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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/piggu-June-20-Body-EARLY-ACCESS/18818551
  2. You undress (slowly), lay down, and close your eyes. And ignore the noises of night. Nods sagely.
  3. 𝔇𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔢 ...
  4. But what if my kink is to shame people for their kinks? 🤔 Neph was recently offered L$100,000 to 'vore' some guy (it went from L$40,000 to L$100,000 when I said no the first time). As has been mentioned though, getting a job in SL isn't generally something you should do for the money, it should be something you enjoy doing, unless you live in an economy where the SL income is worthwhile compared to your minimum wage.
  5. Glomps Zeta for being alive! Yeah I think I did have to unpack it twice, but I couldn't find the bit itself? Maybe I missed something.
  6. I seem to recall trying to try them, but never finding any demo. It might just be that the store is confusing (the product even tells you to try a demo), but there is none? It's been a while now though, so I might be mistaken.
  7. And when you request a song they never heard of, they go for the first YouTube hit - even if the title isn't a perfect match, or they haven't checked the audio quality and it sounds like someone recorded it on their phone whilst listening to it on an old radio in the next room, or the song has been defiled by someone trying to remix it. To be fair though, if it hadn't been for an extremely inattentive DJ playing me a song that wasn't even close to what I was asking to, I might not have discovered Finnish re-punk.
  8. That looks genuinely repulsive. Not just the colour, but how goopy it looks - it's like acrylic paint.
  9. Pulling random murderers' names out of your butt is really not a good argument against what I was saying - I could do the same with female murderers and say that women are all monsters, or I could pull a list of murderers of a specific ethnicity and say that 'people of that colour' are all monsters, or I could do a list of murderers of a certain nationality and say that 'those people are savages', or I could pull a list of murderers of a any given religious group and say 'they're a murder-cult'. Regardless it's just anecdotal, and the statistics remain unchanged; >99% of men do not rape or murder (and again, many cases of both crimes are committed by repeat offenders), to accuse the gender is delirious sexism of the same level of stupidity as racism and flat-earthism.
  10. There is no shortage of land that you can rent that is made with commercial and social business in mind, and you're not going to save your region-spanning business by renting out the majority of your land to shops that probably won't earn very much from having a stall there either. I wouldn't want to live in a region that has that kind of traffic, but if it's in the same region as my store I don't really care. Besides, there's plenty of space on the continents that you can buy for cheap, that has little to no disturbances around them. And if a second club opens across the street? Well, if they're leeching customers from you, that's probably because your club isn't appealing enough - and if it causes issues with the region getting full, well, they're going to have as much trouble with that as you are; opening a club in the same region as there already is one is a bad move, and if someone happens to be too stupid to realize that, they'll just have to find out how restrictive that would be on their own. Clubs can generate revenue - the ones I've worked at always have, even if it's seldom enough on its own to pay for a half or quarter region. There are just too many clubs on the grid, and the vast majority of them are playing the same darned playlists they played 15 years ago, with occasional additions from newer music. Just search for 'Rock Club' and you'll find a ton of them, many already left for dead. You can get a 1/8th commercial region rental with 2,500-3,000 prims for around L$2,000 per week, that's more than enough space and prims to accommodate a club (and not having too many prims is probably a good thing, as much too many use it up with laggy junk that no one ever uses or looks at, which is bad for the club experience) - and I've earned that kind of L$ in tips just hosting a double-set on a Friday night in a small club. If you have a good staff and build a good reputation, which is the iffy bit, that should have no trouble going around eventually. But having 100+ ad boards in your club, plus dozens of stalls and small shops, most of which will be offline or empty (and just make your place look dead), and the rest of them having much too high resolution adverts and a bunch of scripts, adding unnecessary lag, to keep your full region going, is probably not the best way to save your business. You shouldn't start a club with the expectation of swimming in L$ though, it takes time and effort to get it going; but if you just keep trying and keep failing, chances are you're doing something wrong.
  11. If something is against the covenant (and offends you), step 1 is to contact the owner - if they do not want to make any changes, the next step is to AR it, and if you want to just get it out of sight, derender & blacklist it. Which reminds me, I should write my neighbours and ask if they could get rid of the fullbright trees and flowers in their garden. Edit: Never mind, just had a look and they seem to have figured it out already.
  12. ... ... A bit like the Smurfs are three apples high? When I heard that as a kid, I got absolutely furious - apples aren't a proper measurement of height, their size varies too much!
  13. Took a 'little' drive across Belissiera (not telling you lot exactly where my home is, but, somewhere along the southern coast) to have a look at the new regions that are being added to the continent. Unfortunately I crashed just a few blocks from the bridge to the new island - but fortunately, Neph lives nearby (also not telling you where she lives!) so I could just pop over to her and continue my journey from there. I was happy to find that a railroad bridge spans across the river next to the regular bridge, but in the region named 'Edgemere Station' I saw no station, and when I crossed over the next bridge I noticed this (and had to drive back to find the railroad tracks again). If the bridge was planned to be completed in 1886, I suspect there may be some delays. I also couldn't find any railroad track in the neighbourhood across the river, so I'm very curious about where this will lead ...
  14. DJs who incessantly spam noisy gestures to the point that you can barely hear the music - and clubs that have the landing point set 120 meters from the stage/dance floor in the middle of a shopping district. Yeah, I get it, you want cash flow to keep the club running, but perhaps with a bit of quality rather than turning it into a consumerist freak show, and with music to listen to rather than some juvenile, high-pitched 'omg I smök weed lololol' spam, people might actually want to visit the place for the sake of the venue - also if you're only using 1/8th of the land mass to accommodate the club, why not just trim the fat and get a smaller plot of land rather than filling it to the brim with useless, second rate junk; it's not like I'm going to go there to browse for new sculptie shoes or prim motorbikes.
  15. This is very true, the Roman army changed a lot both in equipment and structure throughout the existence of the Roman state (i.e. ca 1,000 years of history). The most famous getup for a Roman soldier though is the lorica segmentata, Galea, scutum, pilum and gladius kit (although the lorica segmentata was a very late addition) - whereas Greek hoplites most commonly used a panoply (bronze cuirass) or, even more commonly (because those were pricy, and Greek hoplites were generally mustered from the peasantry, with their own kit), a linothorax (leather and/or linen glued together in many layers into an armoured tunic that was wrapped around the torso and tied or hooked together along one side), very long spears, and large, bowled shields - and greaves, which the Romans weren't as fancy with (because of the taller shields and difference in tactics). Looking at my armour, it's quite a mix of things really. The greaves and vambraces certainly are more Greek in design, being cast out of a single piece of metal and lined with leather, the breastplate is also an earlier Roman style that certainly could be Greek as well, but the skirt with the Cingulum-esque straps and the same being present at the arms being more Roman - but the pauldrons again speak of earlier Roman or even Greek design. As for the plume, I do believe that the Romans did take that from the Greek as well - but shortened it, as Hopolite plumes could be really long and unwieldy in the fighting style of the Roman infantry (i.e. run up to the enemy's face whilst hiding behind their shields, then just stabbing ferociously until there's nothing left to stab) - Roman Centurions are often depicted with the plume sideways, whilst the forward-facing one is often attributed as something worn by the equites (the noble class of Rome; the cavalry) and later the praetorian guard (Caesar's retinue and the capital's 'police-legion'). The Romans were infamously influenced by just about every people they conquered or fought in battle though, and being very adaptive in their tactics, which led to a lot of changes in kit over the centuries, taking influence primarily from the Greek, Iberian and Carthaginian weapons and armour early on .. What was the question again? Glances up to see what thread I'm in. Um, here, have a poorly lit Neph selfie.
  16. It appears to me that Discord is getting more and more popular with the SL community, especially when it comes to bloggers and creators. I know a lot of people are viewing Facebook as 'that old thing that my mother posts random cat videos on, and my auntie checks in with all over, all the time'. Lots of blogging/photography groups, with a good format for keeping a fresh stream of posts (although in large groups they tend to get a little spammy), and often just channels for banter or tips & tricks for various things (which you can mute, if you aren't interested in the banter). Flickr is probably going to remain the place where people make all their uploads, and then link to or embed the images to their blogs, to forums, or just to carpet bomb in-world groups and Discord groups with links as well. Whether Flickr will be able to stay afloat, and whether their policies are welcoming of the SL community, we'll just have to wait and see (they're not doing too well, financially: https://gizmodo.com/flickr-could-be-in-serious-trouble-1840557658)
  17. I don't really keep up with what's in the pipeline as far as SL development goes, but I'd love to hear more about the Linden Homes and Belissiera in general. When I looked on the map the other day I noticed that there was a whole new chunk of land since last I'd checked - I'd really like to know more about the expansion plans.
  18. Nah, they're quite easy to mix up - especially with the plumes and all (and how Hollywood tends to portray them pretty much as the same thing!). Classical Greek Hoplite. Roman Praetorian. To be entirely honest, I think the outfit looks more Greek as well - but it's called 'Caesar' ...
  19. You don't need to put a pose in a ball or HUD to use it, you can just run the pose (in-world or locally). Unfortunately, not having rez rights does limit your options a bit as far as your positioning goes. The only tips I can give there are to use mouselook to turn your avatar around once you've gotten into position.
  20. And yes, now there's a horse on the dance floor ... Dancing, even.
  21. When the Princess Posse invades Breakfast Club ...
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