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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. he said he has way to many foreigners buying his stuff. that he is a nice guy but enough is enough and can they please not buy anymore stuff from his shop. and other shop keepers need to be aware that all the foreigners who dont buy anything anymore in his shop will be buying from them i think thats what he said
  2. yes you need quite a lot of curtains to fit a whole house so maybe will work. main thing is getting the amount right i suppose somehow + but on another matter one thing i dont see a lot of is complete kits for Linden Homes. is quite hard to make a whole home set for them. with the limited prims. the ideal for them is about 80prims altogether i think, so home owner got some left over for rezzing boxes and things have chatted to some people about this but they say is quite hard to do well. i say back to them that if is hard for you then think how much more hard it is for newbie. is why most of the linden homes end up empty or not much stuff in. they just need like curtains, floor coverings, maybe 2 or 3 pictures, a bedroom suite (dont have to be Adult) a lounge, small side table with say a lamp and some flowers in a vase, and maybe a kitchen unit and a table and 2 chairs. and a simple radio maybe with the new LI now then someone will have a proper go at it. like make a rez box with everything in for the style of house. newbie then drop on floor and everything rez exactly where is supposed to be i think about it sometimes. the rezzer. can know where to move it to and orient with a script i think because the house prims for each style are all uniquely named. so should be able to detect them and move/orient the box to the right place on rez would be quite good that i think if was done
  3. about the field of roses and the lady with the lamps i bought a whole bunch of wild flowers. they were quite nice and reasonable price so i end up buy about 30 of them. they were no copy can know why the vendor sell no copy. if they were copy then i wouldve only bought 6, one of each, and then fill up my whole parcel for like 1/5th price or less maybe + i think sometimes that can learn off the animation makers about bulk buys. like can get copy/notrans or nocopy/trans. at one shop where i get quite a lot of dance anims then can also buy the nocopy/trans ones in packs. more i buy then the pack cost less i think would be good if people who made flowers and trees and lamps and curtains and stuff where you need more than one kind did this. like make some of each kinds and put in a box and sell the box. some people do this already but not all that many i find
  4. if is ok to not have full floating point precision then one way easyish way is to append the vector data to the message then parse it in the listen longhand (like not optimised) example using strings and commands that can be different lengths if ( llDetectedLinkNumber(0) == 1 ) {{ // make the msg so end up with a string with a separator in it string cmd = "glow1"; string sep = "|"; string data = (string)<1.0,1.0,1.0>; string msg = cmd + sep + data; llRegionSay( channel, msg );}...listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message){ // get position of the separator integer sep = llSubStringIndex( message, "|" ); // parse into command and data string cmd = llGetSubString( message, 0, sep - 1 ); vector data = (vector)llGetSubString( message, sep + 1, llStringLength(message) - 1 ); if ( cmd == "glow1" ) { do stuff with data }} edit: lol Qie. i shouldnt waited for like another 2 minutes (:
  5. yes is quite hard when people do that. like try turn a conversation about a topic into a chat about you or them by making assertions that appeal to some higher something something is ok if people want to chat about themselves or even other people if they want. is just that i kinda think wut??? wut??? when it happens in a convo about a thing like when someone says there is rainbows on the moon and someone else says blah blah idiot blah blah common sense tells you blah blah blah as a matter of fact blah blah blah idiot blah blah i know what i am talking about blah blah blah idiot blah is obvious blah blah blah idiot blah blah trust me on this blah de blah de blah blah blah. oh! aaaaaaand blah blah blah blah blah so there when i see this i think wut??? wut??? wtf??? wut??? . i just dont say it. well not most times. the blah blah blah blah parts actual make more sense to me. like i just think of the homeric thing. like simpson. and i start laughing (:
  6. Marniemay wrote: brb I asked a friend what it means...took her ages to reply............ Seriously, what does it mean? A couple of minutes? an hour? next tuesday? So I will just stop everything and wait.......... jejejjejeje (:
  7. as a matter of fact trust me on this i know what i am talking about it is obvious
  8. you dont say if you have the latest windows 8 drivers for your card yet here is AMD: http://support.amd.com/US/Pages/AMDSupportHub.aspx here is Nvidia: http://www.geforce.com/drivers + i had to get the latest from Nividia myself to make SL go. SL on Win8 goes about as good as win7 when it does
  9. yes lol he was a pretty funny guy some days is a bit sad he end up getting killed on every forum he went on
  10. ima busy ima callback ima byenow q; jejejjejejeje (: + sorry i cant help it. is friday nearly saturday so ima wasted (:
  11. Storm Clarence wrote: 16 wrote: Ry0ta Exonar wrote: "ima", "nuff said" and "kthxbye" ima resemble that kthx.. oh wait q; (: Ima anything! lol you read it same as me looks like jejejejjejejej (:
  12. if you want to own a mainland parcel then do. if you dont want the mainland ownership and are happy to rent then dont do it
  13. if one viewer is working and another is not then is usual some kinda corruption in the viewer startup files somewhere. you maybe need to do a total clean deinstall of firestorm then reinstall. normal deinstall for windows programs not always do it properly. is a windows thing that. here is the link that explains how to do a total clean uninstall of firestorm: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_clean_reinstall eep! it end up attach to your one Echo. sorry (:
  14. what happens when you try the official viewer. do you get the same problem?
  15. ayoza Alcove wrote: Yes i know, and i am doing the necessary to LL for resolve the problem. I just say this problem here for people will be vigilent about this problem, ... thanks you done the right thing to report to linden. and also to post about it here so that we can know and not get caught ourself
  16. Ry0ta Exonar wrote: "ima", "nuff said" and "kthxbye" ima resemble that kthx.. oh wait q; (:
  17. have never left a rating of any kind on MP. good or bad. dont much use MP tho. just to find free stuff really or maybe only like 10L or something + i pretty much shop inworld. i like to see demos before i buy and check out the quality on the models if they got any. i pretty much dont buy high price items off stranger shops i dont know anything about if i cant see a model or get a demo before. i dont mean always a demo of what i am actual wanting eveytime. any demo will do just so i can inspect the seams and stuff. am picky like that me (: same in reals if i like a shop and is some kinda vote or like box then i will click it, even if i end up not buying anything sometimes
  18. siggy waterworks as well. he have a swimmer HUD you can wear in the water. is quite a few young people end up there playing on his stuff http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/WaterWorks/212/70/29/ also can usual find young people from the teen grid days down by the water on Nix sim just standing round chatting http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nix/120/120/32/
  19. yes can be done with mesh arms now as well
  20. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Last i checked we were all Human.. In RL that is. not everyone jejejejejejjeje (:
  21. can have a look at llTargetOmega if you like. it can do smooth rotation http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTargetOmega
  22. bejjinks wrote: I make a distinction between a "view" and a "thought" in this way. Thoughts go through our mind all the time but if we hold onto the thought, if we dwell on the thought, then it becomes a view. i not mean to turn it into a general theological debate. was just using the example in the context of the discussion so i just quote the bit above and consider for a thought to become a view then happens in 1 of 2 ways 1) we accept is true 2) we decide is true in 1) we accept is true bc is actually true in 2) we can decide is true even when it is maybe not actually true. maybe true. maybe not. whichever, we just decide that it is
  23. leon Bowler wrote: But light has no max speed, but that would have been for another day, but judging by the comments here that is not going to happen, I am done with posting threads here, you all seem to have a hang up about lucinda rather than talking about anything of worth. THE SPEED OF LIGHT IS THE SPEED LIGHT TRAVELS THOUGH THE COLD PLASMA AT THE PRESSURE IT IS NOW, CHANGE THAT PRESSURE SO THE SPEED OF LIGHT CHANGES, but don't let me destroy your dream world. is about here that it usual goes wrong light travels at measurable constant c in a vaccum. the constant part is what matters in relativity theoretical workings, not the actual speed. the measurements in the works are relative to the constant. is true that light has measurable different speeds when it passes thru non-vaccums made of different substances. it doesn't change the speed of light thru the vacuum tho and doesnt invalidate the works based on the constant c either + as far as the max speed of light goes. it maybe possible that light could go faster than the speed it goes thru a vaccum. we just dont know what that non-vaccum substance is. if we ever do find out then we can measure it. until then we just carry on working with what we can measure, even if only by modelling the interesting thing is that in this unknown substance or even in some kinda super duper inverse vaccum then the measurable speed of light may even be a zillion times faster. even if so then it not change the constant c
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