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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. SL in general does not run well on integrated graphics. A quick google for the possibility of running SL on your chipset shows posts from as far back as 2012 stating that, at best, you'll be able to run on medium graphics, but may run into texture issues. 2012 was the year that mesh just started hitting the grid. In 2018 we have thousands of people wearing complex mesh bodies and heads, so don't expect the world to look all that great if you can get the viewer to run. However, first you have to get the viewer to run. There's a fix on the Firestorm Wiki for the exact error that you're experiencing, but it only works for 32-bit systems: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_intel_fix_32bit
  2. The second I saw this shirt I knew it would be making its way into my inventory. Credits Birth and Breath for Man Cave, plus Invictus for Men Only Monthly, Haysuriza for ON9, and VoltHair for Equal 10. Shirt: Breath - Dara Shirt (dragon) Jeans: Invictus - Street Jeans 07 (black) Footwear: ILLI - Modern Roman Sandals Eyewear: Haysuriza - Eyewear Monaco Hair: VoltHair - John (B&W) Necklace: Sn@tch - Cosmopolitan Necklace Skin applier: Birth - Axel (tone 01) Ears: L'Etre - Horn Mesh Ears Poses: SEmotion
  3. With a Bento head you can customise both the look and the shape. That's why I said you could replicate your Samurai head almost perfectly with Catwa's Daniel head, with a little bit of slider work and a similar skin applier. Bento heads respond to approximately 30 of the facial sliders and allow much more in the way of customisation options, especially when you combine them with different skins, applier brows, applier facial hair, makeup (if you wear that) and any other appliers that you might want, such as age lines or face tattoos. With your current Samurai head you can't change anything, except maybe the size of it. Three examples below. All of them are the Catwa Daniel head, with three different shapes and three different skins: The base shape of a Bento head is just your starting point for further customisation. You're not limited in any way to just sticking with what the creator offers. Since you're not fond of Catwa heads (although I'm curious as to why? I know that some guys think the HUDs are too complex and want something simpler to work with) you can try the Akeruka one I mentioned in my previous post, or demo Lelutka's 'Andrea' Bento head. Andrea has a high level of support when it comes to skins and other appliers, but I've found that it's not as responsive as Catwa's Bento heads when it comes to the sliders. It's also more limited in that it only has one layer instead of Catwa's two (for layering things like beards and face tattoos, etc) and dear god, the ears on it are horrendous: sticky-out and un-editable. (Luckily they can be hidden, and we have many creators of excellent mesh ear add-ons. Try L'Etre and Swallow for those, to start with.) There are also plenty of other mesh head creators out there who have at least some level of support, even if it's just Omega-compatibility.
  4. Samurai is a skin store that has branched out into making mesh heads. I guess at least now they've stopped pasting the faces of their skins onto RL male model pictures like they did back in their days of system skin creation. Looking at that head, you'll find it very easy to get an almost identical look with Catwa's Daniel head. I'd also try demos of her Victor and Skell heads, but Daniel's probably your best bet for that look, which would be achiveable with very few shape tweaks. I own all of the Catwa heads, and Daniel is the one I still come back to time and again (although, for obvious and biased reasons, the Skell head is a close second). I'll be honest and say that L$2,200 for that Samurai option is a lot to pay for a static mesh head that has no customisation options and no animations. Before you consider buying another head to replace it, make sure you demo a lot of products. Pick up demo heads and demo skins, check Marketplace for compatibility with appliers such as hairbases and facial hair/makeup etc. Check, too, that an Omega relay is available for that head, as Omega opens up even more possbilities for customisation. For a cheap Bento head that's currrently available until 1st July, join the Akeruka group (join fee of L$150 - I can't get the link right now, but look up my profile inworld and you'll find it listed in my groups. It's near the bottom of the list: [AK] Heads News & Support) and pick up their group gift 'Leon' bento head. It comes with all body skin appliers for Slink, Signature, and Belleza male bodies. Akeruka is not as well-supported as the likes of Catwa for male skins, but it's at least a Bento head and it's pretty good.
  5. I just went for a week without shopping. God knows how I coped, but I've since made up for it...
  6. Proposing and getting married to my SL partner Lounging in a hammock with sounds of surf and tropical birds playing and a chilled-out soundtrack through headphones and feeling myself relax in real life Every time someone likes something I've made enough to actually pay me for it And hundreds of other moments that, over the course of 11 years inworld, have blended into my life here All of it. And I don't play it; I live it. None. I knew my partner before we both came into SL, but he has been the biggest impact on my real life. Why would it be different? No. I started living in SL because my partner introduced me to it as a cool world where we could be who we wanted, make things we wanted, roleplay and dance and get to be together in a physical way that we can't be in real life, since we live a long distance from each other. Yes, 60 of them. Mostly shopping groups and a couple of customer support groups. Then don't ask questions and instead focus on observing those dynamics. If you go into any online environment with a virtual clipboard and start just throwing questions at people then your interactions with those people are not genuine social interactions. When you get to the interviewing-for-a-job stage of your life you'll understand that a bit better. You've been inworld for almost an entire month (23 days as of today). That's a decent amount of time to jet around the grid, join some social groups and clubs, and observe the social dynamics therein. Granted, it would only be a small slice of those dynamics, but it would be enough to write a reasonable essay on the subject. As of right now (Sunday afternoon), your profile is still completely blank...
  7. Oh come now. Intelligent conversation has to come from both sides, not just one. You can't just chuck any old ball onto the pitch and expect Ronaldo to boot it back at you.
  8. There are very few male skin designers who create all-in-one head and body appliers. Two that come to mind (ones that won't break the bank, either, which I guess is always welcome when you're kitting out an alt) are Altamura and 7 Deadly Skins. Right now, both of them have group gifts out, as follows: Altamura (SLurl) has - as a gift to L'Homme Magazine Readers group (link - free to join) - a full skin applier for their 'Manuel' free Bento body and head, which also contains an Omega applier. (Don't let the ad put you off; the Manuel head is a bit of a strange beast. I've tried the skin applier on a Catwa head and it actually doesn't look too bad at all.) Ad image: Applier: 7 Deadly Skins (SLurl) has - as a gift to their group (link - 225L to join) - a full skin applier based on the Catwa Skell head (ignore the mistake on the ad; Skell is a Catwa head, not a Lelutka one. I should know; it's my own damn head!). There are demos available behind the lobby desk, if you don't want to pay the group join fee without demoing first. Ad image: Applier: I've not tried either on the Adam head (I own both the head and body, but never use those ones) but one is completely free and the other - while it costs 225L to join the group - has demos that are at least worth a try. Both come with brow and browless options. You will, of course, need the Omega relays for both Adam and Belleza in order to use them. Hope that helps
  9. Forgotten soldier of Paradise. Now Paradise is lost. Credits Learn to love your anger now. Anger here is all you possess. Welcome to the edge. Wild Roots, Madame Noir, and L'Emporio for The Darkness Monthly. And a complete about-face from my usual look Tattoo applier: Wild Roots - Wild Roots Tattoo Gloves: L'Emporio - Nautilus Bento Gloves (Slink male) Wings: Blueberry - Icon Angel Wings (Bento) Pants: Kauna - Tuxedo XIV Trousers (white) Shoes: Tetra - Unisex pointed Flats (white) Hair: Stealthic - Genesis Eye appliers: Madame Noir - Electric Eyes (Catwa, Lelutka, own brand) Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop - Clear Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega) Skin applier: Birth - Maverick (tone 01 - Catwa) Head: Catwa - Daniel (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male Sword: Inventory library (modded) Pose: Niqotin (no longer available)
  10. Feeling introspective tonight. Credits Exile for Collabor88, plus Body Factory, INKer, and SEmotion for The Men Jail. Hair: Exile - Drive Fast* (grayscale) T-shirt: Body Factory - Killer Shirt (black) (Adam, Jake, Slink, Gianni, TMP, standard) Tattoo applier: INKer - Eagle Tattoo** Ears: L'Etre - Horn mesh Ears Eyelids: L'Etre - Natural Mesh Eyelids Skin applier: Birth - Maverick (tone 01 - Catwa) Head: Catwa - Daniel (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male Poses: Semotion * review copy ** body applier = Signature, Omega, Slink, Belleza, Maitreya. Head applier = Catwa, Lelutka
  11. Just scrolled through the shopping guide for Vintage Fair. As usual, hundreds of gorgeous items for the ladies. And for the gents? Three tattoos, one facial hair, two shapes, and one bulky (and not that great) suit. Whee.
  12. I'm not 100% familiar with TMP, but I think you need to purchase an installer for your head. The body skins on TMP bodies are included in the Style Mode HUD, but head installers must be purchased separately. You can either get one from TMP itself to match the body's default tones, or shop around some other stores for a head installer (in which case you will also need to buy their own body installers).
  13. Credits Not So Bad and Tori Torricelli for The Mens Dept. Jacket: Not So Bad - Gabriel Suit Blazer* (black) Pants: Tori Torricelli - Uptown Jeans (fatpack) (Gianni, Jake, Slink, Aes) Necklace: Avenge - Feathers Leather Rope Necklace Hair: Vango - Owen Ears: L'Etre - Horn Mesh Ears Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) Skin applier: Birth - Maverick (tone 01 - Catwa) Head: Catwa - Daniel (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male Poses: Wrong *Includes rigs for: Aes, Jake, Gianni, Geralt, Slink, TMP, fitmesh
  14. Credits Tori Torricelli for The Mens Dept, plus Haysuriza for Ultra, and Birth for Hipster Mens Event. Shirt: Tori Torricelli - Brooklyn Shirt* (Gianni, Jake, Slink, Enzo) Pants: Tori Torricelli - Uptown Jeans (Gianni, Jake, Slink, Enzo) Glasses: Haysuriza - Goggles Protection CX Gold Hair: Vango - Oliver (grayscale) Cuff: Swallow - Harl3y Quinn Suicide Bracelet Necklace: The Forge - Rockstar Necklace Ears: L'Etre - Horn Mesh Ears Skin applier: Birth - Maverick (tone 01 - Catwa) Head: Catwa - Daniel (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male Poses: Wrong, Animosity *This pattern is only available in the fatpack
  15. Haysuriza knocking it out of the park with new glasses, as usual. Two amazing sets out at Ultra this month. Plus I had to fatpack this shirt to get this texture. Worth it
  16. This one: Her: "Hot avi. Single? Wanna, y'know...?" Me: "No. I'm happily married to a gorgeous man whom I love dearly." Her: "Oh, you're gay? I could totally put on a male avi for you!" Me: "What part of 'happily married' and 'whom I love dearly' didn't get through to you there? I'm. Not. Interested." And this one: Him: "Whatever you're asking, the answer is yes." Me: "I'm not asking anything." Him: "But--" Me: "Look, I've been married in SL to the same gorgeous guy for almost eleven years. He's also my best friend in real life, and has been so for more than twelve years. I'm absolutely devoted to him, in every way. You think I'm desperate to throw away the best thing in my life for a quick pixel shag with some rando who happens to fancy my avatar?" And this one: Her: "Hi. Your avatar is so hot. Fancy going somewhere quieter?" Me: "My husband is standing right next to you. Now get out of my IMs." RTFP (Read the F*&$!ing Profile), people. Not single. Not interested. Not even for you.
  17. Did you also check that you have Anistropic Filtering enabled? Having it disabled can sometimes be the cause of shadows like that.
  18. Clear both upper and lower lipstick and blush layers on your Catwa Master HUD. Looks like you have some leftover applier on there. Also, you want to check your brow applier layers (upper and lower). There are two thin dark strips left over from a brow-layer eyeshadow, just below your brows. A useful gif from one of my fellow Catwa CSRs, to help you see where all the sections are on a Catwa bento head: https://gyazo.com/ba7192c34af479fa59d7cbe3922ca9a4 If clearing the lipstick and blush layers doesn't work: do you notice the same shadow with a similar pale skin from a different designer? Lastly, in the Hardware Settings of your viewer's graphics options, do you have Anistropic Filtering enabled? If not, enable it.
  19. Phil, the option to 'go premium' is right there at sign-up. Right now it happens after the name has been chosen, but that's not to say the sign-up process will remain the same if the naming options are going to change. I expect (and speculate) that what Dakota is referring to is the possibility of change along those lines: that the sign-up process may be re-jigged so that the 'if you take out a premium account you can choose from a set of last names - do you want to go premium before choosing a name?' option is upfront, after choosing the avatar type, but before anything else. Yes, that specific option would only be available to new users, but - as Patch stated elsewhere - existing users would be able to change both names for the same fee.
  20. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+monetize+a+blogspot+blog
  21. My condolences on the sad demise of your thread, Lil.
  22. When responding to a post asking for immediate help like this one did, it's good practice to do two things before you type your response, so that you're not wasting your own valuable time: 1. Check the date of the post to make sure you're not giving advice to a question that's now several months (or even years) old. This thread is ten months old. If Patrick's problem hasn't been fixed by now then he's probably given up in frustration. 2. Read the entire thread to ensure that someone else hasn't already suggested what you're going to suggest. That may be a bit of a grind if the thread runs to multiple pages, but this one only has seven posts. In the third post (and it's my first reply to Patrick's question) I recommended Stray Dog skins, and even gave an image example of four that I frequently wear. He then acknowledged my suggestion and said he would try out Stray Dog's skins. He hasn't been back for further advice since, so I can only assume that his neck issue has been fixed.
  23. Do you see me slagging off the kind of clothing you want to wear? I'll leave you and Orwar to it here. Clearly I don't belong in a thread about male fashion.
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