Sweet Baby Ray's Hickory & Brown Sugar Sauce on everything. It's not bad, but .. By day 14 you kind of start missing a good old mustard-pickled herring, you know.
  18. Well, it may be that Gordon Ramsay is a traitor and a frankophile, but that's just all wrong. British traditional food has plenty of comfort foods and delicacies, Britain was at the forefront of the modernization of food with the introduction of the range. I get that black pudding and eel pie may appear unappealing, but for those of us who enjoy more than 'sweet and creamy' in our diets it's a wonderland compared to the bland, boring, fatty, sugary, starchy cuisine of the US. The Scandinavian palette certainly isn't the easiest to approach as an outsider, we've salted, smoked, pickled, dried and soured things for the sake of preservation for so long that we don't think twice about serving black pudding in elementary school. It may appear wild and weird, but it's all balanced so that the flavours compliment each other and build off of each other. We like flavour, damn it!
  19. Perhaps they got spooked by your charm and thought you must be a supernatural seductress? Come to think of it, I tend to spook people too .. Not through being charming, mind.
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