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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. No they are not. But they show up in transactions as money taken MP is working now, so I had to order a third time I'll let LL support work it out when they get back - they owe me $L94 since I only got one of the three orders, which are all identical and all copy items;
  2. Same problem, except they never delivered before they took down Tillia or whatever it was. I tried to order twice because the first one never went thru, and they charged me for same order twice. 15 mins later they charged my account for both orders. Still no deliveries, and now I need to get a refund for the duplicate charges they put on my transactions. And no deliveries yet Dec 29, 2021 Billing maintenance Resolved - This incident has been resolved. Dec 29, 21:19 PST Investigating - We are investigating an issue with our billing systems that may be impacting Marketplace, Linden dollar, and other purchases. We will update this blog with more information and try to get your day back to normal as soon as possible. Dec 29, 20:24 PST ---------------------------------------------- Resolved, but no merchandise delivered. (:
  3. Yes that's what I explained, and in more detail in a prior thread when password security was being discussed. Still doesn't explain why I had to reenter a couple Alt account passwords, when nothing was changed or updated on my computer while the rest of the accounts kept the saved passwords. And when I cross something out, it means it was wrong, which I also did and which you quoted. I explained what I was thinking in a later post, which I guess you didn't get to.
  4. Ok, I was wrong, twice even in one day. My mind was only half there when I posted after 3 classes of pretty decent Cabernet. And of course there has to be an SL login server to verify you have the correct password, etc..... I was thinking of an old thread, where someone refused to use Firestorm because he claimed Firestorm stored and therefore could steal your password. I was pointing out that the stored encrypted password file was never sent to Firestorm (which could only happen if one of those evil FS developers added a backdoor and collected passwords.) He only trusted the SL viewer. If the stored password file gets corrupted, or a windows update changes something that obsoletes the key, you can't log in with the stored password. You have to manually enter it again, and it will save it to the local encrypted file. For some strange reason, the password that was stored on Firestorm for some of my alts, was missing a couple days ago. No password in the password box. One day it was there (well the dots were there) and the next day it was blank. I had to re-enter the password to log in. No idea why, or why it only affected a couple alt accounts.
  5. wrong and wrong account passwords are never stored in the "linden server". They are encrypted in your own computer, based on hardware configurations, and can never be decoded without the encryption key, which is generated by your local computer and unknown to anyone else on the internet, including SL servers (on the AWS cloud). There - I crossed out the misinformation. my excuse was too much wine I still don't think the "linden server" was hacked - AWS would be in trouble
  6. Do you use the same password on any other account on the internet? Is your password somehow related to something anyone can find, like your name, birthday, pet's name, ex-GF, family names, etc. You claim you were never phished. No one can figure out your password without some good clues, since it would take forever to guess your password otherwise, even if a password detector could guess it in 1,000 tries. Does Google Chrome password check reveal any compromised passwords, or weak passwords in the Autofill section? Usually your password is discovered rather directly, as in they phished you. I remember one friend who wanted to be a model. She splashed her modeling photos on a dozen websites, including Facebook and in Second Life. Guess what her secret password was for most of her online accounts: model And she wasn't even blond.
  7. Yes, that is an offensive picture worthy of an abuse report - for sure... (but I still like hippo shaped animal crackers) I thought the Graphic Illustration of a hippo's butt sitting on your face was the perfect GUI of the consensus in that thread of your opinion and TONE. But that's only my opinion...
  8. The internet has been overloaded and screwed up (non technical terms) all day and night. Blame it on all the kids on holiday vacations, stuck at home, using up bandwidth while the server crew is also on vacation. DOD attacks and government cyber warfare increases faster than the counter measures and hardware can handle. In other words, it should work eventually, even "soon". Early next year? Right now TP's in SL to anywhere are taking 30 secs to forever, meaning I am usually logged out before they complete. When a TP does work, it takes my avatar one minute to resolve, on regions it would normally take about one second. Welcome to the Holidays, and the Brave New (non-functional) World.
  9. Use Events tab in Firestorm Search - problem solved. The new SL/LL search does list Events, including current events, past events, and future events out to 2057. The 2057 event has been cancelled however, but it's still there in case SL and you are still around in 2057.
  10. Just because there is a TOS rule against land bots does not mean it can't be circumvented rather easily. Plus LL is not enforcing their TOS because proving a bot is "too hard". And, LL collects the land tier, no matter what land baron owns it. I remember trying to get some decent mainland (Linden sea access) bidding at auctions. I was never able to get any parcel because the best ones were always scalped at the last minute (actually last second) by the land barons, whose only intention was to flip it the next day. The bid winner also held the land for a few hours, before it changed ownership - to the real land flipper. The asking price was usually double what they paid at auction, when it went back on sale a few days later. Tracing rapidly changing ownership on land parcels is not something LL has the interest in doing. I understand you can no longer see who the auction winner was now. I would TP to the parcel after the auction, to see some unknown (eg bot) owner, and the next hour or day that would change, sometimes more than once. The land was never occupied of course. Just for sale at an inflated price.
  11. If a sim is overflowing with "stuff" it could be a business rents there because of the traffic. A sim with empty shops and no "stuff" is not where you put your real-world shop if you are depending on traffic and sales. In world shop rent is expensive. You pay for a limited number of LI/shop. Why would you not use up your allotted paid for prims with your merchandise in your shop? A tiny parcel can hold a tiny number of objects and prims. You are blaming a small shop owner for lag that they probably have nothing to do with. Complain to the region owner. If you are talking about small shops at weekend sales events, that lag is coming from the avatars, or the event owner has oversubscribed the number of shops, because of more profit. Ask the event owner to set the region limit to 20 avatars, and cut the number of shops in half, and you will have no lag. Nobody is in this to make a profit of course.
  12. Crashing a sim with a huge crowd is the ultimate compliment to any entertainer. You are obviously not a club owner, DJ, hostess, or live entertainer. The larger the crowd, the better everyone feels. A sign of success, and being part of a friendly crowd is better than watching youtube alone in your room, for MOST people. Lag is like cigarette smoke, spilled beer, and cheap perfume in RL - you put up with it if you club, or you stay at home alone with your pets.
  13. They could move the online help desk to the newbie area. Oh wait, what online help desk? OK, move the help desk for Premium members into the newbie area. That's the ticket. Open 6am to 2pm SLT - please take a number and stand in the line. BTW you need PIOF and PIU, and your first Premium payment will qualify you for PIU. Then stand in line. Much better solution than having inworld unpaid volunteers standing around waitng for a basic question from a fresh arrival to SL. According to you... You think LL will actually hire more help desk people and pay them for 24/7 service for new arrivals?
  14. Didn't you post recently in another thread that as a volunteer you get asked by newbies at the help island how to get rid of the floater box, quite often. And you even asked them what viewer they were using as part of helping them? You made two mistakes here as an unpaid volunteer. First you indicated there was more than one SL viewer. Secondly, you posted in public that even newbies using the SL viewer were having trouble getting rid of the floater. This might have made someone in charge of the SL new user program sad, hurt feelings, etc. Time to dump those unpaid volunteers... I hope it was just a technical glitch, and you all get your unpaid volunteer positions back.
  15. This is General Discussion and threads here drift. About 1/2 of what you read in General Discussion is always wrong, half azzed, or confusing (welcome to the Internet). That's why this is General Discussion, and not the Newbie Help Forum. You were given the correct procedure by several of us (that means me too), several times in this thread. Best to read thru the entire thread before going off on a rant that you didn't get the correct answer on the first page of a 7 page thread, in General Discussion, where you read and post only at your own risk.
  16. I guess you are speaking to the OP, who probably isn't interested in being an emoting sex worker in a club, which is a job, not a game. I have two businesses in SL for the last 10 years and was only pointing out what someone who has no interest in working at or owning an inworld business could expect from the gaming payouts. Maybe you could give the OP some training on being a male sex worker, so he didn't have to earn lindens playing games.
  17. How do those that only earn Linden's in SL, and never buy Lindens, earn those Lindens? This thread was to answer how to make Lindens in SL without actually having a job or working. The games, active and passive in SL are playing, not working. SL does not want these peeps to earn "free" Lindens because they fear some of those Lindens will be cashed out into dollars. And Tilia giving dollars to a non-working resident seems to be against their rules of Ayn Rand survival of the fittest beliefs. This is a bit strange considering the nearly 10% in fees that LL makes when one cashes out their Lindens to dollars to RL. In reality I doubt anyone that earns lindens by playing games earns enough to convert Lindens to their RL currency with the current fee structure . And if they do, well LL still collects fees in dollars from them. LL requires that both PIOF and PIU are needed to collect a Linden reward in the only games that had a decent payout. They wanted to eliminate any Basic member without PIU on file. They called them "cheaters" to justify making their games unattractive, and they succeeded. "I know quite a few people who don't own land nor put money into SL but only use Ls earned here. That live in the US. With jobs." Quite a few is not everyone. I have never put money into SL, but always worked and always owned land, and take dollars out of SL when I have a surplus. But what about those that can not? Should they be allowed in SL if they don't contribute to the SL economy and LL's profits?
  18. In the California city where I worked the minimum wage is now $16.30/hr. In states run by rednecks like Texas, the minimum wage is still $7.25/hr. The minimum wage where I am now is $13.25/hr and is indexed to inflation every year. But if you are unable to work because of disability or age, your minimum wage is zero plus any welfare benefits, savings, and social insurance you might qualify for. Those seldom cover your actual RL living expenses, which is why some depend on SL to supplement their RL income. This is even more so in countries where the minimum wage is only $1.50/hr today (if they can find a job) and their currency is nearly worthless against the US dollar. LL does not want these people in SL because they do not add to SL profits.
  19. Some do not want a job - that means showing up at a known time and reporting to someone else. These low payout games give you the freedom to choose your own times, at the expense of pitifully low income. Do the fishing and mining games pay you more than $125 $L for only 3 hours total of your time/week, chosen at your convenience? And can you win more that 25 $L/hr every hour, playing the other passive games? There is no limit how many hours/week you can play Linden Realms. For 60 hrs/week you can earn about 1600 $L. Of course you will damage your body sitting at a computer that long in RL, to make about $6 USD/week. Remember that LL cut the payout/hr by more than 50% to prevent the players from getting filthy rich. They assume you either have the time and skills for an SL job, or you should buy your lindens and pay them a hefty fee for that privilege. In the USA you can make $15 USD (min wage) in one hour, more then you could make in an entire week playing non-gambling games in SL. That is why these no skill no risk games are now ghost towns.
  20. Maybe it takes a week to degrade to 45%. My main region jumped from about 45% to 98% Scripts Run, after the migration restart today.
  21. You can earn about 125 $L per week playing Linden Realms and Paleoquest for about 3 hours total/week of your time. You are now limited to earning 50 $L /week in Paleoquest by running thru the 5 quests.. (It used to be $100L/wk) Generally figure about 25 $L/hour collecting crystals in Linden Realms. It used to be higher (40 $L/hr), but the new crystal rezzing frequency has been reduced, the same time they cut the quest payout in half. They also reduced LR to just 2 estates, from the prior 6 estates. Fewer estates means more players chasing the same number of crystals - so harder to make it worth the time and stress. This was all by design - they wanted to make the games less desirable to anyone that wanted to play them for Lindens. There is of course no other reason to play them except to earn Lindens. Both games are simple and repetitive and have not changed for years. I have trouble staying awake while playing them - only the sound of my avatar being crunched and spit out in pieces wakes me up. This degrading of both games sounded great to the LL bean counters and upper management. Fewer regions to support, and lower payouts to the players. A win-win for them. A lose-lose for the players. Classic SL business operation. There are about 1/4 of the prior number of players for both games. These are not sit on your butt and earn linden games. They require constant movement, concentration, some strategy, and fast reaction skills - or you will get eaten by monsters, dissolved in acid, burned to a crisp, crushed by huge boulders, attacked by random mists, be lunch for the dinosaurs, and (in Paleoquest) lose all the objects you have collected for lindens, as you die, and get sent back to start the quest over. This is how SL wants to attract the younger generation.
  22. But, he doesn't have time to search for those six large visible Links on a clear screen, one of which is Log In. He wants a 6 inch gigantic humongous red and yellow button centered on the screen that says Click Me To Stop This Video!, so he can then click the Log In button, which he can't find. And the button needs to have his name at the bottom, so he knows its his button. Laurel and Hardy could never match this comedy routine.
  23. There are SIX buttons on the present secondlife.com web page that instantly stop the Intro video already. Adding another button to do the same thing would be silly and redundant. What you are really asking for is for LL to NOT start the looping video when you go to that page. Just display the static page all the rest of us see with any ad-blocker. Then you would need a "START INTRO" button. First time visitors to their main page might press the START button out of curiosity. The only way to then stop it is to press one of the other six buttons. They could also add a STOP button, for those that have no intention of signing up or logging in, and have forgotten how to close an unwanted web page. What you are asking for is wrong. You want a "START INTRO" button added, and a static image to start. I doubt SL Marketing will think that's a great idea though, since you are the only one who is complaining. You still have not answered my question - How many bookmarks do you have at the top of Chrome? If adding another bookmark is so difficult for you, there is Remote Access. I am sure Pancake would be happy to remotely add the bookmark for you.
  24. You still did not answer my question - How many bookmarks do you have now? So let's say you convince LL to add a "Skip Intro" button to their intro marketing page. Does the Intro start anyway and you must press the Skip button to stop it? In that case, it is less work to just press LOGIN button, which does the same thing. Or, does the "Skip Intro" button have a countdown? You have 10 seconds to press the Skip button or the Video will start. In that case, 99% will press the Skip button, because no newbie wants to wait for a countdown for it to start, and their fancy video is wasted. So now they will need two buttons: "Skip Intro" w/ a countdown, and a "Start Intro" to bypass the countdown, for the young impatient gamers that will never wait 10 seconds for anything. Or perhaps you think just a "Skip Intro" button that does nothing would be perfect? They could even make that the Login Button, but we already said that. We all know that if you convince the Lindens to add more buttons to bypass their glorious expensive ad, that you will remind everyone for years that you were responsible for this "major improvement" to the SL login page. This could be the actual reason you are so insistent they do something that is against their best interests. So you can brag about it in 1000 future posts.
  25. Finally! This thread is getting into a serious topic. How about those magic slates?
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