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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. It must not be that hard because, in point of fact, they do have a notecard for it, Gregory, the “NCI Standards (Feb 2017)”. I went there just to check. It’s offered not 10m. from the very landing point, it took me all of 20 seconds to find it –and no, I wasn’t trying to break a record either, I just idly cammed around and found it. It wasn’t a big effort. Gregory, you speak of “joint effort”... the very word implies that you are included in that effort-making. Sorry to say, but it really doesn’t look as if you’re putting in nearly as much of it as you keep asking of others, and blaming the inevitable results on others might make you feel better –at least momentarily–but in the long run it’ll only compound the problem and prevent you from enjoying Second Life the way it’s meant to be enjoyed: by adapting to it at least as much as you ask it to adapt to you
  2. Couple things, Gregory. First, a “bumper” is something you wear that triggers animations & sounds (of slapping or whatever) when someone bumps you –hence the name–, and is thus used to pretty much say, “don’t bump me!”; so, at least for fairness’ sake, the first thing you should do when triggering someone else’s bumper is not to rant at them but to, well, you know... stop bumping them? Now, one could chalk it up to lack of awareness of what a “bumper” is... if one hadn’t seen you before in similar venues, showing a remarkable fondness for bumping people around –and actually focusing on those with bumpers, pushing them over & over again until you were asked to stop. I’m not saying it couldn’t have happened, this time, the way you described it... but even if you hadn’t tried the “racist card” trick, I have to admit I’d no longer be entirely inclined to take your account of the incident at face value. Alas, another thing I remember of you from this other place is that you asked about the venue’s money prize options, the staff gave you abundant info about it and even bent over & backwards to provide you more options... and you literally ignored it all and went on other things, without paying the slightest attention to any of it. Gregory, I’m not saying that you couldn’t possibly find abusive people in this world, either in administrative roles or otherwise. You certainly can, and you will. All I’m saying is that you’ll probably improve your own Second Life experience by being a bit more observant, and mindful of your own actions, before immediately blaming it all on everyone else, “the whole world against me” –or, as you tried in this post, “it’s cos I’m from this or that country”. Most people couldn’t possibly care less where you’re from and, as long as there’s no huge language barrier (and your posts here conclusively prove that there isn’t), all it’s required is that you put in as much effort trying to understand others, as you ask of them in trying to understand you
  3. That’s not bling, ffs, it’s lazers... and specifically sharp ones, mind you; like, a ton an’ a half sharper than usual SL lasers, ya know. But don’t worry, they’re virtually virtual, so they won’t burn your skin. Only your graphics card.
  4. Just trying the demo, before paying 1 L$ for the full version. I’m a conscious consumer.
  5. It might actually be worth paying 1 L$ to see more of this –though, being practical, dozens of trolls do it for free every day, in all the chat hotspots, and most are even generous enough to put in a short, fat nekked avatar to kinda illustrate the point. Still, good luck. Like, very, very, very good luck.
  6. 1. Yes. No. No. 2. No. 3. Yes. Yes. Yes. 4. Yes. Good. 5. Yes. No. 6. Chat. 7. Yes. yw.
  7. I’ve been on occasion IMd by venue staffers who informed me that my clothing wasn’t within rules. I either changed or, if I couldn’t / wouldn’t, simply left. I’ve never felt insulted, mostly because none even remotely said, “you f****** idiot, your clothes are inadequate here!!”. They just made a statement, and I took action upon it. No fuss.
  8. 1) If everyone’s your friend, then no one is. Don’t devalue friendship by giving it or taking it too easily. 2) Don’t go on a “making friends mission”, no one wants to be just a score. The best of these advices are not “how to make more friends”, but “how to avoid too many flubs”. 3) Don’t be pushy, reserved ones can be great friends if you accept them the way they are, instead of “only those like me” or “only the easy ones” –again, don’t cheapen friendship. 4) Don’t judge unnecessarily. You don’t get points by tagging everyone, you’re just being simplistic. 5) Read & listen, then read & listen more. Don’t go handing out “are we compatible?” questionnaires, they’re useless except to make the other feel you’re just picking & processing targets at random, rather than those whose profiles, actions or words truly caught your attention, after hours or even days of observation. 6) Friendship is about giving, not taking. Don’t ask, don’t be clingy –if the other has to end up avoiding you, you’re not a friend, you’re a leech. 7) Don’t get too excited with those who agree with you on everything. You learn nothing from your own echo, and might as well ask if there’s only a brick or stone wall in front of you... with God-only-knows-what behind. 8) Leave your peacock feathers at home. Gold-plated cork leaves a far worse lasting impression than solid iron.
  9. Try here; everyone’s so cool over there, no one needs to feel haughty about the others
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