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Sukubia Scarmon

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Everything posted by Sukubia Scarmon

  1. It's a rare thing to happen, I think it was something like 5 in every 100.000 people have it happen for some reason or another. And, while it's dangerous, I was rather lucky and didn't have the most severe symptoms. Not completely in the greens yet, I got released early due to christmas, but it's not fully healed yet. The pressure that's usually present when your braincavity is filled with fluid *could* open up the wounds again. Then I'll have to go back and get another surgery, which I am not looking forward to, heh. But here's hoping that I can prevent that! Thanks everybody!
  2. Hello! I'm freshly out of the hospital. Turned out I wasn't having an allergy, but was leaking brainfluid through my nose. Yep. But good luck finding a doctor who takes you serious with that. "Oh you read it somewhere...?" Yes, yes my dear doctor, I am able to do some informed research. I'm not a goddamn idiot who clicks the first link and goes "oh it's cancer!" (The doctors actually thought it might be cancer. It's not.) So yeah, I'll actually see if I can sue one of the doctors I went to, because she dismissed me hard, and didn't do even the most simplest of checks, which could have saved me 2 months. Now imagine it would have been cancer. Two months can make a lot of difference... Please, do yourself a favor and get second opinions whenever you have an inkling of doubt. Also, I'm doing good. Got released a bit early today, still need to be carefull with the pressure so the wounds not open up again. But I am glad I am back home with my kittycat, who's first action upon my arrival was to promptly ignore me and stuff her face with food. She cuddled with me after she was done eating tho, so all is good! And again: it's not cancer! Happy Holidays!
  3. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DEMO-booN-Labcornrows-base02/20602096 Base https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/booN-Lab049-hair-DEMO/9967485 Braids Boon has a a few thing that migh match what you're looking for
  4. Hang in there! 😧 Been having trouble to get something diagnosed lately, so I totaly get the feeling of frustration if something's wrong and they don't find the cause. (I mean, I knew the cause, but their goddamn ego made them dismiss me. So yeah, that's been my face at every doctors visit as well! Go to as many doctors as you can, get second opinions and stuff! Crossing fingers for you!
  5. Beautifull rendition of one of my favorite songs from Lana Del Rey, by one of my favorite bands, Steam Powered Giraffe
  6. Peeve: A shine creator STILL somehow unable to grasp that you can make Maitreya shine applier that go onto the goddamn skin since, well, the big update - which didn't happen yesterday -, forcing me to wear a tattoolayer that'd otherwise be unessesary. Got damn slowpoke can make appliers for all the new bodies, but this is apparently too much.
  7. It's an example for what *can* happen if a women doesn't have a choice on abortion. Personaly, I mainly blame my grandma for my very specific case. However, I don't get it. What is YOUR solution then, if someone knows they'd be a crappy parent, and neither want nor love the child? How is forcing them to have it helping? Wait, lemme guess - you don't want to help, because it's their problem, right? Then why should you get to decide how they solve it for themselves? (You means not you personally, but anti-abortion people.) I'm very okay with people saying they do not ever wanting to abort themselfes, because they beliefe it's wrong - it's their decision after all, and I respect that. I do not respect if that decision gets made for others. And with bans on abortion, that is what is happening. Somebody is making a decision for someone else out of a disgusting sense of moral superiority. Hypocrits. Also, I'm very sure it's not quite the same with my mother and other people. Most tend to be able to do something else, even if it's just rare occasions. They maybe go and buy themselves something nice Or do something nice for themselves. Or maybe meet up with a friend or colleque or anyone, really. Not saying there are no people like my mother, there sure are. But I don't think it's that many. I certainly hope it's not, because holy crap, that'd be terrible.
  8. I'm the result of an unwanted pregnancy. My mother would have vastly prefered to have an abortion, but my narcissistic gram-gram was pretty much against that because WHAT WOULD PEOPLE THINK!!11 I was born into relative poverty, into a very unhappy partnership, to an alcoholic mother who did not love me. Today, I have a multitude of mental health issues that do, to big parts, stem from that. It's costing taxpayers MUUUUUCH more money than a simple abortion would have, btw. To this day, if someone would present me with a button that would erase my existance in an instant, I'd goddamn slap that button faster than you could say "hi". To this day, my mother is deeply unhappy with her life that she views as wasted. I say life, but she's not really living. She's just existing at this point. That's a very hollow shell of a person I'm talking about. Wanna know what my mother does? She gets up, goes to work, gets home, drinks and watches TV/naps, goes to bed. Every day. Every goddamn day. Actions have consequences, but rarely do the "ooh every life is sacreeeeet!11" people think of the ones who are actually bearing the consequences for their goddamn virtue signaling. If women want an abortion, let them have it. And don't even get me started about "just put it up for adoption then" - that often ends up a very traumatizing journey for kids, because.. guess what, fosterparents and childrens homes can be abusive, and you'd be surprised how often that is the case. And again - taxpayers money. And the result of that traumatizing journey? Yeah, mental health issues that ALSO cost the taxpayer money. So no, denying abortion isn't saving taxpayers money, it's wasting it AND creating miserable existances. And the best part? The people who demonstrate against abortion in front of Abortion Clinics... what do you think happens if one of them get an unwanted pregnancy, or their daughters? Yeah, according to quite a few clinics, they go and get an abortion. Because "This is different" - they think their situation is oh so different than all the other womens, when in reality, it's the goddamn same. Goddamn hippocrits.
  9. I smoked because my mom smoked. When I stopped smoking, I had no problem watching someone else smoke, I would actually still step outside with my friends while THEY smoked. When I started smoking again, it was not due to images or the influence of others - it was because I had a crisis and I desperately grasped at anything to give me some form of comfort. Cigarettes did do that in the past, so, yeah. The medical images on the packaging never really bothered me either, I assume it's because I'm used to looking at stuff like that due to me looking at some of my mothers medical books. Or maybe because I watched a lot of horrorflicks? I don't know, but I'm pretty desensibilized, apparently. Now that I think of, all my friends who smoked had parents who smoked, and the ones who don't smoke, don't have smoking parents. So I'd say, parental influence can be pretty strong. For me and my friends, stronger than any other form of influence, I'd guess. Doesn't apply to everyone, tho. Would need to ask my friends about it, this is just a passing observation. As for censoring, I'm against that in any case, because I'm against censoring in general, but if I understand it correctly, nobody here really wanted that? Self-censoring, which I'd just call.. the decision of not including it, I see as valid a choice as to include it in images. As for influence - Advertisements influence people, because they're designed to do that. And even then, it mainly works on people who are allready inclined into that direction and low self-esteem. (A lot in advertizement is aimed at low selfesteem.) That's also why younger people are more influenceable than older people. I don't think random SL pictures are much of an influence, and for what it's worth - it's only adults who should see them anyway. And adults are free to make the decision about succumbing to influence or not by themselves.
  10. Small update: I don't have any allergies. I'm leaking brainwater instead.
  11. Time to chime in. Don't have that particular problem, but sometimes when I have too many tabs open, it doesn't really register my like, and I have to redo it. Any member of a company that calls their free users parasites is a clueless ignorant btw. First, they're not mandatory, meaning they simply can dissallow the ability to have a free account, thus get rid of them pretty quick. They don't do that, because free accounts have a purpose - bolstering the numbers for investors and advertizment (Both kinda don't like small numbers), and they create content that is important for the paid users, because they need something to consume. Free users are often times the bait for the paying ones. So crapping on them is not the brightest of ideas. Free Accounts usually only get the barebones version of anything - I think that's okay, that's the price they pay for not paying. Nothing is really free. Also, if something is free, you're the product. Mainly for ads and stuff. Or your data gets sold.
  12. Thank you so much. Now I'm gonna cling to that hope for the rest of the month and hope that's it.
  13. Gonna ask that here, since I dunno where else that'd fit Can anyone tell me if allergies you once had can come back later? I know I had an allergy against dustmites or something like that when I was a kid, but it never was strong, we didn't do much about it, and over the years, it apparently just.. vanished. Starting in february, I got a really annyong drippy nose, that went for a week, and was gone.. then, in late july, it started again, and since then it's just dripping non-stop. Talking about losing 300ml of fluid per day here. >_> Google wasn't particulary helpfull, since no matter how I phrased it, whether is was in german or english, it just gave me the ol' "Yeah, you can get allergies later in life". I know that, and I'm really hoping it's not what I suspect. Might be pollen, but then it should have become better at this point - low pollen now, lots of rain to wash it out of the air.. So, if it ain't pollen, and it might not be possible to be dustmites again.. it'll be my cat. Needless to say, I desperately don't want to be allergic to my cat - since I only have a small apartment where my living room is my bedroom, so I can't keep her out of it. I do have an appointment with an allergy-specialist.. that's at the end of september. Apparently, they're pretty fine with having you wait for over a month while you're developing asthmatic symptoms. Also, to make things worse, I got a cold on top, so I have fever and oh boy, you should hear me hack and wheeze my lungs out over here. >_>
  14. I think that person has trouble with words in general. And thinking, since, well, someone with a brain would've used a spellcheck. Or watch what they type. Jeez.
  15. 2 - I own a mainland-parcel on a relatively empty region. I don't really care about Belli, none of the homes is my style, and the communities seem too clique-ish for my taste. Also, I build my own homes, or rather scenes, since they're clearly no traditional homes, haha. Like, for the longest time, I had an enchanted pond with a swimming garden. Now it's a small pond (I like water) that is nightelf-themed, with a little temple and nightsky-environment. I should finish that at some point. >_>
  16. That's why games like Medal Of Honor where blacklisted here, because the models in game had swastikas on their arms. Later one, games would require to either change the textures of the models here, so it's not a swastika anymore, or risk being banned. However, there was some change, if I remember correctly, that now allows the depiction in games, but under certain circumstances I think.
  17. I put on completely different textures at times. I have a very pretty Toga that I got in a few different colours because I really like it, and it's mod - so I retextured it to look like a galaxy. Looks great, love it, and it would have been impossible for that outfit to exist without modrights. I wish some creators would understand it's sometimes less about making it better, but more about making it different. And chances are, I still wear the item as is, because if I didn't like it in the first place, I'd not have gotten it. And no, Huds don't do it. Most of the time, they're clunky and not as precise, and often, the settings I want to change can't be changed with them either (The tinting of the speccmap, or the values for it, for example) Literally not a single picture I have taken would have been possible without modrights to items.
  18. Lol no. As long as everyone has the "I'm right, no matter what" stance that cannot be shaken, political discussions are moot, because they end in NOTHING but fighting. Everytime. That is not something only in this forum, that's happenening with political discussions in general. Because people only argue AT people, not with them. Guilty of it as well, of course.
  19. So, after having had a little fun on a now deleted thread, it was bought to my attention that I am now featured on sl secrets. I'm not peeved about that, at all - I simply don't care about the opinions of random people, but I *do* feel kinda flattered I occupied someones mind enough to drive them to go this much outta their way for me, heh. And it's propably the nicest try someone did to get at me! https://gyazo.com/1f38bcdeb4af288c47d51de51d848bf1 What I am peeved about is that - to me - the signature in the corner implies I made it, lol. 1) the space between top to picture needs to be the same as from side to picture. 2) I'd use a non patterened background with a more muted colour that fits the picture better 3) make the text one line, centered under the picture 4) don't just make the text black, that's just too strong for it 5) if I sign anything with my avatars name, I always use the full name 6) use words I have in my regular vocabulary, I had to look up the translation of cherish I am surrounded by amateuers! *hairflips*
  20. Makes me so angry. It's clearly still a gacha, and yet it got greenlit, and worse, we'Re forbidden from calling it what it is - why? So it doesn't catch the eyes of whomever makes the laws? If it quacks like a duck, I'll not call it a dog. Extremely dissapointed they just want to do the barest of minimums and even then they fail because, well, still gacha.
  21. Well. What can we do if LL is adamant about allowing conveyorbelt-gachas? Not a rethorical question.
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