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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. Dillon Levenque wrote: bejjinks wrote: We cannot choose what we believe Yes we can. agree with Dillon + Genesis 3:22 : "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil." edit: just add this the fundamental tenet of 3 of the greatest religions ever. don't know why when people who are followers of these seems to wants to make other reasons for why we might do the things we do. God didnt. he put the question to Man and Man choose to accept
  2. about blocking group invites + at least as far back as 2008 the answer from linden was: works as expected even if unsatisfactory in the jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2023 Alexa Linden wrote: "The mute button works as expected. Sadly, you would have to know who was going to spam you before they sent the Group Invite to be able to mute/reject the invitation. Once ways of dealing with this is If you set yourself in Busy mode, you won't receive the blue screen messages. Also, if someone is spamming you with group invites, you can file an Abuse Report." + ever since thats been the standard linden response basically what linden seems to be saying is that as a principle: is contradictory to block a user from sending out group invites from a group in which they have group rights granted to them by the group to do i think the problem for linden codeys is that it has something to do with how the invite is generated. am pretty sure that is the group code of the program that sends the actual invite and not the code of the person who clicks the button + what we really want is the ability to block a group before the fact. which is pretty much what Alexa Lineden means i think also i think this hasnt been done yet bc the whole group code is a pita. maybe we will get that option one day some day when linden make a budget to do the whole group thing over again. hope so
  3. Eileen Fellstein wrote: Deleted grumpy post an AR a day will keep the evil cows away! thats the way (: just have to wait out the bad times sometimes. it all turn out good in the end most times
  4. Charolotte Caxton wrote: He is a figment of the imagination. Rodvik. Is that a real life name? yes. is in a rhyme as well. it goes rodvikator truvikator treevikator floor fifevikator sexvikator sevunvibrator moar something like that (:
  5. yes lol i dont play ring games. is a bit dull for me to just try and win money i like to play in online tourneys and sitngos. is more fun. can monster people in them and make them tilt and they start sledging at you in the chat. so thats kinda sports in a way. well unsports maybe. jejejjejeje (: but lol is some even bigger monsters than me. lol nom nom nom nom nom !!! is quite fun tho when is monsta monstas playing as well (: best thing about online is that is always another game. so i dont much care if i get nommed. only time i get a bit upset is if finish 1 outside the bubble after like over 1 hour or more sometimes in a big tourney. thats quite suxy
  6. can be the other way round as well sometimes the linden web certificates can get out of date and the site not work. seems that you have to use IE to update the certs (it happens automagically just by going to the page) and then change to Chrome/Firefox/etc to use it they your preferred browser lis kinda dumb that we need to do that but nvm (: + even dumber is that to get flash media to work in SL (the easy way) then have to use Firefox to do the install. cant easy use official Chrome or IE to do that bc they work differently to how the SL webkit browser works so altogether big lol (:
  7. wow !!! you getting a good run on your advert q; (:
  8. Herbert Hawker wrote: The time must be ripe for someone to launch a viable alternative to Second Life. Linden Labs seem increasingly determined to turn what was an innovative, unique, member-driven, inspiring community of people into yet another gaming lanscape for adolescent youths. Sad really. party at cloud's place
  9. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: LL is the arbiter as to what is or isn't a game of chance here. I doubt there's any conspiracy within LL. You may think it's gambling, but even poker isn't, according to some: NY judge: Poker's not gambling under federal law the counter argument is that if poker is a game of skill and not a game of chance then it can be seen as a sporting contest between players. interstate gambling on sporting contests is not allowed + personally i think the whole gambling ban is silly
  10. he is maybe steaming little text people in his kitchen
  11. are you using llGetOwner() calls sprinkled throughout your code? since linden made the latest newish changes to sim crossings, some scripts seem to be coming out of suspend mode before the entire sim handoff is complete (seems like) the script cant find out who is the key, affecting permissions and triggering the errors so far the only way i can work out how to avoid this is to use a global owner variable at least for that part + it gets a bit worse if is another avatar sitting on it as well. affects their permissions in the same way also any Detect key function also has problems if called before the handoff is totally complete maybe can make a global list of keys of sitters and see if that helps + other thing some people are doing now is coasting their vehicles across the boundary. putting all the scripts into their own written suspend state and then checking all the avatar keys and perm states after the sim crossing is signaled, before bringing the driver controls and drive scripts out of suspension and resuming ps. in the suspend state then need to put in a impulse booster to keep the vehicle on the same speed and heading or the vehicle can lose weigh and sometimes get total stuck in the dark hole
  12. the error is ocurring on the remote 3rd party database end outside of SL you need to chat to the provider of the ATM machine service. they should have a way to contact them about it on their website + if you are making your own SQL based ATM for use inside SL then will you need to look at the LSL script that gather and pass the data info and also any serverside midware scripts as well to identify where is the problem can say that normally when a SQL syntax error occurs like the above then the length of the statement is being shortened by some filtering process before it is passed to the SQL engine
  13. when people are bored in SL then they usual come on here. you can do that if you bored. oh! wait !!! (:
  14. Nuhai Ling wrote: Do you cam? Yes I do... I can feed my SL view into Skype, Yahoo!, or any other cam service but it seems redundant to me. jejejejjejejeje (: lol am going to remember that one. ejjejejejjejejeje (:
  15. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Green Mountain Transit Authority. I have never heard the expression Another THINK Coming until just now, it sounds terribly wrong. Do you have a thought in your head? Nope, not a think. jejejejejejje (: i think is ancient european saying. like when a mother ask her child what do they think they are doing when they being mischief. when they try to make an excuse then she says: you got another think coming
  16. i dont play the most popular game regularly that you are maybe referring to. can say tho that from the info on a vendors website can make some conclusions about the combinatorics + in a game that use a uniformly distributed arrangement the player will always win over the long run without any rules/restrictions put on it by the operator. luck have nothing to do with it over the long term. with or without rules these kinda games are called player advantage games the skill component has two parts in the main flavour of the game played in SL first is calculating what the probabilities are of the numbers remaining as they relate to the arrangement of the numbers on the board, so as to make a total game score second is the jokers. knowing where to place them on the board. is a bit like the game Connect 4 is this part. placing them so that you get best arrangement to maximise the total game score based on the probabilities of the numbers yet to be drawn. is different this from using the joker to complete the current round score. which is what most newbie players only ever consider + the main downside to this game is the ability of the operator to set the rules so to reduce the probabilities of the numbers yet to be drawn that would give a total winning score. the downside isnt that they can do this. as is no point operating a game if you get wasted by the players all the time i try to explain seems to me that the vendors should know the exact probabilities of their own games on every setting that they offer. maybe they do. seems not tho. on one vendor website the only reference to this is a calculation based on empirical evidence of a very short run, like 10,000. i dont think thats good enough really whats not good either is when asked the vendor says they cant say what is the best rules settings for an operator. this is contrary to other player/bank probalistic advantage games like blackjack, baccarat and craps. where all the probabilities are exactly known at every given moment, by both operators and players, regardless of whichever set of rules the operator chooses to use yes there can be billions of combinations in these kinda games. just need to do the combinatoric arithmetic is all + in absence of the arithmetic then the operator has to guess what the best rules settings might be to suit their circumstances. is not good guessing this is the actual downside for both players and people who want to operate them on their sims to pay the tiers and make a little money. as when we have to guess what is the best set of rules then when we guess wrong then can go horrible wrong. in the guessing game can only learn by experience and empiricism. can lose a lot of money learning that way sometimes + ps. am going to say something that maybe will inflame some vendors/operators. hope not tho. if you dont know what the combinatorics are on your own game then please dont call players who do: cheats. is like totally total uncool that
  17. Tiffy Vella wrote: Yes, 16 You are spot on re the translators. I use google translator when needed. It's not perfect but helps so much I find it best when sentences are short, and contain only one idea. yes. translators are quite good most times. when i meet someone who speaks other languages to me then i try get them to turn on translator. then i turn mine on as well. between the 4 lines of chat we can usual work thru it all. is pretty funny sometimes tho (:
  18. is all good the main thing is that you stayed and worked through the issues. i think people here now have a better understanding of you. me now as well. thats a good thing i wish you all the best in your shop and hope that you do really well. (:
  19. can say that we have had more bug fixes in the viewer in the last 2 years than we had in all the other years put together pretty much + is some things that cant be fixed bc is not a bug. was poor design way back when in the early days. linden acknowledge this many times will take a total redesign and rewrite to fix groups. same with textures. linden are rewriting the textures part now in the shiny project. dunno when they will do groups the main problem linden got with doing total rewrites is that they have to do in a way that not break existing content. is not easy that
  20. Ceka Cianci wrote: by the time this thread is over..there won't be much left to say hehehe jejjejejejjeeje (: + to all the readers can only say: STOP TALKING !!! i got a gesture that screams that out. makes some people go bananas (:
  21. ps. i just add here when you dealing with non-english speakers then have to remember that lots of them will be using google translator. if you using txtspk then it comes out on there side as garble garble. google and others already garble quite a lot of formal english already. and txtspk makes a not good situation even worse for them
  22. HisaDrug wrote: Thanks alot ! I'll look into the link now. you onto it. listen to people like Sassy. she knows main thing is that majority of people on SL who got lots of money to spend are older people. old people are quite formal and sometimes they get a bit annoyed if you txtspk in chat and talk street on voice at them when dealing with money issues money is serious business, so you have to be a little bit more serious, like formal, in how you express yourself as well when talking about it with them
  23. Jenni Darkwatch wrote: .. I've found when testing some theories is that script load makes a huge, huuuuuge difference. As does vehicle speed. ^^that and that^^ take off all scripted attachments and huds that dont have anything to do with the vehicle and travel. less you wearing then less that has to be transferred to next sim + other thing is that many experienced vehicle scripters know about the 2 second rule for sim crossings. so they design the vehicle to know when it is about to do a sim crossing. and they avoid having the vehicle scripts do anything intense while the handover is happening basically the driver controls are paused and the vehicle is coasted across under script control. when the sim handoff is totally complete then control is returned to the driver + altogether is why some people dont have much trouble at all with sim crossings and other people do
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