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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. A relatively simple Marketplace search will reveal that there is indeed a healthy flow of TMP-compatible clothing out there; most of those are mainly layer/applier-based, rather than rigged for that particular body, but if you have the Deluxe body you will find that many clothing not specifically designed to be TMP-compatible fit well enough after some fiddling with the TMP alpha HUD.
  2. Google+ struggles to have a fraction of the reach of social site giants such as Facebook, and they lack several of their features too; but yes, they’re far more lenient about virtual identities and content sharing, and already at present there are several, relatively live Second Life-related G+ communities out there.
  3. That depends on the person –on both, actually–, and on the kind of relationship they establish. Shallowness isn’t an universal constant.
  4. A good source for Second Life pictures is Flickr (just use its internal search for “Second Life”), where many residents with at least some interest in SL photography upload their captures; many of those will already be edited, some heavily, but not all. Of course, ideally you should ask permission to the photographer in question beforehand, especially if you plan to do anything beyond just privately practicing your edits & repaints. You can also take your own screenshots, most SL viewers have a rather usable snapshot functionality and you’ll probably get more quality that if you just tried doing a typical screen capture; plus, of course you’ll have exactly the images you want to play with, and no need to ask for permission to anyone ;-)
  5. L$7,000 on the LumiPro HUD. Bit of a waste on my part, as I barely use a fraction of all its functionality, but it seemed a good idea at the time...
  6. Dos posibles soluciones: Si tienes una tarjeta gráfica ATI, han estado dando problemas con ciertos mesh en SL, pero recientemente han sacado una actualización beta de los drivers que parece que lo resuelve; en principio no debería ser eso si otros visores te van bien, pero en todo caso vale la pena probar. Antes de dicha actualización, y siempre hablando de poseedores de gráficas ATI, una solución temporal pasaba por ir a Preferencias > “Gráficos” y desactivar la casilla “Aplicar piel por hardware”; en algunos sistemas esto podía suponer una ligera pérdida de rendimiento, en otros no.
  7. You’ll have to use at least one, to hide the areas of your base avatar that the mesh body is supposed to replace; once that’s done, any further masking of the mesh body will be done through its own alpha system –if it has one. Usually not; most mesh heads have an empty eye socket through which your own eyes, either normal or mesh, will show. The demo of the mesh body you try will show exactly how it happens. Yes, but it’s not automatic, like, having an old non-mesh clothing item and pressing yourself a button in your viewer labelled “convert to mesh clothing”; if you have the texture of the non-mesh clothing item and the “applier kit” for the mesh body in question, you’ll be able to make the conversion manually, following the kit’s creator instructions. Otherwise you’ll have to contact the store where you bought the item and see if they made the conversion, or else convince them to do so.
  8. Yo veo trozos de tus piernas sobresaliendo del pantalón; si tu cuerpo trae un HUD con segmentos alfa, esto significa que no has operado el HUD correctamente para volver invisibles los segmentos que componen tus piernas. Quizá puedas recibir ayuda más específica si mencionas de qué cuerpo mesh se trata.
  9. Actually, I don’t think it’s an age issue. You may find people in that age bracket that, yes, take everything in a lighthearted way; but you may also find people that, precisely because they’re that age, have the energy and the stamina and the enthusiasm to engage in just about everything: a job, a partner, a blog, hundreds of friends, lots of daily SL activities of all sorts... and they’d try doing it all and then some. And so you’d find them too serious for your own taste. Oh, and if that “I-want-to-do-it-all youngster” sounds like a cliche to you, it’s because it is... which is kinda my point: you just can’t equate personality or lifestyle to a certain age... the correlation, if it exists at all, is far too tenuous to consider. If what you want is to meet people with no other dedication (at least when and where you meet them) than to have fun, just go to any music place... a disco, a bar, etc. Never mind what age each of the attendants might be, you’ll know who the most interesting to you are by the way they act, not the RL age of whoever is behind the keyboard.
  10. El ítem de capa alfa (representado en tu inventario por un icono de una camiseta blanca con cuadros), puede que sí, pero creo que Ritz se refiere a la funcionalidad alfa que viene incluída en el cuerpo mesh que llevas (si es que la tiene; algunos modelos básicos no la tienen, o no lo suficientemente flexible). Seguramente será un HUD en la misma carpeta que el cuerpo mesh: te lo vistes, verás una especie de representación de tu cuerpo con una serie de segmentos que puedes mostrar u ocultar... y ahí es donde debes ir ocultando todos los que necesites hasta que ninguna parte de tu cuerpo mesh sobresalga por encima de esa ropa. No siempre es posible, al menos no con tanta precisión como el antiguo sistema de alfas, que es el que tú dices que ya llevas vestido (y que haces bien vistiendo, para que tu avatar base no sobresalga a su vez por encima del cuerpo mesh).
  11. Si al ponerte el vestido te quita el cabello, y viceversa, significa que ambos están configurados por defecto para anexarse al mismo punto de tu avatar –el cráneo, seguramente–, y cuando te pones algo que se anexa a cierto punto, también por defecto la acción es sustituír lo que ya tuvieses vestido en ese punto; es algo rato que configuren un vestido para anexarse al cráneo (aunque visualmente tú te lo veas en el cuerpo, pero el punto de anclaje técnico es el cráneo), pero bueno... o quizá el vestido está bien y está configurado para anexarse al tronco, pero el pelo también. Cuando se trata de productos llamados “rigged mesh”, no siempre es obvio a qué punto de tu cuerpo se anclan en realidad, aunque tú te lo veas colocado correctamente. El caso es que, cuando eso sucede, cuando dos ítems están configurados para el mismo punto de anclaje de tu cuerpo, puedes forzar a que, cuando te vistas una cosa, no sustituya a lo que tengas vestido en ese punto, sino que se añada: en el inventario, cuando te vayas a vestir el ítem en cuestión, con clic derecho del ratón no elijas la opción “Ponerme” sino la de “Añadir”, y verás cómo te deja vestir ambas cosas, sin quitarte ninguna. Por cierto, para ver en qué punto de tu cuerpo está anclado un ítem, puedes ir al inventario y ver el texto que aparece a la derecha del ítem, una vez te lo has vestido: saldrá el texto “Anexado a...”. Hoy en día es poco más que una curiosidad, ya que normalmente no vas a necesitar cambiar el punto de anclaje de un ítem de vestuario (y de hecho con algunos es irrelevante que lo cambies), y como ves, con el truco de “Añadir” no necesitarás hacerlo. En cuanto a “ropa y cabellos compatibles”, es toda otra historia. Seguramente se refieren a que son compatibles con ciertos cuerpos mesh que se venden para mejorar lo que es el avatar básico que proporciona Second Life a todos; hasta que empezaron a salir estos cuerpos mesh, toda la ropa (y pelos, y... , etc.) se diseñaba pensando en ese avatar básico, pero cuando empezaron a salir, y como cada uno era distinto, se empezó a hacer necesario aclarar: “este ítem está diseñado para el cuerpo mesh de la marca X, no necesariamente funcionará con los de otras marcas o con el cuerpo básico de SL”.
  12. Si estás utilizando Firestorm, prueba a NO usar su buscador propio de personas, sino el otro, el buscador web, ya que ofrecen resultados distintos y a veces el primero da algunos que el segundo no. Alternativamente, puedes incluso utilizar la página web https://my.secondlife.com/, tal cual, seguida del nombre del sujeto (si es “Resident” no lo añadas, si tiene un apellido de los antiguos, pon nombre y apellido separados sólo por un punto, sin espacios. Desde ahí podrás enviarle IM. Ahora bien, si ni siquiera así te sale, entonces es posible que la cuenta haya sido desactivada (por el propio residente, o por Linden Lab), y entonces será más difícil.
  13. Ren Toxx

    Saving up

    If it’s a Second Life Marketplace item, they have an “Add To Favorites” link which you can use to add all the things you’d wish to buy one day; if it’s in-world, you can follow Freya’s suggestion and even include a landmark created by yourself to the exact point where the item is sold, complete with annotations.
  14. En tu Historial de transacciones quizá figure el último pago que hiciste al dueño, y con ello su nombre, para que puedas sacar su perfil y abrirle IM para preguntarle qué ha pasado.
  15. Quinn Lysette wrote: ya hey when u set particles to zero ur secondlife **bleep** doesnt ejaculate or pee So set yours at a modest value, rather than zero, and perhaps lower other settings of things you don’t care about, just as I don’t about gloriously peeing and/or ejaculating in full technicolor. Or, even better, if you have a viewer with that kind of flexibility, quickly modify some values depending on the situation; some such as Firestorm or Black Dragon offer quick preferences panels. In fact, I heard that something like this is being considered as a standard LL viewer feature, so you might as well start experimenting with it.
  16. I would suggest not using words such as “destroy” or “kill” for your question, Quinn; I can disregard them as mere hyperbole, but others may be inclined to... well, answer in fashion. I will tell you that my graphics card, not a top of the line model for over a year now, runs most SL scenarios well above such framerates; of course very loaded sims will bring it down, which is why I have “tuned” both my viewer and nVidia panel's settings. And I could also tell you my settings for both, such as having set a Draw Distance of 160 m., using overall Ultra-like settings but disabling ALM (projected shadows), disabling local & attached lights (facelights), setting particles to zero, using a no-shadows Windlight and, in nVidia’s panel, only a moderate amount of anti-aliasing, but what good would any of that be to you? Every person has his tastes & preferences when it comes to what settings sacrifice for performance, so what I’m going to recommend is that you go to your viewer’s preferences, graphics section, and start fiddling with each individual setting to your taste (in matters of quality vs. speed) while staying at an average-loaded sim, then experiment a little too with your graphic’s card advanced settings for the game (you may need to relog after a few changes for them to apply since, usually, they’re only in effect the next time the executable is run).
  17. dfs234ddd wrote: [...] it seems that in order to be functional, you can't allow yourself to develop any attachments to other players [...] I guess that depends on your definition of “functional”. Mine includes a working heart, so perhaps I’m not particularly scared of attachments.
  18. Ren Toxx

    Can't log in.

    Wait. There has been in fact a somewhat general login failure incidence, and these things aren't always timely reported @ Grid Status... if at all. But they rarely last more than a few hours.
  19. Ren Toxx

    windows XP

    There are some third-party viewers that still work under Windows XP, such as Singularity, but I imagine you won’t be always able to rely on it either, as the previous answers still hold true: eventually all of them will stop supporting XP and you’ll have no other option but to update your operative system.
  20. Contacta in-world con el dueño de la tienda y explícale (como indica en su perfil, a través de notecard, no de IM) lo que te ha pasado. Que te devuelva el dinero o no dependerá casi exclusivamente de si él te quiere hacer este favor, puesto que los zapatos son copiables y no transferibles, de modo que no puedes “devolvérselos” como prueba de que no te los quedas para así conseguir dos pares de zapatos pagando uno sólo (como hace o intenta hacer mucha gente, con la excusa de que “es que se equivocaron al comprar”).
  21. I would go with Xiija’s suggestion and pay advance rent; 50,000 L$ would give me only a bit over 3 months’ worth of it, but it’d still be a welcome saving for my partner & I.
  22. Jackson Redstar wrote: [...] it appears there are 2 camps on this debug setting - some say boost it from the default 32, and Firestorm is now says it needs to be lower [...] anybody have the correct answer? [...] As usual with these things, there’s no single “correct answer for everyone” –if there was, that is, if there existed a specific value that’d work best for everyone, then there wouldn’t even be a changeable MeshMaxConcurrentRequests setting, because no one would ever need to change it to what would therefore always be a worse value. Now here, here, here, here and here are a few pages describing the issue to some extent; regrettably they’re all somewhat outdated discussions –I haven’t been able to find any more current, but I’m sure with some patience they can be found–, but the gist of the matter is this: the default values were moderate (make that “Linden Lab-style moderate”, i.e. perhaps a bit too conservative) but usually effective enough, yet if you experienced problems, you could always try changing the setting... and, actually, you were better trying both ways –raising the value, and lowering it, since depending on many conditions including your own connection’s, either way could solve or at least ameliorate your problem. But, more recently, many changes have been made to how SL viewers fetch mesh information through HTTP, and some of these changes mean that changing MeshMaxConcurrentRequests was no longer quite as necessary; in fact there were –and still are– talks about clamping it, and how setting it too high could in fact cause trouble, for you and everyone else. So if you’re experiencing mesh loading problems, by all means do try changing this value, but not too much, and do try going both ways (raising it and lowering it); it’s also worth trying many other connection-related settings, such as HTTP, bandwidth, connection port, making sure your router or firewall isn’t blocking or QoS’ing anything... and of course having an up-to-date viewer, since some of these fetching improvements I mentioned are in fact quite recent.
  23. Si te refieres a ropas “de sistema” (layer clothing), hay una web relativamente antigua pero con material perfectamente usable aún, aquí. Te servirá en cuanto a que te permitirá ver el formato que debes dar a las texturas de ropa que luego subirás a Second Life para aplicarlas a ítems específicos de camisa, camiseta, pantalón, chaqueta, calcetines, etc. Básicamente son archivos .PSD (Photoshop) que te servirán de guía, luego puedes subir tus texturas de ropa a Second Life gratuitamente a modo de prueba, como “textura local”, y si ves que se ven como querías, entonces ya las subes de un modo permanente, a 10 L$ la textura (mientras las subas temporalmente sólo podrías verlas tú). Ahora bien... aunque todavía se usan, y para algunos tipos de ropa incluso siguen siendo la mejor opción o al menos una de las mejores, para otros muchos tipos la ropa mesh ha pasado a ser prácticamente el estándar de calidad... y ahí ya no hay un “kit estándar” de diseño de ropa, básicamente porque ya no hay un estándar: los diseñadores de ropa la modelan en 3D en programas tipo Blender, desde cero, y luego la texturizan también desde cero; o bien compran el modelo 3D ya premodelado a algunos que se dedican a eso (mira a la creadora Meli Imako en el Marketplace, por ejemplo), y lo texturizan ellos, pero lógicamente ya no hay un “kit” estándar porque cada producto es distinto en cuanto a posición de los polígonos, mapa UV, número de caras texturizables distintamente, etc. Y por fin, ahora también hay “cuerpos mesh”, es decir, cuerpos básicamente desnudos, que terceras partes (tú) pueden texturizar por su cuenta, vendiéndolo como “appliers” de ropa (desde tatuajes hasta camisetas, medias, etc., mientras estén “pegados al cuerpo”)... para eso sí que hay “kits”, pero el problema es que no hay un sólo kit, porque no hay un sólo cuerpo mesh... hay decenas de ellos, y cada uno (o al menos la mayoría, los mejores digamos) tiene su propio “kit”, que suelen vender u ofrecer en la misma tienda donde venden el cuerpo, o al menos darte información de contacto sobre cómo y a quién solicitarlo.
  24. Are the viewers you’re trying up to date in terms of compatibility with current SL protocols, or are they somewhat old versions? Are you trying those solutions you mention in a region as lag-free as possible? Have you tried drag-dropping an actual outfit folder (one with a shape, a skin, a pair of eyes and a hairbase will do) onto your avatar? Have you tried clearing your viewer cache?
  25. While on fullscreen mode, Firestorm apparently doesn’t always recognize your monitor’s actual resolution, so you have to input it manually. Fortunately, you can do it before actually going fullscreen again (that is, you can do it while still on windowed mode), and even before logging in: just open Firestorm and, without logging yet, open the Debug Settings from the upper menu and look for “WindowWidth” and “WindowHeight”; set both manually to your screen’s resolution, then go to Preferences to enable full screen again, then relaunch the viewer. Now it should display properly, though you may still want to fiddle with Preferences > “User Interface” > “UI Scaling” to get it to look just about right for your taste. Notice, though, that even in fullscreen mode you needn’t really go the Ctrl+Alt+Del route to close the viewer; the “X” may be gone, but the viewer’s own Ctrl+Q shortcut should work just fine and is less cumbersome :smileywink:
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