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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. Same here. Atomic Shrinks club is totally quiet, if you turn off the streaming music. The wave Sounds, and they are sounds not media, on the adjacent parcel do not carry over the parcel boundary. Noisyiest thing I heard was the Jacuzzi at the club, and you would need to be in it to hear any water sounds. Nothing from Media anywhere. Must be temporary media on a prim, that a neighbor has shut down.
  2. All Zooby Canines can be Attached to your avatar, which allows you to take your dog anywhere. You have to attach him at your home or a rezz zone first. They are like most breedables and pets - attach and wander all over the grid. "Attach - Allows you to hold a small dog in your arm or walk a large or small dog next to you on the ground. This is a useful feature to take your dog all over SL on land that does not allow you to rez objects." You have a Dog Menu. Attach is one of the many buttons. "Leash - Allows you to walk your dog on a leash and take it all over SL. You must use a leash for this feature to work" You should also have all the Notecards that explain in detail all about your dog, from Zooby. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zoobyland/80/176/21 That will take you to right in front of your Zooby German Sheperd, where you can click in INFO to get all the notecards. Once you buy the dog, which you already have, you can also read the manual.
  3. No one has mentioned that you can download the last 3 months of transactions with Premium. One of the reasons I have it, since my businesses have hundreds of transactions/month, and I am always forgetting to archive them in one month. This had to be the most cost free Premium perk ever, since LL keeps your transactions forever. I had Premium before they added the 1024 mainland option. Kept the 512 sqm Linden Home as a place to dress and hide my alts - they needed a secret Home. But I never used the actual LH home. Just put up a skybox the size of the parcel at 3900 meters in the sky. This only violated two of the old LH Covenants - largest prim can be 10m, and no skyboxes allowed. One rule was obsoleted in 2011, and the other was arbitrary, and fixed in Bellisseria LH's. I could build a skybox using 2 LI after they allowed 64 meter prims. I think the actual annual cost is about $36.60, not $25, if you go for the $99 annual fee, after the 300L/week stipend. $3 USD/mo is pretty cheap. Why do some Premium members think they are so elite, when they pay $3/month to LL? Premium membership provides the following benefits: Your own private Linden Home Linden dollar rewards Exclusive virtual goods Premium-only sandboxes Live chat support The right to own mainland parcels in popular areas Immediate access to adult-only areas Maximum number of group memberships increased from 42 to 70 Preferred access to highly populated regions, utilizing increased region capacity Access to premium-only events and experiences Voice morphing Cap on missed instant messages increased from 15 to 80 L$ transaction history increased from 32 days to 90 days Reduced fees for posting in SL Events Pinching Patch's tail
  4. A gorgeous young redhead goes into the doctor's office and said that her body hurt wherever she touched it. "Impossible!" says the doctor. "Show me." The redhead took her finger, pushed on her left breast and screamed, then she pushed her elbow and screamed in even more. She pushed her knee and screamed; likewise she pushed her ankle and screamed. Everywhere she touched made her scream. The doctor said, "You're not really a redhead, are you? "Well, no" she said, "I'm actually a blonde." "I thought so," the doctor said. "Your finger is broken."
  5. I prefer the Tail view, especially when using the Moles as protection from the rock monsters: OOPS,
  6. My Chrome icon bookmark is still the old green one, but the MP page is the new blue icon: One thing at a time
  7. They really cut you down - your settings are lower than Low now. That could be too much. You will miss everything new in SL since about 2005 with all Shaders off. I would try the Mid setting again, but set Draw distance to 76 and Max Particle count to 1024. Leave the rest of the sliders as set by Mid. I don't think your packet loss is excessive and your ping time is normal for anyone not near the AWS site in Oregon. You are not playing a high speed game where ping times might matter. You should also try other regions, including open water, to see what your FPS will max out at in less loaded regions. Your relog and router restart probably changed your internet routing path too, so that could be most of it today.
  8. That just means your cache was already filled with the textures around you. There's a bug where you can wait for ever for textures to rezz, or not - depending on what the servers feel like sending you. I have that on a overloaded breedable market region. First time I TP in, I can wait 20 minutes for the textures to rezz. Next time they show instantly. Then my cache rolls them off when I wander around and when I get back to my shop, where all the textures were rezzed, they are grey again. You might be seeing what is "normal" SL behaviour these days. (:
  9. So now it becomes more complicated. We don't yet know your system specs, or your graphics settings or draw distance. If your FPS remains low (<10 fps), you could fly to other regions around you with your draw distance at 96, and see how your FPS changes. But you have to wait for all the textures to rezz in and cache in each region. If one region is bad, others will not always be. In the houseboat region, I could get FPS from 40 to 5 by walking to a different region. It all depends on what the other residents have rezzed and running.
  10. Thanks, You don't have any script lag at all, 100% Scripts run, but you are still loading Textures I see from your first snapshot. Try to cut your Draw distance down, to reduce the number of textures you have to cache. You FPS is really bad as you know. Once all the textures are loaded, it should go back up. You only have 1 agent and 2 child agents, so its not avatar lag either. You also have no Physics Time lag, 0.16 ms is almost zero. So textures I would say. Not knowing about your graphics card etc.
  11. OK, but collapse the Advanced branch now, and Expand the Simulator and Time branches. So it looks like mine. If it is too many scripts, you want to see what the Simulator for your region is doing, and how the Simulator is using it's Time frame cycle.
  12. That is the keyboard shortcut, from my post. It is also in Advanced/Performance Tools/Statistics Bar. Also from clicking the Traffic Bar in upper right corner of FS, if you have that showing. I also added more text just now after the pic.
  13. Can you show us your Statistics panel, like mine below? Any scripts on your region will contribute to script lag if there are too many running. Stats window is Ctrll+Shift+1 Also where is your draw distance? Mine was set at 138 m for the stats below, and FPS was 16. If I set my dd to 76 m, my FPS increases to 41 FPS. (I have my FPS capped at 40 FPS in Preferences.) You are not alone if there are other homes and landscaping on your region. Note there are 4574 Active Scripts on my Linden Home region (stilt water). My home is unfurnished with 2 chairs, 2 small boats, and some birds. I count about 200 scripts for my parcel. The rest are coming from everything else on the region, of which I have no control.
  14. But the Lindens don't work on the weekend anymore. Just saying... OTOH, I have made a couple posts here after too much vino, and wake up the next day rushing to delete it. I called a few generally (not by name) in this forum "old foggies" once. That got the axe from a moderator as a personal attack. Us old farts just can't behave.
  15. Yeah wonder what's up for next weekend. Female impostors can only be Premium members?
  16. That is a direct Drakeo quote from his recent (closed) thread. So, is he a Linden, an ex-Linden, the new Oz, or the Great Pretender? I will leave it up to the forum to decide.
  17. Well I warned you all that someone in our midst was a troll and should be ignored. But the moderator hid my post. Perhaps Drakeo IS a real Linden, posting under an alt. Of course I am only joking, OR AM I ? 😎
  18. So you want a "troll filter" that still allows basic account users the right to post in this forum? A 3 day old basic user posts for help here - that is fine with you? You don't want to take away the basic accounts right to post, even though you have been saying the opposite from your first post. But a 3 day old troll must somehow be filtered out. Is this before or after they post? Explain your magical troll filter. I doubt that you can, but will wave your hands and claim this is only about this forum. Why are you searching ancient posts in this forum looking for what you think are trolls? Are these trolls all less than 30 days old? Is a troll someone who simply disagrees with you? Will you answer any of these questions? If not, I'll just keep asking.
  19. The saddest thing to me is that a real Linden thinks the premise of this thread by the OP is worth a discussion.
  20. I have a Premium alt that never posts here. She's afraid to post in this forum because she doesn't want to be stalked by forum drunks.
  21. Oceana Ballroom seems to have changed to: SECRET LIFE LOUNGE - Where Class Meets Erotica http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Seven Angels/33/252/22 Might not be what you were looking for. They have a Lingerie night on Mondays, and a monthly formal, which was cancelled for July 4th. That's all in the Notices now.
  22. It could also be not allowed because she has Object entry turned on only for Groups, and the plant was not in the land group. But that assumes she has assigned a group to her Linden Home. Then if she was not wearing the group tag for the land, she would get that message unless the option to always rezz in the land group is checked in Firestorm. As about everyone has already said, rezz it on a simple prim, such as a rug on the floor. And of course log off and back and check your Lost & Found folder. Ann, you did not say you have done either of these things yet. I rezz no copy items all the time, and either land on a no object or no build property or forget to wear the correct tag. If the item vanished, it is always in my Lost & Found after a relog. Of course that is only about 100 oopsies over a 10 year period. I have heard of others losing no copy items so I believe it is possible. Who sells a no copy plant anymore?
  23. Urban Dictionary has a few meanings for Shraw, but It could just be a misspelling or pronunciation of some SL term. What term, I have no idea? 1. admirably fine or excellent; extremely good: a shraw performance. 2. sumptuous; rich; grand: that was shraw. 3. of a proudly imposing appearance or kind; majestic: that mountain vista is shraw. OR, Very, Very Gay or absolute rubbish. That song is Shraw, Look at that Shraw geezer. I clearly have too much time on hand tonight
  24. Well, once you become unburied, you can do what I suggested at the start of this thread: Install the SL Viewer, but do NOT run it. Then restart Firestorm and Firefox and slurl links from your browser will show up in Firestorm. If you were able to install Firestorm, you can install the latest SL viewer. Same amount of effort.
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