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Lewis Luminos

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Everything posted by Lewis Luminos

  1. Furniture, always. At the very least, I'll be tinting something. I like to be able to retexture parts of it, especially cushions and blankets etc. Most furniture will need shrinking to scale, I also sometimes take off the shadow prims to save LI. Also linking mesh pieces together to save LI, which you can't do with no-mod. Houses - always need to modify something, take a wall out or shrink it slightly so it (a) fits on my weirdly shaped parcel and (b) looks right in scale with my short avatar. Anything full-bright - to turn it off. For plants/trees I often have to switch it from alpha-blend to masked, in order to prevent glitching. I don't mod clothing as often these days but if I can, I will. Especially for my girl alts. I buy fullperm clothing templates and make my own textures for them because it's way cheaper than buying a fatpack from a store.
  2. Maya's Designs has some whole-room packages, but you will still have to spend some time moving things around so they fit in the smaller rooms of a Bellisserisa house. You'll have to delete some things to stay within the land allowance. No-one does furnishd room sets specificaly made for certain houses. If you don't like shopping or furnishing a house, you'd be better off ditching Bellisseria and renting something that's pre-furniushed.
  3. Caligula offers demos for the newer products in world. I have quite a few and the newer stuff is pretty decent, at least for Gianni (I dont have any other bodies so can't comment on the fit for those). There are 2 stores, one is the Army/Military store already linked to; I havent used this store and would not trust them without demos. The other store for mainstream clothing is this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/158333 Sort by age Newest first. You'll see that the style and design of the vendor ads changes at around page 28/29 - don't go back further than that. See my review when I made the mistake of buying an older product without a demo... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/15881696/reviews/4506100
  4. The age detector thinks I'm 27. My Artbreeder pic... Thats unfair, I think that one is much more handsome than 6.5. The RL pic that the Artbreeder was taken from scored 6.2. Interesting thing, the age detector got my age almost dead on right with the artbreeder pic, but was off by 12 years too young for my RL pic.
  5. I'm pretty sure they're already made, or at least one of them is. The Java Sprockets cafe is an open plan Alderley. Or Adams, I forget which.
  6. I read an article on the BBC website about it, in 2006, in which it mentioned that U2 were playing a gig in SL. Being a fan of the band, and given that tickets to see them in RL are way out of my budget, I signed up so I could see them here for free. I missed the gig, apparently, and after a few months I forgot about SL and when I came back I couldnt remember my username or password so I started a new account and this time I stayed. I did recover my original account a few years ago too, which was nice, but I never went back to using that one as my main. Now I just keep him for his L$500 a week Premium stipend.
  7. This, for sure. And for most men, their sexuality and their self-esteem seem to be much more closely entwined than they are for women. Most heterosexual men would be deeply offended and their self-esteem shaken if anyone suggested that they were gay. Ironic really, because many gay men (especially the bears, the gym-bunnies and the leathermen) are literally the most masculine men you're ever likely to meet. I've yet to see any woman get deeply offended if someone suggested that she was a lesbian. Amused, maybe, but never offended. I have seen heterosexual men try to accuse a woman of being a lesbian in an attempt to get her upset and it's never worked.
  8. If blocking stopped people from seeing MY posts, instead of the other way round, I'd use it more often. I do occasionally block people, particularly where a thread has become political and where I'm certain that if I respond I'll end up getting suspended. It tends to be temporary though, and I'll un-hide their posts in non-controversial, SL-related threads.
  9. Exile is also making new styles for men. My go-to short style is Julain, from there. For longer (shoulder-length) styles I usually look at womens' hair. Doux has some nice styles that work for men as well as women (I'm wearing Doux Tegan in my forum icon here). If you want a more alternative style with shaved sides and/or undercuts, try Adoness.
  10. Unfortunately same for me; 2-4am but the effect is the same. I'm too old to stay awake that late now.
  11. About as "average" as it's possible to get with a Gianni body:
  12. In my experience with using female avatars, in situations like that, it's 100% because they find your avatar is a turn-on and they want to know what you are in RL so they know whether to pursue attempts to get sex. Yes. They don't talk to male avatars at all. I think maybe because they'd feel it was an insult or a challenge to their own gender identity and they assume it must be the same for everyone else. Avatars that don't look like people are not a sexual turn-on (generally), so again I'd think that they're fishing to see if you're worth pursuing for sex. Both my girls have furry forms and as long as they stay out of exclusively furry clubs whilst wearing those forms, guys tend to leave them alone, I rarely get anyone saying they should change to human (except in cases of venue dresscode, which is rare-to-never because I always check the venue dresscode first). Tammi gets left alone for the most part, because she is fat and a bit intimidating in the way she dresses (that was intentional on my part). Indra is more conventionally attractive but she's not white, which again helps to reduce unwanted attention (at least some of those knuckle-draggers are racist as well as sexist).
  13. What gives you any faith that the moderation would be any better than it is here? I have none whatsoever. The whole thing started last year with that conversation we had because moderators were not moderating properly. I suspect the only person likely to get moderated here is me, for saying this out loud.
  14. I agree its a moderation issue, not a subforum issue. The moderation here is absolutely atrocious. All kinds of trolling, abuse and hate speech absolutely get a pass here every single time as long as there's no actual "naughty words" in it, you know, the ones that get *****s. But as soon as you say a word that would make your grandmother giggle, okay that's the boot for you. Oh and god forbid you go off topic and start talking about cake or kittens. That's so evil it gets threads locked in an instant. How about moderating where it's needed, and not where it isn't? Novel idea that, but the mods here would never manage it. There is no point making an LGBT subforum here. It wold be a thousand times worse than the worst threads you've ever seen.
  15. Privilege doesn't mean that bad things never happen to people in privileged groups. It means that they are much more likely to happen to people in non-privileged groups.
  16. I think it's normal when you're a teen in high school and the people doing the ostracising are your peers. It's not normal when you're in your 20s or 30s or 40s or older, and the people doing the ostracising are your town's or country's employers, doctors, police officers, teachers, housing providers, magistrates, etc. These are the barriers that LGBT+ people face. What's worse, is it's not just an LGBT or trans issue. Disabled people face the same barriers, so do people of racial and ethnic minorities, or religious minorities, or neuro-atypical people.
  17. You have misunderstood me entirely. I am totally 100% opposed to the concept of making it illegal for people to express opinions that make them look like an enormous prat. In fact I would encourage it wholeheartedly. I find it incredibly useful in identifying the people who I would prefer to avoid, and on a forum like this, it also informs me who should be added to my ignore list. However, this is nothing to do with Free Speech, which refers specifically to your right to criticise your government without fear of arrest. Everywhere else, the "rules" of speech are determined by the owners of the venue in which those words are spoken. In a public place such as a park or street, that would be your local authority, the town council and so forth. If they want to make it illegal to shout off homophobic bull***** in their streets and parks, they may do so. In your house, you make the rules. You can say what you like, and allow anyone else to say what you are willing to allow. In my house, I decide what is allowed and what isn't. I might decide that no-one in my house is allowed to say the word "eggplant". I hate eggplants, they're an abomination. In this forum, it's Linden Lab who gets to make the laws. If they decide that homophobia is acceptable here, then I have to accept that, and I do. I could chose to leave the forum and go somewhere that actively moderates against homophobia but I don't because I value other things here. My skin is thick enough and I have an ignore button. Which I am about to use, please excuse me.
  18. I believe that every person, whether trans or cis, is worthy of being addressed by the names and pronouns they prefer to use. The exact same equal right for the trans person as for the cis person. I don't believe that every person is worthy of being called "sir" (regardless of their gender). Such respect is more a factor of age, status and experience and is something to be earned.
  19. Being a professor or needing to appear professional does not excuse him from common decency and proper manners. In fact quite the opposite. Refusing to acknowledge the correct pronouns for a trans person is unprofessional. Comparing it with a student asking to be called "sir" is a straw man, specifically the ones you're clutching at.
  20. It might not look transphobic to you, but it actually is, because what he's actually saying is that HE, and not the trans person themselves, will be the arbiter on whether the trans person looks trans enough or passes well enough to be worthy of being addressed with the correct pronouns. He is completely discounting the trans person's own gender identity, unless it happens to be one that he personally is in agreement with. Pity for the poor souls who will never be able to pass as the gender with which they identify, because of their genetics. Or those who cannot begin to transition at all because they live in a country or state or town where doing so would put them at risk of violence. Or because they will lose their job if they do. Or they simply cannot afford the treatment that their government won't pay for and they cant pay for themselves because, being trans, they can't even get a job at all.
  21. I have more than once dreamed that my SL home was my RL home. I was always terribly disappointed when I woke up.
  22. I will support this proposal, IF it can be moderated in a way that keeps it a safe space for LGBT+ people. I just posted this, in the thread that prompted this idea: And you know, it's terrible to think that in the 21st century that I, as a member of the LGBT+ community, do not feel that the Second Life forum is a safe place for LGBT+ people to express their opinions. There is a lot - far too much - transphobia and homophobia here, and if a young or vulnerable trans or gay person asked me if this was good place to be themselves, I would have to say no, and would recommend that they use a similar forum elsewhere. That's a really bad sign - when a member of a community recommends that other, more vulnerable members of the same community should go elsewhere for support. I would hope very much that the admins and moderators of this forum are able to change that situation.
  23. I remember that conversation (coincidentally I was re-reading it only yesterday). As I recall, it arose following some questionable moderator decisions here so I really don't have much faith that the moderation in a dedicated LGBT+ subforum would be any better, nor do I believe that such a subforum would be any safer for LGBT+ people who are vulnerable and in need of support.
  24. Sadly I think that every thread in such a subforum would end in the same way that this one is about to...
  25. It's easier if you can remember that it's an adjective, a descriptive word. "Transgendered" would be an adverb meaning that they've had transgendering done to them, or some such nonsense. (It can't be right because transgender isn't a verb either). Also calling a group of transgender people "transgenders" is wrong because that makes it a noun. If you find it hard to remember, try substituting the word "tall" in place of "transgender" and see how your sentence goes. If it still sounds right, then you're using it right. I lived that nightmare for years, the few years before I started transition and up to around 18 months into it. Only after that did I look sufficiently male that it stopped. I tried to be non-binary during that time but that was just as uncomfortable to me as it was trying to be female and it was an immense relief when it was all over. I don't think you'll get any answers to this Matti. If they answer one way, they'll be admitting that they're transphobic. If they answer the other way, they'll be admitting that they're transphobic AND racist. They've already proved that they have zero respect for people like us and no manners whatsoever, no additional demonstration of that is necessary.
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