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Ren Toxx

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Everything posted by Ren Toxx

  1. Impersonation is contemplated in the TOS 6.1 (ii), but as to whether Linden Lab will in practice do something about it, the only first-hand answer you’re going to get is from them, not us; if all you wanted is a guess, mine is that they’ll dismiss it as a childish prank unless she tries doing more serious things than just “look at me, I’m her, haha!”, and is repeatedly reported for whatever scams she tries. As to how it’s done, most of the things you say are beyond trivial to duplicate, and the few that aren’t, if both of you are keen shoppers, she can likely identify the avatar parts, and then she can go and buy them. Quite honestly, and as Rhonda said, whoever spends significant money to mimic anyone else’s sophisticated avatar has more than a few loose gears; I would almost pity her. At any event, what she cannot replicate is your username... the display name, yes, but not the other one; and once that difference is noticed, her own reputation stands to loose far more than yours by going to such extreme lenghts just because of a kindergarten dispute like “you’re wearing the same clothes!”. In other words: let her hang herself.
  2. Yes, Princess, and despite appearances, I wouldn’t object to such a system, quite the contrary... as long as it was a well thought one; but to be so, if would have to reliably overcome more issues than I honestly think you’re aware of: abuse, protection of privacy, tampering, specific rules, specific methods of initiation/termination and online storage of shareable logs, etc. Anyway, if you feel so strongly about it, Princess, by all means do propose a system. Don’t do it here because this is pretty much a user-to-user forum, Linden Lab staffers rarely if ever come here, and even if they did, this forum is not the ideal place to effectively discuss it. There’s the official JIRA, where proposals are formally made, so go there. Just make sure that you have all the issues (technical, procedural) reasonably thought out in advance: what kind of system could be used to make it fully automated or user-driven but still abuse-proof; or where would they get the additional Linden Lab staff to do it (manually) to avoid putting such kind of authority in the hands of potentially unreliable end users. Do think of all the issues, because if you just ask “I want to be more protected”, they will predictably ask you “how”, you will say “I don’t know”, and they will answer: “nor do we”.
  3. Princess Gata wrote: [...] I guess this means the honest ones lose out , even if I gave someone in charge the information to log in as me and see the exchange No, Princess, don’t be melodramatic. First, even if someone happened to log in with your account, that person would not be able to review your IM logs, because these are only stored locally (at least to residents, even you), so his/her computer would not have such log stored; you’d have to actually give that person full access to your entire system through some remote connection program, so that he/she could see your local files... and even this wouldn’t be proof, since the logs happen to be simple, unencrypted, plain-text files exceedingly easy to tamper with, before proceeding with that hypotetical remote connection. And second, this doesn’t mean “that the honest ones lose out”... because you haven’t universally established yet that you are honest, or why the first person to share his/her log should be the one to be trusted, as you implied. It’s not a question of honesty, but of verifiability. It’s a technical and procedural question, if you will. Do propose a tamper-proof method to share logs, do convince Linden Lab to modify the TOS to share them (and to reprogram the system to permit this possibility, including a yet undetermined but still automatic and equally fool-proof and abuse-proof way to establish when and under which circumstances the criteria will be met to allow limited or unlimited sharing of private conversations), and then “honesty will win”, as you’d say. Meanwhile, you might as well be objective and realize that dishonest ones "lose out" every bit as much as honest ones, because that TOS prohibition is completely agnostic: it applies to everyone, liars as well as non-liars.
  4. Princess Gata wrote: [...] it should be noted that making a false case is against the law and will see the person who made it banned. And again, how would the banners verify that the “case” was, in fact, false? There just isn’t any established in-world procedure for verifying the authenticity OR falseness of a purported log, so the would-be banners would be equally at risk of being misled if they believed either party. Which is why, quite simply, notecards aren’t a valid proof of misconduct, period; a case cannot be made in the first place. The only ones who can actually verify the authenticity of a purported IM conversation are Linden Lab, which is why any serious enough case should be raised only to them. Any exchange of logs in-world between residents can, and in fact has been used to make false claims to benefit interested, if dishonest parties.
  5. Princess Gata wrote: [...] people need the right to copy im discussins into notecards and also share them if something is of a serious concern. And how do the receivers of such notecards verify that the conversation portrayed in them was real and not altered in any way?
  6. http://secondlife.com/destination/london-city
  7. Urfcake wrote: [...] I totally wasted my money getting a laptop to play this [...] Not necessarily. After all, after less than two hours you were able to find out how to change clothes, so it stands to reason you may keep finding out how to do things –SL is a somewhat complex platform, just give it time. It may have indeed been too hasty to buy a computer just to play a complex game you didn’t know much about, but it’d be just as hasty to give up after so short a time. Go to some of these places and, when you see someone willing to guide you, ask him or her for guidance.
  8. If they’re normal eyes, you can decrease their separation in shape edit mode; if they’re mesh and you can’t reach them to move them, go to the inventory’s folder where they are, right-click on each and choose “Edit”.
  9. DejaHo wrote: [...] Will I lose this alt because of LL moderation policies? Do you care?
  10. Just go to any newcomers’ area with voice enabled, such as London City, and fly to a couple hundred meters high; there’s a chance that a few of us who have voice set to equally hear regardless of distance will still hear you, but a normal voice test shouldn’t take long anyway, so there’s little chance you’ll bother anyone.
  11. You may also want to check out Discord Designs.
  12. None other than that provided by the mesh body’s creator, as Syo already explained.
  13. Deglamour wrote: [...] Change the graphics? Renew the game? Change the interface? Put more functions? Yes.
  14. Snickers Snook wrote: [...] I'm thinking of trying a clean install of Windows 10 Might as well. I have two computers which I recently upgraded, but only went as far as clean-installing in one of them; the other seemed to upgrade most smoothly, but afterward I’ve come to have with it the sensation of issues “swept under the rug” but still existent. Clean-installing may be annoyingly time-consuming, but at least you work with a smaller set of “I don’t even remember what other stuff I have installed that might be giving me trouble”. Still, before trying that, do read this. It’s related to Firestorm, but probably good info for other viewers as well, especially considering it mentions explicitly your “error 7 thingy”.
  15. Have you tried clearing the viewer’s cache? I’m not positive that it will fix your problem, as it sounds like having more to do with VRAM management issues, but it’s worth a shot... certainly better than discarding a (relatively expensive) product you bought and expected to enjoy. If you do try that, do it the “radical” way, which is manually emptying the viewer’s folder cache (with the viewer closed), rather than using the viewer’s integrated function for it (they’re rather similar, but the latter sometimes fails where the former doesn’t). Failing that, if your usual viewer happens to be Firestorm wait for a few days, making do meanwhile; the upcoming version has an improvement likely related to your problem.
  16. Don’t wear any HUDs you don’t inmediately need, check in your viewer’s graphics preferences if it’s already using all the VRAM it will allow, and/or try any of the other viewers that are already compatible with VMM (which will soon include Firestorm).
  17. That info is good for a rough estimation of how fluidly SL will, on average, run on your computer; but even a much more extensive description of your system wouldn’t necessarily procure an exact prediction of FPS... which would be a merely academic exercise anyway, as the number would still be far higher in very empty sims, and far lower in heavily decorated and/or populated ones. To compound the problem, we don’t even know what are your preferences in terms of performance vs. quality. Yes, for emptier sims you may well crank it up to Ultra and still enjoy FPS up to, or even above, your monitor refresh rate (meaning, you wouldn’t notice any better anyway); but every now and then you may want to go to a more graphics-intensive place where you may get relatively low FPS... and that’s the thing: we don’t know how often would you go to such places, we don’t know whether you’d prefer keeping it to the max and suffer some slowness on occasion or use a lower setting that’d keep it fluid everywhere or keep changing them depending on the place... and we don’t know how slow is “too slow” for you. I have a lower graphics card model that in very empty sims can peak well over 120 FPS and usually can get me very near the max. 60 FPS of my monitor. But when I go to a populated area, sometimes it slows down to under 20 FPS, and it shows... yet here’s the thing: I don’t care, nor do I usually bother lowering settings to compensate, because it’s still enough for me to type, participate in chat and generally move/cam around without much hassle. On the other hand, I never use deferred rendering (projected shadows) even when the place would allow me to use them without noticeable slowdowns, because a) I don’t much care for shadows anyway, and b) I prefer it when the graphics card doesn’t turn its hum into a rumble. But that’s me, and my point is, you have to decide which settings YOU like. So simply go to a few of your usual places, try different settings and find which ones yield YOUR preferred balance between quality and performance :smileywink:
  18. Cool VL Viewer y Black Dragon ya tienen soporte de VMM, y posiblemente funcionen con tu sistema operativo.
  19. In that case, since you imply that that didn’t help, perhaps you have to employ the more radical method of manually deleting all your cache –which that viewer option doesn’t do, at least not completely, and in some cases the difference proves to be relevant. Go to the same panel in your viewer’s preference, but this time don’t use the “Clear cache” button... rather, use the “Browse” button to actually open the folder where all the cache files are stored in your computer. With that browser window still open, close your viewer completely, and then manually delete all the files (and subfolders, if present) contained in that folder... but not the folder itself, simply leave it empty. Then relog and let your inventory reload from scratch. And since this should be done with the least interfering factors, make sure that you have nothing else running in your system that may be using your Internet bandwidth, at least not severely: that means Skype, BitTorrent clients, downloaders and even program/system updates if they’re running at the moment, should be momentarily stopped; also, while the inventory is reloading, don’t teleport elsewhere, preferrably don’t use voice... well, you get the idea: don’t do anything that might clog the connection bandwidth that’s being used to reload your inventory items. In fact, it’s usually a good idea to go to an empty sim with as little lag as possible before beginning this whole process, and stay there doing nothing else but waiting for your inventory to reload. And once your inventory is fully loaded, wait for a minute or so, and then log off –because, until you do so, you won’t make sure that your newly (and hopefully correctly) loaded inventory gets stored properly in your computer; if you don’t do it and by any chance crash a bit later, your inventory cache may be corrupted again and you’d likely have the same problem as before. In fact, this is usually the exact reason why apparent inventory losses occur.
  20. Then let’s get specific. Have you already cleared your cache? And if so, how exactly did you do it?
  21. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss
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