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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. I stay qualified by calling my answering machine on my Google Voice number, and leaving a message that you have just won a free Hawaiian vacation and $5000 spending money. I list the callback number as my smartphone. Warning, there are catches to that deal - I think it's a scam.
  2. Do qualify for SNAP benefits? Plug in your numbers and see: https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/SNAP_Estimate/frmEstimate.cfm If you do, even if only $10/mo benefit, you can get an entirely free smartphone (4G) from the Assurance program mentioned above, and there are NO monthly fees. You must make at least one call/month to maintain your eligibility. IF you have no one to talk to, you can call yourself on your home phone for 30 secs. Free long distance, 5 GB/mo data etc, per whatever plan is effective in your plan area. There is also no reason to pay for your home phone. Get the OBIHAI Google Voice magic box for about $35 from Amazon, and get your free phone number from Google Voice, and you have a complete VOIP system for free. You can plug any old phone into the OBI box. I have an ancient ATT wired phone and an ATT answering machine, and a wireless phone plugged in for the kitchen. Google Voice also gives you all the features of any basic cellphone, including voice to text conversion on messages left on voicemail. I ripped out my copper landline 7 years ago, when Verizon was charging me $45/mo for basic local only service.
  3. There might be more than that. 85% of people who were INTERVIEWED BY TELEPHONE claim they now own a smartphone. But they didn't ask if they also had a broadband internet connection. Hi-speed internet would narrow it down a bit for SL users. Of course poor people that don't have any telephone are ignored. Also not an SL user. I would think there are more SL users that have broadband internet at decent computers, but still do not have a smartphone with a camera etc. Just because the average age of SLers is higher than the average country population.
  4. So the only way to use their MFA is thru a smartphone or mobile device? No email option, no voice mail or text mail option to a home phone? That means if my smartphone breaks, or I drop it, and I need to do a process transfer, or any operation using the secondlife.com account page I would be out of luck until I get a new phone? Can SL transactions even be checked if you have MFA and your mobile device is lost or broken? No thanks, until they don't rely on only batteries to get my money. At least it is opt-in.
  5. The Selfie to confirm "liveness" is sure to bother some alts, who have died years ago... I look younger than my Driver's license photo too. At least 10 years younger. I can pass for not a day over 70... My partner would end her SL account, and her 15 year SL spending spree, paying LL fees on the thousands of 2K $L purchases from dollars. Her eyesight is so bad she cannot see a thing on her smartphone, which she only answers on voice now when the batteries are not dead. When her bank went to 2FA just to log into her checking account, she stopped using online banking. Now it's only the wired telephone to call the bank locally for her balance, etc. Once that is gone, she will be isolated as she slowly dies. And of course that is the plan.
  6. He is listed in the https://www.lindenlab.com/about since middle of August, and said his start date was August 1st. Vacation time is over. Waiting for the softball youtube interview, and an official announcement for us lowly Residents.
  7. Yes! No! Rolig Loon explained it in more detail above.
  8. I'm not sure what info you think Tilia should provide, that they don't already. No mystery in Selling with a Limit order. Tilia will take their cut, which is around 8% for a $100 cashout. If the orders waiting are less than L$50,000,000 at the near market price and you can wait 24 hrs or less, put your order in at that price. The differences are small for just $100 USD, you might save 50 cents. Orders at this minute: $240 Sell should go thru in less than an hour, as Charlotte said 20 hrs ago. If you want an instant execution, use L$241. The Lindex is just a computer program using FIFO (First In First Out), and always executing at the best current price via FIFO. It runs 24/7.
  9. That ping is UDP latency in Statistics and might affect how fast your avatar responds to a keyboard command. I don't think it has any direct effect on your FPS, nor would a little latency affect your texture loading. So it takes 2/3 of a second for a keyboard movement command to show on your screen. Not a FPS issue, and would only bother shoot em up gamers competing with each other. Bandwidth in statistics is UDP bandwidth. 1500 is fine. It does not affect your actual bandwidth for TCP speeds. I would set your Texture memory to 2048 MB in Minimum Viewer Texture Memory Buffer. Leave the other sliders at 10%. This is in Preference/Graphics/Hardware Settings and Enable Dynamic Texture Memory checked. Your FPS changing with DD and direction is normal - depends on what objects you are looking at. Some mesh uses more GPU and CPU, which can slow down your FPS. With my old NVidia card doesn't like some particles or fog. A misty waterfall with fog can bring it to it's knees. I just turn down particles to 1024 or off in that case. What is your FPS on a clear region, or an empty sky platform high in the sky? Also both Shadows especially shadows, and Advanced Lighting Model can really affect your FPS. I usually turn both off when I am wandering about the grid. If I had both on at home with my heavily landscaped region, my FPS would take about a 50% hit or more. I think you are expecting too much from your video card. 25 fps is fine for most movement. Gamers with $4000 video cards and the latest water cooled hardware can run at 160 fps if they like. That's about 4 times what my eyes can detect. In Pref/Graphics/Rendering, I also limit my Framerate to 40 FPS. Anything faster is a waste of energy to me. I can get 120 FPS on my sky platform, which only means my GPU fan is louder, and my power bill is higher. BTW, I've seen no difference in fps or video performance when I upgraded from the non-EEP 6.3.9 Firestorm to the latest 6.4.21. Maybe it is faster with ALM enabled if anything. I want my water to look like the old water, so I used the Default setting for water EEP.
  10. Describe your lag. Lag is a rather non-specific term, like Doctor I have pain. The statistics window is often useful in figuring out lag, if we knew what you considered to be lag.
  11. Intermittent connections are just hard to catch. You would need to monitor continuously from your computer's IP to the end point IP. If you have poor connections in the long path from you to the end point, those problems are normally fixed by the backbone server companies - they would not continue for months. Ping Plotter can monitor your connection, but I think AWS limits your time to ping them, then it fails. Everytime I disconnect and reconnect I connect to a different AWS IP # at us2 west, and the ping then works for awhile, and then stops. If your wireless is failing, you would see a problem before the first hop to your closest net server. Not sure how to diagnose that, but their might be tools to actually check your wireless. Normally it is just a small dropout and missed packets, which you can only see with your packet loss stats as they build up. Going to full wired connections is easier. There are raw stream data monitors you can use. They will cause blindness if you search through them for too long. Intercepting the raw stream to/from your network is what hackers can do, well used to do, if they could tap into your phone line. Not so easy any more. I suppose you could be having your wireless signal hacked by a neighbor. If you still have problems connecting with wireless turned off, then its outside your computer. Sometimes it can be a very local connection, like a rusty or damaged connection near you. Always a problem if your broadband wires are exposed on poles. If you are using an AT&T service provider, just blame them. They seem to have the most problems keeping a solid broadband stream, especially in older areas of the US midwest.
  12. This is the service you want to watch: (none of the other amazon services apply to SL or you - they are services for other countries and regions.) All SL accounts connect to that service In north central Oregon. I have 50/50 up/down speed, and I connect to them as shown. You can download tcpview from Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/tcpview Install, and look for the Remote Address Firestorm is connected to. It looks like this resolved to a name. The IP# will of course be different. You can ping the aws server if you like, although aws keeps changing the IP # so you won't learn much. If you have an intermitent connection you will never see it. That is almost always a local problem on your end.
  13. Well I was young and stupid back then. I also had only tried it with the SL viewer. I'll keep my agreement reaction for you and raise you a confused.
  14. The thread IS about newcomers giving up, because they can't figure out how to close a non-window. It is their first experience in SL and they say well f***k this and find another online game. The OP was not whining, but trying to help a newbie. If you had actually read this entire thread you would know that, and you would know some were concerned that confusing a brand new resident their first hour in SL is not the best plan for keeping them. As usual you come here for a cheap and unwarranted shot...
  15. Others, like anyone who makes Alts are not new people, and still make new accounts. Since most of us use Firestorm, we would have no way of figuring out how to get rid of that damn Guidebook. Not everyone searches this forum or lives here, or reads the latest updates for the SL viewer, etc. When I first posted in this thread 2 months ago, I was making a new alt and decided to see what the new user experience was, so I logged in with their latest SL viewer. I ended up in Welcome Island, and getting rid of that Guidebook was my first priority. It took me 15 mins to figure out there was a new toolbar button called Guidebook, and pressing it toggled the guidebook window off. At least a newbie could do it with enough reading and poking, assuming the newbie was old, a GUI programmer, patient as a priest, and had a strong bladder. Noobs are sometimes actually young and inpatient, something SL doesn't understand. But when I switched to Firestorm, before I got out of the Welcome Island the guidebook was gone - not yet added to FS. So I forgot about it Yesterday I accidently hit a landmark I had made for Welcome Back Island, and besides being blinded by the overbright landscape, saw that Guidebook again. I remembered from what I posted here 2 months ago that you had to scroll thru all the guide sections to get to the end, or click on the 3-line control icon to get the Menu. On the botton of the menu it says Click the Guidebook button on the bottom toolbar. But their is no Guidebook button on the bottom toolbar in FS. It is not a default button. I remembered something about clicking on help, the ? or F1 key. "?" brings up a menu on loading drivers for Windows from Firestorm Help. F1 key opens up the Chrome Browser Help page. Can't close the Guidebook using F1 key, and Guidebook button is missing in Firestorm toolbar. Of course having used Firestorm for the last 10 years, I checked the Toolbar Buttons window and dragged the NEW Guidebook button to the lower toolbar, and finally closed the damn guidebook popup. Somehow I don't think a new user, and most oldtime users would remember all this - since the Guidebook is only a few months old. Just giving a real example to add to what BuddyDClown posted earlier for old Firestorm users. If it could happen to me, it could happen to anyone! SL assumes everyone uses their viewer. Then they wonder about attrition. PS, The F1 keyboard key does kill the box if you first highlight it with your mouse and then press F1. Of course, that was so obvious, how could I be so dense. Did I mention there is no mention of the F1 key in their guidebook menu.
  16. They would fit right into the Second Life music scene. I was looking for the neck seams - guess they have better avatar technology than SL.
  17. In that case you will have to wait for the new revisions to the TOS, which are not finished yet. Business gets conducted without formal rules all the time. Contact a Linden with your proposal. That is how the conveyor system got approved, before any TOS legalese written by the lawyers.
  18. But if the Gacha is for a woman and is a dress, that is two. Color not important. Woman + Dress = 2. Anyway a clever pass for Kittycats. There is no way to tell the gender of a kittycat - you have to rely on what it claims on it's packing box.
  19. I don't want to start another topic - but Kittycats, a breedable, just announced how they are exempt from the Gacha ban: As long as you know two features for what you are buying, it passes as a known item you are buying. Here is their example: LL clarified when they state ‘root level’ this means user must know minimum of 2 characteristics they are getting With purchase.Examples:– it’s boy cat. (Boy + cat=2)– cat with genesis ears and apple eyes. (Ears + eye color + cat =3)– a cat with a curious tail and natural shade. (Tail + shade + cat =3) So if a Gacha was selling silver statues, and it is a statue (1) and silver (2), that would pass, as a known item. The actual shape, design, size, or other features would not be important. Of course this breedable rule is only for breedables. A boy cat is enough, other features, such as fur, color, size, costume etc, are not needed to pass. This is the cat as purchased, and has nothing to do with the hidden traits or kittens, which are already exempt because you are not buying those directly.
  20. In this land group, which you are not the owner, Is Return objects set to group and Return non-group objects also checked for you? It is under Parcel Content in Members & Roles in Group Profile. If you have Object Entry not checked for Everyone, it should also return in the time you have set for auto-return. Infringement where the root prim is not on your land might need the region owner's assistance.
  21. It probably could be worded better. It should say if you receive a chance-based (random) item when you buy it, that is not allowed. Your interpretation is wrong. The TOS is not updated - it's only Sept 1st. I think their attorneys are still figuring out how to handle special/limited edition breedables.
  22. My last Gacha, mainly to support Amanda, who sells all her non gacha items at very reasonable prices. $50/pull btw on her only and last Gacha. I didn't want the Rares, but got a nice selection of the Commons for my Furnishings folder. The Drinks Cabinet is in my Fantasy Home. I added the Budgie cage w/ sounds for 5 $L. ============================================================================================ =============================================================================================
  23. So how does a HUD attachment that increases the speed of an avatar work? You can send a different walk or run speed to the server for an avatar?
  24. Still logged in and hiding. Seems a few services in this region are not working either. But the birds are still chirping... Three left here in a 12 region estate now. Eeerie - should be about 50 here this time of day.
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