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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. I hang out at London City. Every now & then I try other places for a while, but they’re either deserted or troll-friendly.
  2. Most I deal with are either actual loonies, trolls with a specialty act, or just extremely bored people who can’t get to the point (if any) for dear life. Either way I just mute. Nowhere in the TOS (or, for that matter, in common sense) says the onus is on me to try and understand them.
  3. One man’s rant is another man’s popcorn.
  4. One category for the positives. Five for the negatives. Interesting.
  5. Often you can shorten those conversations by pulling the rug out under them while playing their same “not my intention” game, i.e: [15+ minutes of seemingly normal introductory conversation, with only the vaguest hints of what they’re angling for]... - Him: “You seem suddenly distracted... are you busy?” - You: “Sorry, I was ending a couple IMs and blocking them... you know, the sex-starved type, seemingly incapable of as much as grasping any other form of human interaction; some might pretend a minute or two of normality, even simple friendliness, but in the end it’s clear they don’t actually know how to think of anything else. Bleh.” - Him (after a somewhat lengthy pause): “Yeah, that’s not nice”. Thereafter, 9 out of 10 times the conversation will fade pretty quickly.
  6. ty! It’s a skirt & blouse combo by Hilly Haalan
  7. It’s funny how things even out: here in the forums there’s plenty of moaning that clothes are too revealing, and then in-world just as much moaning that they should reveal more. Not that it matters, though; as the motto under the Second Life logo suggests, “your world, your imagination”.
  8. ’cos here I can mute.
  9. As it’s turned into an “annoying lines” compilation, here’s another usual I just got again: “can I have your [social media] account?”. Still doesn’t bother me, they get the same as with most anything else from this thread: a headache.
  10. Individual lines never bother me; it’s when it gets close to a couple hundred trying to find an angle to what I invariably wish they’d asked in line #1, so that I could answer “no” and move on.
  11. I am. Then again, I’m also a witch (apparently), so I just use unholy spells to avoid being treated any better than others
  12. I would first tell my kid, “how did you ask?”, then “did you listen to the teacher’s INITIAL answer, instead of just the part where (s)he lost all remaining patience?”, then “did it even happen that way?”, and finally, “were you going like a bull in a china shop, before the question even came around?”. Of course, some of those questions would’ve been prodded by my having seen my kid doing those very same things before. As I said (though you predictably ignored that part as well), I’ve seen you acting like that before. Anyway, Gregory, here’s a challenge for you: go back to NCI. Yes, the same NCI. If the officer in question won’t play ball, contact others and tell them that you would like to go back and enjoy the place, as you first intended (or you’d never have gone there, would you). Don’t make it a case of how “mistreated” you were, how bad this or that staffer is, how they’re all a bunch of “racists” or whatever... just drop the self-defeating narrative, and tell them simply that you regret what happened (which, at least technically, you do, or you wouldn’t have made this post, would you). If the place is like most of them, there’s a good chance they’ll let you back in –mostly cos, contrary to what you would prefer to believe, they neither hate you nor even care where anyone is from, it’s just not relevant. Then do go back there and, this time, listen as much as you want others to listen to you. Observe. Learn. Ask questions and, most importantly, actually listen to the answers... and if you don’t understand some of them, politely point out the part you didn’t understand, but only that one, without going immediately back to your “discrimination/racism/culture gap” thing... try to bridge some of that gap yourself... and don’t ask too much in a single day, let alone fall to the temptation of seeking immediate satisfaction for whatever happened before. One step each day, make sure you do at least as many of them as you ask others to do, and always looking forward, not backwards. Yes, I know it’ll be difficult, in no small part because right now you’re still beholden by a mixture of your own pride and –ironically– your preferred view of yourself as a victim or “loser” in this case. But see, that is the challenge: make yourself a winner, in the exact same conditions where you lost last time. The result, if you manage, is that you’ll know how it’s done everywhere in the world.
  13. Well, I made you look for, and even read, the very notecard you initially said didn’t even exist, didn’t I? All I’m saying, Gregory, is that it shouldn’t take any major witchcraft to make you pay a lil’ bit of attention to your surroundings and what people are actually telling you. If you can manage doing that on your own, I can almost guarantee your Second Life experience will improve considerably. Cheers!
  14. As others have told you, you oughtn’t expect a basic rules notecard to become a 50-tomes treatise on all the subtleties of English double-entendres, possibly Adult innuendoes, etc. The notecard does say to “.... keep it clean, pleasant, and generally stay away from difficult topics like religion, sex...”, and beyond that, I imagine the owners decided what’s always decided in these cases: that no matter how many things they specified, there’d always be someone who’d find the one thing that wasn’t specified, and complain about it. However, for what it’s worth, it goes on to say “if asked by an officer to drop a subject, please drop it”, leaving the aforementioned 50-tomes treatise on language hair-splitting to the on-the-spot officer in attendance. True, they can make a mistake –everyone can–, but it’s my experience than when they find someone overtly willing to endlessly argue it (and especially when that someone has a tendency to then selectively ignore a whole lot of things said his way), they kinda cut their losses on the effort thus far done with the person in question. Anyway, just don’t go there anymore, problem solved. Your future Second Life experience will still be molded as much on what others do as on what you do, but if you choose to keep not caring about the second part of it... it’s your choice to make. Cheers!
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