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Lewis Luminos

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Everything posted by Lewis Luminos

  1. Does anyone know where this launch is going to be? Is there a slurl circulating yet?
  2. That may well be a dealbreaker for my girls. Or at least, make me delay getting it by another year.
  3. I think I have just about let go of the concept of "one body 24/7", particularly for Indra. She started with Maitreya, as just about everyone does, then moved to Hourglass, then Freya, and lately, Erika and Reborn. Each one has aspects (and outfits) that I like. And honestly, she still uses all of these bodies (except Maitreya) at least sometimes, just depending on what outfit she wants to wear at any given time. Tammi is doing similar, though switching only between Freya and Erika. I will probably get this new Belleza body for both of them, or at least one of them, whoever suits it best, regardless of clothing availability. I don't delete old bodies, nor the clothing that fits them, so logically, she won't be stuck for something to wear any more than she is now.
  4. Wow I didn't realise the one that closed was an actual rip-off, and not the original one (that Nancee sold). I just read that Flickr post and - wow. Good riddance to it. I take back what I said about being sad that a long-established venue has closed. Not sad at all, now. As far as I know, though, the original Franks also bans furries and other non-human avatars.
  5. Maybe if people could see how pathetic my inventory actually is, they'll feel sorry for me and buy me loads of awesome new clothes..
  6. Did you know that if you take a recording of whale song and speed it up a few hundred times, it sounds just like bird song? Maybe those flying whales are exactly where they want to be.
  7. Because only one forumite was unfortunate enough to see me in speedos last Friday, I'm gonna inflict it on all of you. 😁 That was actually my first public appearance in the Belleza Jake body which I've had for a while but never used because of the dreadful splayed hands bug. Now I've sorted a bento hand AO, I can finally use it. Shape still needs tweaking but the legs already look better than Gianni.
  8. Definitely wait and see at this point. Belleza and Prima are new releases for October with at least 2 new bodies each, and it will be a few months before it becomes clear which, if any, are going to get clothing support. My guess is that the new Belleza ones will be more popular, particularly with people using the older ones, and I'm wondering if the older bodies will be withdrawn from sale come October 1st (so if you DO want Freya, maybe get it now? If you want Isis or Venus I'd wait for the new body though, since there isn't much clothing available for these either) Reborn looks like it will soon take 3rd place in the race behind Maitreya and Legacy, if it's not there already. Though it's a different shape body, more curvy (and a good upgrade for Slink Hourglass users).
  9. Again? I was never a fan of the place but still, its always sad to see an established venue close. You're all welcome at Club Noir - no DJs any more but doors are open 24/7, theres' a good jazz radio stream and some excellent dances. And maybe someone will step in to take over at Franks, as happened last time.
  10. I usually decorate Club Noir at Halloween, converting it from a black and white art-deco jazz club to a black and white gothic club. But I'm not doing events there any more so, not this year. The only holiday I decorate my home for is Christmas.
  11. Glass coffins - will they make a comeback? Remains to be seen.
  12. I disagree, because the purpose of the JIRA is not to get support, it's for reporting bugs. The proper avenues for getting support are either the Freshdesk ticket system (https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/), or live chat, or phone support for billing issues. Not the JIRA. So, someone banned fron the JIRA can still get support in exactly the same ways as anyone who is not banned from it. As for free speech - total free speech, where you can say literally anything you want, doesn't really exist anywhere in the world, because just about every nation on Earth has at least some laws about what you are and are not allowed to say. In countries like the US, UK etc, free speech means only that you are allowed to protest against your government. There are still laws restricting hate speech, incitement, terrorism, child porn, copyright, etc. In other countries like Russia, China, North Korea, it's speech against the government that is prohibited. There are a few places that don't fall under any nation's jurisdiction, such as the middle of the pacific ocean, or the North Sentinelese Islands, for example. You can probably get away with true free speech there. But there will be no-one to hear you. Free speech is also further restricted by the owner of the venue in which you are located. Online, that's the owner of the forum you're on. On this forum, that's Linden Lab. When you sign up for such a service, you automatically agree to the Terms of Service (whether you read it or not) and those TOS will determine what you are and are not allowed to say on that forum. If you disagree with a forum's TOS, your only recourse is to cancel your account. This is exactly why Donald Trump created his own social media service, it's the only way he could say what he wants without getting kicked out. But even in a case like this, there are still some restrictions based on the laws of the country in which the servers are located.
  13. Aah... I dont think I would ever have found that on my own. Good to know though.
  14. Ohh... I wish I'd known on Friday that this thread was coming; I bumped into the lovely @Cate Foulsbaneat Marcel's but it never even occurred to me to get a pic of her. Hopefully she didn't also get one of me, considering I was dressed in nothing but speedos and flip-flops... a sight so rare that many of my friends there, some of whom have known me nearly 10 years, didn't know I have a full-body tattoo.
  15. My first and last attempt at flying a plane in SL was way back in 2010. My then-landlady loaned me her seaplane. So I flew it around the lake a bit, and all went well until a moment of lag on a region crossing. When reality kicked back in, I was trapped under this bridge. Somehow, the wings had passed through the first row of pillars but stuck against the second row. Since I didn't have edit permission on my landlady's objects, I was forced to leave it stuck there under the bridge. Presumably auto-return sorted it out. I'm surprised to see the plane is still available. I'm tempted to buy it, and have another go... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Birdy-Sky-II-Hydro-seaplane/262219
  16. On when I mean "I have an account and a presence in SL". In when I mean I am there right now. Which is basically exactly what Matti said.
  17. Aesthetic is a (rather old) mesh body with a very muscular shape. If the shirt is mentioning "skin" that suggests its an applier shirt. This is not a solid mesh object but a texture which applies to the mesh body, as though it is painted on. If you try this product without owning the Aesthetic body, nothing will happen. You will never see it. If I am wrong and it really means a mesh shirt made to fit the Aesthetic body, without owning the body, you will see it but it will look like a massive tent over you, with the chest and shoulders much too big.
  18. If you can't find the emitters, you can do an Area Search using his name as owner. Or, you can de-render literally everything at once like this: In the Build menu, untick "Select only my objects" Cam down on his parcel from above. Select any object on the parcel. Now, holding down the Shift button, click and drag the mouse to surround his whole parcel and select it all. Right-click the selected mass of objects and derender/blacklist them. Make sure you haven't extended the box into your parcel or you may derender some of your own stuff too. If you do, you can revert it by finding it on the asset blacklist and removing it. If the emitters are temp-rez, then they will soon un-derender but you'll then be able to see them clearly as they will be the only objects still visible. (he may have buried them underground). As a temporary workaround to preserve your sanity, you can turn your particles count down to 0 in graphics preferences, at least while you're on your home parcel. The weather emitters will continue on ther merry way but you won't see it.
  19. It is. It means that the rest of the land, the parts you can't raise, are already at their maximum height.
  20. Well then thats even more of a shame because it implies that there are full perm templates for Erika out there, including more conservative styles, and other stores using them that we may never get to hear about.
  21. Only the clothing creator can solve this problem, by making the auto-hide script deletable (or by updating to the new version, which I did not know about). But there is a workaround - the script only activates when the clothing is first put on. If you go into the alpha hud you can then unhide all the segments that have been hidden, if you want to. It won't re-hide them unless you detach and reattach the clothing. What annoys me more is when autohide doesn't automatically UN-hide the body when you take the garment off.
  22. One of my alts uses Erika and its a relly gorgeous body. She did pick up a couple of things at the fair; a pair of big lace-up stompy boots, and a plaid skirt and top that suits her punk style perfectly (no pics cos I'm actually at work right now and can't log in, but I will post one later). There were a couple of other things I would have liked to get too but didn't because of budget. There are some creators releasing a handful of more conservative styles. Hilly Haalan has some, but unfortunately she's not including Erika in all new releases, just a few. Lybra has some too. Neither store was at the fair (I wonder why?)
  23. My av is 6'5" and most other guys are more than head & shoulders taller than me. So are many women. But I have never been mistaken for or accused of being a child avatar. It's not about height. It's more to do with overall body shape and other features like facial hair, hairstyle, clothing and even behaviour. Anyone who decides to make a twink avatar is going to run into trouble, but I don't think either of your pics make you look like a twink. I'm sure that's very common especially with Gianni users (like me). Gianni is a very top-heavy body. Another issue is that the leg muscle sliders affect mainly the thighs, they don't seem to affect the calves much at all, so bulking out the upper legs will in all probability make it look worse.
  24. Most new clubs only last a few months. Only a handful make it long term. Places like Frank's, Muddy,s the 80s Club, Junkyard Blues and so on. They are still around because they were here in like, 2008 or earlier. To really survive like that, you have to be first, and it's already too late for that. That said, it is possible, if you're willing to absorb the costs yourself. A big part of the reason for failure is burnout. Trying to do too many events, employ too many staff, all of whom realise after a few weeks that RL is more important and they can no longer commit to the amount of time required. And for the owner, they can't commit to the money either. Another common mistake is building too big. You don't need half a region for a club. Your club and your customers will fit easily into a 4096 or even a 2048m parcel. The main reason though, is beacuse the owner expects to be able to earn enough to pay their expenses. That's not going to happen, unless your expenses are somehow zero. My club lasted nearly 9 years and here's why: The music was almost unique. I speciallised in Swing-era jazz and played almost nothing else. There aren't many clubs speciallising in that genre and I was the only one with events during the 2-4pm timeslot. We started as part of a 1940s roleplay region, and went independent when the RP closed down. I employed only DJs. No hosts, no managers, nothing else. I did all of that myself. Less drama, less expense. (If I knew how to DJ, I'd have done that myself too - ironically I've now learned how to do it ). Related to the above - I only had one event per week. That reduces expenses and reduces the chance of burnout. My overheads were very small, just the tier on a 2048m parcel and pay for the DJs. Even so, I didn't break even most weeks. I kept going because it was something I was willing to pay out-of-pocket for because I loved doing it so much. We had a LOT of very good dances, and updated them regularly. Customers won't return to clubs with a poor selection of dances, especially couples dances. You really need to invest a lot of money in those. The atmosphere in the club was lively and chatty - myself and my DJs kept conversation going, gestures were banned. customers get involved in the conversation, they make friends, and they keep coming back. But all good things come to an end and I eventually closed because of dwindling audience. I started Club Noir in 2011 when the Swing revival was still popular in RL. But no-one is interested in the genre any more. Nearly all the Swing clubs in SL have gone and even the best swing DJs are struggling to get anyone to attend a set. Yes I could have changed genre or broadened my range but I didn't want to, partly because Noir was Madison's "baby" and partly because all the other genres are already being done by someone else. I didn't mind losing a bit of money every week when the events were busy and the atmosphere was fun. When it got down to 1 or 2 customers per event. it wasn't fun any more, and it wasn't fair on my DJs. So my advice to anyone wanting to start a new club; Go in with the expectation of making zero money. If you aren't doing it solely because you love it, don't do it. Start on a 2048m parcel of General-rated mainland. It's cheap, you'll likely be surrounded by nothing but abandoned land, and the ongoing costs are low. You can always expand later, if resources allow. Be your own host/DJ/manager etc. Don't employ ANY other staff in the beginning. Don't hold more events per week than you can confortably handle by yourself. Again, you can expand your staff and event frequency as resources allow, if the demand is there. Have events at less popular times. The 6pm-10pm timeslots are already overloaded but earlier slots, say 10am to 4pm, are not. Buy good quality new dances right from the start and get an Intan or a TIS. Its a big investment but worth it. Put your events in the official listings. It's just about the only way of letting the whole of SL that your events are even happening at all. So your question is, should you keep trying, or cut and run? Well, you've already said that you're tired of it. So I would say cut and run. The only thing you can gain from running a club is enjoyment; if you aren't getting that, it's not worth it.
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