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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. Submit a JIRA asking them to change the LOGIN button to SKIP INTRO. All fixed. Adding one bookmark to the top of Chrome is not a contortion. Most users never see the movie, because they found one of many simple ways to stop it. You are just being stubborn again, for reasons only you understand. This thread you started is frivolous. https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/frivolous
  2. How many bookmarks do you have now that are in view in Chrome? With the slightest knowledge of abbreviations, I can easily get 30 THIRTY bookmarks across the top of my Chrome. So you have 30 bookmarked pages that are more important to you than logging into your SL accounts? How do you ever find time for SL with all these other web pages that have priority? Your excuse is not only lame, it is ridiculous. Just like you love ads, so won't use an ad blocker, that also stops the Intro video.
  3. Can you do that before it's in the SL viewer? Didn't they say it was either not needed or too hard?
  4. Then your friend did not follow the steps posted here earlier: 1. At the top of Firestorm, click on Avatar - ToolBar Buttons. Find Guidebook button in toolbar window and drag it between the buttons on the bottom of Firestorm. 2. Press the new Guidebook button once or twice and the floater goes away. It toggles on and off with guidebook button. OR 1. Left Click on the Guidebook floater, and Press F1 on your keyboard. Do not move or click your mouse pointer before you press F1, or you will get the Firestorm Wiki Help instead, which knows nothing about the SL floater. Those are the only ways to get rid of the Guidebook floater using the latest Firestorm. This is the 3rd or 5th time these steps have been listed in this thread. The rest of the comments are just noise.
  5. Well it is different I have noticed. You need to be careful using the filter options also, or you can miss some places. I haven't found anything missing yet, but using the wild card * and paying attention to what categories you are searching helps. It has no AI to it, remove an s, or misspell something slightly and it won't find it, like Google Search does. If a place or shop is missing, the Lindens might be interested. They would never release a Beta version, not thoroughly tested now would they? 😏
  6. Only the Websearch tab in Firestorm now displays the new GUI for websearch. It does work, the same as using your Browser. If you don't enter a keyword, and want all results, just enter an asterick * and it will find everything like before. The old Websearch would search by using Enter in the blank search box, Now you must enter * plus Enter or click on the Search Icon. All the other Firestorm Search tabs are unchanged, and work as V1.2 as always. One good change when searching for Events, that is not in the old style Events tab in Firestorm: For a club that lists all the sets for that day in one event notice, and lists the event duration to cover all events, 12 hr for instance, the time the event was entered will be in Time order. So if you Enter the club's events at 1am, for events that run from 2pm to 10pm, the event will show near the top with 1am events, and stay as the top listing even if you ask for events after 8pm. They also have priority over single events in the listing. Managers need to list the day's sets early, and set duration to 24 hrs, if it is a 24/7 club. Your events will be at the top of the list, irregardless of the actual time of day, OR what time you specify to starting looking for an event. This is not easy to explain if you are not running a club, so TL/DR if I confused you. The rest of the interface is hard to use, too much scrolling, wasted space, and hidden information under two layers (like event duration.) I'll keep using Firestorm search for the six categories of search if I want an overall compact listing that doesn't hide everything and force me to scroll and page for minutes. One of my shops is on page 1 listing #3 (21 listings/page) in the new UI menu, only because I did not use the plural of what I am selling. It I add the 's' to the keyword, I am not there. The Title is obviously more important than keywords. But if I add the plural form to the title, I am lost about 2 pages down, around # 40, after scrolling 8 times. If I search and use * in place of the plural s, I get listed at #16. Fortunately I don't need SL search for my store items - independent off grid search engines are much more efficient.
  7. That's the song I put in the post above from Youtube. Isn't it visible? Refresh your page maybe?
  8. When I first joined SL as an "elder" about 12 years ago, everyone told me and I just assumed that there was a steep initial learning curve to SL. It took me about one month to feel confident enough to build straight fences, skyboxes that didn't collapse to the ground, and which color ball to sit on when poses were edited from a notecard you had to load each time. That was part of the fun. I remember building this rather large skybox full of furniture and a horse farm outside. I was curious what this Physical box did in objects while in Edit. So I made my platform physical, and oops it tilted and everything fell 2000 meters to the ground, mostly landing in the landlord's yard and lake. He did ask why my skybox was sitting sideways in his lake with Amaretto horses scattered everywhere, but didn't ban me. That's how you learn. I never expected Second Life to be as simple to operate as a toaster. Apparently some older people these days think we need one lever to push and SL pops up all perfectly toasted and ready to spread avocado mesh onto.
  9. So you ignored the Firestorm web page for a clean install, and just installed another copy of Firestorm over your broken one? Sometimes that works if it overwrites the corrupted or bad settings and files. Nothing to be proud of, but following rules isn't your thing, rules are for suckers. But you DO have a lot to Backup up - any and all the settings you now have to reset, AND most of the files that can get corrupted. You don't understand that like most large programs, Firestorm has dozens of data files that it needs to work. Backup makes a good copy of these files in a safe place BEFORE you break Firestorm. It does NOT actually back up your personal data. It backs up the data you need to fix Firestorm after you break it. Then when something goes wrong, all you to do is go to the Backup/Restore tab in Firestorm Preferences, and press the Restore button. Then you have to press ONE more button on the popup box, that says Restore & Quit, and Firestorm does just that. That is it. Would have taken you about 1 minute of your time to fix your problem. But since you never did the Firestorm Backup when things were working, you had to go through all this extra work. Now we are suggesting you Backup your settings once you have restored them manually. That's the advantage in reading the help menu and instructions. But you did it your way... Frank Sinatra song in the background... You won't get this either, since you have your sound turned off on your computer.
  10. I see something like this effect when I have two parallel prims with different textures too close to each other, and I back off the camera distance and observe the prims at a steeper angle. The prims are so close together that the viewer is having trouble deciding which prim is on top. This is a old effect, which I think is related to not enough precision in the z-values for making accurate calculations at a distance and at certain camera angles. The mixing pattern also changes depending on the angle and rotation of the camera around the two conflicting prims. Both prims are parallel to each other, but only to the degree of precision possible in the LL calculations. That is why I asked my questions earlier. It would be helpful if you stated what the problem is though, since some are still guessing with no other information. To avoid the mixing of the two prim textures, the solution is just separate the prims more. Move the elevation of the top prim in 0.005 meter increments until the viewer is no longer giving inaccurate results. The thickness of the top prim can be 0.01 or 0.02 m thick.
  11. So, did you follow the 9 Steps on the Firestorm web page I sent you, to do a Clean Install of Firestorm yet? Did it fix your problem? Are you happy you now have a Default Firestorm with all of your personal data deleted?
  12. TMMI What is your elevation? How thick are the ground prims? What is the exact elevation of each prim? What are the prim rotation values? What is your camera angle? If you gave out the LM, someone with Firestorm could also confirm or not, what you are seeing.
  13. The Sea Dragon has a bad case of diarrhea. It's turning pea soup green now.
  14. Because as part of installing a new version of Firestorm, which everyone is forced to do eventually, you uninstall the older version, but NOT all the hundreds of settings and GUI in Preferences, which you need for the new version. The OP is not trying to get rid of Firestorm, but fix a problem likely caused by a corrupted xml file. A simple upgrade to a new version can be done in 5 minutes. A clean install that wipes all the personalized settings that now must be replaced again can take hours. Firestorm also provides an option to remove more configuration files during the Uninstall. They could I guess provide an installer with two settings: Normal upgrade, and Wipe everything off the hard drive first. Instead they provide clear instructions on how to do both. Firestorm assumes users will read the instructions.
  15. What Sarah said But you need to then follow the Clean Install instructions from Firestorm. And uninstall any older versions first so it really is a clean install. You will lose all your Preference settings, account settings, and history and chat logs if you do this, unless you first save them to a different folder. Instructions for a Clean Install of FIrestorm - Follow all the steps in that order. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_clean_install If you have system files hidden in Win10, you can still find the folders to delete if you can still log into Firestorm. Otherwise you must unhide the system folders in Win10 and delete the correct folder using windows file manager. The clean install instructions tells you how to do all of this. Just Nine Steps, the last being to Restore your settings, or you will be stuck with all default settings to start. The folder to delete for a clean install is Firestorm_X64 btw.
  16. Once you get your preferences as you want them, Make a Backup path and use Backup. Since you have never used backup, you need to do this first. It's only if you do a clean install of Firestorm should you first change your chatlogs and history so you don't lose them Normally upgrading Firestorm to a newer version does not lose anything. Just follow Firestorms instructions for upgrading to a newer version. I think you meant SL and Linden Lab making some changes, not Firestorm. Firestorm the viewer only changes when they issue a new public version, which is not often.
  17. If you don't use Backup, you will lose some settings in Preferences that are local to your computer. Passwords and account names for instance are local and not stored on the SL servers, and most of your GUI settings for Firestorm should be backup up. To avoid losing your logs and transcript history, eg chat and IM history, put those in another folder your create. Removing Firestorm will not remove your history then. Same reason you need to use Firestorm Backup, so you don't lose your local Firestorm settings. When you uninstall Firestorm, you do not delete all of your personal Firestorm settings. There is no reason to do this, unless you want to re-enter all your personal data, and Preferences again. That should never be necessary. You should also uninstall your old Firestorm before installing the latest version. Then use Firestorm Restore to add back your local settings. This is what my Network&FIles looks like. Note I install my Cache AND my IM/Chat logs in different locations: My Backup Path is E:\Firestorm Backup also not on my C drive where Firestorm is installed.
  18. You should ask this question in the YOUR AVATAR forum, where you will get tons of advice, or told to Search the hundreds of threads about updating in that forum, well probably both...
  19. Thank You, you saved me the time to say the same things. I might add Elitism and Promotion to your list - no fashion blogger would promote a $1L mesh body, no matter how it compares to a $5000L body. They would be kicked out of the elite fashion bloggers club and ridiculed out of SL, only to return as a Fuzzy. This thread is not about the sheepish tendency for everyone to follow the herd, but why does SL not provide an acceptable Mesh/Bento/BOM avatar for women. (Men don't count, and want to look like shaved gorillas anyway.) The body I was thinking of made #19 on Lucia's list, despite all the fear of not looking like some prima donna queen: #19 out of 300. Not everyone was fooled into buying #1 as their first SL avatar body. I use that body, with other heads and skins for Alts - and no one can tell the difference, unless like the snobs do, they use Inspect to see who the designer was. Same as label shame in RL. I also have all the major popular mesh bodies to compare with. For a newbie that will take months to figure out all the features of a 12K avatar, it works and looks just fine. Here's an alt of mine - $1 mesh/bento/BOM body - with an old BOM skin and system head from 2013. If you had to buy the head it would cost about $299L.
  20. I think the main reason why SL does not provide a decent Bento/BOM/Mesh body and head is loss of income by SL. They know how many dollars the largest body, head and skin designers are taking out of SL, and know the fees these transactions earn them. And the outcry from the big name designers if there were free decent bodies in the SL Library would make the Gacha thread look like a Sunday picnic. Newbies can of course simply buy the Ruth and Roth full Bento/BOM mesh open source bodies and heads with skins included for something between free and $20L total cost on the Marketplace. The bodies are quite nice - hands and feet look nearly as good as the $5000L big name ones, and the female body fits most Maitreya clothing. And if there is a poke thru, that's what an alpha layer is for. Advanced features and head animations are missing from the free bodies, but at least you don't look like a lumpy freak of nature with the free Bento/BOM mesh bodies. The free mesh heads are not so nice though - I can't see SL making a really attractive library face anytime - because of loss of income.
  21. Every business I know that has more than one employee or staff member has a Group Staff group, which is not public. For clubs, it is usually also the land group. The Notices are used every day for an active business. The Group Notice acts like a private bulletin board for the staff. Staff are not supposed to block the business they work for - unless they want to be fired. Last thing I need is another bunch of Discord private groups because SL cancels the original purpose of their Groups.
  22. I will believe this only when there is an official Linden announcement. A group notice is also archived for two weeks in the Group Notice tab, and you can also send attachments, objects, notecards, and landmarks in a group notice, that is archived. If the Notice is eliminated, how will any of the above things be done? Thousands of businesses, from creators to clubs depend on the Notices and the 2 week archive in the Group. What would replace this? You can not send objects, eg gifts, in group chat. Group chat records nothing if it is blocked, or if you are not logged in, or if your viewer is not the active window. It is sad so many employees of businesses and the general public are ignorant of the Notices archive, and use that as an excuse for not keeping up with business information and schedules. I am speaking of Firestorm here. The SL viewer has fewer options for blocking, but who uses that for communications? So, just a silly rumor for now.
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