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Sukubia Scarmon

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Everything posted by Sukubia Scarmon

  1. I like to refer to the political parties in the US as "The rich vs the rich", myself.
  2. Oh, I tried that. It went okay with coffee - drank it with only milk for half a year, but.. yeah, I do prefer it sweetened. ( I didn't drink any tea or soda in that period either) As for tea, I tried to, again and again, with always the same result: it just tastes sour to me. Especially without milk, it's like the actual tea-taste gets drowned out with sour. My tastebuds are weird.
  3. I agree with some people in that case. Being challenged with opposing opinions is important for personal growth. Being in an echo-chamber isn't helping me making informed decisions at all, it helps making me think my opinion is the only opinion. And it's super hard to break out of those, I don't use social media as much, almost none at all, but I still struggle with it sometimes. Mainly because so many things use algorythms to figure out what to show me, in order to make me buy into something, usually. Who said I'd have supported Ghandi in the first place? Bold of you to assume I'd chose a side when I'm arguiung about more than binary choices.
  4. I certainly hope there's NO place in the distant future where everyone has the same opinion and same ideals and stuff. O_o What I hope for is a future where different opinions get accepted and respected. I do not wish or intent to let a truck driver over me. I'd simply step aside.
  5. I think the problem is that at some point, people started to only see in binary. Black-or-white, good-or-bad, right-or-wrong. Heated debates are okay, but at this point, any "discussion" I see isn't about, well, discussion, but "I'm right and you are wrong here's why!" vs "NO I am the wrong who is right and you are wrong, facist!". It's some sort of "My way or the highway" mentality I see growing more and more in people. I do rarely discuss with people anmore, because I found, that nobody is open to have their opinions changed anymore. It's.. people are SO set in their thinking, you can argue against walls. And that's a generall problem, not one side speciific. Nobody tries to understand the otherside anymore - I'm not an exception to that, but since I recognozed that, I try to not continue that.
  6. Downloaded the official SL viewer to take a look at EEP, and holy crap, I've never been so goddamn frustrated. What a unintuitive load of BS. Also makes my materials wonky, which is REALLY nice on stuff that is no mod. I'm not peeved, I'm pissed, because at one point I'll propably have to switch to it no matter what. Ugh.
  7. When I still had my storename in my listings - XuX, they got set to adult automatically. Either because it's too close to XXX or because it sounds like alot like "sucks". You cannot immagine how that annoyed me. I need to rebrand, but I'm lazy and all I do nowadays is sell some gacha dublicates anyway . So I doubt they look at the item at all.
  8. Happy holidays! No picture, am at my boyfriends home.
  9. This rubs me the wrong way. It feels.. hrm, hard to describe for me. Like you feel above the rest of us and need to teach us lessons somehow.
  10. I'd ask them why they spelled hell that way. Is that a bad word now?
  11. I'm going to get the vaccines asap - I know I will have to wait some, regardless of being high risk, since I'm young, and they want to priotise the elderly, then their caretakeers/medical professionals. I'd prefer to wait until complications can be scatched out almost completely, but I'm afraid with my mental health taking nosedive after nosedive, I cannot afford that.
  12. Huh, I was in the inworld store, but didn't see it, earlier, so I thought it's not her - but I found the pose in the flickr. Thanks a lot Rowan!
  13. Does anyone recognise the poses? I've been looking for them all over the place. asked the creator of the pic, but she doesn't remember.
  14. I'm not saying she's dishonest. I just wonder where she sees herself - the way I understood it, she believes everyone to be selfish by nature. Personally, I think many people are selfish, and yes, if given the chance, or a good enough reason, they will absolutely betray their friends. Holy crap, I know parents who threw their own children under the bus for minor things and vice versa. But I think there are many exceptions. I've been betrayed by family and friends in the past as well, so I know how *****ty that feels like. I'd not want my friends to feel the same way, so I don't. But maybe I haven't had the right reason yet, and would do so if I had enough to gain for it, who knows. I'd like to think myself better than that, tho.
  15. PoV question: Will YOU betray your friends if they least expect it and it suits you?
  16. @Paul Hexem Well, how *do* you know those people are basically gaming the system? I certainly read that you wrote that you know some people - I have no trouble with that statement in and on itself. It's natural that there are people who game such systems, like Seicher said. My issue is purely with the statement that you call them like you see them - which does sound like you just take a look at them, don't see a disability, and judge them unfairly for it.
  17. You call it like you see it? And that'd be precisly the problem. There are disabilities you cannot see.
  18. I'm doing a lot of outfits for the Fallen Gods Anniversary party - I don't know the themes, noone does, but I take guesses based on what's come up a lot in the past. So I prepare a few dozen outfits (I'm not joking), wait until we get the themes, scrample in panic as I didn't hit 80% of the themes and put those together. Usually I do have some more time, but this year I'll have like.. 2 days, lol.
  19. Also, after rereading the post.. HOW does she seem abused. Even if you think she's crying, that doesn't mean she's abused. FFS, people can be sad without being abused. Are you aware of that, Profky?
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