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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. I just reported the facts as they are. Folks who simply report the world as it is today, are not stupid. If you read this entire thread you will find the Linden employees who wrote the floater script think this is a non-issue. They don't work for Firestorm, and look at GUI functionality for newbies only through their own SL viewer. If you don't like that, bombard their SL Jira's with suggestions. They will stick it in the pile, right at the bottom.
  2. Those are obsolete fees. They are now a 3.5% conversion fee to dollars, and a 5% Paypal fee for the balance transfer. So 8.5% in fees to cash out. Tillia also makes money on the buy sell spread as the broker, another 1%.
  3. Nothing has changed since this thread started. If you use Firestorm you need to drag the Guidebook from Toolbar Buttons menu to the bottom buttons on the screen, as mentioned a few times here. Firestorm would need to make the Guidebook a default button on the bottom, like the SL viewer. There's really no reason to do that, since most real newbies start with the SL viewer. The other method to close the guidebook is use the Help menu > Guidebook. FS does not list the Guidebook there. I suppose they could add it as a "fix". Pressing F1 while the guidebook is the active floater is not obvious to most, plus there is no border change in the Guidebook floater that tells you it is the active window, unlike all MS windows and FS windows - because it's a floater and not a window and it's not a HUD. The guidebook also does not mention using the F1 key. So if you use Firestorm to enter the Welcome Island you better search for this topic to keep up with floater technology. SL isn't going to provide instructions for using the Firestorm viewer, and FS isn't going to add a Guidebook default button to accommodate the experienced FS user that makes a new Alt. So we have a draw.
  4. A leaderboard located at the HUD dispensing regions might be a good idea. Just show the top 10, or top 35 at the moment. But that would be a competition for sure, and sports competitions these days are only for the general public to watch, not participate. They could even have commercials (for SL of course) in between board updates. Getting on the scoreboards though would encourage more unruly behaviour, like jumping the tracks on motorbike race tracks that show the board leaders times.
  5. I wrote here about their broadcasting costs DOUBLING, for the next 5 years, thanks to the lobbyists for the Recording Industry paying off the politicians in Congress, which are responsible for these fees. Those are only fees that go to the recording studios that have major artists. If you are an independent producing your own recordings, you get nothing from these fees. SOMA probably pays out around $50,000 USD/yr and the more listeners they have, the higher the fees are, just to the recording studios. They also must pay BMI and ASCAP fees that go to the actual recording artists, not the studio. I don't know how SOMA can make any profit with all the government fees they must pay every month and year. Their recommend donation is $50 USD/yr. They would need 1000 generous donors to break even. Most donations are less that $50 - they will accept $2/yr if that's all you can afford. Broadcasting multiple music genre channels 24/7 on the internet is not free by any means. The DJ's that make these playlists pretty much work for free, it's called love of the music.
  6. If you watch Mark's entire 90 minute commercial for Horizons, they have some scenes that could have been taken in Second Life. Realistic avatars with legs! even. Surfing, flying, customizing your home etc are all ancient things in SL. They seem to be starting with the Pixar type faces and legless bodies for business, but consider where they will be in 5-10 years. All SL needs is a new engine to streamline the movement and eliminate lag. Yes and about 100 of the best developers in the business allowing them to make a RL income, which FB already is doing. It didn't work out in Sansar, but LL didn't have the Billions to invest in it either. I hope SL can keep going - if Biden would only send me $5K for a decent high end gaming computer and VR headset I can wear for hours without feeling it, SL could compete with the new META. In the meantime I'll just remain holed up in my 12 yr old prim castle and watch movies on YouTube.
  7. Yes that's just what happened. No vigilantes, trying to enforce the Belli TOS, but just the mention and warning that when you TP to that parcel, watch out because they have an illegal orb, OR they TP you inside their locked door home, so you can not avoid getting ejected within 15 secs, even with a legal hud. It can take 30 secs for the textures to rez so you can even find the door, or cam outside. Most of the orb's reported are violating the Belli TOS however, and should be reported. Any time a new location is reported in the Citizens Group there is a "swarm" of candy hunters that go there within minutes, even if the parcel has an orb that will eject you. Max's understanding of that Citizens Group message (which has been repeated frequently for days) is simply wrong. They don't want locations with pumpkins that have a security that might eject/ban you reported OR discussed in that group. It's bad publicity for Bellisseria and SL, and this is an SL marketing event. It is not LL's official statement at all, but it might as well be. In the past the Moles said always AR the illegal orb's, and they would take care of it. But they can't possibly enforce the Covenant with this many AR's from an event they created. So, it's move on, and only AR if you really want too. (But don't expect any quick response, the event will long be over before we can track down illegal orbs.) LL management made a mistake by allowing private brand orbs in Belli. But after 2+ years of this policy, it's too late, "too hard", to change it and actually search for all the illegal orbs. There are probably over 1000 private orbs that violate the Belli covenant by now. The great Halloween event just made this more obvious. Flyers and boaters have been complaining and ARing for years, but they are a small minority of residents. Not enough squeak to get the grease.
  8. And what group chat did you see this happening, and what group of people are you talking about? The groups I monitor are moderated and would not allow what you are alleging to continue happening. Was this some vigilante group from the mainland?
  9. OMG, I quit. I'll never catch up to you now. So the rumors are true, 10,600 Belli residents are hiding their pumpkins in skyboxes so only the elite can win all the bears.
  10. To fix a stuck pumpkin bucket, all you really need to do is Take it to inventory and re-rezz the same pumpkin. You do not need a new copy, and all versions that work are the same, V5.0 . Scripts are always activated for the parcel owner, who also must own the pumpkin. No need to turn on scripts for Everyone. Also the bucket cannot be reset, that option is greyed out for the owner. You can of course rezz a new pumpkin, but there's no reason to . All data is kept in SL servers. The issue seems to be a communications glitch that is more probable as the number of hits reaches around 92 - the most typical number for the bucket to deactivate. But some break earlier and some much later. I had one that finally stopped working at 156, for the first time. A simple Take and Rezz again fixes it until it reaches the next break threshold, presently unknown. So far all LL has said is that this is caused by "too many touches", which is not exactly a technical reason or cause. Because it occurs somewhat randomly and at different "touches" this sounds more like a memory leak issue with the region simulator or the pumpkin programs, and a respawn clears the memory until it overflows again. Just speculation - but resets and reboots are the usual cure-all for leaky software.
  11. I used BTW long before you were born, but I get the point, you are trying to be insulting. Hashtags as used in social media have been around since 2007, not the 1970's. #hashtag in programming was known to programmers, not the general public in the 1970's. People born in the 50's and 60's up to 1965 are called Boomers, not older Millennium people Millennials, were born between 1981 and 1994.
  12. No it was the Boomers! They ruined everything. Did I miss anyone? So now you got me curious about Twitter: Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006 and launched in July of that year. Two of the founders were born in the mid 1970's, which would put them around 30 yrs old when they started Twitter. So you can't blame the Boomers either. The first published use of the term "hash tag" was in a blog post by Stowe Boyd, "Hash Tags = Twitter Groupings from on August 26, 2007 from your Wiki reference Baby Boomers: Baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. They're currently between 57-75 years old (71.6 million in the U.S.) Gen X: Gen X was born between 1965 and 1979/80 and is currently between 41-56 years old (65.2 million people in the U.S. So Gen X started twitter, and the most users are still Millennials and GenZ, which is what I meant.
  13. Yes, that would help a lot, since at least 1/2 are putting their buckets near their porch or front door which is always more than 5 meters from the parcel line. I think the scripter didn't want us to miss the candy particles shooting off when you touched the pumpkin, and didn't think anyone would set their orb to eject trickntreaters. Or he/she didn't think Governance had enough to do, and would really appreciate hundreds of AR's for being ejected.
  14. You can get the megalist here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Alban Heights/196/195/33 if you get tired of roaming through empty regions. Some of the regions in the Fantasy area have not even been released yet, so don't waste your time looking in those. I have 191 so far and have no reason to participate, as I'm just a lowly Alt that has no place to even display my Bear. I also have not worked my way thru even 1/4 of the megalist yet, which is around 500 locations now. I'll let my main avatar know where the hidden ones are though - at least he has a shelf for a bear...
  15. From just ONE resident? Not a big deal when 1000 could end up participating. But you seem obsessed over this, and mention it as a reason it's a "crappy contest". Insignificant sample size of 1. Right! We need more complainers in the world. I don't do Twitter, so save those things for the Millennium and Z generation.
  16. Congratulations, you are crazier then I am then. And you must know that SL complainers are nothing new. The place did seem friendlier though when I first started then now.
  17. Are you new to SL? SL attracts people that are angry and love to complain about Everything, All The Time. They can't get by with this in RL, so they come here (and other online places too.) It is the Internet culture. Actually only a very few are complaining as you say, but because that is why they are in SL, they tend to be way too vocal. Many have emotional problems that they attempt to compensate here. Just ignore them, it is part of the scene here, a small but vocal group. The moderators in the groups try to be positive and distract the complainers. Sometimes the only way is to ban them. Then they complain even louder in another group. Just shrug it off, and look for the positive fun loving folks in SL. They are the majority!!
  18. A list where Belli residents volunteer their bucket location publically to anyone, is hardly gaming the system. Nobody is forcing you to use a list where people want you to see their bucket. Wander aimlessly about a huge continent hoping to find 2 buckets/region - That would only take about a month, and most displays would never be seen. Your allegation about the 50+ names of posters here needs confirmation. Send me the location via IM . And if only one person has done this (not yet proven) how is that going to affect the results? From what I've seen, the posters in this forum are not participating, and not interested in getting in the top 10. This is just a fun event, and yet it brings out all the SL Forum haters.. sad.
  19. The cost of a Premium membership after the stipend is about 72 Cents/week. I suggest they cut their RL candy budget by 72 c/week, which would improve their health. It is a contest for those who are making it so. Competition is good. Everyone is not a winner. And in this case, you lose nothing if you do not participate. Why are you so bitter?
  20. It's mostly mainlanders and non Belli peeps posting here. You can't expect them to know anything about Bellisseria events. The top collectors have over 500 candy buckets, as of yesterday, and some buckets have 250 hits. Anyone that wants the collectors to find your bucket need only volunteer your location. No one goes trick n treating blind in RL. Here kids, we are releasing you in Death Valley, CA - you have 7 days to find all the homes with candy in California - no hints now, just wander aimlessly about until you find candy. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Esplin/137/20/38 There you will find the Megalist of those who WANT their buckets to be found. Interesting that his bucket only has 250 hits, and yet the leaders are over 500 on their collectioin HUD now. Some participants want their bucket to be secret, and only discovered by the aimlessly wandering children. And the leaders have found more buckets than on the megalist. If you have a bucket rezzed and want your location known, either send the owner of the list your location via IM, or post it in the Bellisseria Citizens Group Chat.
  21. Since the Lindens have no idea how many buckets will finally be rezzed, or how many will find most of them, they cannot set a number in advance to determine the bear winners. They want to limit the number of the rarest bears given to the winners. The only way to do that is determine the winners after the contest/event is completed. Sort of like elections - the winner isn't official until the election is over and all the votes are counted. Not counting the sore losers that claim they won and will claim this BIG LIE until the next election. The top collectors are nearing 600 buckets collected, and more Belli residents are putting out their buckets everyday. With 8 days left, I expect at least 1000 buckets, and the winners will find most of them. Your numbers are too low. This was no secret if you checked the Bellisseria Citizens Group, which was first announced on October 11, and is still in the Group Notice archives. There are 9 Notices still in the Group archive relating to the Great Trick or Treat Event, Bellisseria!
  22. I have a flying witch at my Belli halloween display, and her pointy hat tip is 0.693 meters above the Belli TOS height limit. So AR me!! She is also attracting bats, and they are flying above her hat!. So double AR me! hehehe (btw for those demented enough to AR, remember a flying witch is not a structure, but a flying machine, broomstick in this case. There is no height limit for flying objects. And her favorite color is black, with no glow.)
  23. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/478170-it’s-the-great-trick-or-treat-event-bellisseria/ It's supposed to be a fun event, with some competition for the few who have the time and would like some collectible Linden bears. Everyone gets a free bear by just adding the HUD and clicking on at least one pumpkin. Some use this as a way to show off their Halloween displays at their home. There are more LH homeowners adding pumpkins everyday, as they find out about the event. Listening into the Bellisseria Citizens group is the best way to keep up in real-time. If you don't have the time, don't participate, nobody is keeping score (except the Lindens who have more fancy bears for the top 100, top 35 and top 10 collectors.) Some pumpkin scripts freeze after 92 offerings, and others, like mine have not. Resetting the scripts or re-rezzing fixes this. The pumpkin candy script only had 5 revisions before the event started, so it's like any SL script. I would rather have beers than bears, but drinking might be illegal in your country, and then we'd have drunken searchers stumbling all over Bellisseria. The Mega list helps get peeps up to speed, so you don't have to spend 5 hours searching for 5 pumpkins. I believe additions to the mega list will end in day or so, and then the finalists will have to find other ways to cheat collect until Nov. 1st. Some pumpkins have been hit 200 times already - those are the ones who offered their locations to the groups. Highest collection score is around 400, but they aren't saying exactly. A few evil folks are hiding their pumpkins, and adding decoys to their home. One pumpkin was finally found at 3493 meters in the sky.
  24. Are you suggesting SL is held together with duct tape?
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