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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. You took my following-virginity, and I get no snacks? I have been taken advantage of!
  2. Seeing as 'legs' and 'bones' are the same word in Swedish. Yes?
  3. In Uppsala, the Domkyrka is all you need. Yes .. A friend once tried to walk up the fish stairs (right side of the picture) when drunk, we had to rush down stream to pull him out of the river with his girlfriend's handbag. She was less than pleased.
  4. Followed. Snacks, please. Holds hand out.
  5. Mostly in Uppsala. Looking for waterfalls that do not exist. Actually, it's not entirely true - we do have one. A majestic meter-or-so drop in elevation!
  6. Don't make us come over there and teach you-- How to make cheese, or something. Really did the Spaniards in, didn't we.
  7. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, no?
  8. People who watch Vikings, is a pet peeve of mine. There are no bloody waterfalls in Uppsala!
  9. Do I qualify? There's sort of red in it, I think.
  10. Quite well, thanks. Just taking a little break from SL due to boredom. How about yourself?
  11. You're supposed to say my name three times, you know . . .
  12. . . . In the month named after the deified personification of Mars, which represents masculinity.
  13. March 7th, 1936: Germany, in violation to both the Locarno Treaty and the Treaty of Versailles, move troops into the Rhineland, remilitarising the zone.
  14. This happened a few times for me throughout my Maitreya experience (and any other body I used), usually what it is, is that the HUD and body fail to sync. Re-sync them by going to Avatar -> Avatar Health -> Refresh Attachments. Also make sure that you're in a region where scripts are allowed, and that it's not too laggy. Edit: just actually read the post. Um, unsure of why that is, but I agree with Matty that it might be your connection. I never had the issue myself, and I'm unsure of how I'd go about recreating it.
  15. I usually just block the owner when this happens.
  16. Stores and events that shove a landmark and/or group joiner in your face when you arrive. I obviously navigated my way to the store/event just fine without that LM, and whether I'll want to join the group is something I decide on after browsing the store and seeing whether there are any benefits of joining the group.
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