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Lysistrata Szapira

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Everything posted by Lysistrata Szapira

  1. I envy people who can use VR headsets. Every time I've tried, they've made me sick as a dog. I don't know if it's my astigmatism or something else, but my brain refuses to process the incoming visuals, so I get sick as if I were reading in a moving car.
  2. At this point, what I want out of Premium Plus is for them to release Premium Plus. It's curious that they're dragging their feet on this. Either it's going to suck and they know they won't make bank on it or they bit off more than they can chew with what they're planning on offering.
  3. I'm pretty impressed with how well this head matches up to Glam Affair's skins without even having to alter the existing shape I had for Lilly. No post-processing.
  4. I haven't read the entirety of this topic, but I do know there are a few sororities in SL (not affiliated with any real life sororities). I haven't heard much that is positive about them, as they just seem to be like most motorcycle clubs, full of the dramaz. Is Tiny Empires still around? That seriously was as close to a cult as I've ever seen. Some people took it SRSLY and built kingdoms with other players/RP. That was as closed to a MLM as it could be in SL. Then there's the nuisance that is Bloodlines, that got most players banned from some regions for running around biting people willy-nilly.
  5. It looks painful, so I'm not interested. If they wanted to be accurate, they should include a BOM layer showing the red streaks where the blood flow has been restricted.
  6. My best guest for a place that might have something similar if not a duplicate (can't speak about the scissors), is Bare Rose.
  7. Wow. A rigged mesh hair with no resize menu and no other size options. That's a designer that really needs to rethink what they offer.
  8. Judging by this picture, you are using a foot shaper with a system body. Are the shoes new or something from when you were in SL before? They don't look like they were made for a system body. Try taking off the foot shaper and see if that does anything.
  9. Please don't use facelights when you're out at a club or shopping. There's nothing I hate worse than being out in SL public and having my SL screen blown out by someone wearing a facelight so bright it's blinding. I usually have to derender people who do that.
  10. This is not true. I have several eye applier HUDs for EvoX that allow me to choose a color for left, right, and both eyes. The Lelutka HUD itself also offers that ability, so it looks like you haven't checked out the 3.1 versions of the EvoX heads.
  11. There seems to be a misconception of exactly how much higher taxes would be. People tend to forget about the fact that yes, taxes will be higher, but they will likely still have more money left in their pockets because most health insurance plans in the US SUCK. Extremely high deductibles. High out of pocket maximums. Some studies have shown that people will be less out of pocket under universal healthcare despite the increase in taxes.
  12. The obligatory ridiculous holiday-related names have arrived for this weekend. I guess it's only fair since Daddy got a round.
  13. My peeve is that streaming services cancel series that a lot of people enjoy after one season and keep the stuff that nobody wants. There will be rioting in the streets if Netflix tries that crap with Bridgerton.
  14. This is my main. Over the years I've created alts just for the challenge of doing it for free (or mostly free). I created a male alt because I wanted to know what it would be like to traverse SL as a man (but I didn't buy a pixel peen or engage in sex/romantic relationships and I don't go on voice with him). It proved how hard it is to kit out a male avi on freebies. One alt graduated to premium because I found a Belli house I desperately wanted while I was logged in on her. She kind of serves as my main bank account, as I tend to forget she gets the stipend now, so her balance accumulates a lot faster. The other female alts don't come out much except for great freebies (like at Christmas with Lelutka and advents). I will log into them a few times a year and upgrade their looks with free/cheap things that are good quality. One of them was solely created for a last name right before last names disappeared. She has a really funny name. There's always an option to eventually have one of the alts as my main, but I'm rather too attached to my main's inventory to do that. I wish inventories were usable across accounts.
  15. Well, excuse me for not reading the entire chain before replying. Geez.
  16. SL locations: I was going to say Omega Point, but it has apparently been back for quite some time (just discovered that today). In the past it was always evolving and changing, so I don't know if Sweetlemon Jewell is still doing that. If you've never visited, I highly recommend it. There are so many nooks and crannies to explore. I do miss the red and black cathedral she had years ago though. SL stuff: I don't miss flexi hair, as it's made a comeback, especially among ethnicities other than Caucasian (can usually only find black flexi hair), but I still can't stand the alpha glitches and the way it cuts through my face and body. I know some designers are making flexi dresses again (and combining flexi attachments with mesh gowns). As long as the ARC isn't 300,000 to 1 million, they're ok. I still see some folks running around in dresses that are 1 million ARC and I just want to slap them. Flexi was just a beyutch in the ARC department. I miss certain stores though. Evie's Closet, Yak & Yeti, Agnes Finney, lvs&co (those 7 deadly sins gowns!), Nonna Hedges, Donna Flora (a memorial store is still open), Silent Sparrow, Bliss Couture, MALT, Crimson Shadow, The Sea Hole, the list goes on and on. RL: Restaurants--Burger Chef, Bonanza, York Steak House, Stuckey's (not technically for their restaurant but for their pecan logs). RL: Food--just about anything from prior to 1980 because after that they started adding preservatives and high fructose corn syrup to everything (see Twinkies, Zingers, Ding Dongs, etc.).
  17. Ask and ye shall receive: https://www.tacobell.com/news/mexican-pizza-makes-historic-return-to-taco-bell
  18. I've found that I most often have clipping issues with the Maitreya body in the armpit/upper chest area. The alpha HUD included with the body often also alphas out part of the chest in low cut shirts. It's very frustrating, so I wish Maitreya would fine tune their alpha HUD. I know some of my AO movements will cause clipping, and that's not the fault of the designer. Thankfully more designers are starting to include custom alphas again with their clothing, so we can bypass the alpha HUD. You can also create your own alpha if you have some minimal graphic creation skills. I know there are tutorials on YouTube. There's also packages of alphas available on Marketplace. Some stores are really good at correcting alpha glitches on request. Others are not. I will usually quit purchasing from the stores that refuse to correct blatantly obvious clipping issues. Stores that only sell template-based clothing are not going to be able to correct these issues as they don't do the rigging. As someone has mentioned above, some of these templates were created before Maitreya updated, so the rigging may be off.
  19. Visit the Dollholic event. Just about everything there fits in that style.
  20. Nuve has a new group gift skin that could work for this.
  21. Raven Bell has some pretty unusual hair, but I'd recommend only checking in world. Their marketplace store is really limited. I got some incredibly long braids from that store last year, and they have some unique coloring options for their hair. EscalateD does some really poofy hair (think Amy Winehouse bouffant). I second Vanity Hair. I think the weirdest hair in SL is from Curious Kitties: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/13404?search[category_id]=17&search[maturity]=General&search[page]=1&search[per_page]=96&search[sort]=created_at_desc&search[store_id]=13404 Alli & Ali also have some really out there hairs too, but their textures look like they're from 2008, even though the hair is mesh.
  22. Purple Moon (now known as PM), a women's clothing store, closed a couple years ago but returned for the Christmas Advent season in 2021. Poulet (the store owner) said it would just be temporary, but the store is still open, and she's still creating new items. I hope she brings back her hunts which were legendary. Dark Mouse is another (jewelry) store that was hugely popular many years ago. That creator closed up shop before mesh became a thing, but now her store is back under the same name. Lazuri was a pretty popular jewelry store too. It closed, but last year it reopened. I have not seen any new releases since the initial intro though, so I don't know what its current status is. So yes, stores do close and return and sometimes under the original name/avatar. The stores that closed with the advent of mesh will probably not return. Dark Mouse seems to be the only one that decided to learn to create mesh and returned.
  23. I found a magazine article (maybe Newsweek or Time) sometime between 2003 and 2008, and I was really intrigued. Unfortunately my PC couldn't handle it, so I had to wait until I had one that could. I joined in April 2008. In that interim period, I found another virtual world that my PC could handle, but it was, shall we say, only for adults. I got bored with its limited avatar options and bottomless supply of HNGs, so I jumped ship to SL and never went back. I tried IMVU, but I felt stifled by it. I didn't get any help aside from LL's Orientation Island, but I figured it out on my own. Even back in 2008, doing a search for Second Life freebies provided lots of places to go. I'm surprised that noobs today don't automatically do that. I was a frequent visitor at The Free Dove and the Gnubie (spelling?) Store. My first hair store was Sirena Hair (she even had animations in her flexi hair even at that early date!). I think my first purchase with RL money was a skin (possibly Laqroki/now LAQ). I stayed because it gave me endless opportunities to play dress-up and then to go hit up clubs and wander around marveling at beautifully landscaped sims (I know the Lost Gardens of Apollo was one of the first I visited). I stayed (and still stay) because of the endless opportunities for change: changing my avi, changing my clothes, changing my house, changing my landscaping and home decor, and changing destinations. I have loved watching the progression of clothes from goofy system layers to flexi to sculpty to mesh and watching the evolution of styles (the progression from the initial forays into mesh clothing to what is done now is quite astonishing). Even something as simple as color HUDs was rather revolutionary at the time. SL is always evolving, and so am I.
  24. Ouch. I'll never be tempted to get a mainland parcel again then.
  25. I'm not sure if he was insinuating my fashion sense is terrible (I know it's not), but I had this one creator*cough*template user* offer me anything from his store that I wanted, thinking it would get him in my pants faster. Let's just say all of his template creations involved hooker heels and the matching show everything but the nip/crotch dresses. These weren't well-textured template creations either. I so wanted to tell him I'd never in a million years wear that crap, but I didn't want to get into a mudslinging match so I took the most conservative stuff he offered. 1) He didn't get in my pants. 2) He got mad when he didn't like who I voted for in the 2020 election (he wasn't even American) and bitched me out, so I blocked him and deleted everything he gave me since I never wore it in the first place. I'll only take fashion criticism from someone that actually makes good items in SL or has an aesthetic I appreciate.
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