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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: If it is a group thing, the user more than likely not wearing the correct tag ^^ that and sometimes the LMs only work if the group members make the LMs. if they use a LM not made by them then it doesnt work sometimes for some people. dunno why
  2. i random browse the fashion ones quite often. i click the blogroll links on each of them usual at random as well. is like flicking thru the mags so if you make a blog then try get other bloggers to put yours on their blogrolls links and you can put them on yours i dont like when i end up on a blog and is nowhere new to go after that except back. so i try to remember not to click on them links is really only about 5 SL blogs that i actual have in my browser favs. i click flick the pages for the rest. quite often find some nice stuff that way that i never would have found
  3. Phil Deakins wrote: Since the OP has received all the answers, I thought I'd chip in with a comment on a small dialog that occured in the thread. In answer to the OP's question "Is spying legal?", Serena correctly answered, "No it's not", 16 replied to Serena with, "Yes it is", which is the wrong answer, and Serena accepted the correction. Serena's first reply was correct, 16 misunderstood the reply and erroneously corrected Serena, whereupon Serena accepted the erroneous correction but still understood the correct answer. Life's weird, init? Aleeic ask: is spying legal? someone is putting listening device on my land Innula said to Aleeic: if they didnt get your permission then is certainly worth reporting Serena say to Innula: no is not i say to Serena: yes it is then Serena ask me: how do i know is listening to chat maybe it isnt? so i tell Serena that Aleeic said it was a listen device. and i wonder if is not listening to chat then what else then Irene start laughing then Nova ask Aleeic: how you know is a listen device? and anyways you can do stuff about it like with your land controls. stuff that Serena had also said as well before and then Aleeic say thanks i now knows more than i did before and i see what i can do about it then Phil said he have no idea what we are chatting about and then he say this is what he thinks we was saying and then i said something about what Phil said. like now Irene maybe going to start laughing again. dunno actual. just maybe (: + hope that makes things more clear for everyone who is reading this if not i can explain again if you like. just say ok
  4. if you have a shop then will be pretty good. same as in the video the touch teleport works way better than oldskool teleporters as well. can see lots of people using them now. in their homes even so can wizz up and down to their skybox automagically the thing i like about the perms dialog for attach is that you can say no like the worst thing that could happen is going into a shop and they start autoattach stuff to you just bc they can. like keep putting hair on on your head. or worse if say you shopping in a adult shop with your hubby or bf for bits for him. bc is no way to know by script if is lady or man avatar then could not be good that + autokill teleport to respawn/safe zone like on the realms be good as well to get one day. linden just have to work out how to merge with the land controls i think. maybe group controls personally i like the group control perms way better. so if i am wear the group title then i give permission that way and the things can do whatever. autoattach and autoteleport as part the experience. if i take off the title then they dont work and i am official OOC even better. if could have programmable group titles as well. can then make diff objects interact with avatars based on their level in the group. that be pretty cool for roleplay. like can kill and hunt and capt based on your level +
  5. the part where OP said listening device if is not listening to chat then must be listening to whale songs or maybe kitten meows or maybe even like chikkens clucking
  6. Serena Cyberstar wrote: No it's not yes it is remotely logging chat conversations without consent is a direct violation. doesnt matter if build is on or not using a device that allows you to harrass another resident is also a violation
  7. am pretty sure is a baking and upload problem the viewer is supposed to bake on your computer then upload to the server then it dls back down to you and everyone else. am pretty sure thats how it works. like when you rebake then it looks good then you go fuzzy then you go good again most times. when you go fuzzy then you can see the line. after you get the final overlay from in the jpg then is usual ok after that + try turning off HTTP Textures on the Develop menu. is a bit wonky that sometimes in the V3 style viewers. in the old version 1 style viewers they dont use HTTP Textures + is a debug setting you can play with as well: AvatarBakedTextureUploadTimeout i set mine to 0 when is being a bit wonky
  8. should always wear underwear with your alpha and mesh if you dont want anyone to see your bits ever. on some of the older viewers the alpha doesnt render
  9. AR the owner of any spy/tracker that you find on your land
  10. maybe if you post the part of the AO notecard then someone might spot the problem? sometimes can look and look and look and not see it. happens to me that sometimes
  11. Echo Hermit wrote: I'm not against being microchipped, if I'm honest. And in the cases of children that go missing, how useful it would be to be able to locate them because they were microchipped - like our beloved pets! umm! nah! like you wont be able to wag school or smoke behind the shed or nothing but if you do get a microchip in you then you dont have to get out of bed to turn off the light. can just wiggle your head at it
  12. jwenting wrote: You see a lot of that, there is now so much data flooding in to those databases it's becoming ever more impossible to use any of it. The filtering to extract the interesting few tens of a percent is starting to take so long, the speed of incoming fresh data is greate than the speed at which that data is filtered, leading to ever increasing backlogs. ^^that google has the best rubbish filter ever and most of the links after the top ones pointing to say wikipedia or the actual site of the main vendor are still rubbish
  13. some times it takes ages to get stuff back one thing i find sometimes works is to deliberate crash the viewer. it knows when you do that if you have send crash reports on and sometimes tries to fix. sometimes next log. sometimes after the next time you crash it is dangerous to do this way tho. can get crashed out of sl bigtime and is big problems some days to get back in can say tho that i have always got my stuff back eventually. sometimes in Trash and sometimes in Objects folder
  14. i would really like to help but i already took my brains apart and i lost some bits when i try put back together jejejjejejeje (:
  15. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: ... I'm suggesting you start some threads on the topic you are interested in and let this one go. /eject Q q; jejjejejjejejeje (:
  16. to make a big screen film theatre thingy then have to use a data uri to make it go in SL the uri is usual to long to paste direct into the land media box i think. so have to put it in a script Media Parcel command. but anyways. here is all the settings you need to make go that way + data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html> <body><embed width="100%" height="100%" src="http: // www . youtube . com /v/VIDEO_ID&modestbranding=1&version=3&showinfo=0&fs=0&rel=0&controls=0&iv_load_policy=3 &cc_load_policy=1&disablekb=1&autohide=1&autoplay=1&loop=1&playlist=VIDEO_ID type="application/x-shockwave-flash/></body></html> + where VIDEO_ID = the youtube code you wants to play. the main thing is that to loop you have to use &playlist and make the same as VIDEO_ID + you cant turn off any adverts that pop up at the bottom. they been set by the vid owner so is not really ok to try do that other thing is cant disable user mouseclick pause directly like you can keyboard. so if wants to stop that then put a 100% transparent prim over the screen so they cant click/touch the screen edit: they can stop/start using their own viewer media controls tho. like they should be able to
  17. about the random channel thing. sometimes you wants to make a sequence of unique numbers that are kinda randomish looking. not just for channel hopping but gift givers and dance AOs and stuff like that anyways for anyone who wants it. i just put here a way that can make a randomish permutation without having to use a list like you have to if use a knuth shuffle method // permute.randomish// public domain by elizabeth (16) 2012// makes a "random" permutation of the set[0<mag]// where mag in [1..0x7FFFFFFE]// credits: horst feistel and evariste galois// note: the same (mag + factor + seed + rounds + start index)// will always return the same permuted set// note: cannot return all permutations of a set// make a knuth shuffle if you need that// note: can mod as you like. noise generator and mixing, etc// i just made this way as a complete demointeger gEMag;integer gEHifactor;integer gELofactor;integer gERounds;integer gESeed;integer gENoise;integer gEIndex;// PermuteNoise: galois lfsr to make uniform noisey bitsinteger PermuteNoise(integer mag){ gENoise = (gENoise >> 1) ^ (-(gENoise & 1) & 0xD0000001); return (gENoise & 0x7FFFFFFF) % mag;}// PermuteNext: arithmetic feistel network mixer. can mod as you likeinteger PermuteNext(){ gENoise = gESeed; gEIndex++; if (gEIndex == gEMag) gEIndex = 0; integer number = gEIndex; integer round; for (round = 0; round < gERounds; round++) { integer xor = number ^ PermuteNoise(gEMag); if (xor < gEMag) number = xor; integer lo = number % gELofactor; integer hi = number / gELofactor; integer mult = hi % gELofactor; lo = (lo + mult * mult + PermuteNoise(gEHifactor)) % gELofactor; mult = lo % gEHifactor; hi = (hi + mult * mult + PermuteNoise(gELofactor)) % gEHifactor; number = (lo * gEHifactor) + hi; } return number;}// PermuteInit: call this before calling PermuteNextPermuteInit(integer mag){ // uses galois lfsr so can never be 0 gESeed = (integer)llFrand(0x10000) << 16 | (integer)llFrand(0x10000); if (gESeed == 0) gESeed = 1; // random switch between 7 or 8 rounds to make more sets for some same params gENoise = gESeed; gERounds = 8 - PermuteNoise(2); // should always be at least 1 item in set gEMag = mag; if (gEMag < 1) gEMag = 1; // pick a random place to start gEIndex = PermuteNoise(gEMag); // we have to find a factor close to sgrt // for integers upto 16 bits then brute works ok // for performance is actual better to take out of here and do seperately // i just put here so can see how it all fits together gELofactor = (integer)llSqrt(gEMag); // when mag is odd then factor must be odd so can step by 2 in that case integer step = 1 + (gEMag & 1); // when intsqrt is even and mag is odd then reduce factor by 1 to make odd gELofactor -= ((!(gELofactor & 1)) && (step == 2)); while (gELofactor > 2) { if(!(gEMag % gELofactor)) jump break; gELofactor -= step; } @break; gEHifactor = gEMag / gELofactor;}default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { llSay(0, "permute 0..9"); integer mag = 10; PermuteInit(mag); integer i; for (i = 0; i < mag; i++) llSay(0, (string)i + " : " + (string)PermuteNext()); llSay(0, "permute 0..0x7FFFFFFE"); mag = 0x7FFFFFFE; PermuteInit(mag); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) llSay(0, (string)i + " : " + (string)PermuteNext()); }}
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: 16 wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: 16 wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: I am very aware of the scripts for detecting Online status. Reporting an Avatar's location In World (what SIM and the coordinates) is a completely different matter. thats true is just that stalker types quite often pretend to have superpowers as part of their harassment behaviour + about hunting people down on the grid then is doable. cant do it just with lsl scripts tho. like you say This is what is puzzling me. Even RLV as I recall does not automatically allow mapping. It requires that I specifically grant the permission. Need someone who knows more than me to weigh in on this because like you, my understanding is it can't be accomplished with just LSL scripts. to make a hunter to make a hunter then dont need any exploits. can do legal in SL like codewise anyways. just have to know how to code and a bit about social engineering most people who got them kinda skills dont make these kinda things tho bc is creepy to do. also creepers tend to get attacked by coders who got way more skills. is bigtime game in haxxor circles to munt creepers I am tempted to buy this thing just to see it work. I understand the social engineering end of this. I can give you a prim with code that reports back it's location on the grid. But it only works if you wear it. So I just went back and read the product description again. And it is as they say, the devil is in the details. "This advanced tracking system can show online/offline status from any avatar on the grid and has the abillity to detect the exact location of the avatar within 1.5 region radius." It does NOT say that it can report what region an Avatar is in! What it is says is that it can report the exact location of an Avatar within a 1.5 region radius. That would be an Avatar in a radius from where you are standing, up to 1.5 regions away. This makes perfect sense. Because the viewer reports what I believe are called "Child Agents," Avatars that are located in a region adjacent to where you are standing. I hope I've stated this clearly enough. yes thats right if you make a hunter just using lsl if you want a hunter and you know that people are creatures of habit (the social engineering part) then you make a bot. the bot can hunt you down really fast just by TP to the places that you would normally go to is quite creepy how it works. can really freak people out when they dont know how they being found. like they dont know about or even see the bot bc is superfast in and out. and uses the new agentlist function to grab everyones UUID on the sim.it dont need to fly round anymore and use sensors like before the creeper then just TP in after the bot has found you
  19. if i remember right about the video in the video is a hat. the hat is on a stand. when you click the hat then it attaches when you click the hat then the hat tells the stand. the stand then rez another hat on its self for the next person (am pretty sure is how it works) + is kinda how is done on the realms as well with the HUD. at the landing point is a invisible prim. when you collide with it then the prim gives you the HUD from its contents. same everyone else who comes if go to Tyrahs island where is red/yellow/orange cash machines in the hut. examine the doorway. is a transparent prim across the entrance. when you collide it temp-attach a semi-transparent red prim from its contents to top right your screen. after a few seconds it autodetach
  20. bc you got a private island and your shop (public) is at the top then can remove all the sec orbs and still keep really private if you want at say 3200m (below your shop) put in a giant 256x256x1 megaprim and make 100% transparent so can still see the sky from below. put a script in it that on collision_start will teleport home whatever avatar hits it. dont need any timers or sensors to do that way. so can help be a little bit less laggy can put more than one in at dif levels if you wants to have diff areas can make a whitelist as well. like put the names of your friends in a notecard. if they use a teleporter and go thru the megaprim then on collision can check against the whitelist. if not on the list then kill and send home
  21. if want independent factual reports about earthquakes then http://earthquake-report.com/ the Canary Islands earthquake cluster been happening since July 2011 last year. is a volcano there. yesterday the warning got downgraded to Green. Green is normal. like normal for a earthquake zone http://earthquake-report.com/2011/09/25/el-hierro-canary-islands-spain-volcanic-risk-alert-increased-to-yellow/ + where i live we have quite a lot of earthquakes and eruptions sometimes in the Pacific fire ring a earthquake happens about every 10-15 seconds. . is sometimes quite hard for people who dont live on the fire ring to imagine how normal they are. normal meaning they happen pretty much all the time. even when they can be quite devastating sometimes
  22. Perrie Juran wrote: 16 wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: I am very aware of the scripts for detecting Online status. Reporting an Avatar's location In World (what SIM and the coordinates) is a completely different matter. thats true is just that stalker types quite often pretend to have superpowers as part of their harassment behaviour + about hunting people down on the grid then is doable. cant do it just with lsl scripts tho. like you say This is what is puzzling me. Even RLV as I recall does not automatically allow mapping. It requires that I specifically grant the permission. Need someone who knows more than me to weigh in on this because like you, my understanding is it can't be accomplished with just LSL scripts. to make a hunter to make a hunter then dont need any exploits. can do legal in SL like codewise anyways. just have to know how to code and a bit about social engineering most people who got them kinda skills dont make these kinda things tho bc is creepy to do. also creepers tend to get attacked by coders who got way more skills. is bigtime game in haxxor circles to munt creepers
  23. Madelaine McMasters wrote: 16 wrote: ima make a dwarf catcher ...dresses up like a brown drawf and runs around on your lawn. jejejejjeje (: + just like to say that my dwarf catcher seems to be working good so far so woohooo !!! he said he not a dwarf tho. he try to say he was a smurf. but i think he is trying to trick me. like just painted himself plasticky blue but ima know more than him. i already seen a real smurf before on the interwebz is pretty obvious that the one i catch is a fake
  24. Dillon Levenque wrote: I may not be able to contribute much more; I'm only a couple miles inland and at less than two hundred feet elevation, so those 400' waves will be difficult to survive. I have taken the precaution of checking the local bases: first time I drive by and see a mannequin in the sentry box I'm outa here. if the base guards are wearing flippers and goggles then you probably got a good chance of surviving. just ask them if they got a LM to where you can get
  25. Nakkorra wrote: i dont want the outfit(now) just the look of the avi search for Neko shops inworld. most of the majors have lucky chairs and group gifts where you can get that kinda look to help get you started
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