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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. Since this thread has drifted back to what is a child avatar (2K and PBR mirrors gets boring quickly) I would like to suggest that any Bipodal avatar be considered a human. Humans walk on two legs, which we call bipedality. Since furries of all kinds are bipodal in SL, then their tiny bodies must be human children. They remind me of Halloween when mom takes the neighborhood pre-school and grade school kids out to trick and treat. Plenty of Bipodal "animals" on Halloween in the States. It only seems reasonable that SL should ban all bipodal furries of any kind from M and Adult rated regions, for the safety of the children. They can play in G-rated regions, since after all they are children. I have never been propositioned in all my time here, running around as a quadruped avatar, eg a cat that walks and runs using all four legs like RL cats and most animals do. So all you furries can just start acting like RL animals and practice Quadrupedalism in your G-rated playgrounds. On second thought, as long as the furries move on all 4 legs, they should be allowed in M and A rated regions. ***** is allowed in SL, so problem solved. Hmm, so sex with animals in Adult regions is not allowed? The forum bad word list seems to think so.
  2. Show me the reference where he is talking about pixel based avatars. And BTW, SL is not RL.
  3. Firestorm already has a high resolution mirror built in, if I want to look at myself. I think it's been there for at least 15 years: It's called Front View.
  4. Is Megapuss banned? just checking here. ***** used to get the ****** here, but since it's ok for Lindens to use it in their public blogs, maybe its been approved now. Or possibly they shut down the bad words list when the blogs shut down for 10 mins earlier today. Nope, it is still a banned word - only Lindens and Moles can use that word here.
  5. Unscreened questions can be embarrassing or difficult to answer - that's why the few Q&A sessions still held today, (the SLBD's) are all screened and selected in advance, and the answers sound scripted. I am not talking about the user group technical monthly meetings, btw, where some audience questions are answered if they are precisely on topic. Although the most common answer is "Soon, that's hard, we are not in that loop, or that's a good question" followed by a change of topic.
  6. It has already gone away. We will get new rules for the Residents and LL staff, but no results of any investigation. The old rules were not clear enough for even LL staff to understand they could say, so there is no action needed except to tighten up the rules. Please tilt your head more to the left so our facial recognition software can confirm it is really you trying to log in.
  7. This will mean your Alts will need to prove their birthdate, even if they just have a Basic account with PIO, to even log in? I never gave every alt the exact same birth date for security reasons, years ago when I made my business alts. PIO will not be enough now? Will they require my 12 year alts to prove their RL age? Do they really think I was under 6 yrs old when I joined SL?
  8. Our local public TV channel broadcasts both PBS and NPR audio on the same channel. There is some talk of PBS and NPR merging, to increase their chance of survival. It's hard to survive when the FOX Entertainment channel has the largest "news" audience. Resilience sounds nothing like a callback to slavery. That is silly, as Luna said. You will be hard pressed to find many real psychologists or sociologists agreeing with that opinion. The Romans had it right. Remember to not believe everything you read on the internet.
  9. NPR Is a left-wing non-profit national radio network partially supported by CPB and private funding, is the most left-wing section of PBS, with radio programs aimed at women and minorities. Try to understand who the target audience is for this kind of social advice. The interviewee for this program was Dr. Lourdes Dolores Follins, Ph. D., LCSW-R Her degree is in Social Work, and not psychology. She describes herself, quote: "About Me: I am a Black, queer, cisgender psychotherapist who provides relationship therapy to Black, Indigenous, and other people of color who are LGBTQI/SGL/NB." She tries to define resilience as an insult, and ties the term to Slavery, Colonization, and Indentured Servitude. And then tells her patients that they are limited in their recovery because of White Supremacy, and Capitalism (of course). She is fully booked and can accept no more clients. I wonder why? Maybe this "feel good about yourself and blame everyone else for your troubles" is healthy for her clients. But it is aimed at a narrow and targeted audience. And not men, those terrible inept unfeeling "manslpainers".
  10. If it's a movie, probably comes under artistic license. Depends on the kind of porn too. If the movie is illegal to watch in the USA in RL, it is probably against the TOS to watch it in SL. LL might also claim that you should not be snooping inside someones home with your camera, so you are the one to blame, not the porn movie land owners. Just my opinion here - It's not enforced anyway.
  11. The Moon Queen Goddess made a disparaging comment about the Lion King here, and she is being severely punished by his subjects. That's all. Drama here, drama there, drama everywhere...
  12. Yes, you are right - it was a generalization. But what did it have to do with this thread then? The Betty White T-shirt also got pruned. I remember your post because it was different than the rest and you used a name I had never heard before. Now I know why I don't like Tofu.
  13. You called someone here a "s o i b o y" and must have hurt someone's feelings. I had to google it, I'm not up on the latest variations of humans.
  14. Dear Linden Lab, We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh flamboyantly. Indeed, I bathe frequently in California. Glycerine soap isn't available. Regards, A.I. PS: TSOP P.P.S. Oh! FYI: This! Without that blog, nobody will care. Tomorrow things might improve slightly. Life is ... well, beautiful. Timing makes a pudding delicious, so furries hear spoons jingling hypnotically in Ahern unless they poke spork into sensitive sexy mice. Whining solves pitchforks, but why and who, Caligula? Who and what mayonnaise does considerable light saltiness Twinkies
  15. I tried to get it back on track with blog, but nobody cared. But now that we are getting into unhealthy foods, we might get something. The grammar leaves a little to be desired. Any English teachers around tonight?
  16. Dear Linden Lab, We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh flamboyantly. Indeed, I bathe frequently in California. Glycerine soap isn't available. Regards, A.I. PS: TSOP P.P.S. Oh! FYI: This! Without that blog, nobody will care. Tomorrow things might improve slightly. Life is ... well, beautiful. Timing makes a pudding delicious, so furries hear spoons jingling hypnotically in
  17. This thread is wearing down my resiliency. I need a good nap to restore it. You all need more sleep, so you don't have to change poems and songs to distort their original meaning. Good Night.
  18. These are usually businesses or clubs that do not allow customers to fly and have flying turned off. But if you fly into their parcel, or tp in and are in fly mode, they have a way to eject and ban you. Sometimes they want you to walk thru their entire store, and not fly or TP to where you want to go.. You are forced to see all their amazing creations for sale then, at least I assume that is their plan. I run into this in many inworld stores. Usually shops that do not use MP to sell. I think it is poor business practice, but this is SL - you will find every senseless business idea here from someone. And if their store is laggy, from too many textures and poorly designed mesh, it can take 30 secs to even regain control of your browser. If they set the flying timeout to 10 secs, you get ejected. My world, my rules, no common sense needed - nothing like RL.
  19. Some people have been banned from a parcel for flying after a login. I don't expect they find it a feature.
  20. "You are about to reply to a thread that has been inactive for 4466 days. Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping." Linden Lab
  21. If any of your no copy items were owned by a group, eg your land group, that is a way to lose them. Always clear the land of everything before abandoning, as everyone has already said. I moved from a large parcel with 5000 LI of rezzed items. It took me two days to take them all back to inventory, but it was worth it. Copy Items were in special folders I made, so I didnt have to search my inventory to find them again. Kittycats are never lost. Just submit a ticket to get them back.
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