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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Have I ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight? No - I am the Devil that dances in the pale moonlight.
  2. Well, your hair folder is almost 4 times the size of Neph's entire inventory ..
  3. This sounds like an issue of the hair's draw distance, try with another hair. You could 'fix' it by increasing your LOD, but this will decrease your general performance.
  4. Neph's hair folder says '714 elements' - but that does not anywhere near represent the amount of hairstyles. For example, the Stealthic folder has 125 elements, but only 12 hairs and 1 folder of bangs. Most hairs have 2 variants, one for smaller and one for larger breasts (honestly I might as well just go delete the ones for larger breasts - may do that next time I clean her inventory), then most of them still have a Style HUD and a Tint HUD (only the newer hairs have those built into the colour HUDs), and because I spoil her rotten, 11 of the hairs are fatpacks and thus have at least 6 HUDs. Then there's the Truth folder, which is a mess - mostly VIP gifts, but I've hung onto all the colour HUDs and whatnot, so another 265 elements for 17 hairs.
  5. The image is a Daz3D render, it's quite common for adverts - goodness knows why. Closest body you'll get is probably Maitreya, but you'd have to find a skin or tattoo that defines the innie-stomach, or possibly a deformer.
  6. Just count hairs instead of sheep when going to sleep?
  7. Oh, you'd be surprised ... I've had a mention of being a vampire in my profile for ages, and there's been plenty (around a dozen or so) people asking if I'm a 'vampire in RL'.
  8. My alt wears Stealthic hairs almost exclusively, only looking to other brands if I need a specific hairstyle which they do not have.
  9. That's not really a good measure - there are plenty of tinies that are poorly optimized, and plenty of human avatars that are well optimized. I've got screen captures caught with 20 human avatars from forum breakfast that runs smooth as whisky. ... Dancing to the Benny Hill theme ...
  10. Wait, wait. Did you just say 'no thank you' based on whichever one of us isn't blocked's appearance?
  11. I can too! So this'll serve as a little teaser for what's to come ... Still working on the getup and whatnot.
  12. I don't think that a flat ceiling of a triangle limit would do much, to be honest. People will still make high-poly clutter objects with a level of detail that makes no sense for SL - I'm currently in wireframe mode staring at a 19,595 triangle muffin in absolute astonishment, and next to it is an ashtray with 27,184 triangles. For those objects, that's much too high, but that's not to say that there are objects where that kind of triangle count would be (potentially) called for; skyboxes with multiple structural elements for example. Besides, the work-around to a limit would be to do what people already do - make your mesh teacup and mesh saucer separate and then link them in-world. A limit would do nothing except possibly give creators an indicator that they're about to do something silly. Both the muffin and ashtray are from one of the more popular SL home decor brands though, I would be surprised if the creator is genuinely that stupid; but with high poly objects and over-sized textures, things are easy to make to look flashy up close, and people buy them because of it.
  13. ... ... Or a pervy Jordan, if you're lucky?
  14. You can easily check items yourself and decide whether it's worth its rendering costs and/or script content, there's no need to limit it. If people are unwilling to educate themselves on how that works, and just blindly throw money on things that appear pretty ... Meh?
  15. Your profile is blank, and you don't say anything about yourself or your interests here except that you're a young woman - I doubt that'll attract anything but pervy old men.
  16. Items that are 'rigged for Maitreya', but also require you to have your boob slider to at least 50 or the mesh will cut into your stomach.
  17. Listening to the gab whilst driving around looking at the Belissiera development - and I found Mischievous Mole! (and she's right, that -is- hard to spell). I think she may be AFK though, waiting to see whether she'll come to and whether she's got a mole bear. 🙂
  18. Uff, I want to watch it, but I also want to sleep. I'll watch it when I wake up.
  19. ... ... Drops the L, then wiggles by hips as I lean over to pick it up again.
  20. It's not really frowned upon, unless it's used to catfish people. I have both a male and a female avatar, as I got bored of taking photos of my male avatar whose options in apparel are severely limited. I don't know if this is true? It's something that used to be a thing in gaming communities back in the early 2000's, but with the whole gaming gender politic shenanigans in gaming media the past few years, I don't think there's anyone who doesn't know that girls and women do play video games. As far as SL goes, the amount of people using female avatars who've turned out to be men in RL, in my experience, has been fairly few and far between.
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