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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. I don't drink coffee; I take tea, my dear... (AKA: sometimes I'll manage to get Skell into a hat.) Credits Vango for Man Cave, plus Hotdog for Men Only Monthly. Hair & hat: Vango - Nicholas (browns) Jacket: Hotdog - Slink Double-Breasted Jacket (plain) Ears: L'Etre - Olympe Mesh Ears Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) Piercings: Catwa - Bento Face Piercings* (rigged for all Catwa Bento heads) Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) Skin applier: Birth - Dakota (tone 01) Makeup: Zibska - Noir Pack 10 *review copy
  2. A little tip regarding Alaskametro: for practically every makeup item in her store she also has a free wearable tester available in a single shade. No 'demo 'markings or anything like that; just a great way to increase your makeup collection, absolutely free. Just go to her Marketplace store and put 'tester' into the search bar (already done that for you at this link). They usually come in Catwa and Lelutka appliers, with some Omega appliers, and even classic system tattoos.
  3. Cindy, just ponder the size and weight of a melon for a moment (even a smallish one). Now ponder a second one beside it. Now ponder how bloody painful that would be! Glad to be of help, Ceka. Your husband would be fine if he only wants to wear sweatpants, sweatshorts, hoodies, sneakers, sportswear, and snapbacks, because that's much of what's available these days My blog isn't as active as my Flickr (mainly because I like to gab about what I'm wearing on the blog, and that takes time and brainpower; both of which I often don't have much of left after a day at work) but Flickr just needs a good pic and a credits list. So, if in doubt; check Flickr! Thank you! Seconding ON1. I used the free version extensively for a long time, and then I got an offer to buy the full version of ON1 Photo 10 for a ridiculously low price. I now use it on all of my images. It does work your GPU hard, especially if you assign the heavy lifting to it, and I've found that I prefer the images in Photoshop format (so I do use Photoshop to open the PSD files and re-save them as either JPG or PNG) but it's worth trying the free version, and paying for it if you get a cheap offer like I did.
  4. I would definitely recommend mesh hands and feet. If you're not opting for a mesh body then Slink hands and feet would be the ones to go with (those can be purchased separately, whereas bodies such as Maitreya and Belleza have the feet and hands included as part of the body). If you like nail polish, then once you've discovered Slink applier nails I promise that you'll never want to go back to those smeary old system glove nails You'll find that - in the case of footwear - the vast majority of it these days is being made for mesh feet, so unless you want to be in either sneakers or closed-toe-and-heel boots all the time, you'll probably struggle to find a wide range of footwear. Even sneakers and full-foot boots are often rigged to mesh bodies (which means you can't move or edit them to fit a system avatar) and they often don't come with foot-shapers, so make sure you look for the 'classic avatar' logo on any footwear. It looks like this: Same thing goes for new skins. The vast majority of them are now only being made as appliers for mesh bodies and heads. Many stores still offer system skins (and also sell Slink hand and feet appliers), but you'll find most of those now in their 'discount' sections. Hair is a different matter. You can wear pretty much any hairstyle on either a system or mesh head, but do try a demo first, as some of the rigged (AKA: uneditable) styles might sit oddly on a system head.
  5. Sn@tch has gotten a lot more upbeat in recent years, yes. I guess that's what sells, since the store is always busy. It's a shame Ivey doesn't make menswear anymore, though. I bought a lot of stuff from there in the past, right back from my rez date in 2007, and I still pick up the occasional makeup or clothing item when it catches my eye and I can get it to work on Skell. I'd suggest checking out The Darkness Monthly and Suicide Dollz events. I've found some interesting stores through both of those. And, while World Goth Fair no longer takes place inworld, their old blog is still available and you can dig through there to find any store names that might still be extant. Off the top of my head Goth1co and The Little Bat are still around, both inworld and on Marketplace. Rebellion is a store along similar lines to Razor, so you'll find a few items there. Also, for menswear in a more Victorian Gothic vein (as well as the most incredible models for their store ads), check out HotDog & Clemm (both in the same store location; the latter of whom also have some interesting makeup and eyes).
  6. Mostly, yes, but not necessarily all the time. I picked up the new Vista Gerard Bento AO (created specifically for the Vista Gerard head) and the facial AO version of it works surprisingly well on my Catwa Skell head. The only thing that's a tiny bit 'off' about it is that the Catwa lashes lag a little bit sometimes when Skell blinks using the Vista AO. See this short video (not much at the start, but about halfway through you see a couple of subtle little smirks and smiles) and this one (for some eyebrow action). Mind you, I'm mostly glad just to find a male Bento AO that doesn't have me standing with my feet 36 inches apart, as if I have balls the size of melons...
  7. Is it hosted inside his private home? (This is permitted in the Adult Content FAQ, but only if it's not publicly-accessible.) Can you see the avatars if you cam inside the house? (The parcel should be set so that people outside the parcel cannot view avatars inside the parcel.) Are you able to walk onto the parcel? (The parcel should be set to private or group-only, and any group access should not be open to join.) See the below: - source Is it being advertised and/or actively promoted? Does the home owner have it set to show in search? See the below: - source Are the 20 avatars in the location all remote bots and not actual people? See the below: - source Maturity ratings are for publicly-accessible and/or publicly-viewable (aka: external to the house) items or activities. It's perfectly permissible - as per this section of the Adult Content FAQ - to have an Adult-rated torture dungeon in a Moderate region, as long as every step is taken to keep the parcel private (both in access and viewing avatars on it), to not publicise or advertise it, or to have any public location such as a store as part of it. If that means access is available for a number of people - either by means of an invite-only group or a parcel access list - that still means it's not publicly-accessible or taking place in full public view. I'm not condoning his behaviour (I find it as unpleasant as anyone else would) but if you and your friends have submitted multiple abuse reports then those reports should have been reviewed by Linden Lab. If they have reviewed all of your and your friends' multiple ARs and still haven't booted that resident out of his home, then he is clearly not breaking their "behind closed doors" rules, and he is not promoting or advertising the location publicly. If he is breaking those rules, then continue abuse-reporting, and state exactly which rules he is breaking when you AR.
  8. It's a bit difficult to see the issue because of the angle of that last photo, but are you saying that there is a gap between the ear and the cheekbone? If so, you need to move each ear individually towards the head, as per the arrow below: Here's a quick gif of what it should look like when you're moving it (note that I dont have the same mesh ears as you; mine have an inner 'tube' and not a flat section at the front) - Most hairbase appliers have a 'gap' in them where you can clearly see that the ear is supposed to go, but the one you're wearing there has no gap. This means the join between ear and head will probably look a bit strange once you have them properly in position, because the front of the ear will 'cut off' the hairbase.
  9. You were given the answer in the thread from 2011 that you resurrected. You've already been told what's wrong and given suggestions as to what you can do. Go back to the below post and read it: In short: your onboard graphics chip does not meet the minimum requirements for running Second Life. In that resurrected post you queried the link to Nalates' blog that you were given. Nalates writes about many Second Life-related things, and she is an invaluable source of information, both for technical and non-technical aspects of SL. She also has a blog post (written back in 2016) specifically about the issues experienced by users of Intel HD graphics chips, and giving advice on ways you might be able to get SL to run reasonably well using an Intel HD chip. Work your way through the suggestions in that post first. I note from the specs that you gave in the other post that you're using 128m draw distance and you have Advanced Lighting enabled. Together, these will make your graphics chip grind to a halt and are probably what's logging you out of SL after just a few minutes. You can edit your graphics settings without logging in (Me > Preferences > Graphics). Un-check the Advanced Lighting option, and pull the Quality slider down to about 'Mid'. Bring your draw distance setting down to 64m to begin with, pull your bandwidth settings way down (you have them set far too high - you'll find those in the Network tab of your preferences) and then try logging in.
  10. You won't get banned from the game (unless you have a child avatar and you're using - or are in the close vicinity of - objects used for sexual purposes, or actual sex acts visibly taking place near you, and someone sees you and reports you). However you might get banned from that person's land if they realise you've been using their objects. This is something that they - as owner of that land - can do, for any reason (or even for no reason). Some people don't mind if you wander into their homes when they're offline, but some people do. It's always safest to err on the side of caution, and treat an SL home with the respect that you would give to a real life home: don't enter unless invited! If you're curious as to what's inside, learn how to use the camera controls in your viewer, and you can 'cam' inside and look around without touching anything. I think that most of us, as newbies, have found a cool house and walked inside without thinking, clicked around, and then left after a while. I know I did that in my very earliest days. But once I became a land-owner in SL I didn't like it when other people did that to my house, and I felt bad for doing it to the people whose homes I'd walked into when I was new. If nothing else, though, avoid using beds that are rezzed out in private homes in Second Life. You wouldn't want someone else sleeping (or indulging in other activities!) in your bed in real life, and many people feel the same about other SL residents using their bed in Second Life. In short: you won't get banned from the game (unless you're breaking that child avatar/sexual objects/sex acts rule mentioned in my first paragraph) but don't be surprised if you're banned from that person's home or land. There are plenty of other places in Second Life, so a ban here and there because a land-owner didn't like you intruding into their personal space isn't anything to worry about
  11. It depends on what you like to do. If you like to shop, then Premium will get you into crowded events and busy locations that would leave you hammering the teleport button repeatedly if you were non-Premium. Likewise, if you like to be in a lot of store groups then Premium will allow you to have 60 groups instead of the 42 allowed for non-Premium (even as a new resident you'll probably have discovered by now that many groups give out free gifts to their members, either in group notices or in their stores if you wear their group tag. Many lucky letter boards are also group-only and you need to wear the group tag to use them). And, if those groups are busy and send out a lot of notices, Premium will also allow you a larger number of notices (also IMs) that arrive when you're offline before they're capped. (Capped notices aren't seen when you log in.) If you want to own a home (instead of paying weekly or monthly to rent from someone else) then the lowest level of Premium account will give you 1024m² of tier that you can either use on a pre-made Linden home (currently only 512m² ones are available; 1024m² homes will be available soon, but be aware that Linden homes have restrictions, such as you can't rez skyboxes above them). Or you can find a piece of mainland elsewhere, buy it with a one-off payment, and assign that 1024m² tier to it before you build or rez a home on it with no restrictions. If you've gone to any smaller stores to shop or take part in a hunt, etc then you've been on mainland. The big events and many mainstores tend to be on privately-owned estate land, but a lot of smaller stores are located on mainland. Mainland is just - as Angeoco has shown - the big continents in SL. Lastly, of course, a Premium account gives you a weekly L$300 stipend to spend on whatever you want.
  12. Tyson was at Kustom 9 for July. I've noticed a lot of designers are pretty slow at putting event releases out in their stores. I'm still waiting for one TMD July hair to appear at the Dura mainstore (since the TMD collection was so dire that month that I didn't even check out the demo until the event was over, and now I'm just waiting for a mainstore release).
  13. Q: Where do you think that money for new residents came from, and why do you think it was distributed in those ways in the first place? A: 'Those who buy Linden' dollars made the money available for the new residents. They did so because traffic metrics were calculated differently back then. High traffic could get a location equally high in search results. And traffic could be bought, by means of camping chairs, dance pads, money trees, camp master, freeplay, contests, and sploders. Traffic metrics are now calculated differently, so those old methods of getting people to visit a location regularly and/or stay in the location for a long time no longer put that location high in search results. Since 'those who buy Linden' dollars for that specific purpose no longer had a reason to spend them for that purpose once the traffic metrics were changed, those 'free money for newbies' options went away. ETA: My very first L$2 in Second Life were earned by sitting on a deck lounger for 40 minutes back in June 2007. I camped for a few weeks in my early days, but soon realised that it wasn't giving me anywhere near the amount of money that I wanted. After eleven years in Second Life I have now invested (and yes, I regard it as an investment - specifically one for entertainment) tens of thousands of real life dollars in this virtual world, what with paying for tier on a whole region for many years, plus my inveterate shopping habit. More power to those who can get by without putting real life money into SL, but - unless they are running around the Linden Realms - all of the 'free money' currently earned by newbies using options like fishing or cones or gold hunting (or whatever is prevalent these days) still comes out of the pockets of other residents who have either purchased it from the LindeX or have earned it by their own creative endeavours (which still require money in the first place, for uploads, etc).
  14. Catwa CSR here. Hopefully the below will answer your question: If you're referring to the gap between your ears and head, then that could happen with any mesh head and add-on mesh ears, unless you happened to hit on exactly the same combination of head brand, head type, head name, and head slider settings as the creator of the add-on ears used. Most add-on (non-rigged) mesh ears won't fit absolutely perfectly right out of the box, purely because the creator will fit them to their own head and slider settings. It's easy to fix: just right-click and edit your ears into place. In the Catwa support group we recommend leaving the head's ears visible - to act as a guide - while editing add-on ears, and then hiding them before you fine-tune the add-on ears into place. If, however, you're referring to the flat section of the head when the Catwa ears are hidden, then that is common to many mesh heads, but not all (some have holes in that area instead when the head's ears are hidden). In the support group we have people complaining about heads that have holes there when the ears are hidden, and also people who complain about heads that have flat areas when the ears are hidden. Can't win 'em all! (As a side-note: I would also recommend tinting your ears just a little darker and more orange/pink/red, to match the darker tone at the edge of your cheekbones. Only a tiny bit of tint, mind you; otherwise you'll have a very visible seam where the much paler (and slightly more yellow-toned) ears - which currently match the highlighted areas of your face - meet the darker shading of your cheekbones.)
  15. Slight variation from the previous look (aka: I took off the glasses ) and this one's in front of an amazing cube map background set by Weekend Ruiner. (If you're already in the WR group you get it for free, but if not then it's on Marketplace in a pack containing other cubemap backgrounds for L$500. Be aware that the group can no longer be joined.) Link to the MP item is on my Flickr post.
  16. Love it when I find a new store whose clothes are just up my street Shame they have such a small collection, but eh; at least it's not sweatpants, so I'm happy with that. Credits VoltHair for Equal 10, plus Ascend and Rebellion for Man Cave. And another fantastic jacket set from HotDog, this time to be found at their mainstore. Contains a single fit each for male, female, and 'flat female' (V-Tech boys, get on that!) so make sure you try a demo. Jacket: HotDog - High Collar Jacket (vibrant sci-fi; one size each for male, female, and flat female) Eyewear: Rebellion - Vader Aviators Hair: VoltHair - Dwayne (B&W) Gloves: Ascend - Punk Bento Gloves (Slink, Sig) Ears: L'Etre - Olympe Mesh Ears Skin applier: Birth - Dakota (Catwa: tone 01) Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega) Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) *review copy
  17. O-kay... so let me see if I can understand the bizarre reasoning behind this response... Investigation: 1. Someone with 'Fiona' (a traditionally feminine name) as part of their username responded with a 'confused' emoji to a post elsewhere on this forum, wherein someone joked that people take things too seriously. 2. You infer that LittleMe Jewell must be a man because she's too clever to be a woman. 3. I call you out on that. 4. You post the above in response. Conclusions: 1. Either you are suggesting that 'Fiona' (aka: feminine name) must be stupid because she's confused by a jokey post. Ergo: women are stupid. 2. I am taking too seriously your 'amusing' inference that women cannot be clever. Summation: Your 'joke' fell flat. Better luck next time. ETA: And since Lil has now responded I'm leaving it there.
  18. Did you... actually just suggest that Lil must be a man because she's too clever to be a woman? Seriously? Might want to take a look at this list before you go suggesting that women are incapable of being clever: https://www.wonderslist.com/top-10-famous-women-scientists-in-history/ ETA: And while you're at it, have you ever seen this famous image? That's Margaret Hamilton. Might want to read about her, too.
  19. I try (not always successfully, mind) to look at things like that in a broader context, because context is really bloody important when it comes to people's moods and emotions. If that person always flies off the handle at the slightest thing, taking everything as a personal affront and finding fault in even the most innocuous statements (and there are a couple of people here who do that on a regular basis) then I know those people are beyond any kind words that I might be able to offer. Those people are the drama-loving, drama-fostering, drama-needing queens of Second Life. They can't live without it; even the ones who state in their profiles that they hate drama. (Hell, especially those that have those profile statements.) However, if a person generally comes across as (mostly) stable and non-reactionary and then one day they react poorly to some perceived slight, I will err on the side of compassion and assume that Real Life is treating them badly that day. With those people I'm 99% certain that - after a day or two - life will be kind to them again and their equilibrium will be restored. Sure, the 'always flies off the handle' person might be having a bad life instead of a bad day, but if a person needs their misery to be validated by constant proof that Everybody On An Internet Forum Hates Them then they should probably be seeking help elsewhere, and not on said internet forum.
  20. A couple of thoughts regarding this: 1. Are you using the correct shape for each of those starter avatars? Normally when things like that happen it's a single shape that's become corrupted, and switching to another shape should fix it. 2. You say that you never noticed it when you signed up for Second Life four years ago, but that you noticed it on resuming your account six months ago. Have you - at any time in those six months - updated the viewer that you're using? If so, did you 'clean install' it or just overwrite it? I suspect that one of your settings may have become corrupted - especially if you've crashed at any time, which means that your viewer doesn't get the chance to save your settings properly - and that can have all kinds of odd effects, from incredibly bad lag to avatar corruption. My first suggestion - assuming that the shape itself isn't the issue - would be to completely uninstall and reinstall your viewer. If you're using the Linden Lab viewer (the one you download from the Second Life website) then remove and reinstall it as you would do any other program. If you're using the Firestorm viewer, remove and reinstall it using their detailed Clean Install instructions (video here for additional help, if you need it). If the problem persists after a clean reinstall, and switching to a completely different shape doesn't fix it either, then it's time to open a support ticket with Linden Lab. Link them to this thread in your ticket, so they can see your screenshots.
  21. Gotta say it, Lil: that gown is amazing and needs to be archived somewhere. There should be an SL museum for gobsmacking outfits like that one; similar to how you sometimes see exhibitions of dresses worn by Elizabeth I (or Princess Diana, come to that).
  22. Sometimes, amid the depressing overload of sweatpants and sportswear at male fashion events in SL, one comes across an absolute treasure. This fantastic slim jacket by HotDog, out at Men Only Monthly, is just such a treasure. Three multi-option packs, at bargain prices, and a mainstore containing some deliciously dark little goodies. Credits Jacket: HotDog - Slim Double Breasted Jacket (Clem edition - one size; make sure to demo!) Hair: Lamb - Halo (black) Eye appliers: B!tchlicious - Mason eyes (Catwa) Cheek makeup: Clemm - Aydan's Cheek Hollow (Omega, system) Eyeshadow: Zibska - Noir Pack 10 (Catwa, Lelutka, Omega) Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega) Ears: L'Etre - Olympe Mesh Ears Skin applier: Birth - Dakota (Catwa: tone 01) Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) *review copy
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