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Codex Alpha

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Everything posted by Codex Alpha

  1. Yikes, and cats can be pretty cold and entitled themselves lol. Remember we are their servants only. No cats here but I like (other people's) cats After the initial fatigue of 'bad news' in a string, I tend to still look at what was said anyway, and start to work in revamping old scripts, functionalities so that they are much easier to understand for them - because things can ALWAYS be made better - and then it becomes fun again. Reviewing an old script and revamping it to include suggested features and solving problems like that - negative review or not - is a challenge, learn something new, and the product is improved. Win for everyone. The cool thing is that it IS 2 years later and lessons in life and creative projects have been learned, and can now be used to make better products, and to improve the interactivity of the old - the good thing about SL is it is relatively easy to update any product to the marketplace (after one's initial bunglings trying to do so), and ensures that anything a customer might leave for a review gets considered (and sometimes included immediately). After all, I'm sure most of us create because we love to, and we want people to be happy in the end - and usually thinking best of people's intentions should always be in everyone's view in SL - we're all here to have fun and make and share cool stuff.
  2. "Review activity has occurred on an item in your store" has now become a sense of dread, and not of encouragement of the satisfaction to find out that someone cared enough or enjoyed your product enough to leave a review. Instead, after 10 or so years in SL so far making random and fun things, the reviews have mostly turned sour - and mostly unrelated to the actual product. -- Perhaps it's my fault, and I need to stop adding features, options, interactivity, sounds, and what I'm mostly guilty of: including bonus gifts or prefabs created from the original product. eg. A bar stool and table set sold on it's own probably wouldn't garner many reviews - it's basic and simple and people will mostly be satisfied with it. But if you include a bonus gift - in one case it was a prefab set that included a 'dancing on the table' version, complete with spotlight that would appear and shine on the dancer garnered reviews like "Not even a good dance", or "There is no spotlight, false advertising" (They didn't have advanced lighting model on), "Only has one dance", and "Can't modify the dance", and in a private notecard inworld "The avatar you used in your product images was sexist". Yep. eg. A light of any type with extra features such as color change, texture change (to match their sim), or dimming type values Yep, reviews left that "This has no scripting" (didn't follow instructions, operating on non-scripted land), "Light doesn't work at all" (no advanced lighting model) eg. Any item (I've done this many times, thinking I was adding value) that includes a bonus gift, or prefab object "[Insert bonus object here] doesn't do A, B, C" --- Hey, I'm all for constructive feedback, no matter how nasty, just as long as the customer can tell me WHY they don't like something, or WHAT is wrong. After all I'm just trying to make cool stuff and stay motivated to make more, but it's becoming harder to do so with how many are reviewing nowadays. I appreciate the positive reviews, but the negative reviews always seem to come, and somewhat unrelated to a real issue other than "I don't like this or that part of it", and we have no way of addressing them in any meaningful way, nor will they respond to us 99% of the time. As usual, the unhappy lot are using reviews to air their grievances or unhappiness, and many times before understanding how something operates, or they missed the instructions, or whatever. Do I really have to do as many other stores I've noticed have done, and get so legalistic that they have a 300 word writeup trying to cover all use cases? Also, I can only spend so much time addressing these complaints anyway, or even try to contact them in good faith, as the purchase is most likely equates to 10-30 cents in the Real World, and it simply isn't doable in any fair or real way - so then what? Lindens are too swamped to really moderate all the reviews that come in on a daily basis, and many reviews walk that line for plausible denial so not much to do there. I don't offer any solution, of course because it will be my reaction that I'm responsible for, but I needed to voice this, and restate that it would be nice to have some way to immediately contact a person, or for them to contact us if they're unhappy, or even go to a Github-style Ticket/Issue/Feature Request type of system that would be much more productive for everyone rather than a punitive rating system that means nothing without context or ability to have a conversation about it in any meaningful way. Don't worry, I'm doing fine. Been a tough couple of years and just firing up the SL engines again, but man has it all changed out there... Have a good day.
  3. Yes, they could bump up the visibility of video links. After having my YT channel banned from having debates about recent events in the comment sections and having all my SL videos removed along with it - I never had that many view on them anyway. They always showcased the product, especially the moving and animated ones, and I would spend time also coming up with clever little skits or stories to make it interesting as well. Not worth it though, in the end as it seems SL themed videos were never that popular - and if no one visits them as part of the purchasing process, then it's not upfront or buyers don't care. I will fix my broken links eventually, but will probably just feature a video version of a turntable. Now imagine if SL MP could embed a 3d asset viewport, like Sketchfab's - its 2022 soon SL really could use some modern updates. In the meantime I just include as many pictures as I can.
  4. Yes, you would be looking for "How To Make Low Poly Plants" subject on YouTube. A most basic style would be like this video: How to create 16 plants low poly in 6 minutes with blender This style is still used in many games today, if you happen to be in World of Warcraft, take particular note and look at all the foilage, plants and bushes, they make use of this simple plane approach - stuff I never noticed at the time, but now sticks out like a sore thumb More advanced low poly modeling of plants trees and shrubs might be this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkVY2txI6DI which goes into plants with a bit more detail, but now you know what you're looking for, lots of videos to learn from. Anything you make can also be sold to others on the SL MP.
  5. With passion, tenacity and consistent learning. If you truly want to do something, you will find a way to do it. If you don't want to, then you will set excuses in front of you to rationalize why you are not pursuing and learning something you think you want to do. The key is to accept your skill level at any particular time, that there will always be others more skilled than you, and to pursue that which you are passionate about. If you're not passionate about one thing, then find one that you are, and go with that. For some, it is a life long problem because they're not able to , or willing to defer gratification, put the time in to learn, practice and perfect a skill so they can benefit from it. Like everything else, it's not so hard, one must just be willing to put in the time to learn it. In 2021, I constantly see posts on social media about how they feel 'inferior' when comparing themselves to others, or doubt themselves because they don't get as many likes or followers as others - and that is a losing game. Create because you want to, and create what you want. Comparing yourself to others (other than pros that you can learn from and be inspired by) is a losing game for many, and seeking validation online can also be a dark hole of self-doubt and depression. If you fail or succeed at least you did it loving what you do - it could be worse, you could just be chasing the latest trend and pandering to the masses - which is a sure fire way for any creator to feel depressed, burnt out and demotivated. Note: I was not a 3D creator before I joined Second Life. If I can do it, and others can, you can as well, if you have the passion to.
  6. I don't enjoy the making LODs part very much, especially now that I am spoiled with PBR and new engines that I no longer have to make them. However, I take pride in my work, as all creators should strive for - to make it good for new users and their default settings, and to optimize their models and textures best they can to help SL run faster and more efficiently.
  7. There seems to be more activity on the Marketplace in general, seeing an increase in redeliveries of older items, and more activity on reviews, and tons of PMs to me for a variety of reasons. Some are just insane and have left poor reviews on products, the most on the products I had MORE features or BONUS gifts on. Believe me, you don't have time to explain to someone why they left a 1 star rating because a "light doesn't work" when they don't have Advanced Lighting on, or they don't bother reading the instructions not only included in the product box, but on every rez of the item in chat. LL does not have a field for this when you want to flag for items such as "I rated this low because it was not in the color blue" akin to "This donut would have been good, but since it doesn't have blue sprinkles I give it 1 star" LL has not responded anyway to flags near this, and to me , no matter how politely or cleverly I respond to the 'review' it remains up. Sales damage has been noted and observed over time, I've already removed 3 products that weren't worth looking at and no longer selling. I'll make new versions instead and keep them simple as possible. It's not worth the time talking to someone in chat over a $.30 cent sale.
  8. When I used to flag gacha items as spam, it was mainly due to repeating Product Titles, that listed the same item 10 times, though the contents were supposed to be different, or they were using spamming keywords that were exactly the same as 500 other listings they had. I don't bother anymore, because my finger started getting carpal tunnel syndrome from all the abuse of market listings in general. Could be a clue as to what is happening right now, and good thing to check.
  9. Most 'harassment' is not harassment, but if you feel harassed you can block and ignore the person. If they are bypassing these with technological measures, then file a report. 99.9% of 'harassment', offensive behaviour, and disputes are easily solved with a 0.00000001 second mouse click.
  10. Political and social justice destroyed Sansar and got people banned from the platform. Everyone has a mute/ignore/block button, and if they have trouble having a civil discussion, or do not want to hear or discuss differing views - they can use them. Some users decided to report other users on Sansar to staff, because they found countering views, even random objects and names to be 'harassment', and led to bans. At least here, LL will not get involved in user to user disputes, and only with guideline and rule breakers. They haven't learned this lesson on Sansar yet though.
  11. I have direct experience with this, being a creator of original works from 3d models to music, as well as a contributor to Creative Commons where people can use my content for free. On this subject I can tell you after 20 years of it, noone cares about copyright, the guidelines, or generally doing the right thing. If you can get away with it, do it. You will make good money from doing it, and if the content is popular you will sell a bundle. The general attitude is "If you're not DMCA'd from the company, then you got nothing to worry about". Linden Labs will not even do anything about it, even if the user admits to doing so publicly. If you can obscure the product by only selling it inworld, and not list it publicly to be found, that is usually a popular thing to do to avoid discovery and prosecution. If you try to appeal to people's fairness on the matter, you will be told where to shove it, to mind your own business, and may even report you for harassment. Disclaimer: This post is stating facts sarcastically, and of course is not an endorsement to break guidelines or to upload/sell work that is not your own or licensed). No it won't. Their bank will fill with money.
  12. How does that relate to the post I made on the topic at hand?
  13. This is one of many examples of how ban powers can be used by unethical people to cover up their tracks. I was also 'banned' from a store for leaving a very fair and honest review, and after refusing a refund in order to take it down. After all, I wasn't doing it to get my money back, I wanted the 'software' improved so I could continue using it. They were angry with my review, and even went so far as to try to publicly shame me on their private blog that noone reads. Since then I've come to realize those who ask for feedback really only want praise and worship, and not a real honest assessment of the work. I appreciate good feedback myself though, and have always accommodated my customers who had concerns, and have even just customized some products for them specifically to meet their needs. Legit creators always seeking to improve themselves will appreciate any feedback, snobs and scumbags won't, and will use ban tools to ensure you remain quiet.
  14. It would not be your responsibility, as it is not LL' s responsibility to enforce such a thing. Simply put, they CAN'T. None of us can truly know if this person is licensed to use a brand, logo, trademark or 'trade dress', but it's not hard to understand they probably don't. For that reason you really can't do anything about it, at least with LL. Most licensed sellers will simply tell you "Yes, I am licensed" and are encouraged by the companies to display this fact, and tell people this fact - to create trust in buyers that they are buying from a licensed person. If you politely approach the person and ask them, and the response is "**** off, mind your own business", as has happened to me many times in SL and more recently on Sansar - it's probably a scumbag up to nefarious purposes. On Sansar in particular, one will not find much support for copyrighted goods - as it appear that the general consensus over there is that it's okay to upload and sell content that is not yours or are unlicensed to - and anyone with a problem with that should shove off or "File a DMCA then". This kind of thing will be a constant problem that will most likely not get solved, because people just can't do the right thing. Many companies do have pages you can report possible infringement, inquire about licensed users, and general contact that that is something that can be done.
  15. When I started listing marketplace items I made several blunders until I found this page, which has good info on how to list, and even update your listings should you need to.
  16. Yes, it can be fun to use your response to a review just to keep selling your product. However, if people are leaving 1-2 star ratings for whatever reason and the reviews are not really related to the product, but there is no subheading called "Review irrelevant or negative without explanation", you could lose business as people search for things and your product appears to be low stars - but is still a respectable product. "Don't like it" isn't really a review.. Yet it doesn't fall under any 'abusive' reports.. It's just a mysterious low-rating from who knows who - and it stays on there. This is why I have been petitioning LL to update their rating systems to a more basic way, or join other websites in keeping it positive, with perhaps just a thumbs up or nothing. If you allow thumbs down, there has to be some kind of reason at least for the seller to correct, and for a buyer to make an informed decision. "This sucks" "I hate it" "Needs to be in orange" aren't really helpful, yet they have no subheading to report them.
  17. How do I report this kind of listing then? It's clearly just an inappropriate driveby review with no sense behind it, but there is no category to file under.
  18. Learn Marvelous Designer for seamstress-ing. If I can be a seamstress (in Sansar), having never done it before MD, you can too. Learning mesh can be done as well. I'm sure you can do it if you really want to. The challenge is getting the information you will need to get the items into SL and making it work
  19. One quickly learns that honest and helpful reviews meant in all good spirit is usually not appreciated and some unscrupulous merchants will return that action with very hostile actions of their own. The review system is flawed anyway , as only 5 stars exist and 1 stars because people just won't rate otherwise because they are either extremely pleased, or pissed off on the other end. Most people don't rate as a rule, unless the item is free and they encourage that by rating quite a bit. Trying a demo is a good thing to do, but this isn't always true. I tried a demo of a jacket that seemed great, even though I wondered why it included an AO or overide pose - the avatar holding up a box. Everything seemed fine until after purchasing the main item, holes were found in the jacket - the holes being hidden by the AO in the demo. Better to try then not, but it's not guaranteed. In most cases, leave your review up and get your money back - help others make informed decisions. And just don't rate in general. If someone isn't willing to get accurate feedback and reviews - and only want praise and worship... that's not fair so just don't participate at all.
  20. Since art and what people will pay for it (And why) will vary, you may find that you will make more money selling the frames, rather than the art itself. Everyone needs frames, especially more unique designs - but art is so subjective. In my experience I have found that when I originally started out with selling an art piece as a whole, it didn't really sell until it had mod and copy on it. The reason was; People liked the object that I had made it on, and not the artwork itself, and in many cases people were putting their own on it. Yeah it sucks because we all think our art is 'cool' and what's not to like right? You could still put your artwork on it as default (as I do on many of those type of products) but I have found that I should make an asset that supports artwork that others may want to put on it, and so make the asset to accommodate flexibility. Of course, there is no hard set rule, you can do what you like, just giving you some food for thought. Also if you are an established or well-known artist already, you will have success selling specific paintings vs an artist that is unknown and throwing up random artwork seeing what sells or not... I would like to err on allowing the end user 'functional' artwork, which means if they want to change the picture they could... that should net more sales just from flexibility alone.
  21. I have made stuff for people in the past, and due to their budget, depends on how I will prioritize it. Sometimes, you may get a deal from a creator if their time is roughly covered, if the asset can be sold on the MP, and mainly you are paying for them to prioritize THAT asset over another they may be working on. Eg. Client of some sort requests I make a wooden shack.. If it's not exclusive to them, and they throw a few bucks to paypal my way for doing so, I could prioritize the object over other ongoing projects, have a project (which is nice for focus sometimes), and still be able to sell the asset longterm myself on the MP Best to get to know people around you though, and establish some trust. I can't prove to anyone how trustworthy I am until they spend time to get to know me. Usually its me getting burned by other people - it happens both ways as a customer and as a creator.
  22. Although there is a message in chat or notifications that I have received a notecard, sometimes they sneak in there and I don't even see it, depending on what I'm doing when I log in. Another system would be better to use.. some sort of queue similar to 'support' where one could review all transactions of that type, and doesn't rely on the viewer to do so.. like finding it under the Merchant Store area of the website. That way, 'ignored' or 'missed' notecards and 'requests' can be reviewed even a month later. I also dont even like to contact people via notecard, because then I have to actually make one, have it in my inventory and send it off. However, I use notecards when the issue is not high priority, a general question, a compliment, or enquiry that they can take time to respond. Easier to do so then contact them in chat, which is even easier to foul up, because many times I will close chat inadvertently and be 'whoops where did that convo go' (yes I can check the log area, thanks :D) Just saying.
  23. I thought that if I made my items transferable that they COULD be resold, and thought it was a strange model if I did. After all, I'd make the initial sale on the item, but then get nothing on subsequent sales of it - so thought it was completely pointless to do so. One could sell the initial item as $100, and if it became a rare or sought after item, could be resold indefinitely for many, many more Lindens. I guess it would be okay for unfinished or untextured items or 'parts', but shouldn't there be a clause that states by default "No you can't just resell the parts in their raw form, but only as part of a project/product"? Wouldn't it be fair to default to "Don't sell my textures in their raw form, but only as part of your house/project" as a default agreement on all transferable items? Or at least some kind of checkbox for further permissions - [x] Can be sold as a competing product vs original author [ ] Can only be used as part of a project On pretty much all asset sites from CG Trader to Turboquid, to GameTextures.com, the basic understanding is that you can use the 'transferable' raw items, but only as part of something else... and not just uploading the 'raw form', eg. Ground_Mars_Rock_Albedo,etc up to another site as resale. In Sansar, though not sure if it's working or fleshed out, the plan was to allow people to resell things, but the original author can set a base price. The idea being that someone could create a car from different parts... my tires with author2's body and frame, etc and create new products from parts (and add scripting, etc). Interesting model not sure how it would work exactly...
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