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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. Thank you for the info, just hopped from the fair to the store to get both of the bodies. Pleasant surprise was that Altamura herself was in the store happily chatting to customers. Gave me a great opportunity to thank her for the lovely gifts, she was happy to hear it, I was happy to slink away with my bag full of the bodies of hot men. Wait, that sounded better in my head.
  2. Having a blast hunting in this years Steampunk Hunt<3 Go in theme or stay home!
  3. At which point I would have been too mortified to ever log back into SL ever again
  4. I agree completely. Years ago I rented a piece of land and a neighbour encroached to the point that when I turned on auto return a good portion of the objects facing my parcel got returned to them. They were crazy enough to go running to both our landlord about me rudely returning some of her stuff. The landlord contact me about the issue to clarify and after I told him what had happened he left me alone. To the OP: Also in firestorm you can simply type in gth 4000 and you're immediately TP'ed up to that height. This does not work on parcels that have rerouting to a set landing point enabled but since we're talking about your own land, gth will work just fine as long as you use firestorm.
  5. Happened about two years ago or so when I had a nice parcel in Oberstdorf. I always keep public access on, hell people can totally treat it as their little hangout if they'd like I don't mind, doesn't matter if I'm there or not. Anyway, what truly struck me that one day was the sheer audacity of some people! I logged in and rezzed in front of my house, I noticed two dots in my bedroom. Naturally I walked in and stood beside my bed, raising an eyebrow as that couple went at it like bunnies.... I was then rather rudely asked to sod off and leave them be. I didn't know whether to laugh or be a little angry at them trying to shoo me out of my own house so they can get their pixel fluids all over my bed. I told them the place is mine and that they should leave. They refused! They refused all the way into the orbit as I ejected the female avatar and told the male "Can you please stop humping the mattress?" He was quick to leave after that. But yes, very unlikely I'll ever forget that little story!
  6. Seen both of this so much on the snow mainland continent where I have my own home. There's several (!) of these landowners working together to create a theme or to make a little snow town/snow place to explore. However the amount of people buying a snow parcel only to lay down a flat prim with a grass texture as a base is freaking astounding. Whyyyyy not rent freaking grassland then? =/
  7. And what part you taking in that trio? Animator? Or? Since you didn't talk about that at all it makes me think why those two others wouldn't just cut you out of the equation and split 50/50.
  8. Anyone know if the Fawn market is healthy? Might get into them. I've had Meero and Fennux on a large scale before as well as those house cats (not kittycats) that went through an owner change and I think are now called Stray Cats or something like that? Either way, to me it was so much fun to breed them and hope for a good offspring, there was nothing better to log in and see five new babies and checking their stats and auctioning them or selling them on one of the breedable market sims after figuring out their value. The sheer joy when an offspring was rare and you knew you could make a couple thousand with it. Or breed it further! I made quite a bit of Linden, too. Enough to cover the rent for land and new pets as well as to have extra. One of my cats once sold for 18.000 Linden and that's nothing compared to some people selling Meeroo's for 100.000+ Linden back in their hayday when a new trait was discovered (I distinctly remember the Long Ears trait going for insane amounts). All three breedables were profitable and I am wondering if now, years later they could still be? At least to cover the cost of food/land? Anyone got any overview? I am highly interested to get back into a breedable on a small scale again but not really if you can't sell anything, being able to do auctions/sales is part of the fun. I know Amaretto Horses are still popular what about the others market wise? KittyCats? Fawns? Is there a new breedable that's come out over the past years that's super popular that I haven't named yet? I do know Fennux crashed hard as did the StrayCats. Meeroo's seem quite out of fashion too but to which extend? Any breedable lover is more than welcome to directly contact me in world to talk about anything breedables!
  9. Are prepaid visa or mastercards considered debit cards in the USA? As that is what Derek said. I do know a debit card works if attached to a verified paypal account if you use it to top up said paypal account Edit: Nevermind I just saw your reply directly to him. I didn't realize the posts were completely out of order. This new forum change seems okay on a lot of things, but I've found two very odd things with it now. The out of order posts making a discussion confusing and the fact it's so easy now reply to way old posts/responses without realizing!
  10. Since when? Are we talking verified PayPal account here? I am intrigued as many users if not most can't get them to work at all and it'd be great to know a roundabout way to use them anyway.
  11. Such as yours? You even named a good macro programm....counteractive to your purpose isn't it?
  12. If you give advise please make sure it's correct. Pre-paid cards are not accepted and will not work.
  13. So Whimsy

    Linden Home 1024

    To add on to that and answer your second question. Any furniture, decorations, pets and whatever else you have placed in your home can simply be picked up. The items will appear back in your inventory and can then be placed in a new home. Right click and select 'take' to pick up an item.
  14. Thank you kindly everyone, I did not even notice you could hover over someone's icon to get more options! Glad it's there, I shall now go back to happily prowling^^
  15. Hello there, I love prowling the forums a few times a month, though have done so a lot more lately, who knows, maybe I'll return to actually posting regularly. Anyways, I've become rather annoyed with a frequent forum poster, is there any way I can ignore/block this user so none of their posts or threads show up? I've never had the need for such a feature in a forum before, but honestly, it's getting ridiculous and scrolling past their many posts in a row (postcount++ ftw?) is even more annoying. If there is no such feature (if there is, please point me to it I have yet to find it!) can this please be implemented? Would sit well as a button next to the 'Follow' button.
  16. I found Snuffles to not be a good breedable. It used to be that any male snuffle could breed with any female, but that has been changed and I found it hard/expensive to get pairs. Mostly because the trade was dead with too little users. There is IMHO better breedables out there like Fawns, Amaretto Horses, Kitty Cats, Meroos etc. You can go to the marketplace, they have a breedable subsection: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=462 Fawns are so big they have their own comprehensive webpage where you can preview each Fawn and all their stats and search for your preferred ones easily. Have fun with whatever you choose!
  17. I'm not a 100% sure on this, but you may want to look into Fawns, which are created by the same person as Fennux once were. Edit: Amaretto horses are also worth look into. They've been created many years ago, but during my little dabble into them earlier this year I found a thriving community, lots of sale sims and a wonderful community happy to help newcommers.
  18. 1) It will still lag the hell out of your renters if you have an event with a lot of peope attending wearing high script stuff. 2) Also, at worst, during an event you could reach the max number of avatars allowed on the sim with club goers and thus, no tenant will be able to even get to their skybox until people leave. 3) Any sensible person would not freely choose to live on a sim alongside a club. It's too unpredictable concerning lag and being able to get onto the sim.
  19. Hi there, sometimes the age verification gets stuck which only Linden Lab can fix, so I'd recommend opening a support ticket about the matter.
  20. It means it moved from one sim to another, the new Sim being Vulcan.
  21. Out of curiosity, what upside is there to selling items transfer only? Second Life is notorious about eating no copy objects and outside of gacha's, people prefer copy ones. Hence my question. From a consumer POV I am staying away from transfer only objects and rather pay a little more for copy versions. I'm wondering just how many sales you miss out on due to your choice in permissions.
  22. If you're still looking feel free to shoot me an IM inworld and we can discuss
  23. EBM5555 wrote: Now that you brought them up I am curious also. I wonder what ever happened to them? Maybe someone will be nice and tell us As far as I am aware, the Sion Chickens were extremely script heavy and caused lag on many lands. There's even today quite a few breedable friendly sims that explicitely state 'no sion chickens' in their covenant. It's the reason most landlords don't want breedables on their land as they fear all of them cause as much lag as the chickens did. It's also the fact why that ship sunk once word got out that they cause lag.
  24. Seconding .anim format, animations run much smoother. At the beginning I was using the .bhv format, as stated in many tutorials but upon closer inspection of my uploaded animations they seemed to be a bit laggy. Minorly so but enough to drive me batty. A fellow creator on the BB group chat pointed me toward using .anim and now my uploaded animations are 100% smooth and play exactly as they do in blender. One note though, if you do use blender for your animations; if you upload in .anim format you will need to tick the box inside blender to loop an animation, unlike with the .bhv format where you tick the loop box during upload within the SL client. Happy creating
  25. Thanks for uh, non answering my questions I suppose? I'm well aware of the different forum sections and where goes what, I was hoping of the scripters to point me into the right directions query wise (since I did state I don't know which search term to use on the MP or for a google search) or to point me to their already existing products. Thanks for the reply, but I an still firmly planted on square one for this matter.
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