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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Aren't those threads usually just to bump post count though? Way back when, I was in a forum for a gaming clan - we instead competed with putting as many characters as possible into a single post, without resorting to just spamming 'aaaaaaaa' all over - so we'd just come up with random nonsense stories instead. "Nothing could ever be as it was again, for the pancakes were no longer available on the menu and this shocking turn of events had knocked civilization off of its feet. Peter had known this day was coming, though, because he saw through all the chaotic conspiracies and knew the truth. Zombies. He'd gotten himself a golf car and stocked it with snacks, granted they'd all spoiled by now as he, too, was a great admirer of pancakes. The jam might still be edible, but unfortunately the clearing in the woods he had parked his golf car in had plenty of ants, and of course he couldn't resist the temptation of opening all the jam jars to taste them - he'd told himself it was to assure himself of its quality." The character limit in a single post was 60,000. I won.
  2. BOM is still a relatively new feature and many skin creators are still in the process of catching up with it, so many of the classic skins you'll find are pre-mesh. Not all mesh bodies or heads are fully BOM compatible either, and many creators want to continue catering to those using appliers. Not all who have BOM compatible bodies want to go BOM either, usually because they don't 'get' it, or because they've invested too much in their appliers. Depending on what body and head you're using, I'd suggest you choose how to approach finding a skin from there.
  3. Optimistically nihilistic! Just consider the heat death of the universe - no more problems with heat stroke or sunburn!
  4. But never fear, your nightmares may still come true!
  5. I'm afraid that's a family secret. Actually it's my personal secret as I've tinkered and improved upon the family recipe! But here's the general gist of it: It's a specific kind of potato that's commonly used here, I'm not sure how popular or available it is abroad - it's a small sort of potato which is very flavourful, and gets its name from being a bit almond-shaped.
  6. You may serve me whatever you like, for as long as it's homemade Swedish meatballs with almond potatoes, brown sauce, pickled cucumbers and lingonberry jam. Nodnods.
  7. Rubs sleepy out of his eyes. . . . I went to bed for like two hours, and-- This? I just can't leave you lot unsupervised, can I?
  8. Adult content is only viewable if you have ticked the box for wanting to see adult content, in-world at least (open the search tool to tick the box). Not sure if that correlates to the forums though.
  9. I believe you'll find it's 'picnic'. In all seriousness though, I've observed the same - not sure whether it's the whole everyone being in quarantine and generally on edge about things, some may need to vent but don't know how to do so in a constructive manner and choose destruction instead. Sure, I like to provoke on occasion, and I think that arguing can bring up interesting perspectives that one might otherwise not consider, but when it's so bad that people want to just cut the ties and go away, things have gone too far. I'm lucky to have friends and family in-world that I can escape from the forums to when it gets too hot, but I realize that for some, the forums is the escape.
  10. I haven't received any stipend either, and I'm absolutely outraged! . . . Then again, I'm not currently a premium member.
  11. Trust me, I'm-- . . . Not a doctor? Wait, I'll have to come up with something else.
  12. I don't really care about American politics - or politics in general - but take it from someone who's living in a socialist country: it all sounds nice and fuzzy, but it's the same thing with just higher taxes. We've got some of the highest taxes in the world, and still we don't have enough hospital staff, can't pay our teachers, can't take care of our elderly, our military is so underfunded our generals are openly saying that we couldn't lift a finger if anyone were to attack, and our police don't have the resources to do a thing about the whole 'people are being blown to bits and shot in the open street' ordeal. But we can afford tax-sponsored menstruation art and gender studies, yay?
  13. Click their name in chat, or open their profile, and find the block button in the drop-down menu.
  14. When my alt was approached by some random guy at a shopping event: "I'm afraid I don't have a fetish for ill proportioned potatoes." When women (yes, they do) approach me, it depends on whether they can form a proper sentence and look half decent, and what mood I'm in. Shrugs.
  15. Who needs votes when you have winged hussars?! Oh, you meant polls. My bad!
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