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  1. I was trying to buy Lindens with my TIlia account. I removed all payment methods so the payment can't use any of my cards or PayPal. When I try to buy lindens, this is what I see at the check out. https://prnt.sc/Y7LMISJdPh4a I might as well mention that I was hoping to buy and sell lindens to gain a little profit. Is this possible?(like the stock market/cryptocurrencies) Please let me know if I am wasting my time with this idea.
  2. Someone had my map rights. They were turned off some how. Meaning, the person can't teleport to me anymore. I had to turn them back on. What can cause map rights being turned off?
  3. Four days ago I got a reply to my ticket and it just said that my case has been escalated to a specialist. I haven't heard anything since then. @animats I'll keep it in mind. Thanks
  4. I have been trying to send my lindens to a paypal account for months. I get this message. https://gyazo.com/42a07a1271f92cd44132fe084d3b252d When i click on "here" it gives me information about tilia. When i click on, "Provide Additional Information" It just tells me that my KYC application is being reviewed. Here is a gyazo of it. https://gyazo.com/7809fefcda214996d0d14d9427c1e9b1 How do i get past this or fix it? As I said, it has been like this for months.
  5. Thanks, that's great. I see a major difference in how you're iterating the SetVelocity(vector, int). You're using a loop, I was doing it in a timer. So how would I break out of the loop to stop it? I know a trick to do it, but if you have a suggestion on how to do so, I am open ears.
  6. I have used llMoveToTarget() the speed for that is the same about 197m/s but I'll look into llMoveToPos()
  7. Hello, I have used this HUD that made my avatar move at 250m/s. I am trying to make my own HUD that goes at that velocity. I have tried llSetVelocity(vector,int) but it is instantaneous. It gives a little push then stops. When I put it in a timer, the velocity flutters, goes up and down, even if I have the timer at 0.01. I do see it hit the velocity 250 m/s, but as I said it flutters. When I do llSetForce(vector,int) at the maximum force, I get the maximum velocity of about 197 m/s. How do I make my avatar move at a consistent velocity of 250 m/s?
  8. Ha, by definition those are HUDs too. But yes, I'll agree with you that it's an unimportant distinction.
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