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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Hey, that's the skin I used - and still wear, since I need to wear a skin and haven't gone BOM yet. One of the reasons I was hesitant to go mesh at first, was that I couldn't figure out a way to look like my old self. Certain elements were replicated to some extent though. Beardy, a slight red tinge to the hair and beard, the full beard, and the scar - although it had to change a bit as I didn't know how to make my own back then (and still can't be bothered with it!). The mohawk also had to go, as I couldn't use the tattoo shadow on my mesh head. The eyes changed though - blue, as in RL, rather than the freebie eyes I just happened to get a hold of back then!
  2. First off, are you referring to appliers or system skins? Some mesh bodies can now use either. An applier works by applying the texture via a HUD - whilst most skins that are made for certain bodies are made specifically for them, there are cases where they need to be applied using an Omega relay (a tertiary HUD that relays the information from the skin's HUD to your body, alternatively 'installs' Omega capability to your body/head). A system skin is a worn object, and for it to appear on a mesh body, the body usually needs to be configured to use BOM. This is usually done through clicking a button in the body's setting HUD. Certain creators prefer to make their skins as a tattoo layer, and make the body and head skins separate. These work the same way as system skins do, and also require BOM to work. As for appliers, there should be a separate button (or even HUD) to apply the skin to the body and one separate for the head, this is due to there being so many brands of both heads and bodies, that all require different scripts to apply textures to them. Fitted mesh apparel 'should' fit - at least that's the idea, however there are some things to keep in mind with them. Firstly, even fitted mesh may require the use of alphas as they are modeled to be slimmer than the body, tight-fitting trousers and tops frequently require alphas to be used, and many come with auto-alpha scripts so that your body should do this automatically when they are worn. Secondly, extreme slider values (i.e. pulling your shape sliders very high or very low) may deform the apparel in ways that weren't intended or accounted for by the creator. And thirdly, not all creators have access to the 'developer kits' that contain the tools and information required to make precise fitting. Many smaller brands resort to fitting by testing, a so called 'experimental fit', and these tend to have an even harder time to adjust to shape differences. Generally, the mantra that many people around the forums use is 'demo, demo, demo!' - always try the clothing to make sure that it fits your shape, and that you find whether the quality meets your expectations. Not all creators offer demos, and in such cases it's up to you to decide whether you think it's worth the risk of purchasing the product untested. If you let us know which body and head you have, as well as what kind of skin it is you're trying to use, it will be easier to give you a more specific answer.
  3. It originates from George Sanders voicing Shere Khan in The Jungle Book. The 'Queen's English' isn't just 'British', it's specifically that upper-class kind of 'correct' English, along with the polite demeanor which, apparently, appears untrustworthy and disingenuous. Perhaps it would be in my best interest to deteriorate my punctuation and start dropping my u's . . . Yo, where might I purchase some-- gas, for my automobile? Winces.
  4. I'm afraid you're simply stuck with it now!
  5. Of course you're not! But no, currently I'm not - it's 06.51 and I'm going to bed. If the thread isn't locked by tomorrow, and I got nothing better to do, I may take a moment to elaborate. Or I might just go back to watching the spectacle of people screaming at each other, perhaps even pop myself some popcorn and crack open a beer if the thread goes 'hot'.
  6. Yeah, whenever I see something on sale I used to go 'oh it's just L$50/75', I think half of my alt's inventory has never been worn after I purchased it. I don't want to know how much L$ I've burnt on things I never use.
  7. Let's compromise - you have to wear a burka, but you may have cutouts for the nipples.
  8. This isn't entirely true though - it was quite the thing when men began appearing on US beaches topless in the 30's; every summer started off with a lot of media attention for arrests and fines for men who did not dress appropriately, and both leaders and the public were outraged with this indecent exposure. That said, it's been a fluctuating thing throughout history. In rural parts of many western nations, being topless to breastfeed or for any other practical reason wasn't generally frowned upon, the laws were written with cities in mind. It's by no means a simple issue, and who knows what social convention will be like in another 20-30 years. Still, both due to the current legislation of California, and because - well, not all people in SL are westerners (not implying that every other culture in the world is oppressive or less progressive!), and not all people in SL are adults, I think that LL should be very careful with this kind of issue. It's difficult, if not impossible, to appease the entire globe. Fun fact, where I'm from it's completely legal to be topless, regardless of gender (in most public spaces, but not like, banks and restaurants) - yet it's quite rare to see any women without a shirt on when out and about. When the local newspaper in my hometown asked people what they thought, it was primarily women who were against the liberty for women to be topless.
  9. In the Maitreya HUD, you can both change the foot shape and make various parts of the body invisible. Some shoes will need the right foot shape to be used as the feet are visible because of the shoes' design, whilst with some shoes you might as well alpha the feet as they aren't visible. The alpha interface in the Maitreya HUD: You can either show/hide parts by clicking the buttons in the middle, or by clicking on the pictures' squares. In the hands/feet tab, you can select the shape of the feet: You can either click the 'L' and 'R' portions of the buttons to only change the shape of one foot at a time, or the picture to change both simultaneously.
  10. Me neither, but it was cute - and contains stingers!
  11. So you wouldn't want to have a say in whether or not my posterior would be decent or not? You share this world and this society with others, we can't all do whatever we want.
  12. Necromancy! Blasphemy! Indignity! Someone call the inquisition! The crusade! The church choir!
  13. But this is a forum, i.e. a platform for all to voice their opinions - not necessarily a place to convince everyone that your opinion is the only truth. Arguing, or engaging, is part of the process, and the more opinions are heard the better, no? But at the same time, Second Life and its forums isn't a democracy, Linden Lab make the rules; if you don't want people disagreeing with you voicing their opinion, you might want to consider contacting LL directly. I've already voiced my opinions on the matter, and I've yet to see any argument to persuade me otherwise. I don't know for certain what position LL would take (and, LL isn't as much an 'entity' as it is a company that consists of several people - they may well end up having a discussion within the company to figure out which path to go with), but I'm thinking that the risk involved of both external anger (i.e. 'this game exposes my kids to sexual content!' - just look at Second Life's press history) and internal malcontent (i.e. those of us who actually put value in that which is traditionally regarded as decent, and view it not as an oppression of women but as a benefit to women - including many women themselves!), it appears unlikely that LL will change their rules. Again, does that mean that the community and marketplace moderators are to go back and re-view every image that has been uploaded to ensure that whichever new rules apply are adhered to? It seems like an awful lot of work to appease a part of the community.
  14. Checks the page count. Yikes, I hope you guys aren't fighting over me? Can't be bothered to read all that - got no popcorn!
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