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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. If you actually want a furry bodybuilder like that, your best course of action would be to contact that Facebook’s account owner and ask him what store did he bought it from. If the “furriness” is only coincidental and you just wanted a bodybuilding shape but actually prefer a human one, then try Niramyth Productions, they have one which is becoming quite popular; there’s also L’Uommo and others. They’re rigged mesh bodies, so you’ll have to wear them over an otherwise mostly normal shape (or one of those provided with the product), and to some extent you’ll still be able to modify it, if not quite as minutely as an actual SL classic avatar shape; for example, you’ll be able to make yourself taller or shorter, wider or narrower shoulders, etc., but you’ll find that some shape parameters don’t have an effect anymore –a limitation of SL’s FitMesh technology, and therefore shared by all similar products. You’ll notice this especially if you choose to wear the included mesh head as well, where the opposite happens: only a few shape settings work, none of them facial features; for this reason, many users opt to wear the body but not the head, instead using their own (from the shape+skin combination they were using before), thus they retain detailed customization at the expense of having to fiddle more to minimize the neck transition in terms of tone, skin & shape.
  2. Things that might work: Download and install the latest drivers for your graphics card. Go to your viewer’s graphics preferences, and switch the “Hardware skinning” setting (off if you had it on, or vice versa).
  3. I, too, hate clubs where the norm is to fill the chat with gestures. However, in your case I don’t see why this should particularly bother you: there are DJs that make interacting with the audience a good part of their show, just as there are those who prefer to “let the music speak”; if you’re the latter kind, then you need not concern yourself with whether the audience -and the host- engage in profound, intelligent conversation, or just in a gesture throwing contest. It’s their problem, not yours, and much of the interaction that you will be expected to carry out will be song requests, which are made in IM anyway. If it’s a principle thing, then don’t DJ, at least until you find a club where it’s customary to keep gestures to a reasonable level; but if it’s just a practical consideration then you needn’t worry about something you’re not going to participate in anyway.
  4. Clelia Vyper wrote: [...] Also, old residents (or better, old-minded residents) like Bobbie Fauldsshould should stop to act like a guru with the only 2 - 3 brands they know. [...] Or, the only 2 - 3 brands that they understandably knew when this topic was originally posted. Half a year ago.
  5. MissTeriMahn wrote: [...] Would you think any different of me if my avatar name was Alan Rose? No.
  6. MissTeriMahn wrote: [...] WHy isn't it called Discussions and Q&A then? What difference would it make?
  7. Muletta wrote: [...] Are there women in SL, that actually pay for such a "male service" ... and if yes, then why? Same reason as why men pay for female service. Objectively speaking, there should be no difference –and if there is, perhaps that’s an even more interesting question: why is there any? Of course, that’s the theory. In practice, and whether the difference is justifiable or not, it exists, but perhaps this guy (or girl, behind the screen) just chooses to do what many clothing creators do: accept that they’ll have a much smaller clientele.
  8. Well, Ren *is* my “incognito” avatar, so yes, when it logs in it tends to be more withdrawn; but I wouldn’t call that so much a “personality quirk” as simply the logical mood of the moment which made me log it in instead of my main account.
  9. One person’s drama is another person’s honest feelings... it’s one of those hugely subjective things. For me, drama starts the moment when there is no further positive purpose in airing one’s feelings; I can express my annoyance to the person that caused it, but if I start going to Facebook to rant about it to strangers that realistically couldn’t possibly care less, or maybe repeating my expressed annoyance to the person over and over, past the point of useful communication and yet not taking any further practical step (like, getting rid of him/her), that’s drama.
  10. Well, you could’ve hanged on to her to gather more evidence... an unthinking comment, maybe eventually getting her on voice, the “overall picture”... but by unfriending and blocking her you’ve pretty much closed that option. Don’t worry, though, and certainly don’t be upset. Ultimately it’s not your responsibility but hers –and her older sister’s.
  11. There is in fact point 6.1 (ii) of the TOS that might seem to apply, but I don’t know if it’s specific enough that, in practice, Linden Lab would act on a report made by you on those grounds. Part of my skepticism is because a cold assessment of your situation is that your ex-partner has much more to loose by doing this than you, regardless of LL’s intervention. To begin with, your own profile will now show you as unpartnered no matter what she does, and though hers might trick some into believing that the old partnership still stands, anyone who cares enough about both of you to bother looking at your profiles is going to see that her partner is now a fake account of you (and remember than profiles include account creation date, so there’ll be no mistaking who the original Silvina is)... and I don’t need to tell you whose reputation is at risk when they see that she’s created and partnered an alt just to pretend that the relationship still stands... as Amethys said, it’ll be regarded as pathetic. Your friends, even those you shared with her... in fact especially those you shared with her, will still have direct access to your profile, either to see that they’re in fact different accounts or, if needs be, IM you to ask for clarification. As for the rest of residents, they will simply not care enough who either of you is partnered to.
  12. With my main account, a lot of people have never known how to pronounce its name. Including me.
  13. Avahashija wrote: [...] Z-Slider is implemented in Firestorm - but what about the X and Y axis? [...] It’s not, because there’s no server support for it anyway. Until LL decides to extend the functionality to those other axes, it’s either Alwin’s suggestion, or perhaps searching for some HUD that does it by way of pre-uploaded offsetting animations, similarly to what products like Animare or AnyPose do to specific parts of a posing avatar.
  14. Vandris wrote: [...] I know my friend isn't happy or feel the same comfort she had with the game before. My foremost suggestion, then, would be that you do absolutely nothing to bring her back to her previous comfort level with SL. The measures you have already taken (sprucing up security, reporting the guy) seem correct... since you don’t specifically mention it, I don’t know if she’s taken her house location out of her picks, but if she hasn’t yet, she should; it may also be worth exploring why the original security system didn’t work as it was supposed to... have you taken this up with the landlords? If their current system is inadequate they should be the most interested in changing it, among other reasons so that individual tenants don’t take it upon themselves to install additional systems at their skyboxes that would further increase the already high lag of these rental types; and if they refuse or twiddle their thumbs, perhaps your friend should move to other, more accomodating rental company. Additionally, they may want to ban this particular user region-wide, at all the sims they manage, for further security; LL may not properly act against this (or any other) particular individual because they have different policies that at times may understandably seem too lax and/or cautious, but owners of a specific rental company may well act more definitely on your reports, if only on their end. But other than that, yes, if she’s more wary now and less inclined to think of SL as an utopian world where you needn’t take any precautions against anyone or anything, good. Because it isn’t.
  15. Alwin Alcott wrote: Some people always ask others before taking any action, they have such lack of confidence they can;t make their own opinion [...] I, too, am often puzzled by such people. However, I’m not sure that there’s any relation with Sephina’s case... as far as I can see, it all boils down to the actual reason why the shoes don’t look good once worn; as I suggested, one possible reason would be that they are indeed as portrayed in the MP picture, but lack any proper fitting methods (resizing, correct rigging to particular mesh feet... whatever), something that wouldn’t show in the picture; in that case, it would be a question of whether this was at least indicated in the product’s description, whether there was an usable demo, etc. Seph hasn’t yet elaborated on this, so I can’t judge.
  16. You liked the shoes as portrayed in the vendor picture, and when you bought them you saw that they were accurately portrayed, so it can’t be that they were hideous per se. What was it, then? They were too big or too small for your feet, and didn’t have a good resizer script? This would be indeed worth mentioning and knocking off a certain number of stars. Or perhaps they were stated to be designed for a specific model of mesh feet and didn’t properly fit yours? And if so, why? If it’s because you don’t have that model of feet, then it wasn’t a fault with the product and wouldn’t merit either a mention or a lower number of stars, but if you did make sure that they were designed for your particular feet, then they just were improperly designed and that is a fault worth mentioning and star-penalizing. Or, maybe none of this is the case and you just failed at “visualizing” how well they would look once worn by you; this happens very often to me, which is why I consistently shy away from such stuff if it doesn’t have a demo (sometimes even if the demo doesn’t have a resizer or is too poorly textured compared to the full version –I’m that bad at “visualizing”); at any rate, the worst fault you could objectively point out in the product then is that there was no demo –assuming there wasn’t, because if there was and you just didn’t bother trying it, that too would be your fault and not cause for a bad review. My point with all of this is, if you’re in doubt about how to review based perhaps on what you think are subjective and/or unfair things, then simply make it about fair and objetive ones, as Amethyst suggested: focus on why they didn’t look good once worn on you and whether this reason points out at a fault on the purchaser –you– or the creator. You will be on surer footing (pardon the pun) if you can give reasons you can defend.
  17. A question, Velk. You keep saying that you’re usually blunt, but don’t want to be so with her (for whatever reasons, best left unmentioned I think). Just out of curiosity now... if you did want to be blunt with her, what exactly would you say and/or do?
  18. Velk Kerang wrote: [...] because I am already thinking of ways or reasons to not like be around at all. lmao So all that being said anyone have any sugestions by chance? Yes: do indeed not be around at all. You've already tried fixing the problem from your end, it didn't work, so...
  19. Caelicorn wrote: [...] Oh I see! And I guess it explains why the seller never replied to me? Maybe, though her profile kinda suggests that she simply doesn’t want to be contacted.
  20. The actual hair is this one, but in that vendor picture they’ve photoshopped in a couple additional front tufts.
  21. Man, I haven't been inworld in a few years. A friend of mine tried sL for about 20 minutes but of COURSE the first thing that happened was some creepazoid following her around trying to "do teh sects". So she learned to mute. Would have had to anyway, sooner or later. For the residents who are at the height of their SL addiction (16 or more hours a day in some cases), what if they lost their web connection or the power was off for a few hours? How would they survive? By noticing that they don’t actually die after it happens. A small fraction of them might actually learn something from that surprising fact. What if max prim allowance didn't exist on any rented land in SL? Like it just wasn't a factor? Would some residents have completely cluttered SL homes like their RL homes probably are? Ain’t gonna happen, and as I see little point in discussing practical impossibilities, I’ll just point out that prim allowance is one way by which some residents don’t overload the region’s (and other users computers’) capabilities. What if there was some sort of block on new residents (maybe 30 days?) from doing adult activity? Would the "do teh sects" creepazoid population still loiter the noob spots in search of some new person all the time? Even if they were prevented from entering Adult regions, they would try just the same in General areas. A big one - suppose SL followed the same rule as that "social media" site that is getting tired. Like say your avatar had to look as bad as the RL operator sometimes does with weight problems and all and have the same name. Would SL'ers then try to use SL to pretend their RL is better than what it really is? I know people on social media never do that HAHAHA sorry I cannot say that with a straight face... "Oh yes this 50 room mansion is modeled after my real home!" Perhaps a bit less, but again, I can’t imagine how Linden Lab would enforce strict RL-to-SL personal facts matching. Even Facebook doesn’t really shine at it.
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