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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. the parameters you describing have a lot in common with a shop hunt prize locator
  2. just say that the rate at which data is sent does impact usage and affects your cap the cap is time-based. like monthly. the faster stuff comes. the sooner you use up your cap sl servers can know what is your preferred transfer rate bc can get the info from the client. in the Preferences well designed virtual server can synchronise with the clients nominated rate upto the hardware/ISP throttled limit. is an approximation how this is done. cant do it exactly exact on a virtual server. but can get it pretty close within a narrow tolerance margin + like people saying a serverside bug has been introduced a few days now. the synchronisation is not working. some of the SL virtual servers are just blasting stuff down upto the hard clientside limit in my case upto 2x faster that my nominated preference the problem is compounded because the affected servers also sending heaps of redundant data as well in one sense the synchronisation is actual working as intended serverside. more data, bigger timeslice + the net effect tho is if the situation is not restored to how it worked before then my time on SL is going to be reduced by about 20% unless i avoid all sims that are affected for some people like Maelstrom (in other thread) they cant avoid it bc their home/business sims are directly affected. so unless is a fix they will either have to buy more ISP cap or play on SL less time. like upto 50% less monthly time in extreme cases for the same money as now + can understand that you making a distinction. is just that from affected user pov the consequences is more important
  3. linden is making other games as well now. seems logical that them games going to be released on steam. so adding SL as well makes sense for linden to do + doesnt make make any sense to just release SL on steam and not the others unless SL is being stabilised on Project Shining and then maybe parked up as a mature product + is like total speculation but maybe linden not like totally worried about SL losing sims. maybe the server capacitycoming available thru loss of sims is going to be taken up by the new games they making
  4. if we able to use steam wallet to bring and take out l$ like we do paypal then will be a benefit for both steam and sl users. can see SL people making a steam account. same steamers making sl accounts if we cant do that then am not sure is going to be much benefit in terms of adding money players to SL. maybe thats the plan. linden to provide a convertible vcurrency for the steam games and worlds that are coming
  5. Shiva Draconia wrote: I just want to point out that possibly, a lot of gamers, with very up to date systems, may have issues trying to get SL to run on ultra graphics. I'm on a laptop. It's less than a year old. It has two graphics cards - one is an intel chip, the other a decent nvidia. I can play Witcher 2 on this machine with no issues (check the specs... not exactly low end). SL on the other hand? I can just about get 10FPS on low graphics. The graphics card isn't exactly high end anymore, but it supports 3d graphics (if only I had the glasses), so it's not exactly the worst either. This is a coding issue with SL. On a day to day basis, it refuses to see the dedicated graphics card. The only way to get it to see the nvidia card, it to hook it up to a HDTV. This is all well and good, except the text gets very hard to read. is not just a SL problem switching from IGP to Nvidia. was heaps of games affected by Nvidia Optimus last year. latest NVidia driver fixes all them problems. + open Nvidia Control panel Help \ Updates if your Installed Graphics driver is not Version 301.42 then Check for Updates after you update to 301.42 then in Nvidia Control panel Select a Task... \ 3D Settings \ Manage 3D Settings Program Settings \ Select a program to customize: pick Second Life from the list (is heaps of other game settings as well now in the list) Select the preferred graphics processor for this program: pick High-performance NVIDIA processor then Apply button + ps. for people who only got a Nvidia and not a IGP as well then do same above except is no pick the processor bc you only got a Nvidia anyways + pps. about the gamers. they been screaming since Nvidia Optimus came out and Dell choose not to put a gfx switch in the bios or even in their Dell gfx driver. Dell thought at the time that they would be better at choosing which one to use for you. even the games writers couldnt pick which one either at time but anyways. NVidia solve it now. just have to get the latest driver off Nvidia and not use the Dell one
  6. just add to this way can also launch probe(s) from your chair to hunt the sim. the probe(s) then tells the chair when they find the target(s) and off you go on your chair
  7. MightOverwhelm wrote: default { touch_start(integer total_number) { ... TarotList = llDeleteSubList(cardList, 10, 21); } } I need help on the scope ... TarotList is out of scope bc is not declared in the event. or is not declared globally. so declare like: list TarotList = ... LSL is a typed language. meaning in this case you have to explicitly declare the variable type. unlike say in Basic, if you come from that background, where you dont have to
  8. Herry Maltz wrote: The griefing and problems today don't compare to the problems we face if the wrong people from the Steam service gets their hands on SL has been over 30 million accounts created on SL now. i think is nothing that any never been on SL before newbie steamer greifer can or will do that we not seen already before be more of a yawnfest i think for most people on SL when/if they do come. for like a whole 5 minutes or about. bit like how all them under 18 teens perverts was gunna absolute ruin SL
  9. Luc Starsider wrote: No, you can friend up to three Residents and you'll be fine. - Luc - you only get 3 goes at it and you have to get in exact order i think 3 x 2 x 1. so fail half the time if not have to get in exact order then like you say will get in 1 go + also if order not matter and can have as many goes as you like then in the OP 500 case. 500x499x498 / 3x2x1 or only about 35 years on average with same assumption as OP + or if linden made like a game so when you pick a name it says higher or lower then the 500 will take about 27 goes to get the 3. if the names are sorted then you can get a feedback so can pick in about 22 goes (:
  10. Rufferta wrote: *still confused, but I'm making mistakes at a much higher level now. Ever had one of those moments when you attach a shutter to a window, and when you try it the house revolves?......... (:
  11. bejjinks wrote: Conflict is caused by how we view those who disagree with us. conflict is caused when we act against them who we disagree with beliefs are thoughts. like i cant think a other person to death. but i can wish them harm. if i not act then nothing happens
  12. Perrie Juran wrote: M R snakes M R not S A R C M E D B D I's L I B M R Snakes. jejjejejejjeeje (:
  13. Kaidin Ulrik wrote: almost part....? on the forums talking to yourself is quite important some people say that is better to listen to yourself but nah! it not work out very well that way. not on the interwebz anyways also bc nobody much else listens to you either so when you say i am almost talking to myself then change to: i am talking to myself. you will be way happier that way
  14. Kaidin Ulrik wrote: I was almost talking to myself for a while there welcome to SL forums. you going to fit right in. just needs to work a bit more on the almost part and you be ok (:
  15. is dual event for both attach and detach. when is detached then key id == NULL_KEY here is the wiki entry: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Attach
  16. ps SL support really sux at helping. they should know how to fix this kinda stuff and be able to tell you exactly what to do. you a paying customer. is just wrong that they dont know
  17. About Land\General. Script Info button. Region/Parcel list will tell you a list of what scripts are running on your parcel. names owner and creator as well. find the name that matches and can return the object to owner off the list
  18. Jenni Darkwatch wrote: improve the caching mechanisms. that^^^ that^^ that^^^ i so want that. i got over 200gb spare on my hard drive and is super fast compared to my adsl connection. if linden made a cache and let me make dif size partitions in it for my clothes and attachment textures and another one for my home sim and others for my most common visit places and then the rest for all the casual places then be really great. also if i could cache my inventory folders links. same if able to cache groups and friends links and profile data that be good as well. then if they could somehow do some kinda delta encoding to do cache updates then that be way cool if linden done the cache thing like really well and never did anything never again ever after that then i be happy just about everyone would be happy as well. probably make SL go at least 2 times faster. maybe even 4 or 5 times faster for people on slow connections but with middle to good computers
  19. Maelstrom Janus wrote: And yet the talk in the firestorm group at least was that Lindens wont bother ... What Im interested in now is whats in all those extrea megs being thrown at us. is a bit unfair if people are saying that about linden what linden said was they werent going to do a rollback of the entire grid to stop it happening. like some people was asking them to do that they would investigate and see what is the problem and make a fix. that if they just done a rollback then would never know what was the problem or even how to fix it if it happens again + i am on a ISP cap plan so it affects me quite bad on some sims that i usual go to. like after the normal dl on teleport then i am normal tick about 4 to 30 onj a empty sim. at the moment is over 1000 in some places even when is only me. i cant afford that. i rather linden fix properly is a bit of a worry as well that it actual goes over 1000 bc in my viewer i set to 500 and less some days, usual less near end of month bc i am running out of my cap. i get dropped to dialup speed when that happens. is sucky that i not spend all my cap on SL tho. i do quite a lot of other stuff on the interwebz as well. more on them that on SL really. i have to manage my cap as best i can pretty much all the time if SL is not throttled to the size i put in the viewer then is really lame + seems whats happening is that the servers just sending the same stuff on some next door sims over and over and over
  20. i am on 3rd account now. so am kinda like my own grandchild. is kinda how i think about it + i not regret that i done it. was just time do something else RL for a time. like about 1 year between gran and mum. and nearly 2 years between me and mum + like Amethyst said tho. if you unhappy on your old then dont think you going to be happy on your new. maybe best go play on another world for a time. maybe + one thing you can try is to pack before you go. pack like you going on holiday. i know some people done that way. like they went thru their inventory and box up all their stuff one lady i tell to do that way. she end up not going and she is happy again now what happened was when she was going thru all her stuff she found all kinds of things that she forgot about. lots of things she got when she was newbie as well. . and each thing she find she remembered where she got and who she get off and it made her happy to remember all the good things that came back in her head. so she end up keep her account she also moved to another land and made another home for herself. she say might as well bc she already packed she got a whole new life now and not much run with her old crowd anymore. wasnt so much them she said. was more her. like she felt she had to live up to the person that she had created in that scene and was hard for her to keep being something that wasnt really her. not really anyways
  21. Aiden Rives wrote: birds of a feather, birds of a feather. It's alright. I'm leaving SL. You guys are right I don't belong here. bye, enjoy your second life. wait wait waaaaaaaaaiiiiiiit !!!! before you go can i umm! haz ur stuff plz ???
  22. dunno if you got neighbours but sometimes creepy stalkers will put their spy stuff on your land if is set to 0 return. the weirdo puts on your land and not on the land of the person they actual spying on bc they dont want that person to find it + like others said already if you live in a neighbourhood then best to put your land on some kinda object return time. if you got friends that you want to let build on then make a group and set the land to the group. dont have to deed it. just set to group. then your friends stuff doesnt get returned. just stuff of people not in your group if make a group then best to make a alt account as well for yourself. always has to be at least two avatar accounts in a group. so best if they both yours so that if the others leave the group then the group not get deleted. which happens if is not 2 avatars in the group
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