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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. I don’t know how could you have possibly uploaded pictures through SLGo!, since the uploading features never actually were enabled, but as the previous answer said, it’s now a bit of a moot point because SLGo! will stop functioning altogether on April 30th.
  2. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/JOB-for-you-Earn-Linden/m-p/2927132
  3. Your avatar isn’t actually wearing two shapes, since it’s not a type of item that can be “worn on top of each other” to get the “combined result”; what is possible is that you’re experiencing a slightly different bug where the previous shape is still highlighted in your inventory with bold font as if it was being worn, even though it isn’t, you’re only actually wearing the second; it may even be possible that, on saving the outfit, both shapes would be stored on the outfit folder, though this would be much rarer (I’ve experienced the “two shapes bolded as if both worn” sometimes, but on saving the outfit, I never saw both appearing in the outfit items list). In other words, it’s just a bug in the displaying of your worn inventory items, not of actually wearing both shapes somehow. Still, another thing that may solve the issue and make your inventory list correctly show only the items you’re actually wearing, is to change to an entirely different outfit, either by wearing it from your Outfits window, or drag-dropping it onto your avatar from your inventory. If push comes to shove, even the male/female avatar character test may help.
  4. Cosas a comprobar: Caducidad de la tarjeta Fondos disponibles CVV de la tarjeta (los tres últimos números) Cambios en tu entidad bancaria respecto a pagos online: si ahora necesitan confirmación vía móvil o e-mail, etc. Si es una tarjeta PayPal, comprueba allí la configuración de tu cuenta para verificar que no haya ningún bloqueo de pagos a ciertas entidades (comprueba el historial de pagos anteriores para ver cuál es la entidad Linden Lab). Si es preciso, en la configuración de tu cuenta en Second Life (aquí, vía web) elimina el método de pago y vuelve a ponerlo desde cero. Mira a ver en tu correo electrónico, el que tienes asociado a tu cuenta Second Life, si tienes algún e-mail de Linden Lab detallando el problema o error; si es preciso mira en la carpeta de spam / correo no deseado, en previsión de que tu cliente o servicio de e-mail esté enviando automáticamente estos emails de Linden Lab ahí creyéndolos spam. Si hasta ahora comprabas los L$ a través de la web, prueba a hacerlo directamente desde el visor, y si desde el visor, prueba a hacerlo vía web.
  5. “I'm not sure how to explain why people wouldn't like me...” Excellent! Seems you’re approaching the point where you’ll realize that you don’t know the reason because in fact there’s none. Of course I don’t know you, but really, in the vast majority of cases it’s just an irrational belief that “there may be something... dunno, but what if there is something, what if, what if...?”, rather than an awareness of anything specific. I just wanted to prod you into either confronting any specific reason, if there was one, or either get closer to acknowledging that there’s simply none, no matter how much you fear to the contrary. It’s something that you’ll first come to accept intellectually and later, hopefully, in a fuller way that will help you get rid of your fear of rejection. And know this: the more you try socializing, the more you’ll find that, surprisingly, people don’t find anything particularly wrong with you. (*) “I mean I'll keep trying to get the guts to approach other people but so far it hasn't been working out...” Didn’t work as in “I tried but some people rejected me”, or rather as in “I tried getting the guts, but failed, so I never got to actually approaching anyone?”. In my experience, these are two entirely unrelated issues, and the first one should be considered in a special way in SL because there are about a zillion ways in which you can misinterpret people in here... from them not answering you when you IM (not because they “rejected” you, but simply because they were AFK), to saying things in a dry or even “cold” manner when it’s just that many people don’t quite know how to convey the smile that they would give in RL for you to know that they didn’t meant it badly, etc. And if it’s the other, then go back to the “irrational belief” thing, because it’s most likely the only cause, and the solution is right there. “... I usually try and find places like that but when I go there's not really many people at that time...” You don’t need many, especially if the issue is just shyness. You’re not trying to be “the soul of the party”, so you don’t need an actual party: you’re just trying to get to terms with the fact that people might like you just fine. That’s why a place where you can more easily “connect” with people because of shared interests, even if there’s few of them, will probably be better than a place with forty people none of which you dare open an IM because, among other things, you don’t even know what to chat about ;-) * Oh, and btw... these are not platitudes or extracts from “personality building” books I’m telling you, nor am I trying to come off as some sort of “therapist”. I’m talking from actual, personal experience ;-)
  6. I agree with LlewLlwyd. Also, if you’re using Firestorm, know that this viewer has an option to show the “Received items” folder not as a special one and in the way you described, but as a normal one right along all others in your inventory; it’s unlikely that you would have inadvertently changed it while fiddling with other preferences, but perhaps it has a keyboard shortcut that you did inadvertently press; at any rate, it won’t hurt checking if the preference is changed. It’s also worth noting that even if you did change it, you don’t loose or for that matter hide the folder, it just don’t show separated, at the bottom of the inventory window and with its own independent counter, but instead as any other folder, but it should still be there, so take a second look at that too. And if it really doesn’t show up anywhere, regardless of the related preference setting, it may indeed be time to take the usual steps to reload your inventory when items seem to be missing.
  7. There are a few types of contents that can be put as clickable links on a notecard to get anything, by way of dragging them from your inventory to the notecard; the most common are landmarks, textures and other notecards, and there are others, such as contact cards. However, clickable group names are not inventory items, they are a specific type of SLURLs, and while in other windows in the viewer they are interpreted and shown as clickable links, this is not the case in notecards, where they will appear as plain text such as this... secondlife:///app/group/f0a0ff9c-c1e3-0b5a-ba84-40184286fa66/about ... so whoever reads the notecard will have to copy that line, paste it in any chat window (either local, IM or a group) and then he’ll get a clickable link.
  8. In many of the numerous discussions about this issue, I’ve seen commented that the 512 Mb. is “a soft limit”, something along the lines that the viewer doesn’t actually “stop cold” at 512 Mb., refusing to load anything else even if the graphics card has more available memory, but rather keeps going if actually necessary. I would say that this is likely true, as I’ve often opened the textures console and seen the numbers raising well past that, often without making the “bias” climb which, in turn, causes the blurring -or, worse, the dreaded “texture trashing” cycle. Nevertheless you do have a point, as both the single-instance blurring and the texture trashing are still existing bugs that affect many people, and none of the countless tentative fixes released so far has definitively eliminated the problem... I reckon because no one has apparently identified the ultimate cause yet, after just as many have been pointed out, from heavy HUDs to badly optimized/separated UI elements, to awfully overtextured products by creators, to outdated 3D rendering engine issues such as you suggest yourself... You can search for this issue at both the official viewer's and Firestorm's JIRA websites, where it has been discussed at great lenght many times. I doubt that you'll find a permanent solution, even for your particular case, but at least it's very probable you'll glean you'll glean a far deeper and technical description about it all than I could possibly provide.
  9. What viewer are you using? Have you checked if your items count is lower than it should?
  10. It will be better if you explain the problem a bit more; we can take a few guesses, but really, it’d be more practical if we know exactly what the trouble is. You don’t know where or how to “open” them? What steps have you taken so far to try, and what were the results (apart from not what you expected, I mean)?
  11. Is there any specific, demonstrable reason why people won’t like you? Don’t answer in terms of “feelings”, but of actual, objective reasons. If there’s any, perhaps it’s something you can tackle on your own, but whether you succeed at it or not, consider also that everyone has flaws, no one with even a tenth of a brain would limit themselves to liking only 100% perfect people –because they’d find none. Leave to others whether to accept you or not, don’t rob them of the opportunity by unilaterally deciding that they won’t even before they had a chance to speak. And no, waiting ’till they open IM to you won’t be enough, as your experience so far has proven; you need to take that step yourself as often as you’d like others to take it, if not more, or else your chances of meeting likeable people won’t improve, at all. That out of the way, there’s still the matter of whether you’ll “connect” with everyone you’ll try speaking to. Obviously you won’t, sometimes it’ll be because they’re jerks not worth your time, but other times it’ll just be a lack of common ground... so, another way to improve your chances is to go to specific places and engage in specific activities that you really like... don’t merely go to social places such as chat hotspots or venues where you’re expected to go purely on your social skills... rather, and at least at first, engage in things that you’re truly interested and/or skilled, because you’ll be more confident then, and this will be the “boost” you need when it comes to socializing –and of course you’ll have more to talk about with others, instead of resorting to talk about the weather, or the “hi, how are you?” that you probably fear will get you exactly nowhere. It might... no, actually, it will take time... weeks, months, whatever, ’till you get the hang of it and discover that you’re nowhere as uninteresting or as unlikeable as you thought, and that a surprisingly large amount of people will be more than willing to talk with you, some of them frequently and eventually becoming friends that’ll make your SL days less lonely. But it’ll happen. And finally, consider that SL is the perfect ground for you to grow socially. It’s possible that in RL you’d be even more shy because of the “face to face” element, the additional difficulty in feeling completely in control of what you convey (verbal and non-verbal behaviour, looks, etc.), but in here you have a narrower set of such things to worry about: no one will hear you stammer because you’ll be typing (usually, at least –you can leave voice chat to when you feel more confident), no one will see you fidgeting or averting eyes because your avatar won’t do that unless you go to great lengths to make it do that, etc. It’s safer, and that will help you. But try. There’s no magic wand or button to “switch off loneliness”, and no matter how much you do it, merely acknowleding and / or complaining that you feel that way is not going to make the feeling go away. That’ll only happen when you set things in motion.
  12. I reckon most of us, if not all, have probably received avatar suggestions we didn’t necessarily ask for, Sephina. It’s just a trait of personality: some may be more careful about giving them or even completely avoid doing so, while others are more outspoken, perhaps at the expense of respect for the other’s choices. I understand that it may be disheartening that all your prospective partners seem short on such politeness, but really, there’s about a zillion ways in which a person can be a jerk... that’s just one of them, more a common flaw than a specific trend; and the side issue of whether you’re in fact meeting the right kind of guys can only be discussed if you wish it so ;-) For me, suggestions fall into either of these two categories: either they tell me something I actually wasn’t aware of (in which case I’ll try their suggestion and decide if *I* like it better that way), or something that’s clearly their choice but not mine, in which case I’ll smile and not change a damn thing regardless (and, if they insist, I’ll start being secretly amused at their obnoxiousness).
  13. Sophistishapes make excellent shapes, but they only provide that (the shape), plus a styling card to get the rest of the “looks” elsewhere. If you want a store that manages to make at the same time good skins and good shapes for them, I’d say Aeros Avatars.
  14. English and Spanish. May I ask what’s really on your mind, Urzul? If you have language troubles, I don’t see how gathering statistics about forum multilingualism is going to help.
  15. This “poster” is just one of the ways in which merchants choose to pack their goods. It is an object which, besides featuring an image of the product, has in its contents the actual items you want to wear. Therefore what you need to do is to “unpack” these items into your inventory, and then you’ll be able to wear them: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 If I may add something, Ximena... it isn’t usually the wisest idea to start spending money before acquiring some basic knowledge about what you intend to do. In this case it was nothing more than being momentarily puzzled about your purchase before being actually able to enjoy it, and once you follow those “opening boxes” steps, you will be. But next time you might fall for any of several actual scams that unfortunately plague Second Life, from those that do sell useless items having nothing to do with the vendor description & picture, to phishing schemes, etc. So, for your own sake, do your best to research before you commit your L$ :smileywink:
  16. I doubt they’ll go for it. I don’t have metrics, but I suspect about as many users demanding new or improved features as those asking to debug the current ones.
  17. Kelli May wrote: [...] Tell me what's irrelevant about remaining polite, on-topic, informative, concise, helpful and intelligible? [...] Maybe it isn’t so much irrelevant as difficult.
  18. There’s nothing unreasonable in not wanting chaos; at most, it might be naïve to think that either your more serious efforts to deter it, or either the “speedy” answers as you call them, will have any significant effect. I happen to think that the main cause of the problem you point isn’t so much naïveté or carelessness, as laziness and sheer lack of curiosity. Someone who isn’t mentally lazy researches for quite a while before asking (and when they do, you see that they “did their homework” both in regards to the question itself, and where and how to ask about it), and someone with curiosity actually enjoys doing it, so they have even more of an incentive to “do their homework” first. I’m inclined to agree, though, that some people might be perfectly aware that GD isn’t the appointed subforum for their question, but it’s the most populated and hence where they’ll find the most audience, so they go for it not caring the least bit if it’s misplaced. I’d frame this as cynicism, perhaps? Anyway, be it cynicism, laziness and/or lack of curiosity, those are personality traits... flaws, you could say; and next to impossible to fight.
  19. Firestorm may not have a forum, but they do have a JIRA page which, for things such as this, is even better. However, your specific suggestion has already been made at least once that I remember, and it was dismissed quite exactly for the reasons that Freya already explained; however, if your qualification of her explanation as “mumbo jumbo” means that you positively think it can be done without so much problem, it may be a good idea for you to re-open the issue with a more detailed explanation, or perhaps even an actual code patch, of how to do it; this way they’ll reconsider it and perhaps actually implement it.
  20. Right-click on the HUD, choose “Edit”, go to the object’s properties, and start trying either the X, Y or Z values for rotation, in 90º steps.
  21. You use a touch event to detect when someone touches the wings, the llDetectedKey() function to know who touched them, and finally the llGetOwner() function to see if that person is the wing’s owner. Like this: touch_start(integer total_number) { if (llGetOwner() == llDetectedKey(0)) { // Here the actual code that initiates or stops wings flap } }
  22. Did you relog after changing it? Also, did trying different Windlights help? (you don’t need to relog for those).
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